King Who Will Cross

Chapter 323: The countermeasures of the rich Arab countries

The biggest impact of new battery technology is actually not those lithium battery manufacturers, but the price of international crude oil, or those countries that rely on crude oil output to obtain huge profits.

After Li Daniu's press conference ended, the price of international crude oil instantly dropped from the previous US$55.8 per barrel to US$52.6 per barrel.

A barrel of crude oil has dropped by US$3.2, which doesn't seem like much, but this price is an astronomical figure when compared to the daily global oil consumption.

According to the authoritative statistics report on world energy released by the British company BP, in 1996, the world's total oil consumption reached 71.7 million barrels per day. The current time is 2013. Compared with 1996, this data has definitely increased by about 20%.

In other words, just a launch of battery technology has reduced the total price of international crude oil daily usage by more than 200 million U.S. dollars. Moreover, this is only a one-day loss.

According to the latest relevant reports from Wall Street in the United States, if Li Daniu and the relevant car manufacturers successfully sign the supply contract for battery packs, then the international crude oil price is likely to fall below the mark of 50 US dollars per barrel .

Moreover, relevant Wall Street reports pointed out that if the new battery technology developed by Li Daniu is applied to electric vehicles in the future, there will be no unrepairable technical failures or safety failures, then the drop in crude oil prices will not be recovered. , and will continue to decline.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries of the Arab States can be said to be one of the most powerful organizations in the world, because their members, in the data released in 2011, explained their total oil output, which accounted for 99% of the world's total oil output. 31%. Just one of the member states, the United Arab Emirates, has a domestic oil production of 21 million barrels per day.

For the UAE, it is not terrible to lose 100 million US dollars every day. The total daily consumption of local tyrants in these countries far exceeds this figure.

The scary thing is that this kind of loss will not only accumulate over time, but will continue to increase.

The Council of Ministers of the Arab Petroleum Exporting Organization organized an emergency video conference less than an hour after Li Daniu's press conference.

Council President Abbas was the first to speak.

"According to calculations by the statistical department, the price of international crude oil will drop to about US$51 tomorrow, and this price will continue until some manufacturers get orders for the new Tuvalu battery technology, and then drop again."

The price of 51 US dollars made all the participants exclaimed. These members are the oil ministers or officials of related departments of the member countries of this organization. It can be said that in these countries where oil is the only industry, the power of these people , tantamount to representing all member states.

Abbas continued: "So far, New Tuvalu does not have a factory capable of producing super-silicon batteries, but as expected, within a month, they will be able to acquire enough battery factories and then improve the production line. , and then began to supply super-silicon batteries. By then, the price of international crude oil will definitely fall below the $50 mark. If calculated according to this price, our losses in the next year will exceed 100 billion Dollar."

No one exclaimed, because the members who participated in this meeting had already calculated this number in their hearts.

But this does not mean that they don't care about the 100 billion US dollars, let alone them, even the United States, the world's largest economy, cannot ignore the 100 billion US dollars in losses.

The oil minister of the United Arab Emirates said: "I don't think there is any need to worry too much, because the development of electric vehicles and even the research on new energy have not stopped in the past few decades. Within a year, can it leave oil? Those cars that have been produced and sold, those airplanes and military weapons, which one of them can leave oil? Do you expect to install battery packs on airplanes? So I think this price fluctuation is It's normal and will recover soon."

The Saudi Oil Minister said: "That's right, and when it comes to oil, don't the United States and Russia, the big oil storage countries, don't need to worry about oil price fluctuations? We only account for 30% of the world's oil production. The remaining 70% should be more worried about this issue, I think they will find a way to restore the price."

Abbas sighed and said: "Don't forget, whether it is the United States, Russia, or other major oil-producing countries, their main source of economic income is not oil. But we only have oil."

This sentence made the other participants who had just started a fire of hope worry again, because they had nothing but oil.

The oil minister of the United Arab Emirates also said: "According to relevant reports, the oil reserves of other countries are only enough for them to exploit for 20 years, while our oil reserves can be exploited for 80 years. I believe that they will definitely keep oil as a strategic material. Some of them will not be mined for the time being. But we have nothing to do with it. After ten years, the whole world will use our oil. If we start to control the output now, the price will naturally rise.”

output control?

Abbas mercilessly hit: "Do you think we have the right to control output?"

The Iraqi representatives among the member states gloated instantly after hearing Abbas's words. Compared with other member states of this organization, they are currently the only country that cannot rely on oil to make a lot of profits.

And other member states, including Kuwait, Syria, and Qatar, are also indifferent, because their countries have been in war for years because of oil, and their people are in dire straits.

Saudi Arabia, as the country with the strongest military strength in this organization, naturally has a different confidence.

"If you are willing to unite, I don't think any country in this world dares to blatantly interfere in our domestic affairs."

What responded to him was the silence of the audience, including the United Arab Emirates, a world-renowned rich country.

Abbas put forward different opinions, saying: "If we join forces to acquire the battery technology of New Tuvalu, and even if it is not good enough to get an absolute controlling stake, then we can control this battery technology and transfer a large number of Production capacity is supplied to products such as digital equipment. Strictly control the supply of electric vehicles, then the price of crude oil will naturally rise back. Compared with the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars a year, I don’t think this battery Technology can make us pay so much. Moreover, we can even get new profit growth points through this battery technology.”

In fact, Abbas wants his own country to carry out the acquisition, but this kind of acquisition not only involves a lot of money, but even requires the use of power to suppress people. Although he is the chairman of this organization, in fact, He is only a rotating chairman, and his country does not have the corresponding strength.

The Saudi oil minister's eyes shine~ Compared with controlling oil output, this method is undoubtedly the most effective one.

"I agree with this plan."

The UAE's oil minister also agreed after analyzing the pros and cons in an instant.

The two member states with the strongest economic strength both agreed, how could other member states refuse?

As for how much money each of their member states will contribute and how many shares they each occupy, not many people care, because as long as this acquisition is completed, then other member states that have the right to speak will definitely do it for the benefit of their own country. According to the previous strategy, the output of battery packs to electric vehicles will be controlled. In this way, the price of crude oil will definitely return to the original high price. For them, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

After the approval of the whole audience, the acquisition cannot start immediately, because after all, they are the ministers of the oil ministries of various countries, or the relevant persons in charge. Although the power is huge, there are still people with more power than them.

For example, there are also kings in Saudi Arabia and the chiefs of the United Arab Emirates. (To be continued.)

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