Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 10 Riot

Dragon Clouds City, Heroic Spirit Palace, training ground.

Under the eyes of countless guards and entourages of the Palace of Heroes, Thales, who was sweating profusely, swung the long sword in his right hand, raised the shield on his left arm, stretched his legs, and solemnly posed a " Iron Body".

Despite his preoccupation, the prince's daily outdoor training must still be carried out.

"I don't know why you are still practicing this kind of swordsmanship." In front of him, the pale former commander of the White Blade Guard raised an epee with a look of disdain, "Even against orcs, our army's fighting style has long been It has been refurbished for hundreds of thousands of years, and your swordsmanship of holding a sword and shield and foolishly waiting for someone to beat you..."

"Are you going to keep talking nonsense?" the prince asked impatiently.

"I remember it was outdoor training, not satire writing?"

Nicolai pursed his lips and looked unhappy.

The Meteorite's attitude towards the second prince, which had lasted for six full years, began to take a turn for the worse after yesterday's hearing day: he began to look at Thales with hostile eyes, and scolded the star boy extremely harshly during outdoor training It's a very capable thing - of course, Thales later knew why.

Thales shrugged and signaled that he could attack.

The next second, Nicolei stepped back and slashed out with a sword.


Thales' shield collided with Nikolai's epee, and the prince stepped forward to push forward, counterattacking with the long sword in his right hand, but Nikolai easily dodged it.

"If you really want to know - this set of swordsmanship means a lot to me," Thales turned around, and the tip of the sword quickly re-pointed at the enemy: "A strict teacher told me: at least I have to practice it Come."

Speaking of this, the letter brought by Gilbert Toptilai suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Ms. Ji Ni emphasizes that you should pay attention to your diet at this age, and don't be picky, especially the balanced combination of various foods—even the bitter vegetables produced in Xihuang are also of considerable value, so you might as well give it a try...]

The image of Ginny's stern and unassuming words appeared in Thales' mind, and his heart moved.

"Come out of it?" Nicolai snorted coldly, "It's a pity you didn't do it."

The meteorite rushed forward, holding the sword in both hands, and slashing down with the help of gravity!


He almost knocked Thales who was struggling to support the shield.

The prince gritted his teeth, feeling that the strength of Nikolai's sword was gradually increasing.

[As for those old friends of yours, please forgive me, I must tell you with shame and disappointment: the tenth search, we still haven't found them, whether it's the bartender at the Sunset Bar or the beggars, at least they have Not in Eternal Star City anymore. Although it is inappropriate, I must advise you: Maybe you should give up your search for them, Your Highness. Firstly, the result may have already been doomed. Secondly, the six-year long search is really not good for you...]

"Where is the boldness with which you snatched the book from me?"

The Meteor roared, "Take it out, don't make me feel like I'm fighting an idiot!"

Thales leaned low and twisted his hips with difficulty, deflected the opponent's epee, and stabbed out with another sword: "Maybe you should redefine who is snatching the book from whom—hey!"

However, before the prince's sword had any effect, the meteorite kicked shortly, kicking Thales, who was changing his posture, staggering for a while!

Outside the training ground, Thales' attendant, Wya Caso, was standing by the side holding his long sword. While sighing, he said to the silver-faced Rolf, who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded:

"You know, I'm not slandering the prince—in fact, he's the most mature kid I've ever met—but you have to admit that, in addition to being good at analysis and planning, he is very good at what comes before him, fists to flesh, and knives." The fierce battle that saw blood is really..."

Wyatt looked at Thales, who was in a hurry on the court, struggling left and right, and shook his head: "He really... lacks talent."

Rolf frowned, and looked at Wyatt who kept talking with an uneasy expression.

This talkative.

For six years, it never stopped.

Is this treating me like a trash can?

fuck him.

Rolf snorted dissatisfiedly, and raised a middle finger without even turning his head.

But Wyatt didn't care.

He knew that Rolf, who couldn't speak, hated people who talked too much, but he could make the Wind Follower feel uncomfortable and appreciate his irrefutable angry eyes, why not? Just like Rolf also likes to gloat at Wyah's stupid look who doesn't know anything about the sign language the prince made.

Wyah can't get used to Rolf's casual and rude street habits, and he is also dissatisfied with the sign language that only he and the prince can understand; Yes), the self-confidence and self-consciousness of the other party, and also look down on the other party's attitude towards etiquette and address, which is almost picky.

That's right—even if they fought side by side many times, the relationship between the two princes who came from very different backgrounds has never been good.

"If he has the time and preparation, whether playing chess, negotiating, or even practicing swordsmanship, there is no doubt that the prince can give a very beautiful answer," Wyatt continued to frown: "But it's like this: in the face of sudden attacks, He could easily get flustered, tense, and act like a recruit, to be honest, especially ordinary civilians who resist blood and aren't used to fighting."

"It's deadly in combat—make a mistake at a crucial moment and you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

at this moment.

"You just say that Thales is not good at fighting." Putillai walked to the side of the two, watched the practice on the field, and surprisingly did not take out his pipe.

"My lord." Wyatt nodded respectfully, while Rolf shook his head symbolically.

"Is there any way to overcome this?" Puttilai's eyes were piercing: "Thales is in a hurry at critical moments and his brain is blank?"

"I'm afraid it's difficult." Wyah turned around, looked at Thales who was knocked down for the second time, and sighed: "Swordsmanship can be practiced, and skills can be improved, but the habits and characters of many years are not enough. There is no easy way to get over it."

At this time, Rolf suddenly raised his palm lightly, and made a movement of wiping his neck with dark eyes.

"Huh?" Puttilai noticed Rolf, he raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Wyatt looked at Rolf's appearance and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Um, I think the meaning of dumb probably means..."

"...I heard in the tower that there is a quick way to develop a fighting instinct: throw people on the battlefield where there is a narrow escape, blood and death are the most efficient teachers, where a harmless little sheep can become Become a ferocious dragon, even the weakest warrior and the strangest recruit can quickly get rid of their bad habits—of course, if you are not dead."

"And even extreme masters, whether it is the meteorite or the wrath of the kingdom, their extraordinary combat power is slowly accumulated in fighting and fighting: practicing against wooden stakes and targets, it is never possible to become extreme. "

Rolf snorted softly, not knowing whether to approve or disdain.

Putillai frowned.

"Thales is not from the North, he is the prince of the stars, he is the star, and he is likely to be a king in the future." The former deputy envoy shook his head: "He only needs to taste the atmosphere on the battlefield. : No matter fighting in person or fighting on the battlefield, it shouldn’t be his necessary skill, let alone become an extreme state—his duty is to move the chess pieces in his hands under the protection of thousands of troops.”

Rolf muttered something that no one could understand.

Huai Ya breathed out: "But you know, in the Year of Blood, even with the protection of heavy guards, the Canxing royal family..."

At the mention of this word, Puttilai suddenly turned his head!

The atmosphere seemed to turn cold instantly.

"Speak carefully." Puttilai's sharp and impolite eyes forced Huai Ya's words back into his mouth

"For things you don't understand, don't jump to judgment, especially the bloody year."

and Canxing.

Wyatt looked at him in bewilderment.

Rolf snorted gleefully.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk about the royal family." Huai Yaxuan apologized very well due to the education of the aristocratic family. He sighed and found the next topic: "Speaking of it, it seems that you are planning to stay for a long time when you return to Dragon Clouds City this time. , my lord?"

Puttilai then turned his attention back to the arena.

"Yes," he said lightly, "it may take a little longer than you imagined."

"Speaking of which, the prince also mentioned it to me," Huai Ya frowned slightly: "What did you do six years ago?"

Putilei paused slightly.

Wyah's seemingly small talk continued: "Six years ago, the day after King Charman was crowned, it was also when Lisbane started to clean up the mess in Dragon Clouds City, and Prince Thales was in the worst situation..."

"But you left Dragon Clouds City in a hurry without even saying hello?"

"Forget about that, after all, we have met again," Huai Ya withdrew his gaze, and said with some concern: "But what I care more about is, it has been six years, why did you come back at this time?"

"Why not earlier, such as when the prince has yet to gain a firm foothold, or later, such as when the prince has to face difficulties such as marriage?"

"It's just now?"

"It makes me a little... worried."

Rolf also frowned, rarely expressing his opinion on Wyah's talkativeness.

The corner suddenly fell silent.

Puttilai lowered his eyelids, he slowly reached into his arms, and took out the old pipe that had been used since six years ago.

"You know, a long time ago, when I was young, our teacher said at the end of the course," the thin former Deputy Envoy slowly filled the tobacco, took out the flint, and lit the pipe: "Gilbert Ka Suo has a big heart, and he can always look at problems without being confused by what is in front of him, jump out of the box, and grasp the key points beyond his sight, maybe he will be the kind of rear chess player who is far-sighted, good at long-term strategy and planning in the future."

"So that naive bastard often thinks too much."

Hearing the incoherent answer, Huai Ya raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Huh?"

"Even if you don't admit it, Wyatt," Puttilai took a puff of smoke comfortably, and said with a smile, "You still have many similarities to your father..."

"Like—thinking too much."

Huai Ya seemed to have thought of something, he closed his mouth, and turned around with an ugly expression.

He didn't ask any more questions.

In the middle of the field, Thales took two steps back, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Putilei and Huai Ya, who had a strange atmosphere.

Doubtful in his heart, he couldn't help thinking of another point mentioned in Gilbert's letter:

【Your Highness, please trust Puttilai as always, especially at this special moment—for your future, please trust him! In addition, please also maintain due respect for that new teacher and learn with an open mind—he is probably the second most respected person in my life. 】

Gilbert emphasized his belief in Puttilai twice.


The sword light flashed, and Nikolai attacked again.

This time, Thales, who had been retreating all the time, finally got his chance.

Taking advantage of the opponent's third hit on his shield, the prince cut out a long-prepared breakout at the moment he withstood the attack.

He went straight to the enemy's weakly defended left side, which caught Nicolai's eyes.

"good idea."

But immediately, the Meteorite swung his epee back very quickly, facing this sharp counterattack!

Following the trajectory of the opponent's epee, Thales struggled to shake the shield in his left hand, pushing away the opponent's counterattack with all his strength.


Nikolai's heavy sword was drawn along the shield, and the strong wind brought by the blade brushed Thales' hair!

At that moment, Thales, whose head was cold, trembled all over.

With the imminent crisis coming, Thales only felt an inexplicable trembling, which suddenly exploded from his spine and hit his brain.

In the next second, that familiar yet unfamiliar wave—the crime of Hell River, uncontrollably and uncontrollably, gushed out of his body!

Like a frightened hibernating beast, waking up suddenly!

It was also like a sudden extreme cold storm, attacking every inch of his body, including his brain.

Let him have a desire to risk everything.

But the prince didn't feel at ease in the slightest!

Thales felt the riot of the prison river crime, and his heart was inexplicably terrified!



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