"It's a fairyland! I've never seen this kind of decoration, come in and have a look!".


And those people walked in curiously, with the same expressions as him

The crowd also let out a burst of exclamations!

"What kind of style is this? How come I've never seen one!?".

"This style seems to have been seen in ancient books! Who is this boss?!".

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"I've never seen a store with such a unique decoration style, it's really unique!


As people look at it,

I saw four pillars carved with dragons and phoenixes standing in the hall

The resplendent appearance seems to be the epitome of heaven on earth!

Tall and spectacular, the décor is so beautiful that it is breathtaking!

The spacious hall presents a touching and gorgeous texture in every detail

This palace-like decoration style makes everyone who enters this place involuntarily intoxicated!


[Drop!] The villagers have a strong 'shock' emotion, and the reward emotion value is 50!].

[Drop!] The villagers have a strong 'shock' emotion, and the reward emotion value is 50!].

[Drop!] The villagers have a strong 'shock' emotion, and the reward emotion value is 50!].


Jing, who walked inside at the staircase on the second floor, also received a prompt sound from the system intermittently!

And he was very satisfied, and continued to walk forward slowly!


Between the Thousand Hands Pillar:

"You kid, yes! How did you come up with all this, and it was so beautifully built!"

Between the Thousand Hands:

"How did you come up with these amazing drawings?".

Jing smiled silently, he couldn't tell these two goods, this is the cultural inheritance of the Xia Kingdom for 5,000 years, right?

I can only say that:

"I came to this place in a dream one day, and I created it according to the way I dreamed!"

The Thousand Hands Pillar and the Door rolled their eyes and despised him, not believing it at all!


door room even said to the pillars:

"This kid didn't follow his good intentions, he didn't tell the truth! Big brother, we can't believe him!".


At this time, January was also holding a board and placing it at the door

It reads,

Open 24 hours a day, open today for a great deal!

VIP only needs 1,000,000 (and only one person is accepted!).

VIP only 100,000 (and only 5 people!).

Drinks in the lobby are free, all-you-can-drink for 24 hours

(All events are only available today!).

As soon as this sign was placed at the door, it was like a bomb was thrown in the crowd!

Boom !!

Exploded the pot!

"What~! One person costs one million taels, why is this so expensive!".

"There is only one person to be received, who can be so rich, isn't this?!".

"In our small village, there are such wealthy people, it is impossible!".

"Why should it be so expensive! Ordinary VIPs even cost 100,000 taels! It's really crazy~!".

"This kind of shop can't close down in a few days, how can there be money to spend money in such a place?!".

"Originally, he decorated it well, and I wanted to patronize it, why is the price so expensive!


The crowd gradually dispersed, and it was already about eight o'clock in the evening

Still no one has signed up!

The girls all looked at the door with anxious faces

January was even more worried and said to Guangmingjing, who was sitting in a private room and drinking tea elegantly:

"Boss, no one has signed up so far, will the price be set too high?".

Guangming Jing took a sip of tea and said casually

"Don't worry, what's the panic? It's still early..."

And seeing such a calm boss, January also put down a little bit of a snack


The guests in the hall are also gradually dissipating

After the curious people got acquainted with this place, they also dispersed in twos and threes

The door is even more deserted!

It's ten o'clock in the evening!

January couldn't sit still! anxiously with February at the door

The slightly messy steps under their feet also show their inner thoughts at the moment!

And Guangmingjing didn't panic at all, stood up on the sofa in the private room, walked to the suspended balcony on the second floor, and said to the anxious January

"It's not too early, tell the sisters to get ready to eat first!".

January helplessly supported his forehead, and said worriedly:

"Our boss really has a big heart! On the first day of opening, there was no business, and he was so leisurely! I really served him!".

And February also said anxiously:

"Yes, yes, I've never seen such a big-hearted boss!"

In the space, the door is also disdainful to say:

"It's over, there are no guests at all, this time it's up to you how you deal with it! Lose face and throw it to the whole village!".

The Thousand Hands Pillar is also comforted:

"Why don't you lower the price? No one can afford your sky-high cost!"


And Jing didn't pay attention to the two of them at all, looked at the gate with a smile and said:

"It's not like that's ?..."

And the person who appeared at the door turned out to be the ape flying sun slash in civilian clothes!


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