Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 104: Conspiracy (Part 2)

Renaissance Palace, Ballard Room.

The setting sun shines through the stone window and casts long shadows on the conference table, like golden and black sword blades.

"Is there such a good thing?"

The Minister of Commerce and Trade of Star Kingdom, Viscount Coney put down the "Petition for Emerald City Substitute" that had just been delivered to the conference room, with a look of doubt on his face.

"The owner of the iris."

Connie looked at his peers in the imperial meeting:

"The Duke of Kevin Deere actually volunteered to ask for tax replacement, reduce the number of conscripts in Emerald City, and even support the royal family to expand the standing army to fill the important defense tasks left by the conscripts?"

The ministers of the Imperial Council looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only the man with the scar in the Kingdom Secret Division who went back and forth and brought back the "Petition" stood quietly by the side without saying a word.

"Stand aside, doesn't he know the risks of doing this?"

Viscount Connie narrowed his eyes, with a delicate expression:

"If Emerald City really implements what the letter says, challenges traditions, and shakes up interests... Ha, when every conscript at every level of fiefdom refuses to work and serve for the feudal monarch on this ground, Kai Wendi You will become a subordinate vassal, no, you will be the target of the entire kingdom's aristocratic system."

"Not the whole system," said military adviser Thord Red, beaming, excited for the arrival of the letter:

"Only those aristocratic lords who are conservative, old-fashioned and backward, sticking to the conscription of the militia, and unwilling to accept taxes as substitutes for labor."

Viscount Connie put down the letter and said slyly:

"That's almost...everyone except the royalists?"

As soon as this remark came out, laughter came from the imperial meeting.

"This letter came just in time. It speaks out for us and relieves the pressure," Soduo said with a smile on his face:

"Whether it is the reduction of Canxing's private soldiers or the expansion of the standing army, we have received strong political solidarity and support from foreign ministers, as well as the substitute service tax paid by Emerald City. Qiu Ke, the budget issue you mentioned..."

But the treasurer rolled his eyes, noncommittal.

On the other side, Gilbert took the letter printed with iris wax from Connie's hand, studied it carefully, and refused to let go of a single word.

Even if this is the third time.

Finally, someone realized that the foreign minister's complexion was extremely ugly, which was incompatible with the relaxed atmosphere of the meeting.

"this letter……"

Gilbert murmured, "What is it..."

"Old friend," Thord noticed Gilbert's state, with a worried expression on his face:

"Any questions?"

The silence of a few people at the meeting affected the atmosphere just now, and the Ballard room gradually became quiet.

Gilbert didn't answer, he just took a deep breath, slowly raised his head, and looked straight at the end of the long table.

As if asking for an answer.

However, on the other side, the figure of the king was hidden in the darkness, and he did not move for a long time.

Until another chubby hand stretched out from the side.

"What a coincidence, when we were thinking about how to reduce the levies so as not to provoke the public's anger,

Worried about how to find a budget to expand the standing army..."

The host of the imperial meeting, the prime minister of the kingdom, Bob Cullen, Duke of East China Sea, took over the "Petition" with a rarely sullen face.

"When we were still walking on thin ice with trepidation, for fear that this incident would shake the country and lead to civil war, this letter came? Sending people, money, or talk?"

Prime Minister Cullen's words made everyone in the imperial meeting deep in thought.

Cullen's eyes left the beautiful and calm handwriting on the paper, and glanced suspiciously at the scar-faced spy from the secret department on the other side.

But the scar-faced man was still quiet and respectful, turning a deaf ear and saying nothing.

The Duke moved his fat belly, shook the letter in his hand, and snorted softly:

"Where's Jen himself?"

The scar-faced man seemed to have just recovered, and replied respectfully: "It is reported that the Duke of Nan'an himself has left the capital and returned to Emerald City to deal with urgent matters."

"A matter of urgency?"

Cullen looked at Zhan En's handwriting again, looked at the end of the long table from time to time, and let out a disturbing laugh:

"Indeed, it's too urgent, too urgent..."

It was obviously good news, but the abnormal attitudes of the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister made the elites of the Imperial Council bewildered, and all looked at the master here.

However, King Kessel sat quietly in his seat, motionless.

Only the setting sun behind him, countless golden beams of light hanging down through the window, enveloped him, looking from a distance, like a sword guarding the throne.

Or prison pens.

"Prime Minister, Your Excellency?" Viscount Connie asked tentatively

However, Cullen just lightly raised his finger with an interesting expression.

"Sodo, I thought at first..."

Prime Minister Cullen's words are like the evening bell of a monastery, with a gloomy tone and profound meaning:

"You reported the battle situation in the north in detail today, and you talked about Exeter's lesson. You just want to show your favor to Prince Thales, and by the way, praise his little lover from Dragon Clouds City..."

The military advisor, Thordo Red, was taken aback for a moment.

"And you exaggerated the accident of the Saber Camp, blindly belittled the conscripts, and advocated the expansion of the standing army. It was just a posturing. At most, you asked for a lot of money and paid back the money..."

Chief Financial Officer, Joke Mann raised his mouth.

"But now, look at this letter..."

Prime Minister Cullen glanced at the fleur-de-lis emblem on the letter paper, but turned in the direction of the king, and shook his head with a tsk:

"Today's meeting, Your Majesty, you came prepared."

King Kessel V frowned slightly.

The Prime Minister put together the "Petition" and smiled slowly:

"Just like before, when the royal standing army went to the Western Wilderness to clean up the desert and meet His Royal Highness, did they go prepared?"

This remark meant something, and all the officials in front of the imperial court frowned,

Among the crowd, Gilbert trembled slightly.

He stared at the king from afar with bitter eyes.

However, the next sentence of the Prime Minister is inexplicable:

"Is it 'Sand King'? Or 'Whispers'? Or both?"

Sand King?


At that moment, the officials in the imperial meeting looked at each other, not knowing why.

Outside the long table, the sleeves of the scar-faced man moved unknowingly.

But the ministers quickly noticed that at the end of the long table, the king's eyes were fixed on Duke Cullen, and he ignored him.

"Don't be surprised, Your Majesty, Midil asked for my opinion back then."

Prime Minister Cullen didn't seem to care whether anyone answered, he just let out a long sigh and talked to himself.

"At that time, although I had gained weight, I was at least a fat man in the prime of life."

The old prince's words were full of emotion and loneliness.

"Now, if I lower my head again, I can no longer see my toes."

Duke Cullen raised his head:

"and you?"

Amidst the confusion, everyone subconsciously looked towards the end of the long table, at the majestic figure who was motionless and taciturn like a stone statue.


After a few seconds of silence, the Iron Fist King spoke expressionlessly.

"You're not just fat."

At that moment, the rays of the setting sun converged into countless golden sword blades, straddling the two of them.

The prime minister didn't seem to notice it, and remained calm.


The Iron Fist King's voice changed from the thick and vigorous voice before, and there was a sense of sharpness like a sharp blade cutting ice:

"Still tired."

The eyes of King Kessel and Duke Cullen crossed the long table and met in the air.

All the officials frowned.

"Yeah, I'm tired."

A few seconds later, Cullen avoided King Kessel's gaze, and said slowly:

"It's not as prosperous as the kingdom, the wheels are rolling forward."

The Duke of Donghai lowered his head slowly, and hummed softly, looking like an ordinary old man who was very old and relieved.

"It's either this one or that one. Anyway, you have to pick a horse-drawn cart, right?"

King Kessel's eyes were cold and he did not answer.

"But you are not him." Cullen finished his last sentence, closing his eyes tiredly:

"not him."

King Kessel remained silent.

At that moment, the atmosphere in Ballard's room was no longer relaxed. Facing the hidden confrontation between the king and the duke, everyone was very puzzled, but they didn't dare to say more.

Except for the only person.

"His Majesty."

Gilbert raised his head complicatedly and became the next person to break the silence:

"Forgive me for presumptuousness."

He steadily raised Zhan En's handwriting, showing the iris emblem on it:

"But when was this petition written?"

"Last night? Early morning?"

Gilbert stared directly at the throne.

At that moment, the always gentle Xingchen cunning fox had sharp eyes, even a little aggressive.

Prime Minister Cullen snorted softly, and added intentionally or unintentionally:

"Or just now?"

There were low whispers among the ministers.

A few seconds later, the king turned his head slowly, and the focus of his sight shifted to his once most trusted foreign minister.

His eyes pierced the setting sun, like ice covering the top, instantly dispelling the warmth.

King Kessel stared at Gilbert closely, but remained silent.

The atmosphere of the imperial meeting became more and more solemn and gloomy, and it was suffocating until someone couldn't bear it and interrupted.

"Is it because of the royal banquet?"

On the other side, Joke Man, the treasurer of the kingdom, swallowed and asked cautiously.

He knows that the matter is of great importance, and he will no longer be the rogue he was before:

"I left early at the banquet, but I heard later that the Duke of Xinghu and the Duke of South Bank had some small...unpleasant incidents during the banquet?"

The Duke of Star Lake, the Duke of South Bank, the royal banquet.

As soon as these words came out, there was another whisper around the discussion table.


Yes, if you go to a meeting with a sword, assist an assassin, kidnap a guest, or threaten a prince, it can be considered a "little unhappiness".

The king snorted coldly and interrupted the imperial whisper.

"A little misunderstanding."

King Kessel's words sounded like a final word, sonorous and powerful.

"already solved."


Gilbert's heart sank when he heard that.

At the discussion table, no one is stupid enough to ask "how to solve it".

Viscount Coney and Lord Clapham, the Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, exchanged glances, and interrupted the embarrassment: "Very well, then the Duke of South Bank still hopes to mend relations with us, unlike the one-eyed dragon in Yadi..."

"that's all?"

But Gilbert's voice sounded again, interrupting their efforts.

"Just because he attacked Prince Thales behind the scenes, you took the bargaining chip?"

Uncharacteristically, Gilbert asked persistently, with a harsh and hasty tone:

"That's why you got this letter?"

Everyone felt that the tension between the king and the foreign secretary could not be ignored, more than the confrontation between the former and the prime minister.

Gilbert has always been very popular, the military advisor Sodor quietly gave him a wink, the archdeacon of Stylianides tapped on the table calmly, and even the chief financial officer, Qiao Ke, pretended to cough and ease his cheeks.

"Zhan En is a smart boy," finally, Iron Fist King said slowly, calmly: "It's easy to understand."

"Whenever something is wrong, he knows how to make it up."

Many people looked thoughtfully at the "Petition" in Gilbert's hand.

"make up?"

At that moment, Gilbert looked at the king quietly, and the feeling in it was indescribable.

"Really," Xingchen cunning fox said in a tired tone:

"Six years ago, His Highness Thales' mission to the north was attacked by vampires in the birch forest. You and he also 'solved' and 'made up' in the same way."

The subjects who didn't know this story were shocked.

six years ago.


"Even if you know, Duke Kevin Deere is related to the attacker?" Gilbert's tone was almost pressing.

No one dared to speak.

This time, King Star at the end of the long table was silent for a long time.

"The essence of politics, my friend," King Kessel said slowly:

"It's a bundle of interests."

Hearing the name, Duke Cullen frowned slightly.

Gilbert's expression became more bitter:

"Yes, I remember, these are the original words of His Royal Highness Midil."

Hearing the name, everyone shuddered.

"So, Gilbert, my friend, if you want to repay your grievances directly..."

The Iron Fist King snorted coldly, and his tone changed sharply.

"You might as well read more knight novels."

Facing the king's merciless words, Gilbert's expression darkened.

"Very well, quite right, Your Majesty."

The Foreign Secretary dropped the letter in his hand and closed his eyes.


Gilbert's voice was as weak as a mosquito:

"His Royal Highness Thales, does he know?"

Many people's eyes moved.

King Kessel was silent for a moment.

His eyes glanced at the scar-faced spy of the secret department intentionally or unintentionally:

"He knows now."

Gilbert slumped back and said nothing.

As dusk came, the color of the sun gradually increased, from golden yellow to dark red.

At that moment, the Supreme King bathed in the setting sun even looked a little bloody red.

Only his face was still dim under the backlight.

The imperial meeting was silent.

"Enough, everyone."

Just when the participants were at a loss, another voice sounded at the right time, it was resolute and decisive, breaking the dullness:

"No matter how this letter came about, since it's already here, we can't let it go to waste."

The military advisor, Thord Red, stared angrily:

"Whether it is voluntary or involuntary, whether it is compensation or transaction, since the Duke of Kevin Dill sacrificed his reputation and interests with 'good intentions' and did not hesitate to be criticized by thousands of people, he must also write to His Majesty, pay taxes and serve as substitutes, and share the political burden for us. Pressure, shouting for the Fuxing Palace..."

"He didn't."

Thord Red turned his head in astonishment, but Gilbert still closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

"Feel sorry?"

Gilbert took a deep breath.

"As far as I know, as early as the end of the late King Eddie's reign, under the rule of the former guardian duke of the South Bank, that is, Leinster Cavendir, the regular military service system in Emerald City has been broken and loose, and even existed in name only."

At the imperial meeting, the ministers who didn't know the Nan'an collar were all taken aback.

But Prime Minister Cullen frowned.

"So that's the case, the younger generation is terrifying."

"The South Bank is not Xihuang after all." The Prime Minister of the Kingdom laughed dumbfoundedly.

The others were still puzzled until Gilbert sighed.

"After the Bloody Year, due to the depression of the territory and to repair the wounds, the old Duke of Leinster even allowed some of his vassals to not have to respond to compulsory conscripts, not to contribute soldiers of prime age, but to pay service money instead, so that he could hire Professional mercenaries to deal with large-scale wars such as suppressing bandits."

Gilbert patiently explained, slowly returning to the role of a counselor offering advice to the king:

"To this day, the military service system under the jurisdiction of Emerald City is no longer complete and sound - special cases have gradually become routine, and they have been extended layer by layer. Even when the conscription order comes, every family can be exempted from military service as long as there are enough bribes. The conscription system has instead become It is a loophole in the law that the conscription officers rely on the conscription book to search for the people and enrich their own pockets."

Military advisor Thord Red was thoughtful.

The expressions of everyone present slowly changed.

King Kessel listened quietly to the foreign minister's explanation, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I remembered, the National Conference six years ago, when everyone was sending troops together..."

Prime Minister Cullen shook his head, as if he had gained something:

"It seems that at that time, Zhan En was not completely lying."

Gilbert nodded, preoccupied.

"In other words, this seemingly expensive petition is just a favor."

"The Duke of South Bank described the current situation of the Emerald City as his own sacrifice and loyalty, brought the tacit practice to the table, and turned it into a black and white decree, and claimed that this is the need of the king and the standing army."

"He doesn't have to pay anything."

Gilbert pushed the "Replacement Petition" to the center of the table:

"Even if this order is approved by His Majesty, Kevin Dill has no actual loss. Maybe he can also eliminate the corrupt and inefficient officials by the way, regulate the chaos of paying taxes and substitute labor, and let the people who have worked hard for a long time clap their hands and praise Yixin Duke Iris for the people."

On the other side, "Money Bag" Qiu Ke snorted softly and added:

"It is also possible to swallow all the dirty money that the people below collected during the conscription - of course, in the name of His Majesty Kessel and the Royal Standing Army."

The treasurer rubbed his hands jealously:

"Kevin Dill has been rich for many years, and he really has a way."

Gilbert had a cold face:

"Also, as Master Cullen said, the next time there is a war, the South Bank leader will be able to refute with full reason at the state council: they have the king's permission, and they pay taxes instead of sending troops."

The fat prime minister nodded kindly.

Gilbert turned to the surprised Sodor advisor:

"As for what you said, Sodor, Iris stands for the Fuxing Palace, political support and solidarity..."

Gilbert paused.

"Don't forget, Jen En submitted the "Petition" to His Majesty after he was publicly accused by His Highness Thales of being behind the scenes at the banquet."

Prime Minister Cullen took Gilbert's words, shook his head, and seemed to be in a good mood:

"If the news spreads, as long as it works properly, it will not be a symbol of the iris standing in line with the royal family, but just Kevin Dill's helpless move due to pressure from the Fuxing Palace. Emerald City will not be blamed On the contrary, he can receive the sympathy of his vassals and even the lords in the country—'the king must have forced him to do it'."

The Prime Minister blinked intriguingly:


No one answered him.

"Instead, it's Fuxing Palace."

Gilbert's voice sounded, becoming unhurried again, gentle and long:

"This matter is inherently sensitive. If we bear the reputation of 'forcing vassals', whether it is reducing the conscripts or expanding the standing army, we will only face greater pressure..."

He didn't continue, but the atmosphere at the imperial meeting became a little more serious.


Chief Financial Officer Qiu Ke slapped his thigh angrily:

"It would be great if His Highness Thales didn't howl at Kevin Dill after finding out the truth, but suppressed his temper and quietly reported to His Majesty."

"So," Cullen said intentionally or unintentionally, looking towards the end of the long table:

"Young man, don't rush into things."

Gilbert's analysis completely wiped out the excitement of the Imperial Council's letter, leaving nothing behind.

Everyone was already tired, and so far they were even more disappointed.

"But, gentlemen."

The military advisor took a deep breath, pulled himself together, and raised his hand to attract the attention of the Imperial Council:

"Maybe the iris has its own agenda, but that doesn't affect our choice."

Thoreau tried his best to convince everyone:

"The most important thing is that if this letter is fulfilled, we will have the replacement tax that Kevin Dill will pay and expand the standing army..."

But he was interrupted.

"I'm not throwing cold water on you, soldier."

The familiar taunting tone of the chief financial officer came again, making Soduo frowned severely:

"However, exempting the lords of each level from the obligation to recruit troops to help the war, and replacing them with special tax items, using the collected money to expand the standing army, and then in turn filling the defense of the disbanded conscripts and maintaining law and order, sounds very good..."

Manager Qiu Ke tilted his cheeks with a half-smile, and said:

"However, I have to deal with those profiteer lords of the Emerald City every quarter. Believe me, they can't do anything else. Every time they collect taxes..."

Soto snorted angrily:

"Do they dare to evade taxes?"


Joe narrowed his eyes:

"They'll do the accounting."

Su Duo was taken aback:


Many people frowned, and Prime Minister Cullen glanced at Gilbert with a look of "as expected".

Qiu Ke shook his head disdainfully:

"I said that their accounting skills are no less than that of the Commas people. The tax accounts are clear and there is no concealment. However, regardless of the calculation of tax rates, the selection of tax items, and the flow of tax money are extremely complicated... "

"Can you believe it? The Emerald City is so rich that the sea and land trade business has been increasing year after year. The total funds flowing are enough to buy several small duchies, but their book figures are still at a loss! And our tax collectors have searched through their I can't find a single wrong number in the ledger, and there is no place to scrape the money, maybe even the taxes and fees will be refunded..."

The treasurer opened the "Petition", stared at it with disgust, and then dropped it:

"As for what is said here, the tax substitute, tell me, Soduo, do you think they will find out this time and send you a large sum of money out of thin air?"

So Duo's eyes widened, as if it was unbelievable that such a thing existed in the world.

Qiu Ke turned to the king, her tone became much more respectful.

"If this is the 'budget' you are waiting for, Your Majesty, Sodor."

"With all due respect, it didn't work out."

"For the expansion of the standing army, let's talk about the next quarter's income."

The king did not speak.

Suo Duo clenched his fists tightly.

The words of the chief financial officer woke up the entire imperial meeting and fell into a disappointed silence.

"So, the letter from the Emerald City is just empty talk? I mean, if ours really passes, then they have nothing to lose, and they seem reasonable, and they will make a lot of money."

The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Lord Clapham said tremblingly:

"On the contrary, we seem to have gained a lot of money, but we have become villains, so we lost our underwear?"

"Cunning Southerners." Viscount Connie threw down the "Petition" on the table, and cursed unhappily:

"Do you think that Iris will see what happens when things come to an end, or did she prepare for this move a long time ago and just wait for this opportunity?"

All the ministers looked at each other, but there was no answer.

Till the king's voice sounded,

"It's certainly not the best solution."

King Kessel's tone was very calm, and he brought the topic back to the direction he wanted: "But this is already the biggest concession that Emerald City can give."

The Iron Fist King looked at the letter quietly.

"The sword at the banquet alone is not enough."

Gilbert could only sigh inwardly.

"Damn it, why did Mr. Xihuang at the banquet just kidnap the guests?"

The military advisor thumped the table hard:

"It would be great if he committed a bigger crime, such as assassinating the prince..."

Gilbert reacted and angrily said:


Ke Suoduo just waved his hands indifferently:

"It's okay, you know I didn't mean that..."

Soduo turned his head, looked at the letter on the table, and sighed:

"Gilbert, think again, is there really no other way? This letter finally solved our political and budgetary problems at the same time..."

Before the foreign minister could speak, Qiu Ke stabbed him coldly at the side:

"Didn't you listen in class, Soldier? It won't fix anything."

Gilbert nodded wearily.

"If His Majesty approves the proposal of this petition, starting from Emerald City to reform the military system, take this controversial first step..."

He glanced at the direction of the king, with complicated emotions:

"The Fuxing Palace will have to swallow all the bitter fruits mentioned above. Apart from the hypocritical support from the Duke of South Bank and the unpaid taxes, the benefits are really limited."

"It's not even our turn to allow it," Duke Cullen seemed in a good mood:

"It's different from the small fights like the adaptation of Canxing's private soldiers. As long as this petition is made public in the form of official documents or warrants, and the military system reform comes out, it will inevitably cause an uproar in the kingdom from top to bottom. We will stand on the cusp of the storm, There is no going back."

In the dark of the long table, the king's pupils gradually narrowed.

"After all, exorbitant asking prices are just a means," Cullen looked at the devastated Sodor, and said with his tusk:

"It's fine to pay back the money when you land, but you can't really expect to sell it at a sky-high price."

This remark made the military adviser even more depressed.

Manager Qiu Ke yawned in a low-key manner, looked around, and tentatively said with the tone of ending the meeting:

"Then this letter..."

"Ignore it," Gilbert's tone was both helpless and decisive:

"Bury it in the countless official documents and letters of the Fuxing Palace every day, and it will be submerged without making waves."

At the imperial meeting, he was answered by an embarrassing silence.

Until the king's voice sounded again.

"So," King Kessel chuckled again and again, but there was no smile, which made people tremble, "We sat here for a whole day..."

"And my son encountered an assassin at the banquet and almost died in a duel..."

At that moment, the Iron Fist King's face appeared from the setting sun, and there was an inexplicable weirdness:

"In exchange for...these?"

All the courtiers lowered their heads, no one dared to answer this question.

Only Cullen took a sip of tea in a calm manner, and turned his eyes to the end of the discussion table:

"It's a pity, Your Majesty, but this letter won't give you what you want."

"That's right, the wheels are rolling."

The Duke of Donghai put down his teacup, straightened his crooked belt, satisfied:

"But definitely not by brute force."

At the end of the long table, under the setting sun, King Kessel was silent.

Only a pair of eyes flickered in the darkness.

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