Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter Thirty-One The Strong Wind Will Blow

The traverser snapped his fingers lightly in his heart.


"Lord Hansen," Thales said hesitantly, "I ran to Red Square Street that night, but in a chess and card room, I met a strange man in blue."

Morat nodded, smiling encouraging him to continue.

Partly true.

Can't lie.

Thales repeated in his heart.

"He said that there is no one around him who can talk, and he asked me to take a look at his'chessboard'."

"After reading it, he suddenly started talking nonsense, saying that they had fought against humans, but lost." Thales showed a scared expression.

Connect part of the truth with the truth that Morat knows.

You can avoid this "human lie detector".

"Then, he went crazy, he wanted to squeeze me into a ball!" Thales trembled and shivered.

"Son, it's okay, you're safe—and then?" Morat looked at him reassuringly, encouraging the boy in front of him to continue.

"I feel so scared, so uncomfortable, and I can't breathe." Thales' memory returned to Red Square Street that night. The feeling of suffocation was as real as experiencing it again.

So far, he didn't lie - Morat felt Thales' emotions.

After going through that kind of thing and surviving that kind of disaster, it's really not easy for this child.

Thales flinched, wrapping his arms around his body.

"Finally, he was vaguely heard saying that he had found someone who was 'out of control'—and after the end battle, there were fewer and fewer people."

Morat's expression finally became solemn.

out of control?

It seems that the newborn magician is only in the first stage, and has not yet...

"Who?" Black Prophet asked solemnly: "Son, did he say it? Who is that 'out of control' person?"

Thales shook his head tremblingly: "The weirdo didn't say—he just said proudly that he would guide that person, and that person couldn't refuse him!"

"Then the yordle appeared and stabbed him."

Morat exhaled, and a smug lunatic appeared in front of his eyes, talking crazy to himself before killing someone.

It seems that Yodel is not hiding.

Morat exhaled from his nose, his wrinkled ugly face twitched slightly.

Thales exhaled lightly.

Partially true—seems like I'm muddling through it, no, the play has to go on.

"—But Yodel said that he will not die, and will come back in more than ten years." Thales added tremblingly.

"Lord Hansen, they say you know the most, is that true? Will the weirdo come back?"

Morat was preoccupied, and at this moment he nodded perfunctorily: "Yes, the Supreme Sword is not complete, it can only seal the magician for a short period of time."

"But please rest assured, Kingdom Secret Division will not let him approach you." Black Prophet frowned, his thoughts had already flown out of Mindis Hall.

Tonight's purpose has been achieved.

One, confirmed the news of the magician of air from Jodl, and also got an additional reward - the existence of a new magician.

Second, I saw the future heir of Xingchen with my own eyes.

Three, it left him with a deep and unforgettable impression worthy of his age.

"Thank you for your frankness and cooperation." Morat bowed deeply, and when he raised his head, his eyes were already serious and serious: "Please be prepared."

be prepared?

Thales was a little puzzled.

Morat took a deep look at him and nodded: "The time is a bit difficult to grasp, but I have a hunch that it is just around the corner."

Only his cold, hoarse but old and solemn voice echoed in the noble banquet hall:

"His Royal Highness Thales.


The traverser opened his mouth wide and was shocked!

Your Highness...Your Highness?


But Morat didn't mean to explain. He waved his black robe, turned around and left.

"Deng-deng-deng!" The sound of crutches hitting the ground sounded rhythmically.

Thales finally came to his senses.

"Wait! Lord Hansen!" He stood up from his chair and yelled at Black Prophet's back: "The three children in the lower city, and the news about the bartender..."

"They are still alive, it seems that someone is sheltering them in the Brotherhood." Morat kept on stepping, without looking back.

He has more important things to do.

"But—" Thales took two steps forward and spoke anxiously. He wanted to know more details.

"Can you tell me—"

"Child!" Morat's voice rose suddenly, shocking Thales to a halt.

"It is enough for you to know this! The blood of the stars!"

"You will become the heir to the stars—and these pasts will one day become your weakness." The Black Prophet approached the door, and an old voice sounded, which seemed to be full of—discomfort?

"And my sixty years of secret science experience told me - the only way to prevent the enemy from smelling your weaknesses." Morat stopped and turned back with a ferocious smile.

Thales' heart trembled.

"It is to eliminate every weakness in the body," Morat slowly raised his hand, and gently squeezed his fists in a wrinkled smile: "To be completely eliminated."

"Do you understand? It's not His Highness...His Highness Thales?"

Thales looked at him blankly.

Morat turned around again and patted the door.

The guards outside opened the gate neatly, revealing the anxious figures of Gilbert and Jinie outside, while the masked guard Yordle stood alone on the other side.

The first two looked over anxiously, and Ji Ni even ignored Morat directly, strode across the hall in a rude manner, and walked towards Thales.

"Don't worry, three," Morat said with a chuckle, and nodded the ground: "Xingchen has an excellent heir."

"One day, Kingdom Secret Science will become his arm and be used by him."

Gilbert frowned, watching the black prophet limping past him.

"Lord Hansen!"

At this moment, Thales in the hall suddenly spoke!

"What about you? Have you eliminated your weakness?"

Morat was taken aback, he raised his head and looked at the little boy on the other side of the hall.

At that moment, Thales suddenly felt that an inexplicable emotion flowed through the unkind Black Prophet.

"Of course," under the eyes of everyone, the Black Prophet, Morat Hansen said firmly:

"Thoroughly, not one left."

Then he left the Mindis Hall.

Only Yordle on the side clenched his fists unknowingly.

"Ms. Ginny, Mr. Gilbert, I'm fine!" Smiling and shaking his head at Jinny and Gilbert who were asking anxiously, Thales turned to Yoddle and said seriously: "Speaking of which, I have something to say Do it first."

Under Gilbert's furrowed brows and Jine's surprised eyes, the seven-year-old boy stretched out his right hand towards the masked guard who had just returned.

"Yordle! I need your guard," Thales said firmly.

"Please escort me to Ms. Serena Corleone's room."


"No heir?"

"It's appropriate to say these words from you who have only one daughter." His Majesty Kessel put his arms on the table and exhaled lightly.

"I drove for two days and two nights—almost only a few minutes slower than the raven—and I didn't come to tease you, Kay." Val also spoke in a bad tone, full of the frankness and boldness unique to warriors: "Though I'd love to see you roll off that damned throne, too."

"If things come to the worst, how are you preparing in the north?" Kessel didn't care about Val's tone. He lowered his head and moved his fingers on the map of the western continent on the long table.

"Dragon Fortress has entered a state of emergency." Duke Allende took off his chain armor gloves and threw them on the table: "But Sonia repeatedly emphasized that the 300 standing army of the royal family and the 500 local militiamen are not enough to deal with it." The wrath of that dragon... she needs reinforcements."

"How many?"

"Based on the war potential of the three Grand Dukes in the south of Exeter, she still needs at least 8,000 well-equipped and well-trained soldiers to ensure that the fortress is not lost. To ensure the safety of the road from the northern border to the central county, In addition, 1,000 cavalry skilled in galloping, light cavalry is fine, heavy cavalry is the best, to ensure the ability to adapt outside the defense of the solid city."

Following Val's words, Kessel frowned.

"I know some lions opened their mouths, but you have to admit that what she said made sense-the Broken Dragon Fortress has already been breached once. And Exeter is better at fighting in winter than us, the three princes who border us Been recruiting for several years."

"I have summoned my vassals the night before departure. Within ten days, they will lead soldiers to continuously reinforce the fortress. Together with the army directly under my banner, there will be at least 5,000 people, including 300 cavalry—of course , the quality is not guaranteed." Val took off the other glove, and put his hands on the permanent lamp to warm them up.

"It's not just the three grand dukes." Kessel stood up silently, walked to the window, looked down from the towering Fuxing Palace, and saw all the lights of thousands of families under the night of the royal capital: "From the eternal oil in Beigang , to lead the Lijing Mine in the three counties on the south bank, since the "Fortress Peace Treaty", they have waited for this day for too long, not to mention... it also involves the heir of the Dragon Spear in the Cloud."

"So this is inevitable, Kai. Send your messenger and sharpen your long sword at the same time." Val, the lord of Coldcastle, who looked more like a warrior than a nobleman, rubbed his hands that were red from the cold, biting tooth path.

"So, that sentence was really left at the scene?" King Kessel V's eyes were deep, and his sky blue pupils reflected the night scene of the capital: "If the stars are there, the empire will last forever?"

"Yes, it's your damn, passionate family motto - although I blocked the news, you know what the dark room is capable of. I guess, as soon as King Nun gets the news, he will at least mobilize his vassals on the surface and the army, otherwise he would not be able to appease his lords. In terms of the war potential of the entire country of Exeter—” Duke Val Allende snorted coldly, withdrew his hands from the lamp, and his face was unhappy:

"—I still suggest you to call the vassals directly under the central county first, and then prepare to call the major lords, even the Shukadel family in the South Sea Islands. Once the war breaks out, from the Kingdom of the Holy Tree to Se The Principality of La, the City of Steel and the Freedom Alliance, and even the Suye of the Eastern Continent, mobilize all our allies."

"But the matter is far from the final step." Kessel looked at the night view of the capital outside the window, and lightly clenched his fists: "King Nunn is not a hot-headed boy."

"Do you think there will be a chance for a peaceful settlement? You know, it's far from that sentence!" The Duke of the North was full of anger, and slapped the table fiercely: "There are people on both sides who want it to happen, So this fucking thing happened!"

The two were silent for a while.

"Hmph," Kessel snorted softly, lowered his head, and took in a breath of winter's breath: "Tell me, if Midil is still around, what would he do?"

"Why can't I communicate with you?" The unceremonious Val stood up angrily: "Or do you become a fool after sitting on that throne? Now is not the time to remember your saintly brother, Kai! Our country, our land, our people are under threat of war!"

"Why do you think I rushed back! You know how much I hate you! But when you, when the stars are in trouble, the oath, the honor, the whole north will stand behind you-this time it is In front of you!"

Kessel stared at Val, the companion he had grown up with, without moving.

"I've already rushed back, right in front of you! I heard that Cullen's old sword is recuperating in Eternal Star City, and the kid from the Kevin Dill family lives not far away, and the one-eyed dragon of Nantrisite can recover from serious illness in one day." Lincheng is coming. Only Falkenhaus and Tebak, the ruins and the city of Renling are some distance away, and they need to be summoned urgently. If the six of us are settled, all thirteen prominent families will come without stopping.”

Vaal looked at the High King with wide eyes.

"It's time, Kay."

"Issuing the General Edict of the Stars."

"Nineteen nobles will gather in the capital again to fight for you."

"Fight for the stars."


to——1 Shuhuang 1 and cm4.15:

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But Wu Jian scratched his head and still felt that quality comes first and money comes second.

Wujian's style of writing is not used to pouring too much water (doomed to be a poor life T_T), in fact, in the last few chapters, Wujian feels very watery, and I am a little annoyed with myself, so I can only reluctantly refuse the request for more updates.

by_the_way, (Halazi) Thanks to the two masters of the string of the breakpoint and the glory of the iris pattern for the reward!

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