Only attacking moves are naturally not enough.

Defensive moves, control moves…Uchiha Shigen created them one after another.

【You combine the Flame Blade Style Ninja Taijutsu with the Flying Thunder God Barrier Technique to create a defensive move – Flame Hell Dimensional Mirror, space as a shield, rebound attack, Flame Hell Chase】

【You combine the Flame Blade Style Ninja Taijutsu with the Flying Thunder God Barrier Technique to create a control move – Flame Hell Space Lock. The space is a lock, imprisoning the enemy, and the Flame Hell destroys the enemy.】


This time, Uchiha Shigen only spent a week to perfectly combine the Flame Blade Style Ninja Technique and the Flying Thunder God Barrier Technique to create a complete and comprehensive set of combat moves.

This set of combat moves is obviously not suitable to continue to be called Flame Blade Style Ninja Taijutsu, but should be called Flame Hell Style Ninja Taijutsu.

“Very good, my combat effectiveness has been greatly improved again”

“Even if I don’t need the Mangekyou Sharingan now, I’m still a strong person in the Kage level.”

“If you add the Mangekyō Sharingan, it will be even more powerful.”

“There are not many strong people in the entire ninja world who are my opponents.”

“Sure enough, with my incredible understanding, after obtaining the Book of Sealing, the improvement I can achieve is extremely huge.”

“More importantly, I have not yet finished learning the knowledge in the Book of Sealings.”

The current Uchiha Shigen has only learned the Eight Gates Dungeon, the Spiritual Transformation Technique, the Flying Thunder God Technique, the Sealing Technique, and the Barrier Technique from the Book of Sealings. Uchiha Sigen has not yet learned the other techniques. Look.

After learning, digesting, and assimilating all the other techniques,

I will definitely be able to optimize the [Kaleidoscope Training Method] again.

Maybe I can also develop some more powerful moves.

“Don’t worry, after I have completely digested and absorbed the knowledge of the Sealed Book, I will go find Beiliu Hu first.”


Two months pass by in a blink of an eye

【You have made thirty-four optimizations to the Kaleidoscope Cultivation Method, which has greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the Kaleidoscope Cultivation Method, and greatly reduced the side effects of using the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique.】

“The side effects of using the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique have been greatly reduced. The high probability should be about 45%, which is close to half the ratio.”

“Maybe I can be a little more liberal with Data Truth and the Supreme Mind.”

After mentally reciting a thought, Uchiha Shigen directly opened the Mangekyo Sharingan.

As the scarlet brilliance bloomed in his eyes, the pattern of the four-pointed star appeared, and then rotated at high speed.

【You use your supreme mind to enter an absolutely rational state without the slightest emotion, perceive your own state through your powerful perception ability, and use the truth of data to convert everything about you into data. You have discovered twenty-one flaws in the Kaleidoscope Cultivation Method.】

【You use your heaven-defying understanding to deduce the twenty-one flaws of the Kaleidoscope Cultivation Method, deduce an optimization plan, and start optimizing……】

【You have completed twenty-one optimizations of the Kaleidoscope Cultivation Method, slightly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the Kaleidoscope Cultivation Method, and slightly reduced the side effects of using the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique.】

“The current Kaleidoscope Cultivation Method has reduced the side effects of using the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique by 52%. This is really an exaggerated figure.”

“Maybe, after I obtain Beiruhu’s Onigaura Jutsu, I can use the Onigaura Jutsu as the basis to create a secret technique that can gain the blood inheritance limit through devouring.”

“However, by devouring Tsunade’s blood and obtaining the blood of the Senju clan, I will definitely be able to further strengthen the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan and at the same time reduce the side effects of using the Mangekyō Eye Technique.”

“Maybe my Mangekyō Sharingan has not yet evolved into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and the side effects of using the Mangekyo Eye Technique have become insignificant side effects to me.”

“I have to say…the two pupil skills of data truth and supreme mind are a perfect match when used in conjunction with the heaven-defying comprehension.”

“Well… then continue”

【You use your supreme mind to enter an absolutely rational state without the slightest emotion, perceive your own status through your powerful perception, and use the truth of data to convert everything about yourself into data. You have discovered the seventy-eight flaws of the Flame Hell Style Ninja Technique.】

【You used your incredible understanding to deduce the seventy-eight flaws of the Flame Hell Style Ninja Technique, deduced an optimization plan, and started optimizing……】

【You have completed seventy-eight optimizations of the Flame Hell-style Ninja Taijutsu, enhanced the power of the Flame Hell instant killing array, so that it can add the power of space when attacking, and increased the release speed of the Flame Hell Dimensional Mirror, so that it can be released in a shorter time. The release is completed within a certain period of time, extending the control time and range of the Flame Hell Space Lock.】

【You had a flash of inspiration and upgraded the fire escape chakra mode, which reduced the effect on chakra when using the fire escape chakra mode, and enhanced the increase in fire escape chakra when using the fire escape chakra mode. After turning on the fire escape chakra mode, , the effect of the Flame Hell-style Ninja Technique will be greatly improved]

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