Konoha: Uchiha’s Counterattack

Chapter 303 The Light of Hope

For two whole days, many people persisted without eating or drinking. They still have relatives down there, they are not reconciled, they just sit there and make their last effort.

The three generations of Tukage's eyes are blood red, and it looks like they have opened Sharingan from a distance. Everyone is holding on, now time is life.

They are racing against the god of death, they are robbing people from hell, there is not much time left for them, as a ninja village who is good at using earth escape, no one knows better than them, a person buried in the ruins, can he survive? how long.

Fortunately, there have been incidents of the collapse of an old earthen house in Yanren Village before. So since then, the rock ninjas have concentrated on education in this area.

Survivors buried under rubble do not have to cry out for help, as rescuers outside may not be able to hear you at all. Blindly crying in despair will only consume precious physical strength in vain and make one's spirit collapse prematurely.

Keep calm, judge the location before being buried, and find ways to call for help and pass information.

The correct way is to beat water pipes, heating pipes or solid walls rhythmically with bricks and stones, and notify the outside rescuers through vibration conduction. When knocking, you don’t have to use too much force, which can save energy and prevent accidents caused by vibrations. landslide.

The mental state after being buried in the ruins is very important. The tenacious and firm will to survive can enable you to overcome pain, overcome fear, and persist until rescuers arrive.

But all of this was only in a short period of three days. Due to the sudden incident, many people have no water and food for them to eat. The human body can live for about 7 days with water.

Out of water, up to three days. It also depends on whether there are important body parts that have been smashed, crushed, or injured by other sharp objects. If there is any damage, the time will be reduced according to the wound condition to rescue time.

So so far, although there have been many villagers in Yanren Village, the further the search goes, the fewer people will be rescued, and the more likely the rescue will be successful.

All the villagers of Yanren Village are holding their breath and trying their best to save their compatriots. At this moment, it seemed as if an earthquake had occurred.

The earth trembled and shattered the hopes of all Iwanin villagers. The ruins collapsed a second time for many reasons, but no one cares about it now.

Many people turned their attention to the Third Tsuchikage, this is their patron saint, this is their leader, now they are confused, can we really, really save people?

"Continue to rescue! Don't stop! Continue to rescue! We, Iwanin Village, never give up on anyone, even if only one person can survive, we must do our best!

Buried here are the villagers who usually sell your things, and buried below are the villagers who usually talk to you. The ones buried here may be your family members who are about to survive, and the ones buried here may be your friends.

They are all living people of all kinds, and they are all an indispensable part of you. We are here today, not only to save their lives, but also to complete the self-salvation of all Iwanin.

That's right, redemption! We actually let the other party go deep into our Iwanin Village alone, forcibly controlled our Jinzhuriki, and let him transform into a tailed beast.

And resorted to the Tailed Beast Jade, destroying our home. This is simply a great shame! It is the biggest shame of our Yanren Village since the establishment of the village!

We have never been beaten into the village, for the first time ever! I hope everyone, whether you are a ninja or a civilian, will firmly remember this moment for me.

Two days ago was the day of shame for our Iwanin village. Now we want to wash away this shame. The first thing we say is to rescue the compatriots buried below at all costs.

As I speak, many people are acting. You may have been working for a long time, you may be tired, and you may have lost your family, but please stick with me.

The people below still have hope for life, and they are waiting for our help. Do not abandon, do not give up. It is our will of stone.

Get moving, we're running out of time. Wake up the companions around me, I know everyone is very tired. Put down your water bottles, I know you are thirsty.

Let us work hard for the survival of others just once. Grit your teeth, this is a matter of life and death. We are racing against time, and Iwanin Village will definitely overcome all difficulties. "Sandai Dokage shouted

"Ahhh", "Go", "Hurry up! There is someone here!"

All the people in Iwanin Village started to move. At this moment, it started again. They seemed to use all their strength on the rescue, and everyone gritted their teeth and persisted.

Time is passing bit by bit, it will not stop because of some people's efforts, it will not even become slow because of people's choking, it is so ruthless, it is so fair.

When the sun rose again, all the people were lying or slumped on the ground. It's been three days, it's been three full days. From the second half of the night, none of the people dug out was alive.

This is bad news, which means that in deeper places, the chance of someone surviving is almost zero. This means that in the future, even if someone is dug up, there will be no one alive.

Gold's rescue time is so short, and with the help of ninjutsu, Yan Ninja's efficiency is already very fast. But after all, they live on hillsides of different heights built by piles of earth and rocks.

Human power sometimes looks so pale and powerless in front of some things. Many people passed out immediately from exhaustion, some were lying on the ground crying, some were slumped on the ground, and they couldn't even hold the water bottle next to them.

Everything seemed to be stopped, except time. At this moment, a crisp knocking sound resounded in people's hearts.

"Tap. Tap. Tap..."

Everyone followed the prestige suddenly, they all opened their eyes wide and listened carefully with their ears. The perception ninja turned on the perception and searched the ground repeatedly, but the effect was not good.

Many people began to carefully lie on the ruins, listening quietly.

"Here, here I am!" A child got into the ruins and shouted to the outside

Everyone frantically rushed over and started digging.

After a while, Huangtu, the son of the third generation Tuying, burst out from the ruins a little boy. The boy squinted his eyes and said only one word, "Water..."

"Oh oh oh!"

Everyone in Iwanin Village hugged and roared as if they had won the battle.

The medical staff did not forget their duties, picked up the child, and treated him with infusion on the spot.

This child is not only a life at this moment, but also people's hope.

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