There are poor people everywhere, even the most prosperous Konoha. Here, even Matty asks others to borrow money, let alone a helpless orphan.

A few ordinary dishes and rice were eaten like a big meal by Ye Naiyu.

Kushina didn't speak, and silently placed her meal in front of No Naiyu, watching her throat keep twitching.

"I remember that Konoha doesn't have orphan relief funds? Why does she look like a ghost reincarnated from starvation?" Rouge asked softly, leaning against Uchiha Chen's ear.

"Rope tree, do you know how many orphans there are in the village? Konoha does have relief money, but this relief is aimed at the descendants of war orphans and some ninjas.

The orphans in Konoha Village alone are not enough, let alone outsiders like No Naiyu. So the money she can get is actually very little, and it is estimated that she can barely starve to death. "

After listening to the rope tree, he sighed, even Konoha, he couldn't imagine how tragic the outside world was.

Several people just watched Ye Naiyu swept like a wind and a cloud. Four or five bowls of rice, she swallowed it in a few minutes, and then looked at Kushina, "one more bowl."

Uchiha almost didn't fall when he heard this, but he couldn't give her any more food, it would be a tragedy if he hurt his stomach.

Kushina also knew this, so she quickly brought a bowl of noodle soup for her to digest. Ye Naiyu poured down half a bowl of noodle soup, and then covered his stomach with satisfaction.

"It's delicious, I'm barely full."

Hearing this sentence, Kushina's mouth grinned to the back of her head. This is the first time someone has praised her food for being delicious.

She glanced proudly at the abominable crow, and it was the first one who dared to spit out the food she made!

"Yo Naiyu, what about the aunt who brought you to Konoha, she didn't take care of you?"

Uchiha asked while stroking the shivering crow.

"...she died."

Uchiha and Rouge looked at each other: Is that woman in kimono dead? !

"About half a year ago, Qianye took me to Konoha. Then she took on a mission. She said that as long as she completed this mission, she wouldn't have to go out in the future.

Not long after that,

A masked ninja found me and said Qianye was dead. "

Ye Naiyu's voice was extremely calm, as if he was talking about something trivial. But the calmer you are, the more you can feel the sadness in the girl's words.

Several people were silent after listening.

Kushina took No Naiyu's hand and asked, "Then what are you doing now?"

"Qianye signed me up at the ninja school before he died, and I'm studying at the school now. She said that girls should be able to protect themselves."

"Can you help her?" Kushina looked at Uchiha Chen eagerly.

Ye Naiyu's experience gave her sympathy. As an orphan from outside the village, she knew this feeling of loneliness very well.

After pondering for a while, Uchiha Chen said: "I have a very good recommendation. Uncle Dai told me several times that there is not enough manpower. If you want, you can go to the weapons store to help in your spare time, and the salary can definitely support yourself. "

Ye Naiyu nodded gratefully after hearing this. She does need a job to support herself. As for why this young man helped her, she could only attribute it to the kindness of the other party.

"That's great." Kushina stood up excitedly, and then touched the crow's head.

"Then let's go, Ye Naiyu. Go to my room. I found some clothes for you. You wear this too little."

Kushina pulled Ye Naoyu excitedly and ran outside.

After the two ran out, the smile on Uchiha Chen's face slowly faded.

"Chen, that woman is dead, do you want to tell Teacher Orochimaru?"

"No, teacher, he should have known it long ago."

"Okay. I didn't expect to die like this." Shengshu said with emotion. "That woman is lurking in the town to open a hotel. It seems that it is either Anbu or a ninja of the root."

Uchiha Chen nodded. In fact, he leans more towards the roots. No Naiyu acted as a spy for the roots in the original.

An orphan of unknown origin like her would not be able to be absorbed without a ninja guarantee from a root.

Rope Tree stood up and stretched, and took out a game of shogi from the cabinet, "Would you like to have one?"


After unfolding the chess game, Shengshu hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Chen, I have never quite understood it. First, I helped a Wannian Jinren, and now I am an orphan. If this continues, will you open an orphanage in the future? Can your weapon shop still make money?"

Uchibo Chen took the speeding car a step forward and said, "It doesn't really matter if you make money or not, it's just a ticket game anyway. I value their potential more than making money."

"You said...they have potential?" Shengshu was stunned, "Why didn't I see it. A ten thousand years and an orphan, where is the potential?"

Uchiha Chen smiled without saying a word. No one understands the potential of the duo better than he does. One was to kill four of the seven Ninja swordsmen by himself, and the other was the famous "Walking Miko" at the root.

You must know that after Tsunade left, Nonoyu grew into the existence of Konoha's medical corps commander.

In his opinion, the medical minister is like a silver general on a chessboard. Although he does not protect the king general like a golden general, he is also extremely important.

Especially after Tsunade's reform, the Ministry of Health's right to speak is even heavier.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a good relationship with Nonoyu, who may become the next minister.

Everyone knows that in shogi, with a pair of 20, there is no doubt that you will lose, so you must try your best to protect these pieces firmly by the king's side.

Anbu, as a weapon in Naruto's hands, represents an important golden general. And Anbu Minister Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Tatsuya's personal friendship is even more good.

In the future of Naruto's election, he will not say that he fully supports it, at least he will not vote against it.

The senior advisor of Konoha represents another golden general. The three senior Gu Zhong and Xiaochun had a good impression of him because of the mirror. This shows that there is already a gap inside the enemy.

As another silver general, the Nara family is the most important think tank of Hokage. And he fought side by side with Nara Shikaku on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain. This kind of camaraderie is not understandable to ordinary people.

So unknowingly, Uchihaha has accumulated a lot of power. These are seeds. Once it takes root, no one can stop it, not even the three generations of Hokage.

Because this is the trend!

Thinking like this, Chen Uchiha frowned secretly, "So, is there a root?"


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