King of Hollywood

Chapter 292 The so-called art

"I'm just telling stories," Adrian repeated again. "For me, when the audience walks into the movie theater after a long day of work, they can completely relax watching my story, and they will feel more comfortable for the characters in the story." Sadness, joy and excitement are the best rewards for me. Of course, if after the story is over, they can still have a little understanding of life and family, that would be perfect."

"It seems that you like optimistic movies rather than unbearable tragedies." DeGeneres made a look of sudden realization.

"No, no, Alan," Adrian laughed. He is indeed one of the best talk show hosts, and he is good at guiding topics in the direction he wants. "No matter what kind of movie, as long as there is a good A story that can resonate with the audience is a good movie. However, from a personal point of view, I hope that no matter how cruel and painful a tragic story is, it should leave a little light of hope at the end."

"Why?" DeGeneres was surprised.

"Because this is a movie." Adrian spread his hands.

"If I want to understand the cruelty of reality, there are a lot of documentaries and a lot of materials to watch. If I want to change these, I can donate and I can be volunteers, and the effects of these can be far greater than movies. "He continued quickly, "Never forget the first attribute of movies, never forget that only hope can lead people forward!"

Adrian sat up straight: "That's why I think European cinema is dead. Either their films have become just slices of life, they have forgotten the original purpose of the film. And more people make something full of Suffocating movies are just for fame, just to make yourself happy, and even challenge the bottom line of society. I saw a script a few years ago-here I want to apologize to the young screenwriter, although I don’t know Where is he now. I was a little too harsh."

"Ha, for you to apologize so solemnly, the script must be very good, and there must have been a... relatively strong conflict between you?" DeGeneres immediately asked with interest.

"It was a really good script, a story about drugs destroying families. A young lover and his friend have a deep drug addiction, and their mother has always had drug dependence in the eyes. They want to get rid of it. It all finds a new life, but no matter how hard they struggle, the mother ends up in a psychiatric hospital, the hero and his friend are imprisoned and amputated, and the heroine is reduced to selling her body for drugs. "Adrian briefly introduced. "If properly modified, this will definitely be an excellent movie, but the problem lies in two places. First, I ask for a little hope at the end anyway; second, when the hero and heroine are fighting for a new life, such as opening costumes shop or something, they always fail, and the reason for failure is... coincidence."

"Coincidence?" DeGeneres frowned, quickly getting the hang of him, "You mean. All the failures that lead to their failure to pull themselves together and start taking drugs again are due to coincidence rather than the drug itself? "

"That's it," Adrian nodded vigorously, "I didn't feel it at first, but later on, I found that there were more and more such coincidences, so, in this way, there is an obvious, very deliberate plot in the whole story." It shows the theme of going to ruin because of drug use."

"I guess the other side definitely didn't agree to the revision." DeGeneres laughed.

"Of course, I raised more than a dozen questions, and I was rejected without even consulting," Adrian shrugged. "He's very individual, isn't he? In fact, he's pretty good. Some European directors are completely self-centered and ask others. No matter what the problem is, it's not the fault of themselves but the world."

"I guess you're not talking about Lars von Trier." DeGeneres laughed badly.

"Of course not. I am friends with many European directors, such as Luc Besson, Giuseppe Tonadore, etc. I also respect Mr. Bertolucci, although I don't like his style." Adri An shrugged, "But for some directors, some directors who never give anything, never think about social responsibility..." At this point, he suddenly raised his hand, "I know what you want to say, Alan, let's give an example."

His eyes became deep: "Now, there is a script, there is a girl, she was unfortunately raped by her stepfather since she was a child, her mother was weak and unable to protect her, and after finally escaping from home, she wandered around. She has experienced Many hardships, I have done many things to cheer myself up, and I have met some good people, but fate has always played tricks on her, and the cold society has always closed the door to her. So, after selling her body cheaply, She finally lost the courage to live, and finally rushed to the oncoming truck on a wet and rainy night. Do you think that if I filmed it, it would become a huge response, an indictment of social indifference excellent film."

"There's no question about it," DeGeneres replied carefully, instinctively sensing something was wrong.

"Very well, now that this movie has been produced and released, it has also received great acclaim, and people have begun to reflect on this society," Adrian said with a strange smile on his lips, "And now, there is a girl, She was very unfortunate. Her cowardly mother failed to protect her. She was raped by her stepfather when she was very young. She endured it until she was 16 years old, and finally escaped from that family and wandered around in society. She met many bad people , and met a lot of good people, but always wandering on the fringes of society, no one cares, no one cares. Then, after hitting the wall again and again, on a wet and cold rainy night, she was desperate and didn't know what else she could do What, so she spent her last few dollars to see a movie, and one of her favorite directors just came out with an indictment of society, and the response was overwhelming."

He paused at this point. DeGeneres' face became a little ugly, and the people in the auditorium fell silent.

"What I want to know is what kind of behavior she will do after watching this movie." Adrian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looking cruel and mocking.

"No no no," DeGeneres shook his head. "This example is too extreme."

"With great power comes great responsibility," Adrian said without arguing with her. "In the eyes of many people, especially those who claim to be superior. This is just a line in a cartoon, but I Know that some things have to be done by someone. I'm hardworking, I have a lot of flaws, but I know what I can do, let them pursue their so-called art, I just want to help others as much as I can That’s fine, I’m ashamed and ashamed to be with these people! Even Michael Bay is much better than them.”

Say the word again. Suddenly, there was a different taste. Before DeGeneres could speak, the audience burst into applause.

"It seems that everyone is very supportive of you." In the end, she could only laugh like this.

"Thank you, I'm here. Finally, let me talk about my definition of art." Adrian smiled, and finally changed the subject, gestured to the backstage staff, and asked for a bottle of drinking water and a cup.

"This is life." He raised the glass and shook it, then opened the water bottle and poured it in. "This is accumulation."

Water quickly filled the glass.

"When people accumulate to a certain level..."

The glass was finally full, but the water overflowed and flowed down the side of the glass onto the table, making DeGeneres whimper.

"It will overflow," Adrian said calmly. "Most of the overflowing part is useless, at least the water in the cup is still drinkable."

He stopped pouring water, pointed to the drops of water on the table, and pointed to the liquid in the cup.

"And this one. You see, the edge protrudes because of the surface tension of the water," he said, lowering his head, his eyes level with the rim of the cup. It is art! It is noble, it is rare, it is elusive, it is shocking, and only by reaching out in time at the moment of inspiration, can you grasp the real sliver, the ultimate beauty! "

"So," DeGeneres said with a smile after a long time, "I know the shortcut to making a real art film, and that is to honestly tell a hundred stories with different styles."

Adrian laughed.

The talk show pretty much ended there, after which both sides of the Atlantic lost their voices on the subject again. The European side originally wanted to make a fuss about the phrase "ashamed and associating", but Adrian had already clarified the target of this sentence in the talk show, which made them feel like punching cotton.

But more importantly, what makes them unbearable is that they suddenly find that they are losing the right to speak in art. In the end, Adrian used pouring water as an example to explain art. If they explain it in words, they will definitely be willing to accept each other.

It doesn't matter if someone else is talking about this, but it's different if it's Adrian. Not to mention his headaches, just practicing this is enough for European filmmakers to have a headache. That last quip from DeGeneres pretty much says it all about him now, how many movies has he made in over a decade? What genres are these movies?

The perfect cooperation made the Europeans have to complain in their hearts, why would there be such a pervert in Hollywood? Even if someone publicly stated that the Marvel director’s view of art is too superficial, that the Marvel director is too arrogant, etc., it is meaningless. Adrian said at the beginning that I am a storyteller.

It is also because of this that although many people in the United States do not approve of Adrian's speech in the talk show, they still stand by him after aphasia. It is rare to have such an opportunity to step on the Europeans, how can we let it go? Moreover, his words are in line with the needs of the mainstream society, coupled with the momentum created by "The Pianist", many people with keen minds have vaguely guessed his thoughts.

"So what? Can they stop it? I've been preparing for this day for so long." Adrian, who was still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with the sun shining on his body, said nonchalantly to the phone.

That's right. Among other things, before 9/11, he let his own charitable funds be separated. Those who are the signs must pay attention to the transparency of the accounts to be able to cope with various inspections. After that, taking advantage of the Red Cross scandal on 9/11, he made his already well-known charitable fund more famous in one fell swoop. Further deepen the supervision, so now those charitable funds that can be placed in the sun are basically impeccable, so he can make a big splash in the salon.

As for the charitable plan to donate half or more of his net worth with Gates and Buffett, that was accidental. After Claude's wedding, he accompanied his uncle back to New York and stayed for three days. I just ran into these two again at a reception in New York. After chatting for a few words, Adrian thought that some things would happen sooner or later, so he brought up the topic here. Although he and Gates were only nodding acquaintances, he was still familiar with Buffett because of his uncle's relationship. , so a preliminary agreement was reached very smoothly.

Of course, this preliminary agreement is still somewhat rudimentary. Even though there was an exchange of ideas on the phone afterwards, it was still some way away from a formal draft. But this does not prevent Adrian from bluffing people and adding halo to himself in the salon. Anyway, he is definitely going to join it. The daughters don't need such a huge family property, and the remaining part is enough. If you want to start a business , There are so many connections but put there.

Besides, what a charity fund is, the rich are tacitly aware of it, even at the level of Gates, Buffett, and Adrian. As long as it does serve a partially charitable purpose.

"If you are too careless, it is easy to go wrong." Ivanka's faint voice came from the phone.

"I know... well, then I'll leave it to you and take care of them for me, Yi Ni." Adrian said kindly after thinking for a while.

"I knew it." Ivanka snorted softly, "Okay, but you must make the specific decision. I will send you the relevant information as soon as possible. In addition, how do you plan to reply to Miss Kournikova?" .”

"Did she call the office? I remember that ESPN's new magazine has promised to invite her to be on the cover and do an exclusive interview." Adrian was a little surprised.

"Yes, but she obviously hopes to get in touch with you more," Ivanka said, her tone changed here. "Frankly speaking, your tastes are getting weirder and weirder, Ed, what's the fun with that Slavic woman."

"She's a tennis player," Adrian laughed, and now Ivanka is the same as Charlize back then, she can say anything, "Let me think about it, secretaries, actors, singers, Directors, producers, hosts, gymnasts, it’s good to have a change of taste once in a while—of course, it’s just a change, please decline her for me.”

"You bastard." Ivanka immediately gnashed her teeth and pulled back the cable.

Adrian couldn't help but smile at her petty temper. It seems that another younger tennis beauty is about to move slowly. In fact, his goal was her at the beginning, but Anna Kournikova suffered an injury the year before. After quitting Wimbledon, I probably realized that my sports career was about to go downhill, so I worked hard to explore my commercial value for more than a year.

After ESPN released its own sports magazine, although it was still not comparable to "Sports Illustrated", with the support of the media and the influence of ESPN itself, it has established a considerable reputation, so Kournikova's agent also came to fight for the contract. up. At that time, Adrian came back from Cannes, so he beat around the bush and said that he wanted to chat with Miss Kournikova, and if he didn't play, it would expire.

The next thing is much simpler, even if she has a boyfriend, so what? For Kournikova, who had already set her mind on making as much money as possible, it was just a check. Of course, Adrian didn’t do anything very explicit, and he rarely showed it, and he hinted that he would keep it secret, so he got high-quality rewards from this tennis beauty, such as playing together on his own tennis court, and then hitting Turned into melee.

Now it seems that she is quite enjoying it, otherwise she would not have called to invite her. Well, of course, she may have other ideas, but unfortunately he has no further interest, and he does not know another younger tennis beauty. How, it would be more interesting if he could fight against the twin babies alone.

A playboy is a playboy after all, even when he is carrying out his most important project, he still can't forget to mess with women, and besides Kournikova, there is another one, the word lawyer must be added to his occupation list up.

"Hi, Ed, I heard your voice at the door, who's the phone number?" A warm body hugged him from behind, and his hands caressed down the chest muscles dishonestly until he between the legs.

"Josephine." Adrian took a deep breath and called out the woman's name.

"Who asked you to stand here without clothes?" A typical Nordic woman's face appeared in front of her eyes. Her straight blonde hair and blue eyes made her look sexy and beautiful. "You haven't answered yet, who is it for?" Telephone."

"My secretary—you should have seen—has done some work, are you satisfied?" Adrian blinked, then frowned, "Are you really going to continue? You're not afraid of me, huh? "

Josephine smiled and did not speak, but also teasingly licked the corners of her mouth, and the movements of her hands became more intense. Her name is Josephine Nordegrin, which is common enough to say the name alone, but it is different when it comes to her sister. Her twin sister is named Irene Nordegrin, and her sister's husband Well, called Tiger? Woods.

ps: I hate procrastination...

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