Konoha: I refresh a passive skill every month

Chapter 47 New Passive Skill: Living Forging

Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was busy with his busy schedule, held two applications for early graduation from the ninja school in his hand, and his face turned into chrysanthemums.

He hasn't been this happy for a long time.

"Sakumo has a successor, and Konoha has a successor!" Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke highly of Li Cheya and Kakashi, but except for Kakashi, he was not deeply impressed by Li Cheye.

After thinking about it, "This Li Cheya... I remember he was the kid who was distracted on the first day of school, and... he seemed to have been accepted as a disciple by Sakumo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smacked his lips, lit the pipe with a smile in his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Although Sakumo's move is somewhat unruly, with the performance of this kid Ri Cheya, it's not a big problem. He is quite similar to Minato at that time."

Holding the pen, Sarutobi Hiruzen signed the early graduation application readily, "Shikaku, go make arrangements. I will personally participate in the early graduation assessment of the two children tomorrow."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Nara Shikaku left the Hokage's office and started arranging the small things arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

To be honest, for people of Sarutobi Hiruzen's level, the fact that Li Cheya and Hatake Kakashi graduated early is really a small matter.

If it weren't for Hatake Sakumo's sake, Sarutobi Hiruzen wouldn't care about this, let alone take part in the early graduation assessment of two people in his busy schedule.

Who was not a genius when he was young?

Ninjas who can become Konoha jounin and above, their performance when they were in school was no worse than Li Cheya and Kakashi, and there would be two or three in every class, Sarutobi Hiruzen had long been numb.

"However, the performance of these two little guys, Li Cheya and Kakashi, is still very impressive." Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured to himself, "Graduating from the ninja school early at the age of five is unprecedented. Not allowed in the future..."

Immediately shaking his head, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped thinking about these things and put away his thoughts to focus on processing the various files placed on the desktop.

Today’s work is not easy!



The names of Li Cheya and Kakashi finally officially broke into Shimura Danzo's eyes today.

"Graduating from the ninja school early at the age of five?" Danzo Shimura muttered to himself with the information in his hand, "Although everything in the future is uncertain, from a young age, the two of them can expect great achievements in the future."

The little thought made a move, but Shimura Danzo quickly frowned again, "Hatake Sakumo... you move very quickly."

Then he thought of something again, and Shimura Danzo's face turned ugly. He felt threatened, and it was stronger than before.

To be honest, Hatake Sakumo's reputation in the Hidden Leaf Village surpassed that of Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya. Even if the three of them were combined, the reputation of the Sannin of Konoha would be comparable to that of Konoha White Fang. The names are the same.

But to be honest, the name Konoha Sannin was given by Sansho Hanzo, and the name Konoha White Fang was carved out by Hatake Sakumo with his swords. It is clear at a glance which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

Shimura Danzo has always wanted to become the Hokage of Konoha, so he is naturally very concerned about these people who are most likely to become the Fourth Hokage of Konoha.

However, after analyzing each one, Shimura Danzo still focused on Hatake Sakumo, and this was the case from beginning to end.

If Tsunade wanted to, no one in Konoha could compete with her, but she didn't want to, or didn't have the heart to think about it.

"Ha, woman." Shimura Danzo shook his head, "You can lose all your spirit after the death of a younger brother and lover. Such a person is not worthy of becoming the Hokage of the village."

As for Jiraiya, this person has never had the idea of ​​becoming Hokage, and his eyes have always been on Tsunade, which is ineffective.

And Orochimaru.

"Oh, Hiruzen, you may not know what your good disciple Orochimaru is doing now, right?" Danzo Shimura smiled proudly, "I can give you what you can't give him, and of course I can take it back. What's more, I can Destroy him with your own hands."

His eyes suddenly turned sinister, "But it's this Hatake Sakumo!

In the past, I felt that you had some intentions for the position of Hokage, but now, your intentions are obvious.

Using the gimmick of your son graduating early to stir up public opinion in the village, do you want your reputation to be even higher?

And you also feel that having a son who is praised by everyone cannot bring out your excellence, so you have accepted a disciple who is almost as talented as Kakashi..."

No matter who you look at, Shimura Danzo always has a hint of conspiracy, because he himself is such a person.

"Hatake Sakumo, you have crossed the line. The position of Hokage can only belong to me, Shimura Danzo!"

The vicious cold light in his eyes flashed away. Shimura Danzo quickly completed a logical closed loop in his mind that 'Hatake Sakumo wants to be Hokage', and he was already murderous.

"Someone's coming."

"Lord Danzo."

"Go find all the information about Hatake Sakumo, sort it out and bring it to me."

"Yes, Lord Danzo."

Shimura Danzo nodded, held his chin with one hand, waved the other hand very simply, closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

It's not easy to take action against Hatake Sakumo. You have to be careful about your methods and you have to wait for a suitable opportunity.

As for targeting Li Cheya and Kakashi, Shimura Danzo doesn't want to do it yet. He doesn't want to expose his intentions so early.

Lurk, watch, and wait for the right opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to your opponent!

"But it's better to make a plan in advance." Shimura Danzo opened his eyes, "If Hatake Sakumo doesn't show any flaws, then we can only start with the people around him."

After pondering for a while, Danzo Shimura had a plan in mind, "Hiruzen is not yet old enough to abdicate, so let's wait, even if it takes five more years, it won't hurt.

After all, the teacher has passed away for more than 20 years, and I have been waiting for more than 20 years, and this is not far behind. "

Closing his eyes again, Shimura Danzo sat on the chair like an old monk in meditation. No one knew what he was thinking now.


In the early hours of this morning, Li Che also refreshed his passive skills on time.

It's just that this passive skill seems a bit insignificant compared to the previous ones.

Li Che has also been young for a long time, and his passive skills are also different. Since they are refreshed randomly, good luck cannot always fall on him.

[Passive skill: Living Forging]

[Skill description: During the skill blessing period, a certain amount of energy and energy can be consumed to create fine, rare, god-level, mythical-level weapons or armors.

During the skill blessing period, a certain amount of energy and energy can be consumed to recast the weapons and armors in hand, and the original weapons and armors will be upgraded to fine, rare, god-level, and mythical levels according to the amount of energy and energy consumed.

During the skill blessing period, a certain amount of energy and energy can be consumed to strengthen the weapons and armor in hand, and the characteristics of the corresponding level will be given according to the amount of energy and energy consumed and the level of the weapon (armor).

Note: Depending on the level of the forged weapon, the amount of energy and energy spent by the user varies (the energy and energy consumed can be slowly recovered), which can lead to the death of the user]

[Skill duration: 30 days]

[Message: Use your body to feed the sword and cast myths. Even if you die, the weapon will be eternal]

Pouring his lips, Li Che didn't want to say anything.

Passive skills have a wide range of functions, so it is normal for a passive skill with a strong 'life-related' tendency to pop up suddenly.

Although the message of the passive skill is very disappointing, but when I think about it, as long as I stick to the lifeline and create an artifact, it can also help to improve my strength.

Even if you don't make it, recasting and strengthening it are still good choices.

Moreover, according to Li Che's inference, manufacturing consumes the most, followed by recasting, and then strengthening.

"But the consumption of energy and energy is still too vague..." Li Che was also in a daze, "It is known that weapons or armors of mythical level must cost me my life, which means burning all my energy and energy.

Then I can be sure that forging, recasting, and strengthening artifact-level weapons and armor will not kill me.

But the only question is, how long does it take to recover the energy and energy consumed?

According to your own physique, or follow an inherent recovery mechanism?

If it is the latter, if the recovery time of energy and spirit is very long..."


Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Li Che also came to his senses, "Kadian, are you itchy?"

"I think your skin is itchy." Kakashi pouted, "Is it because your father is not around that you want to be lazy?"

"No, I'm just thinking about what kind of graduation gift I should give you."

"Are you so kind-hearted?" Kakashi's eyes flashed with brilliance, but his words were harsh and there was suspicion in his heart, "You are definitely thinking about something bad!"

"If you say that, our friends will have nothing to do."

"Are you really going to give me a graduation gift?"

"Brother, when he talks seriously, he is still very credible." Li Che also spread his hands, "Tell me, what does Card Palace want?"

"Huh, you don't feel sincere at all. How can anyone give a gift and ask others what they want?" Kakashi turned away with an indifferent expression, "And you are so poor, so what good thing can you give me? It's not rare! "

Seeing Kakashi turn away and continue training, Li Che couldn't help but shake his head and laugh, "This guy... is still arrogant?"

Just wait, when the time comes when you want it, it will be high and low enough for you to call "Father".

What the teacher Sakumo Hatake said...

Everyone talks about it, it doesn't matter at all.

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