Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 69 Which one do you choose?

Facts have proved that Griveau is indeed a local snake in the shield zone. Even at night, even if he is inconvenient to move, even if the shield zone is a labyrinth of ruins and there are few people, the veteran still finds all the paths accurately. found a way out.

Under the moonlight, Thales quietly followed behind him with his head down, pretending to be a wheelchair pusher for Griveau, watching Griveau walk through the streets and alleys without hindrance as if he was in his own backyard. Fences, and even sign and gesture with different characters living in various corners.

Thales kicked away a stone at his feet, patted the dust on his body, and felt a little emotional: He hasn't felt like this for a long time.

Especially the bleak scene that the Shield District had turned into, which reminded him of the years of begging in the stinky ditches and small alleys of Eternal Star City a long time ago.

It wasn't until they came to a bungalow with mottled bricks that Griveau coughed and knocked on the door four times, two quick and two slow.

Thales was surprised to hear: there was a crackling noise in the room.

Like someone fell off the bed?

Footsteps sounded behind the door, followed by an impatient female voice.

"For Haoyue's sake!"

"If you want to buy something, you can't do it tomorrow morning..."

Griveau in the wheelchair said dully:

"Kurz, it's me."

The voice behind the door stopped.

As the wooden door opened, a sleepy face appeared in front of them.

This is a woman in her thirties, with messy long hair, looking down at Griveau from a height, with thin clothes, misty eyes, and a faint spring on her chest.

She looked like she had just woken up, and looked at the two people in front of the door for no reason.

Thales politely moved his gaze away from her chest that couldn't be concealed, suppressed the doubt of "who is she", and looked at Grewau.

Griveau snorted coldly: "Tell me, Kurtz, you haven't been drinking...or I'll have to wake you up."

He forgot to take a look inside the room: "It's better not to have a girl who comes to 'measure' you."

"Just because you are a cowardly cripple? I don't know who is fucking who," the woman at the door rubbed her eyes: "It's not my fault that women are popular, after all, I'm a rare person in the shield area... Wait .”

After seeing the person in front of her clearly, the woman's expression changed.

Her hand behind the door dropped, followed by heavy metal landings.

"You are hurt……"

"I have a bad feeling, cripple—it's like the first time we met," the woman named Kurtz put on a dejected face, but her eyes shifted to Griveau's bandaged wound, He frowned suddenly:

"Being watched again?"

Griveau nodded sullenly.

"It's still those idiots in the market in the sword area."

The veteran touched his own wound and said with disdain, "This time, they brought a real guy."

Kerz leaned against the door frame and scraped his face with his palm, as if trying to shake off his sleepiness.

"Understood, I'll sew it up for you." She sighed, looked around carefully, her face showing annoyance, "Longxiao City is in such a mess, they still have the leisure to mess with you...fuck it of."

Thales looked curiously at this messy woman with a swearing mouth and a seductive figure, thinking about her relationship with Griveau.

"And you, cripple, I've said it a hundred times, now it's no better than in the past," Kez raised his head, with a helpless expression on his face, saying earnestly, "Don't go out alone at night, at least bring..."

"Hey," Griveau interrupted her, with solemn eyes:

"I've dealt with it - taught them a little lesson."

Seeing Grewer's expression, Kurz froze in annoyance.

She tentatively asked:

"Your 'little lesson'?"

Griveaux made no answer.

Thinking of the slaughterhouse he saw just now, Thales blinked helplessly towards the corner that no one saw.


Little lesson.

Kerz seemed to understand the meaning of the other party, and then narrowed his eyes: "I understand.


"That's the start of the war."

"I will never die."

Her face became serious, and she lowered her head and thought carefully: "I'll go to Faron right away. Although the city is under martial law, I think we can get a hundred good hands before dawn, and fifty more after dawn." ...We can be caught off guard..."

Thales' heart skipped a beat: What?

This woman is also... "come out to play"?

Griveau coughed and interjected, "Before that, I have other things to do."

"They didn't expect us to fight back so quickly. The patrol team is busy..." Kurz muttered to himself about the gang struggle. about?"

It was only then that Kurz noticed the boy behind Grewer.

She subconsciously tightened the thin coat on her chest, looked at the nine-pointed star emblem on Thales' shoulder, and frowned suspiciously: "Wait, who is this kid? Is he a nobleman?"


"Come and meet Kerz, Thales," Grewal turned his head, looked at Thales, and leisurely reached out to Kurz, "The most unlucky tailor in the Northland—a part-time doctor."

The veteran pointed to an ugly scar on his arm, and sneered:

"The specialty is—stitching."

Thales smiled awkwardly at Kerz: "Hey, how are you?"

As a tailor and doctor, Kerz looked suspicious: "Okay?"

Griveau turned around and sneered self-deprecatingly: "Don't guess—he is that prince."

Kerz didn't react, and asked in confusion, "Which prince?"

Griveau scoffed.

"Which other prince could it be?"

The man in the wheelchair grinned: "Where are you going..."

"Where is the unlucky one..."

"Prince of the Stars."

Thales coughed in a low voice, pretending not to hear.

The next moment, the prince was not surprised to see: the doubt on Kerz's face turned into shock, and he froze in place.


In the room, Thales sat on a chair, gnawed on the extremely unpalatable rye bread that had been preserved for about a season, and looked at this equally simple and dilapidated house:

A bare wooden table, piled with a lot of fabrics, cheap women's spice boxes are also scattered randomly, there are many clothes hanging from the ceiling, on the floor, on the table, on the bed, there are piles of cloth and clothes everywhere, even underwear. No exception.

Needlework and scissors, measuring rulers and coils are everywhere, there is a mirror with three slits on the wall, and a saw in the corner.

There was a hideous saber behind the door - Thales knew what the metal sound was when the woman let go just now.

Thales picked up the wooden bowl, took a sip of the smelly water, and looked at Kertz.

The identity of this woman was unmistakable: a seamstress.

Thales sighed secretly:

Sewing with one hand and sewing with the other?

Healing illnesses and saving lives, tailoring clothing to suit the individual—he looked at the hideous saber behind the door—maybe also part-time gang conflict?

The prince glanced at the unflattering patterns of clothing around him—and what was the tailor doing with the saw?

With the most evil imagination, Thales slandered: No wonder you are so poor.

On the other side of the room, Kurz, who was fully dressed, sat on a wooden bed supported by bricks with a broken leg, arguing with Griveau in front of him in a low voice, but it couldn't be hidden from Thales' ears.

"are you crazy?"

Kerz pushed aside a lady's coarse cloth dress hanging above his head, and looked anxiously at the calm Grewau:

"It's not just the westbound avenue... From the city gate, the city head, the city wall, the city gates between districts, to the critical branch streets, they set up checkpoints almost everywhere. The patrols took rewards and worked overtime. Day and night, never let up."

"It is said that even the place as far as the Muxue River ferry is no exception."

Griveau narrowed his eyes slightly: "Really."

Kurz let out a breath, and unconsciously glanced at Thales who was still eating.

"For decades, apart from collecting taxes, no one cares about the Shield District and the Hammer District. Even if it is a murder case, those old gentlemen can't work," the seamstress told Grewal with her fingers:

"But today, not only the patrols, but even the white-bladed guards came to the door, not to mention the places in the Spear District and the Bow District that are closely connected with nobles and rich people, even in our Hammer District, dozens of families on Crazy Street They were searched, even the bottom of the dancer's underwear, until ten o'clock in the evening, and it was said that it would continue in the morning."

Kurz slapped hard, and raised one leg indecently, pushing it against the chest that was about to come out, and let the other leg dangle freely under the bed.

She gritted her teeth, not seeing the woman's weakness at all: "This is a big event, Griveau, an absolute big event, comparable to six years ago..."

Griveau gave a sarcastic smile.

Thales took a bite of the bread, and for some reason remembered Miss Jiny long ago.

In contrast, the seamstress in front of her was obviously much ruder, but she had the same unaffected sense of neatness as Jini.


With Thales' identity as tricky, since Grewal can bring himself to find her without hesitation...

On the other side, Kurz let out a painful breath: "During the day, you heard how the meteorites threatened us, but it's not just us."

She stretched out her fingers in a serious manner, and her voice was full of emotion, trying to make the other party understand the seriousness of the matter: "Spear District, Sword District, Bow District, almost every local snake or prestigious person has been greeted, whoever is implicated Inside, they are the enemies of Dragon Clouds City."

Griveau sneered: "They, those dog legs can also represent Dragon Clouds City?"

"No, you don't know, the Hall of Order also sent out messages through several order officials..." Kerz cleared his throat, glanced at this side, and saw Thales still eating and drinking on his own, as if he didn't notice them.

Then she lowered her voice and said:

"They said that whoever has news about the prince and his whereabouts can gain the friendship of the Office of Order and the patrol team-the kind that can turn a blind eye to killing people in the street-even if they help them find the prince, they can also Get three thousand gold coins."

Kezi gritted his teeth, his facial features were tangled up, and he stretched out three fingers tremblingly.

At that moment, Griveau, who was motionless, was finally moved, and his only remaining eyes were bigger than pigeon eggs!

Thales frowned slightly.

Griveau raised his head suddenly: "Three, three thousand?"

The seamstress smacked her mouth and gestured in Thales' direction, with a hint of greed and charm inadvertently showing in her bright eyes:

"Think about it?"

A second later, Griveau desperately put away his jaw that was about to fall to the ground, and coughed unnaturally.

"Hmph," the veteran said solemnly:

"Do I look like a money addict? Like the kind of villain who is tempted by a few gold coins?"

Kurz's smile dropped, and she looked at him with a complicated face.

Griveau was a little embarrassed by the woman's look, turned his face away, and said seriously: "We're going to send him out, that's all."

Hearing this, Thales rubbed his lips with his upper teeth, feeling strange.

Kurz let out a breath, his face was entangled with pity and hesitation.

Both of them were silent for a while, Thales took the opportunity to force himself to swallow the last bite of the unpalatable bread.

"They'll be suspicious of coming here soon."

The seamstress sat on her bed and folded her arms worriedly: "Although the shield area is not easy to search, it will come sooner or later... The ruins are in disarray. Is there a better hiding place than this?"

Griveau raised his head, his eyebrows tangled: "So we have to send him out as soon as possible."

Kurz sighed after hearing the words: "This is a deal to lose the entire Shield Zone and Hammer Zone. You better have a good reason."

Griveau was silent for a few seconds.

"I want to send him out."

He said lightly: "This is the reason."

Kurtz was slightly taken aback.

The woman had a serious expression and silently watched Grewau.

Griveaux sat in a wheelchair and pursed his lips.

"God," after a while, Kurz covered his face in pain and lay down on the bed: "I will be dragged to the gallows by you sooner or later, cripple."

"Yeah, the job of hanging on the gallows," Griveau snorted coldly: "Then what are you doing?"

Kezi pulled back the quilt, trembling slightly exaggeratedly, and let out a weak howling sound.

Thales raised his eyes calmly, observing the exit in the house.

Three seconds later.

"Forget it," Kez lifted the quilt, sat up with difficulty, stretched out his fingers angrily, and pointed at Griveau tremblingly: "Let me tell you, you cripple..."

"From now on..."

The poor seamstress had a sad look on her face, as if her life was over:

"I really fell in love with the gallows!"


"What's the use of the things here, first change your ugly clothes," Kerz looked at Thales in front of him with a look of disgust, looking at his disheveled appearance combined with luxurious clothes and expensive ornaments: " It's telling everyone that you're that goddamn prince."

Thales shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the other party's malice, stayed away from a batch of strange women's summer clothes, and grabbed a set of shabby and ugly linen uniforms as good as he could.

He removed the complicated leather belt and replaced it with the cheapest and cheapest coarse cloth belt, kicked off the lizard leather boots, put on the linen clothes that he hadn't touched for a long time, picked up a pair of scissors, and cut his hair into a bird's nest.

Not only that, Thales also wrapped the dagger scabbard with the words "Kings are not respected by blood" around the inferior black cloth, until the original appearance could not be seen, and flattened the map of the Fuxing Palace, followed by The black cloth was tucked into the interlayer of the clothes, and he was going to use his rotten needle and thread to sew it as tight as possible.

As for the blood fang bracelet left to him by the Queen of the Night, he simply put it on his wrist and disguised it as an ornament of animal fangs.

Finally, Thales finished dressing up according to the standards of the beggar era.

He walked to the mirror and saw a strange boy from inside.

Thales nodded in satisfaction, feeling that he looked like an ordinary suburban boy.

"How? Can this work?"

However, when Thales turned his head and looked at Griveau and Kurtz who were meditating...

"Alas," Grevell in the wheelchair sighed, resting his forehead and saying:

"Is there any way to improve it?"

Thales was taken aback.

"Of course," Kurz looked at Thales in coarse linen, his sharp-edged face full of sorrow: "I have a way to make sure that even his mother won't recognize him."

Griveaux's eyes lit up.

But Kerz pointed to the saber behind the door, and her next words made the veteran's eyes dim again:

"Take this and cut his whole face off."

Thales opened his mouth: "Huh?"

In Thales' stunned gaze, Kezi sighed and shook his head, folded his arms and looked at Thales: "His skin is too tender and too white, he looks like a pampered nobleman, and his height is not as good as the normal Northland You guys...will be recognized by anyone in whatever clothes you wear."

The woman shook her head in pain: "Going out of town or something..."

The three of them sighed at the same time.

"Dung truck," Griveau frowned, and said something that surprised Thales: "Call 'shitman' Anger, hide him in the dung that is transported out every day, and follow the car out of the city."

Dung truck?

hide in...


Thales frowned: "Wait, what you said..."

Grevoli ignored him: "Just find a reed pipe or a wooden pipe so that he can breathe..."

But fortunately, Kurz's listless next sentence calmed him down a bit.

"No, Ange was imprisoned again today."

Griveau's expression tightened, but he immediately gritted his teeth and said:

"Then find Fallon Quickwhip, they've got to deliver shit."

"He has to be stuffed in!"

Thales' complexion became very ugly again.

But Kurtz shook his head again.

"Do you know how the 'shit man' got in?"

The seamstress spread her hands: "When Ange drove out of the city for the sixth time today, the patrol team at the city gate pinched his nose and poked buckets with a sword to check, only to find ten pieces he had hidden in the excrement. Including the smuggling of Lijing."

Griveau took a few seconds to digest the message of the sentence.

"How do they..."

He stared in surprise at first, then slapped his thigh angrily: "Fuck."

Kezi scratched his chest indifferently, and shook his head: "Go straight out of the city in the dung truck? There's no way."

"It's a pity." Thales sighed pretending to be regretful, and secretly patted his chest.

Kerz seemed to have read his mind, squinted at him, and snorted disdainfully.

Thales smiled embarrassedly, raised his hand, and changed the subject: "Is there no other way?"

Both the wheelchair and the tailor were silent.

In a few seconds, Griveau's face turned from blue to white, and then from white to red.

Finally, Griveau slammed his fist on the table!

"There is no choice," the veteran said decisively, "Let's take the dark path."

Thales wondered: Black Path?

Kurz opened his eyes wide:


The seamstress shook her head resolutely: "No, half of that goddamn broken tunnel has collapsed... Remember last time? For three hundred gold coins, we almost died in it..."

"There is only one way," Griveau interrupted with firm eyes, "There is no other way."

Kurtz looked at him gravely.

After a while, her eyes softened and she turned around.

"I see, I'm going to find someone right now."

But halfway through turning around, Kurz turned back and frowned again:

"There is another problem: starting today, the patrol team has also set up sentries in the shield area."

Griveau's eyes sharpened: "Where?"

Kerz looked embarrassed: "It's not far from the Black Path, and we can't avoid it—it's said to be the place where King Nun died, and the higher-ups think it needs to be strictly monitored."

Thales clearly saw that Griveau's face changed suddenly:

"Fuck it, those bastards dare to reach out to the shield area after receiving oil and water..."

Kerz shrugged and scratched his neck: "'White Pig' Peak was in charge of the sentry post, and I gave him six copper coins before he told me the truth: the Hall of Order didn't want to come, no one wanted to break the tacit understanding, but this An order from Nikolai the Meteorite."

Griveau was stunned: "Who?"

Kerz smiled ugly, with a helpless expression: "You rejected him in front of so many people during the day, and you called him a 'star manipulator', remember—if it wasn't because he owed you , That lunatic has already caught you in."

"I guess... this is the retribution for your bad mouth?"

Griveau slapped his thigh angrily:

"Fucking star manipulator! Disgusting dead face, shameless dog leg, he deserves to lick his balls for the rest of his life, but he won't be able to rise to the rank!"

Kurz folded his arms, and pushed the stalwart of her chest upwards, then pressed his arms to his ribs comfortably, and looked at Griveau as if he was looking at a child.

Thales frowned and listened to them discussing one of the famous Five War Generals behind his back with great respect, Captain of the Grand Duke's Guard of Dragon Clouds City, His Excellency Lord Nicolai, and nodded in agreement.

A few seconds later, Greve regained his composure and murmured:

"Can we buy Peake, I think he's from the Shield?"

Kezi shook his head and said: "There are more than a dozen people under Peake, three thousand gold coins, I can guarantee that they remember the portrait of the prince better than the appearance of their own mother-in-law - not everyone dreams of being hanged like me .”

She showed disdain again, and glanced at Griveau: "Not everyone regards money like 'dung' like you..."

"Dung, that's right," Griveau suddenly raised his head, "pass through the dung truck?"

Taylor's heart tightened again.

"Can't you fill your mind with something other than shit?"

Kurz looked at Griveau with disdain, and saved the shocked Prince from the fate of hiding in excrement:

"Driving a dung truck to collect dung on the edge of an uninhabited cliff? Do you believe it?"

Griveau lowered his head again and sighed deeply.

"Is there any way to sneak past and get close to the black path?"

Thales' face darkened.


If this doesn't work...

at this moment.


Griveau slapped the table.


The man in the wheelchair scratched his chin: "You just said... this guy's skin is too white, his height is too short..."

Kerz was taken aback: "Huh?"

Thales also showed doubts.

The next moment, Griveau's eyes lit up, he raised his head and reached out, subconsciously patted Kurz, and accidentally patted her chest.

The puzzled Kezi seemed to be used to it, without any resentment of being violated. She followed the other party's gaze to the ceiling, and then froze.

Following the eyes of the two, Thales, who didn't know why, slowly raised his head and looked at the top of his head.


That is……

Thales was shocked and his face turned pale!

An ominous premonition suddenly hit my heart.

He forced a smile desperately, looked at the two Northlanders, his face twitching: "Mr. Griveau, Ms. Ketz, what are you... thinking?"

The next moment, Griveau and Keziqi lowered their heads and turned to Thales.

The man and the woman showed weird smiles together.

"Will it work?" This is Griveau with a sneer on his face.

"We'll find out." This is Kurz with a satisfied expression.

The atmosphere in the room changed.

Thales' heart beat faster and faster.

For the first time, he regretted escaping from the Palace of Heroes.


This, this, this...

"My dear, respectful, Your Royal Highness," the seamstress stretched out her hand and tore off the thing on top of her head, picked up a pair of scissors, and cut it with a "snack", and said with a malicious smile: "The dung truck or this ..."

"Which one do you choose?"

Time seemed to stand still for a long time.

Thales stared blankly at the clothes on Kerz's hands.


That is……

He blinked, staring at Kertz's hand, only feeling trembling all over.

The sins of hell and rivers that only appear in the body at the moment of life and death surged to the limbs frantically.

I saw the hand of the seamstress Kurz.

That's a...


Long skirts for women.

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