Konoha Teken Ning Invincible

Chapter 48 Neji's Consideration

After a month of comprehensive training, Guy asked everyone to rest for two days.

At Tenten's suggestion, the three Neji went to the barbecue restaurant to have dinner together.

"Neji, did you know, Mr. Guy seems to have made a bet with Senior Kakashi." Tenten said after ordering the barbecue Eight Trigrams.

"Don't the two of them bet often."

"But this time it seems to be related to you."

"Oh?" Neji raised his eyebrows. "It's about me?"

"I also heard." Xiao Li said, "but it's not clear what it is."

Neji guessed it was a boring bet and didn't think much about it.

He remembered the technique that Tenten had developed some time ago, and asked, "Tenten, has your technique improved?"

"Yeah! I joined the change just like Neji you said."

"Huh? Tenten, did you really mix in the detonation talisman or something?" Xiao Li asked curiously.

Tenten nodded, and took out a black pill from his ninja bag: "Not only the detonation talisman, but this."

"what is this?"

"My dad said it was a'tear pill'." Tenten laughed, "There are water vapor and chili oil compressed in it, and it will spread out after squeezing it. Whoever inhales it or gets it on the face, it will definitely be painful and spicy, and tears will not stop. ."


Not to mention, it is indeed a good thing.

Neji took it over and looked at it. This thing is probably similar to the pepper spray from his previous life, which is standard for some police officers. Some people who do not abide by laws and regulations will become honest immediately after being sprayed on their faces.

Tenten took out a blunt concealed weapon with a silk thread wrapped around its tail, similar to a pair of pliers, with three circular grooves in the middle, which seemed to fit the tear pill.

"Put the tear pill inside. Then if I want it to burst, just draw the thread." Tenten pulled it out, and the middle of the pliers concealed weapon immediately squeezed inward. At this time, the groove is empty, and if there is a tear pill, it will be squeezed by such a pull.

"Really good design." Neji said.


Tenten took the things back into the ninja bag, and it was also very happy for her to get Neji's approval.

At this time, the barbecue has been brought up, and the three of them started.

Both Xiao Li and Neji have a lot of appetite. The former is the appetite of high-intensity training. The latter is due to both high-intensity training and Crimson absorbing energy.

Tenten is also accustomed to this. Every time the three of them go out to eat, they pay more than the other dozens of people. Even the owners of the stores are accustomed to it.

After eating for a while, Xiao Li couldn’t help but ask Neji several times after hesitated, "Neji, you are now Eight Inner Gates, how many doors can you open?"

This is a secret. Guy told Neji not to talk to others, especially Xiao Li.

This is because he is worried that it will stimulate Xiao Li and affect his enthusiasm for training.

But Xiao Li always cares about it. He can now open the Fourth Gate. Teacher Guy told him that he is already a genius of physical skills.

However, Xiao Li asked about Guy Neji's progress, and Guy only said "similar to you".

Xiao Li felt that Mr. Guy was so vague and must have a problem, so he always wanted to ask Neji himself. I finally got a chance today and couldn't help but ask.

"Fifth Gate." Neji said.

He knew that Xiao Li was probably around Fourth Gate and Fifth Gate, so he also mentioned Fifth Gate.

Xiao Li heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

Fifth Gate? There is one more door than me, but it's just one door... and I have recently gradually opened the Fifth Gate of the Master.

In this way, at least in Eight Inner Gates, the gap between me and Neji is not that big!

Xiao Li thought, the pressure suddenly eased a lot.

He knows that there is no way to compare the overall strength with Neji, but if even the only trick, Eight Inner Gates, is far away, then he really feels a little unacceptable.

"I really envy you, I can learn Guy's tricks." Tenten said with one hand resting his cheek, "Unlike me, I can only study ninja and space ninjutsu."

Neji smiled and said, "The upper limit of space ninjutsu is not lower than Eight Inner Gates, maybe much higher."

Space is a very wonderful thing. If it weren't for Neji's lack of talent in this area, it would definitely take time to study it.

"Really Neji?" Tenten felt that Neji was comforting her, "I don't believe it, you must be comforting me. Didn't Mr. Guy say that opening the Eight Gate can surpass Hokage!"

"But that would also pay the price of life."


"Furthermore, Eight Inner Gates, in the final analysis, is just about squeezing people's potential." Neji said, "Its upper limit is very clear, that is, a person's full potential. When all is squeezed out, it can't be improved. Space ninjutsu is different. This is a direction with infinite possibilities."

Neji was really not comforting Tenten, the truth was just like what he said, Eight Inner Gates is a very limited technique.

This technique is very powerful, but the upper limit is also clearly laid out there, which is the "power of one person." And the side effects are so huge, the strongest Eight Gate will die after opening, and the Seventh Gate will be extremely weak after opening, almost without fighting ability.

For Neji, the technique of Eight Inner Gates can only be used as an early transition. In the later stage, he still had to find a new tactical fulcrum to replace this move with huge side effects.

After eating the barbecue, go home.

On the way, Neji met many tribesmen to greet him, and he responded one by one.

In the process, he inevitably saw a lot of Byakugan.

Byakugan, upgrade conditions...


Neji closed the door and exhaled. More than a month has passed, but he still can't make a decision of "eye-catching".

Although he is not a good person, he is not a demon who harms others just to become stronger.

The importance of Byakugan to the Hyuga tribe does not need to be said, grabbing eyes is almost the same as killing this person.

Besides, others have no grudges against you, and you are going to kill people because you are going to become stronger... What is the difference between Orochimaru, who abducts children and uses innocent people for human experiments in order to study the Forbidden Technique?

Neji didn't think he would degenerate to that degree.

"Perhaps, wait until one of the people die naturally...? Or die in a foreign war... But it has to be the clan, the branch house will activate the curse at the moment of death, destroying the eyes..."

Neji felt very tricky.

If there is no Caged Bird, he can wait. When a tribe died accidentally, died on the battlefield, or even died of old age, as long as the death did not take too long and the eyes did not rot, they could be taken out and put in a nutrient dish for storage.

certainly. After returning, taking the eyes of the dead is also an extremely serious act of destroying the body, and the family of the deceased will not easily agree.

Neji really couldn't think of a way for a while.

Fortunately, there is another upgrade condition, the two hundred tubes of energy are also very demanding, and he can't accumulate in a short time, so that the acquisition of eyes can also be slowed down.

But in the future will eventually encounter this problem...

Neji thought for a moment, and decided not to dwell on this issue for now. There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain. There must be a solution to this problem, but I haven't found it yet.

And compared to this question, the upcoming Chūnin exam and the "Konoha Destruction Project" made him more concerned.


Neji chewed on the name, wondering what role he should play in this incident.

If it's the predecessor Neji, you don't have to think about anything, just watch the development of the plot honestly. Anyway, I don't have the strength to participate, let alone change.

But Neji is different now, he has intelligence and power. And this power can already "enter" to change some things that you want to change.

For example, one of the most important things is the death of Third Generation.

Neji's eyes flickered, and his thoughts continued.

He has no good feelings or dislikes towards Third Generation, he hasn't had any contact with him a few times, and he doesn't want to comment on the merits and demerits of this Hokage.

He only thought about one thing...

"Is Third Hokage alive to my advantage, or death to my advantage?"

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