"I know what you want to ask, Jie, let's skip this question and go straight to the next one," Adrian said calmly with a smile, "How much do you believe in the authenticity of these reports?" Everyone here knows that, I just want to say that if those terms are raised separately, some of them have indeed been done."

"May I know which ones they are?" Renault asked immediately, taking the initiative back.

"What most American high school and college students have done." Adrian spread his hands and looked very sincere. "I don't deny these things. When I was young and full of rebellion, I was full of curiosity about everything that was banned. Naturally, they all want to try one by one. Frankly speaking, this is not something to brag about."

"It seems that Adrian has his own understanding of that period of life," Renault said with a chuckle. "It is true. Everyone has their moments of presumptuousness, and these are indeed not worth boasting about. Then let's go back to the formal issue. I believe many People can't wait to ask, how did you come to want to be a director."

"How...how should I say this?" Adrian scratched his head, and this kind gesture immediately made the eyes of many audiences brighten up, "I won't repeat some things, I believe you all know that I was because of... my parents There was a very chaotic period of time."

"Oh, of course, what a pity." Renault nodded sympathetically, "I believe they will be proud of you if they know."

"Thank you," Adrian smiled slightly, "In short, life is completely irregular, and sometimes it's like a walking dead. If Mrs. Galen hadn't been taking care of me, God knows how decadent I would be. Although she is a slightly fat , like chattering old women, but here I still want to say: Thank you! Thank you very much!"

There was a burst of applause at the scene, even Renault was applauding.

"Okay, let's turn the topic back," Adrian continued after waving his hands. "I don't know how I woke up at all. I think it might have something to do with my own initiative to fix the bedside lamp."

"Repair the bedside lamp?" Renault looked a little puzzled, and the appetite of the audience was whetted.

"Yeah, all I can remember is coming home drunk that night and trying to fix the bedside lamp because it didn't work - you know, people can't judge right when they're drunk - Anyway, I went to fiddle with the bedside lamp without any tools, and needless to say, I got electrocuted."

There were a few whispers from the audience, and Renault couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Are you serious?"

"Or do you think a drunk can fix the bedside lamp without any problems, Jay?" Adrian asked while looking at him.

"Okay, then..." Renault raised his hands, "What's next?"

"Nothing happened. I fell on the bed and didn't get up until dawn," Adrian showed a thoughtful look. "Then I thought I should do something. After thinking about it, I thought of making a movie."

"Wait a minute, you want to say that you came up with the idea of ​​making a movie because of an electric shock, isn't that true?" Renault looked at Adrian in disbelief and asked in surprise.

"You can understand it this way. I think it's incredible. When I woke up and was in a trance for a morning, I suddenly felt that I couldn't do this anymore and I should do something, so I did it." Adrian Spread your hands.

"Well, it's really... incredible, or do you want to tell us that when we want to change our lives but don't have the courage to change, fixing the bedside lamp can make us make up our minds?" Reynolds said half-jokingly and half-jokingly.

The audience suddenly burst into laughter.

"I didn't say that, I can't be sure that my change has something to do with it, maybe it did, maybe it was just a coincidence," Adrian shrugged, "But I really hope not, I don't want to be invited to the National Academy of Sciences after the show to cooperate do research."

The scene suddenly burst into laughter, how can we make a very absurd but real thing less believable? It's fine to tell it as a joke in front of others.

"Okay, let's move on to the next question," Renault gestured, "We all know that before Two Smoking Barrels, you didn't have any experience in making movies, so how did you make it? of?"

"Actually, I like reading books very much," Adrian showed a thoughtful expression. "To be precise, I like reading stories. I like to read them no matter whether they are scary, happy or sad. Whenever I finish reading a wonderful story, I have an indescribable feeling, like eating delicious food and hearing a beautiful melody."

"Like something resonated?" Raynor interjected.

"No, it shouldn't be like that. I think it might be better to use the word enjoyment." Adrian shook his head, "The most basic thing in a movie is to tell a story. I used to write some stories for fun, so I tried to I wrote a few scripts and sent them out, but they were actually bought by the film company. This gave me a lot of confidence and at the same time gave me the idea of ​​making my own movie, so I started thinking about myself while reading a book about directors. script."

"You mean, directing and producing while reading theoretical books?" Renault showed a surprised expression, not only him, but even the audience in the auditorium began to whisper.

"That's a bit of an exaggeration, like I said to Haggis, I've been fiddling with video cameras back in college, and I've filmed and made videos for frat parties, and if you go to the fraternity at Stanford I will investigate, and I should be able to see——if they still have collections." Adrian explained, "So, I still have some relevant experience, and it took a long time to study, and the subject matter is familiar to me ——My grandmother is British, and she also lived in London for a long time when she was a child. She saw the street vendors hawking and the way the police fled in a hurry. Yes, that’s right, it’s "Two Smoking Barrels" " at the beginning."

Having said that, Adrian paused, and turned his head to look at the camera: "Of course, I would also like to thank those who generously helped me. Without them, it would be impossible for me as a novice to complete my first film." Laverne , who was the general manager at the time, he helped to contact friends in the UK to provide convenience for the crew; Ted, because of financial constraints, he had to work as several assistants; Actors take my piss; and Dan, of course, I didn't expect an actor I picked up on the side of the road to end up doing so well! Thank you guys for your help!"

At the scene, warm applause rang out.

(Collection... ticket...)

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