Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 26 Friend and Enemy

When Thales, who was in a complicated mood, watched Heisha lead the group away amidst Huayer's complaints, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes behind him. ``Le`wen``novels``lwxiaoshuo`

The vigilant Wyatt and others subconsciously blocked the prince, but Thales, who had expected it, sighed and turned around calmly.

It came so fast.

Also really urgent.

Amidst the neighing of dissatisfied horses, someone turned over his mount. Accompanied by his attendants, he passed through the guards and walked towards Thales with a stiff face. Lord Justin saluted him respectfully.

It was the Earl of Lisbane.

The regent of Longxiao City, who was old but still energetic, stood in front of Thales with an unwavering expression.

"My lord regent," the prince glanced at the group of Dragon Clouds patrols that followed the earl, and nodded politely to the earl of Lisbane, as if he was not at all surprised by his sudden appearance: "You actually care so much about my family?" Should I be surprised by a relaxing itinerary?"

But the earl who came over after hearing the news had a dark face, and had no intention of greeting the prince at all: "Do you know how arbitrary and reckless this is? Just board the carriage led by Heisha?"

Thales shrugged helplessly, and walked towards his mount Jenny together with Lisbane, Wyah, Rolf and others were a step behind, keeping a close distance.

The former Prime Minister's eyes were serious, and he looked around, making the guards who had just breathed a sigh of relief tense up again: "What happened?"

"Heisha collar, what did they tell you?"

What did you say?

The prince couldn't help feeling sad when he thought of the secret that King Charman had told him.



"They are very interested in Dragon Clouds City, but they can't directly contact the Grand Duchess." Thales pouted in the direction where Heisha led everyone away, with a relaxed expression: "For this reason, they want to win me over."

Lisbane's eyes changed several times.

"You? Are they trying to win you over?"

"Let me remind you,

Is there a relationship between Dragon Sky City and that King Charman? Or what role did you play in the storm six years ago? "

Thales blinked.

"I don't think the Heisha leader will unsurely pin their hopes on a foreign prince who is almost an old enemy," the count said with a gloomy face. "Or do they have very good reasons to come to talk to you?"

Thales squeezed his fist slightly in his sleeve, and began to look at Lisbane in front of him again.

Really sharp.

"So, Prince Thales," Lisbane's words were polite but compelling: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Thales couldn't help feeling a little vigilant in his heart.

How credible is Rumba's words?

In Dragon Clouds City, who is the enemy and who is the friend?

How should he choose?

Thales took a deep breath, and couldn't help but think of the terrible secret that Lombard had said.

A gift from the former king.

The prince looked at the count in front of him with complicated emotions, and his gaze passed over his gray temples.

In the past six years, what kind of mood did this first minister of Dragon Clouds City have when he watched Selma grow up?

And what did he think of Selma, his titular lord?

Grand Duchess? The wife of the future grand duke? An inexperienced little girl?

or is it...


The prince sighed slightly: "They gave me a very convincing reason."

The count showed an expression of listening carefully.

"They said," Thales raised his head and said calmly, "As long as I can help them, King Charmain will personally order..."

The prince paused slightly, and bit out a sentence:

"Let me go home."

At that second, the old regent's eyes froze on Thales' face.

Thales squeezed out a forced smile and spread his hands.

"Yes, that's interesting." After a pause for a few seconds, the earl pursed his lips in an intriguing tone: "Then how did you answer?"

Thales stood in front of Jenny, looking at the girl's jubilation, thoughtful.

"I'm going to think about it," Thales replied slowly:

"That's my answer."

Lisbane said nothing.

After a few seconds, the Regent raised his eyebrows lightly: "You know, you are in Dragon Clouds City."

Thales nodded: "I know."

Lisbane looked at him intently: "You also know that the Grand Prix is ​​protecting you."

Thales took a deep breath: "I know."

"But you also need to know..."

This time, the Earl of Lisbane raised his voice slightly, and saw a sharp look in his eyes: "At the king selection meeting six years ago, when the five princes unanimously agreed that you could not be released from Exeter... ..."

"How did the lonely Ms. Selma stand in the Hall of Heroes, and how she threatened the princes in front of the High Priest of Home: If she is not allowed to keep you in Dragon Clouds, then she refuses to choose a king, and the five of them People will be destroyed together in Dragon Clouds City."

Thales was stunned.

He lowered his head and stared blankly at the ground, remembering how in the Palace of Heroes, Grand Duke Lecco patted his shoulder earnestly and told him to take care of himself.

"This, I really don't know." The prince said in a daze.

Lisbane looked at Thales' expression and nodded slightly: "Please don't make her regret that decision."

"It's time for you to go back to the palace. You don't want to offend Lord Nicolai at this time—there will be an outdoor class tomorrow." The Regent finished speaking, glanced at His Royal Highness who was thinking, and turned to leave.

"Regent of Lisbane."

Thales stopped the Earl: "Will you miss him?"

Lisbane turned around and looked at His Royal Highness with a blank expression, raising his eyebrows lightly.

"Will you miss King Nunn?" Thales added: "You know, the born king, the real Walton tough guy."

The prince's complexion was gloomy, and he looked like a sentimental poet, "thinking 'how good it would be if he was still here'?"

This time, the silence between the two lasted for a long time, so long that Huaiya, who was several steps away, couldn't help but motioned to Thales, but was stopped by Rolf.

"Every day," the Earl of Lisbane finally said plainly after a long silence, "I miss him every day, especially when mountains of official documents and chores pile up on the table again."

"You can't imagine how deep our friendship is."

Thales looked at him fixedly: "Yes."

"You know, when King Nun was still there, Dragon Clouds City and even Exeter were far from what they were like," Thales sighed, "The vassals have their own positions, their actions are orderly, and leaders The people perform their duties in an orderly manner."

Thales stared at the Earl's face closely, with a touch of emotion: "But after he left, during the years when the Grand Duchess was in power, the entire Dragon Clouds City was in turmoil, and people were panicked."

"Now, even the leader of Heisha dares to come to Longxiao City to contact me openly."

Lisbane watched him without moving.

"She has not ruled for a long time, and people have not yet gotten used to it. We need time and patience." The earl answered watertightly.

Thales narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yeah, maybe for Dragon Clouds City, a fragile and powerless girl is still a little bit behind the position of Grand Duke Walton." The prince shook his head lightly, meaning something in his words.

"Perhaps, she is still far from having the qualifications to rule Dragon Clouds City."

Lisban frowned slightly, his tone displeased: "Please don't interpret my words casually, Prince Thales."

Thales closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"My lord regent," the prince asked seemingly indifferently, "If one day the bloodline of the Dragonlance family is cut off, Walton will have no successor."

The Earl of Lisbane's face froze.

"In Longxiao City, how will you and your family deal with yourself?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lisbane gave him a deep look.

"Even though we are allies, your words just now are still easily misunderstood, Prince Thales, especially after your meeting with the envoys of the Black Sand Territory," the earl said with a polite but unquestionable severity: " Even now, six years later."

Thales smiled apologetically: "Please understand that the current situation of Dragon Clouds City is very worrying to me, whether it is the Freedom Alliance and Qiyuan City in the west, or the Black Sand Emissary in the city, of course, including Long Xiao City The vassals of Xiaocheng——I have to think a little bit more and plan ahead.”

Lisbane stared at him intently, motionless.

"Dragon Clouds City will always belong to the Walton family," the earl said slowly, "The descendants of Nakaru have ruled this land for nearly seven hundred years, but it is not unreasonable that the Dragon Spear Banner in the Clouds is still passed down to this day."

"Whether it's the Freedom Alliance or Qiyuan City, there will be news."

"Don't worry about unnecessary and unnecessary things."

Thales stared at the Earl of Lisbane for a long time, with many thoughts in his heart.

"I see."

The prince is meaningful and authentic.

The next second, he nodded slightly, stepped on Jenny's saddle without hesitation, and rode away, leaving the Earl of Lisbane and the patrols far behind.

After entering the first city gate, Thales saw Nikolai at the palace gate without any surprise, but the meteorite just glanced at him from a distance, then turned his head and took the group just gathered together as if he was facing an enemy. The Grand Duke's personal guards disbanded, turned and left.


The prince frowned.

That night, Thales didn't fall asleep.

For the first time, he felt that the walls and floor tiles of Dragon Clouds City were extraordinarily hard, which made his back ache.


"Let me sum it up."

In the study of the Grand Duchess, "Old Crow" Merry Heather was sitting in his favorite seat, just as before, he neither used books nor pens, but leaned on a cane, smiling tremblingly, The two students nodded slightly.

Thales rested his chin on one hand and looked at Heather seriously.

"About how the co-governance oath was reached, my dear Selma gave us many interesting and powerful explanations: for example, why the most powerful Nuln I was willing to compromise."

The most powerful...


What was that terrible old king thinking?

Heather's voice continued: "For example, the prestige of King Nakaru and Queen Sky is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

The descendants of Nakaru...


Selma, in Dragon Clouds City, how much prestige does she need to have in order to stabilize her rule, even her blood...

"For example, the glacier defense line needs far more power than a local prince to support maintenance."

Grand Duke...

What impact will the game between the grand dukes have on Selma's rule?

"For example, as we said in the first lesson, the boundaries of rule: if the system of self-government of the major princes is not maintained, then it is difficult for Exeter to rely on a king and his vassals. To maintain and protect this vast land spanning four ancient provinces from Xitao to the Northland, second only to the ancient empire..."

The limits of domination...

At this moment, Thales only felt a pain in his ribs!

He turned his head in a daze, watching Thelma on the side withdrawing her elbow as if nothing had happened.

Thales stared at her blankly.

What's wrong?


"Sorry, I repeat."

Heather's eyes were fixed on Star Prince.

The old crow smiled and said, "About the achievement of the co-governance pledge, do you have anything to add, Thales?"

Thales just woke up.

Unknowingly distracted, he hurriedly opened his notes, shook his head apologetically, and nodded again: "I'm sorry——I... yes, about why Exeter's co-governance oath can be achieved, I There are some things that need to be added..."

Heather looked up slightly, interested.

"The Star Kingdom."

Thales raised his head and replied: "The achievement of the "Co-governance Oath" is largely due to the contribution of the Star Kingdom."

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