
Chapter 34 Hardworking Hudson

At the Allied Forces Command, Earl Pierce did not act furious after receiving the news.

If a noble is content, is he still a noble?

After suffering such a big loss, if the Fifth Army did not respond, that would be a big problem.

Going out to rob was a serious matter in the eyes of Hudson, but it was not a big deal in the eyes of Earl Pierce.

How can any army not rob?

All the noble lords brought their own rations to the battlefield, so if they were not allowed to rob them, how could they get their money back?

It doesn't matter if you lose money once or twice. If you lose money ten times or eight times, no matter how big your business is, it will go bankrupt.

In Earl Pierce's view, as long as the food and fodder can be delivered on time, everything else is a minor problem.

The generation gap in concepts cannot be reversed in a short while, even if Hudson has worked hard to integrate into this world.

But after all, I have only been in this world for a few months, which is really insignificant compared to the decades in my previous life.

Behavior can be changed, but thinking will still be affected. This is an advantage as well as a disadvantage.

The main problem is the circle. After traveling through time, the people he came into contact with were the small aristocrats. The people that Hudson imitated and learned from were also the small aristocrats.

Without standing at a certain height, it is difficult to understand the thoughts of big people.

"James, send someone to notify the Fifth Army and order them to speed up their march. By the way, let me tell them that I already know the matter, let them figure it out on their own!"

Pierce said with a sneer.

Now is not the time to argue. The rebels were more cunning than expected. They laid many traps along the way, causing the coalition forces to suffer miserably.

If it weren't for the gryphon cavalry's investigation and discovery of the enemy's plot in advance, they might have suffered a big loss.

Facing a group of immoral enemies, reaching Dadir City within three days is obviously an impossible task.

Hudson, who was pulled up from his sleep, looked at Earl Pierce's military order and was speechless.

Warning him is useless, who knows where the robbery army has gone?

If you really want to find someone, sending griffon cavalry to scout in the sky is far more efficient than searching slowly on the ground.

But for doing such a shady thing, I guess my unreliable allies also covered it up. Even the gryphon cavalry would be difficult to detect without close observation.

"Knight Siludi, I am also looking for the legion commander and the others, but there are no clues at all.

Nearly all the officers of the Fifth Army are missing. Look at this chaotic team, which may collapse at any time. How can we speed up the march?

Why don't you go back and talk to His Excellency the Count and ask him to send a hundred knights to serve as officers, and the marching speed can be increased immediately. "

Hudson said with aggrieved face.

Don’t know, don’t know, still don’t know.

As a qualified noble, how could he betray his companions?

As long as he is not tortured to extract confessions, he, Hudson, is the most tight-lipped ally. No one would want to know from him that the Fifth Army went out to rob.

Even if he was discovered by Earl Pierce, Hudson would still pretend to be confused to the end. Anyone who dares to hold people accountable will be punished.

The current grain transport brigade is a mess, and a frontline war is about to break out. Hudson does not believe that Earl Pierce can really mobilize hundreds of knights to clean up the mess.

Without a pick-up man, we had to let him, the "paperer", do the work first. No matter how slow the marching speed is, logistics is still preserved.

If a rash substitution leads to the collapse of the team, the expedition will be in vain.

"Knight Hudson, are you threatening the earl?"

Knight Siludi heard the implication and asked angrily.

"No! Knight Siludi, I am just stating a fact.

Many officers of the Fifth Army were missing, leaving me, the unlucky guy, to clean up the mess.

You can go to the army and have a look. The camp is full of serf soldiers, and not a single qualified soldier can be seen.

I now command a group of serfs who have just laid down their hoes, not an army. It is too harsh to ask them to meet military standards.

In order to ensure that I can travel twenty miles a day, I have tried my best. If we want to speed up the process, we can only ask His Excellency the Earl to send officers over to improve military discipline. "

Hudson tried to argue.

It is not impossible to speed up the march and betray allies, but you must add money.

Without enough benefits, he would not be a traitor. It's just that these are obviously not the decisions that Siludi Knight can make.


"I will truthfully report today's events to His Excellency the Earl. I hope the Hudson Knight will not regret it!"

Knight Siludi said angrily.

However, his anger did not last long and was calmed by a small box filled with gold coins. A smile finally appeared on his originally clouded face.

It seems to be saying, wouldn't it have been fine if it had been like this? Is it necessary to act like this?

After hesitating for a moment, Knight Siludi said slowly: "The matter with the Fifth Army is too big, and His Excellency the Earl is very angry. But that is their fault.

Knight of the Hudson, you are able to stand up in the face of adversity and save the day. I believe His Excellency the Earl will be very happy to know that. "

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Hudson endured the pain and said: "This still needs the support of Knight Siludi. When the thing is accomplished, the Koslow family will definitely be grateful!"

Although he can only represent himself now, it does not prevent Hudson from writing a blank check. As for how to fulfill the promise afterwards, we will have to wait and see when the time comes. Who makes his portion insufficient?

The word "official" has two mouths, and the same thing, said from different mouths, has completely different natures.

Hudson was well-versed in history and knew very well the consequences of offending the messenger. Even if they have the capital to mess things up, who would be willing to really mess things up unless they have to?

In order to show respect for Earl Pierce, Hudson decided to increase the march mileage by 0.5 miles starting tomorrow.

It can’t be any more, there’s no extra money, there’s really no motivation.

In front of Knight Siludi, before daybreak, Hudson ordered the soldiers to get up and light a fire to cook, proving with practical actions that he was doing his best.

Under the instructions of a caring person, the soldiers performed their true colors. The noisy scene was as lively as a vegetable market, and Siludi Knight was speechless when he saw it.

Bringing such a team to transport food and grass, and not collapsing, is a talent. It is really not easy to guarantee that you can travel twenty miles a day.

Looking at Hudson again, Knight Siludi's eyes were much more eager. Different from the previous pure profit transaction, now I really want to make friends.

Noble Survival Rule No. N: Making friends with capable people can help you make better progress.

The man was affectionate and the concubine was interested. The two parties hit it off immediately, and the relationship quickly rose from strangers to uncle-nephew.

Thinking of this, Hudson was also drunk. It seems that from the beginning of the war to now, he has added double digits of uncles.

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