Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 63: Sneaking into the fog, thousands of snakes catching sparrows (revised)

The ground was shaken.

The huge cracks and high-temperature molten rivers instantly swallowed up nearly half of the elite cultists.

He didn't even let out a scream, and was melted directly.

The elite of the Evil God Cult, who dodged in time, looked horrified. They immediately used the teleportation technique, jumped out of the range of this combined ninjutsu, and regrouped on the sidelines.

Uchiha Ci seized this opportunity and suddenly swung his sword,

Uchiha Style: Instant Slash!

An arc like the moon lights up,

In an instant, the long sword cut off six spears in front of him, three fire escape and fire bullets, and one wind escape and wind blade.

As he continued to attack the seventh spear, the blade broke with a snap.

However, being able to do this is enough.

Uchiha turned his head slightly, wiping his face to avoid the last black spear in front of him.

Then, he ran away without thinking about how to cut through the sixteen evil cult elites.

After Terumi Mei saw him rushing to her side, she immediately formed a seal with her hands,


The art of Water Release and Kirigakure.

She opened her lips and spat out, and the dense fog instantly rose up.

Terumi Mei's Kirigakure Technique is even better than that of future Kijin Zabuza. In the future, he can even buy some time for his teammates in front of Madara's Rinnegan.

The heavy fog filled the air, instantly peeling away the vision of all the elite cultists present.

"What's this?"

"It's such a thick fog, I can't see clearly!"

"It's Kirigakure's people. How did they find us?"

"Did our affairs be exposed?"

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Evil God Cult immediately frowned and put down the Thunder Escape Spear in his hand.

Immediately, he shouted to stabilize the morale of the army:

"Don't mess up!"

"The wind release ninja immediately used ninjutsu to blow away the fog."

"Everyone go to the entrance of the cave to guard it, don't give them the opportunity to take advantage of it!"


The fog rose and gradually spread, covering half of the castle.

The sunlight scatters in the fog, making the entire castle feel like a dream, with its blurry outline tinged with gold.

Even if Uchiha Ci lights up his Sharingan at this moment, the range he can see is very limited.

At this time,

A plain hand held his wrist, pulling him to change positions and leave the place.

"Let's go! Let's go inside the castle. I've found where they are holding Hidan."

Terumi Mei ran and talked about what she had discovered.

"Besides, this place is more dangerous than imagined."

"Members of the Evil God Cult are gathering outside, and there are three teams hanging behind. The team is led by one of the few Jonin in Tang Ninja Village, and that guy is not wearing a renegade forehead protector. "

"It's so weird. The core members of this organization are actually from the same ninja village."

"Are they the Evil God Cult or the Tang Ninja Village?"

Uchiha pondered for a moment and couldn't figure out what went wrong. He could only shake his head.

"Let's stick to the plan first."

After that, the two climbed up the inner wall of the castle in the thick fog.

At this time, they finally got rid of the pursuers of the Evil God Cult and completed their planned goal.


An unexpected person,

But he has been waiting on the inner wall of the city wall for a long time.

This person is wearing a unique combat uniform, with a purple blessing cord tied behind his waist.

She has long black hair, golden vertical pupils, purple eyeshadow that extends to her nose, pale skin, and wears blue magatama-shaped earrings.

Seeing the two people climbing up the city wall, he laughed hoarsely:

"Hum hum."

"This is really strange. The Kirigakure ninja actually came here with an Uchiha."

Uchiha Ci and Terumi Mei's pupils shrank at the same time,

This person is one of the legendary three ninjas who is famous in the ninja world——


Orochimaru was obviously smiling, but his cold eyes made people feel like they were in an icy prison. He slowly crawled over the two of them, as if he was being stared at by a venomous snake waiting for an opportunity to bite.

Quietly, an invisible murderous aura spread.

Under this murderous aura, Uchiha Ci just frowned and quickly calmed down again.

Calculating through time points, after experiencing the Second Ninja War, Orochimaru at this time witnessed the death of Tsunade's younger brothers Naoki, Kato Dan and his parents, and felt the fragility of life.

There is an urgent desire for immortality.

During this period, he had roughly sneaked into Konoha's forbidden arts base and read through a large number of forbidden arts.

At the same time, I found my own way.

Reincarnation without a corpse is a key part of it, and reincarnation without a corpse requires the super-speed regeneration technique of Shen Nong's forbidden technique, physical transmutation, to be perfected.

Moreover, there were no hate subtitles refreshed in front of him at this moment. It seemed that Orochimaru didn't care much about him.

Therefore, the other party's current target is not them. ,

But Shen Nong.

Orochimaru glanced at the two of them coldly, he didn't care why an Uchiha was here.

It’s no secret that the Uchiha clan takes on tasks outside the village, supports family ninjas, and takes on the long-term task of guarding Hell Valley in the Country of Yu.

But at this time, this Uchiha kid was flirting with the Kirigakure family members,

It made him even more interesting.

But at this moment, he was more concerned about something else. He immediately stopped talking nonsense, looked directly at Uchiha Ci, and asked coldly:

"I received information that a doctor is following you."

"Hat, gray hair, yellow coat."

"Tell me, where is he now?"

After hearing this, Uchiha said that it was true, but Shennong saved his life no matter what, so he would not betray the other party.

At this time, he just looked at Orochimaru coldly, sneered, and said:

"have no idea."

As the second-in-command of the Roots, Orochimaru was naturally opposed to Uchiha in terms of camp.

Secondly, if Orochimaru attacks him at this time, it will most likely only be judged as an emergency.

After all, this man is moody, murderous, and devoted to scientific research.

It would be understandable if one day he suddenly thought of catching an Uchiha as a guinea pig.

So at this moment, Uchiha Ci was not afraid that he would kill him.

We have medical insurance, so we can speak confidently!

When Orochimaru heard this, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, and a dangerous luster gradually rose in his golden pupils.

[Orochimaru thinks you are seeking death. 】

"Really?" He sneered, stretched out his long tongue, licked the corners of his lips, and looked at Uchiha Ci with increasingly intriguing eyes.

"I hope you can still be so stubborn later."

Uchiha shook his head, smiled slightly, opened his scarlet Sharingan and looked at the other person calmly:

"I've always been a person who likes to eat hard rather than soft."

"What, Orochimaru, do you want to attack me?"

As Uchiha's words fell,

The atmosphere in the venue, unconsciously,

It began to become anxious, and a smell of gunpowder gradually began to rise in the air, as if it would be detonated in the next moment.

Hearing that Uchiha actually called him by his first name, he didn't even want to add the honorific "SAMA" (sir).

The smile on Orochimaru's lips became colder and more intriguing.

At this moment, the golden vertical pupils could no longer see other expressions at all, and they were completely cold.

Staring at Uchiha Ci as if looking at a corpse.

[Orochimaru wants to cut open your brain and study it. 】

This chapter has been revised. The plot of the Evil God Religion is a bit long. The points about brushing mobs and improving the skill mechanism are a bit unclear, so we need to speed up the progress.

If you have any opinions, you can come to the group and give them to me.

I will definitely change whatever I can, but now I don’t get any feedback every day, and my hands are shaking when I write. (sad)

Please give me a follow-up reading.

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