Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 13: The Honor and Disgrace of the Giant Dragon (Part 2)

"Intel from the west."

Cambida puffed up her chest, with a solemn face:

"Three days ago, our western 'kids' held a closed-door secret meeting, and at least three elders suggested that it is time to re-discuss and adjust the annual tribute to the Kingdom of Exeter and the amount of donations. "

"West side..." At that moment, Lisban's eyes tightened: "You mean—the Liberty League?"

"On the southwest side of Qiyuan City, the Freedom Alliance on the Golden Corridor?"

Hearing this word, Nicolai on the other side suddenly raised his head, his face was ugly.

Cambida nodded expressionlessly.

"Although the Liberty League has not yet made a final decision, and the positions of the several elders are vacillating," Cambida said coldly, with an awe-inspiring chill between the lines: "But there is no doubt that when they dare to start from that stupid and cowardly This idea popped up in my mind, when I put forward the proposal on the round table where Prince Suril tried the knife..."

"Exter's dignity has been violated."

After Cambida's voice fell, he closed his mouth and waited quietly for a response.

Thales noticed that the people in the Northland, whether they were personal guards like Nicolai and Justin, or high-ranking nobles like Lisbane, were slightly stagnant in their breathing.

The air in the hall seemed to freeze for a moment because of these words.


Liberty League.

Instead of Star Kingdom.

Thales let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately, it wasn't the part he was most worried about.

He cast a puzzled look at the Grand Duchess, but Thelma just shook her head silently with a slight worry: obviously, she knew something about the term.

After a few seconds.

The Earl of Lisbane slowly raised his head, his eyes drifted into the distance, recalling the past years, but his words revealed unquestionable power: "Twenty years ago, we generously 'taught' these children in the golden corridor: Do your part."

"Under the wrath of the dragon, even the self-proclaimed noble white elves can't protect them—children of the alliance, haven't you even learned this lesson?"

Cambida sneered, with deep meaning in his eyes.

"Obviously, compared with twenty years ago, the children seem to have an illusion: the Kingdom of Exeter without a natural king will be more merciful."

Viscount Canbida's eyes flashed coldly: "It's time to teach them lessons again."

Croathy chuckled behind him.

There was silence in the hall.

what happened.

Exeter and the... Liberty League?

Thales calmly recalled the geography knowledge he had learned from the Northland nobles' courses in the past six years. Of course, Exeter was the center - the prince once jokingly called it "the geography in Exeter's eyes." world".

After the War of the End, the Western Frontier of the Great Desert of the Western Continent became a peaceful and pure land at the beginning of the end of the calendar year because it was far away from the disputes between the two new powers - the stars and the dragon. From north to south, it stretches across the long zone of many forces in the Westland: to the east is the desert inland and rocky valleys, to the north is the Kingdom of the North Sea and the Northland, to the west is the sea of ​​devils and the Sea of ​​Despair, and to the south is the Dragon's Kiss on the promenade coast. The land and the thorny land, and the southeast is connected to the two seas of mist and even the kingdom of stars.

Until the Kangmas Alliance gradually rose in several continental wars, this corridor was famous for its many small countries along the way, the separation and autonomy of various forces, and being far away from the influence of powerful countries. When several city-states in the west—later the Kangmas—began to do business in the mainland, they called this intricate land corridor leading to various countries and full of merchant goods the "Golden Corridor".

The Liberty Alliance mentioned by Canbida and Lisbon is located at the northeast end of the Golden Corridor, adjacent to Qiyuan City in the west of Exeter in the east, and Shanliu City in the Commas Alliance in the west. If you are bolder, Going southeast through a section of desert, you can even reach the Western Wilderness Territory of the Star Kingdom.

And for quite a long time, this piece of land, which is the end of the golden corridor, was in chaos.

It was not until after the Fourth Continental War that a regime of compromise and co-governance by various forces—the Liberty Alliance—appeared: in the past more than a hundred years, it has barely continued its own in a complex situation where many internal and external forces are intertwined. The presence.

Obviously, from Lisbane's words, it can be heard that the Freedom Alliance fell to the Kingdom of Exeter in the latest struggle. In addition to the influence and control over the Freedom Alliance, it also possesses a large amount of interests in the northernmost end of the Golden Corridor.

So, if the Liberty League tries to break away from Exter's control... Thales thought: Lumbard is going to start a war to the west?

However, the people headed by Grand Duke Ronnie are all criticizing his rule. Could it be that the king still expects to use this thankless battle to wash his reputation?

Since that scene six years ago, the conflict between the king and the grand dukes has long been irreconcilable, hasn't it?

Viscount Cambida raised his head and looked at the thoughtful Selma expressionlessly: "Ma'am, this is King Charmain, and this is the important information His Majesty asked me to bring."

"The dignity of the Northlanders... can only be maintained with blood."

Canbida's eyes were concentrated, with a faint sense of oppression: "What is Longxiao City's attitude towards this?"

Facing Cambida's seemingly polite but aggressive question, Thelma frowned.

At that moment, Thales saw a flash of helplessness and hesitation in her eyes.

But the girl quickly coughed lightly, and habitually looked at Regent Lisban.

The Earl of Lisbane pondered for a while.

"It's really difficult for your information." Finally, the Lord Regent raised his deep eyes that seemed to have a weight of 1,000 weights: "The black sand leader is clearly far away from the desert, far away from the golden corridor..."

"But for such a big matter, you actually reacted earlier than Qiyuan City, which is near the Freedom Alliance, and sent someone to notify us earlier."

"Is Grand Duke Ronnie negligent, or are you too caring?"

Lisbane in particular bites the accent on "Have a Heart."

As soon as this remark came out, Thales couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

Viscount Cambida couldn't help but move his expression slightly, and looked at the Earl of Lisbane again.

So it turned out that Prince Xingchen figured out the doubts of Heisha's envoys - this should not be something they should notify, and they shouldn't be so enthusiastic.

Croaish snorted behind Canbida, and said coldly: "To serve a king who is ambitious everywhere, of course we must be worthy of his ambition and ambition."

Cambida raised the corners of her mouth and nodded slightly to Croeth, but the female warrior didn't even look at him, she just stared at the Grand Duchess.

Lisbane snorted lightly.

"Leaving aside Exter's influence on the Golden Corridor..." Earl Lisbane straightened his waist slightly, and said in a solemn tone: "The Freedom Alliance is connected to abundant goods and large profits, and it is adjacent to Qiyuan City. Once it Out of our control, the person who suffers the most, the person who worries the most, should be Grand Duke Ronnie, right?"

"It's really generous of you to work hard for his affairs."

In the increasingly oppressive atmosphere of the meeting, the Earl directly pointed out doubts.

Cambida smiled slightly: "The loss of the Ronnie family and Qiyuan City is the loss of Exeter..."

But Lisban interrupted him loudly: "Even if Grand Justice Ronnie tirelessly and clearly accused King Charman's rule? Even if he called on us to refuse to pay taxes to the king, to that apostate who does not respect tradition?"

Cambida also seemed to be aroused, and his original smiling expression turned cold: "The Exeters have no distinction between each other, one prospers and one loses!"

"This is the future that His Majesty the King hopes for and is working hard for - we certainly hope that Grand Duke Ronnie can understand his painstaking efforts, and we also hope that you can understand."

"Ha! This is an anecdote." The Earl of Lisbane seemed to be ready to take all the pressure from the other party and let the bewildered Grand Duchess relax: "The kinslayer is actually a patriot!"

The moment the Earl of Lisban uttered the nickname without hesitation, the faces of Cambida and Croesch turned cold.

Thales sighed secretly: Kinslayer, this is probably the lingering stain and shadow of Lumbard's life.

But—Thales recalled Charmain Rumba's expression in the firelight—compared with the opinions of others, the bigger shadow should be in his own heart.

This can be said to be left by King Nun to Lunba, and it will accompany him all his life.

"Believe me, His Majesty Charmain keeps Exeter's dignity and interests in mind all the time," Cambida said with a cold expression.

"I can't tell you how much His Majesty wanted to gather all of Exeter's troops the moment he received the news, and tear down the walls of the Freedom Alliance to make their tombstone..."

But Lisbane snorted unceremoniously.

"Put those beautiful words away," the old regent's tone was very flat, but it seemed to contain the pressure that made people breathless: "When Grand Duke Ronnie of Qiyuan City leads the crowd in the hope of everyone, he appeals to the whole country and prepares to challenge the king. When the injustice of the

"The Freedom Alliance to the west of Qiyuan City somehow became unstable internally, causing trouble for Ronnie?"

Thales couldn't help frowning at Lisbane's straightforward attitude.

But the prince couldn't figure out the purpose of Cambida's visit: this is a struggle between the king and Ronnie, but why did he specifically inform Dragon Clouds City?

Does King Charman still expect Dragon Clouds City to be on his side?

"Ronnie has to choose, right?" Lisban withdrew his hands behind his back, hugged his chest tightly, and took a step forward, looking at Cambida under the steps with great pressure:

"Under righteousness, if he wants to solve the worries that are close at hand and maintain his prestige as the Grand Duke of Qiyuan City, he must give up his protest and opposition to Charman, and even cooperate with the king, so that he can free up his hands. Deal with the civil strife in the Freedom Alliance and regain the interests belonging to Qiyuan City."

Cambida was silent for a few seconds: "I don't understand what you mean, Lord Earl."

Lisban snorted coldly: "We are all from the Northland, so stop playing the imperial tricks of the stars."

Star people?

Imperial power?

Thales couldn't help raising his eyebrows: the prince swears, he saw Thelma's mouth pulled up.

"Tell me," Lisbane said seriously, "If Ronnie doesn't make the choice that meets your expectations, how will King Charman react?"

Cambida stared at Lisbane for several seconds.

Finally, the emissary of the black sand collar laughed:

"I think His Majesty still has to respect the co-governance oath: After all, the Freedom Alliance is the closest to Qiyuan City, so in terms of how to deal with alliance matters, he respects the attitude of Grand Duke Ronnie, and even more respects the interests and autonomy of Qiyuan City—condemn that It is one thing to have a group of children, but it is undoubtedly unwise to intervene in the internal affairs of the Grand Dukes rashly."

"Hey!" Lisban shouted sarcastically: "At this time, our king remembered the oath of co-government, and remembered that this is the 'housekeeping of the grand dukes'."

Cambida didn't answer, he just bowed slightly, and the Regent also closed his mouth.

The strange calm returned to the hall: Thales saw Nicolai frowning, and Thelma seemed to be in deep thought.


During this weird interview, Thales quickly found out several doubtful points:

The black sand collar raised the matter of the Freedom Alliance - but according to Lisbane, this is just one part of the game between King Charman and the opponents such as the Grand Duke Ronnie.

But, what does this have to do with Dragon Clouds City? Why did Rumba send someone to tell Selma about this?

More importantly, what does this have to do with himself and Thales Canxing?

If Gilbert's so-called "There are no meaningless words in diplomacy" and "testing our footsteps and falsehood" is true...

Thales frowned: he has too little information.

After a few seconds, Earl Lisbane's expression changed and he raised his gaze.

"I know why you all came to Dragon Clouds City," the Earl said solemnly, "And what happened yesterday..."

Lisban narrowed his eyes: "You... sent Dragon Clouds City into the center of the storm."


To send Dragon Clouds City...into the center of the storm?

Thales was slightly taken aback, unable to keep up with their thinking.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one who didn't understand Lisbane's words: Thelma's eyes widened—the usual behavior of girls when they are confused.

The girl and the boy looked at each other, seeing the doubt and incomprehension in each other's eyes.

"'Dragon Eye' Charles Lisban," Cambida's expression became completely serious, and he looked at his opponent again: "You really deserve your reputation."

At that moment, Thales had a feeling: today's meeting was a confrontation between Lisbane and Cambida, a chess game that only they could understand.

"That's the end of the interview, my lady." Lisbane said coldly.

Thelma stared blankly at Lisbane, but she nodded resignedly.

"Are you sure?" Cambida sneered: "This is about the honor and disgrace of the dragon, and His Majesty is waiting for the answer from the Grand Duchess."

The Viscount added meaningfully: "It's not the reply from the Regent."

Thales sighed in his heart.


"You know better than anyone how this is going to play out."

Lisban looked at Cambida with a cold face, and didn't even bother to maintain a little superficial friendliness: "His Excellency, the Grand Duchess, will give you an answer, but not now."

The earl said coldly: "At least, not before Qiyuan City sent an envoy to visit."

Cambida took a breath, returned to a calm expression, and bowed slightly.

"Then let's take our leave first, Your Excellency the Grand Duchess," the Viscount of Heisha said softly, "By the way..."

Canbida looked at the somewhat puzzled Selma meaningfully, and said:

"The new glasses are beautiful."

Selma couldn't help but her expression changed.

Thales only felt a chill rising: the Lord Regent's eyes on him were oppressive.

The Earl of Lisbane snorted coldly: "Enough talking, Your Excellency the Viscount."

Cambida smiled, bowed lightly to Prince Xingchen intentionally, and turned to leave.

Right now.

"Meteorite, my boss sent his greetings." Croaish, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head and looked at the soldier on the other side of Lisbon: "'That knife is really hard to use', this is his The original words."

Nicolai on the steps sneered.

"This knife is really easy to use." The Meteorite shook his head: "It's a pity."

Croaish nodded and turned to the Grand Duke's seat.

"Your Excellency, Grand Duchess, please take care."

She looked at Thelma with soft and hopeful eyes, which made Thales slightly startled.

"Ah, thank you for your kindness." Selma replied subconsciously.

"Believe it: your weight and value are far greater than you imagined," the female warrior seemed to want to finish what she wanted to say, only to hear Croyce softly say: "In any case, your existence is The miracle that the earth has not seen in a thousand years is the banner that we can move forward."

"Please seize your own power, stand on your own feet, and become a real Grand Duke of Exeter."

"Because you are no worse than anyone else."

After saying this, Croaish bowed deeply, then ignored Thelma who hadn't reacted in time, turned around decisively and left, following Cambida's pace.

The astonishment and solemnity left the whole hall.

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