Kill Monsters And Get Money

Chapter 165-War Wolf Armored Levitating Chariot

There are more than a dozen such tanks next to him, originally intended for the team members to use together.

But now, he can only go first!

The armored levitation vehicle of the Wolf Warriors is as large as two buses side by side, but the length ratio is very coordinated.

The appearance is imitated in the shape of a wolf, which is very domineering.


With a howl of a wolf, the armored levitation vehicle of the War Wolf drove forward, the huge iron door was opened, and the bright light from outside shined in.

At this time, a shadow appeared in the rearview mirror.

Su Sa hurriedly shouted with her hand ring: "My wife, don't go!"

But the voice from the other party was: "Do you want me to fight alongside you, or do I drive another car?"

Su Sa reluctantly opened the car door and shouted to her: "Wife, get in the car!"


With the howling of wolves, the tank has deployed the HT terminal defensive station.

The moment the big iron gate closed, they had no way out.

In the co-pilot of the armored levitation vehicle of the Wolf Warrior, Yan Chengxin dialed the program to watch the operating instructions.

Su Sa showed a look of worry, he frowned and said, "My wife, you shouldn't have come to take risks. Now there is no enlistment for you, you don't have to go to the battlefield at all."

Yan Chengxin did not answer her, and continued to look at the explanation.

The offensive weapons above are extremely powerful, and they are all made by the top designers of Black Tortoise.

Every attack cannon is very valuable, and there are actually ten attack methods on it.

The gunfire can be added automatically, and the compressed nano technology, each assault gun can load up to ten tons of ammunition!

With so many ammunition installed, it is not a problem even if it is a continuous attack day and night.

Its cost...

Yan Chengxin looked at Su Sa suspiciously, thinking, how did this guy get his money, and what secrets does he have?

If all the firepower attacks of his War Wolf armored levitation tank were fully revealed, the consequences would be disastrous.

"My wife, I'm going to fly straight!"

After that, he drove the War Wolf armored levitation tank straight up and rushed upwards!

The hole in the protective circle that was shattered can already be paralleled by two such armored levitation tanks of the Wolf Warriors.

Time does not wait for me!


At 20,000 meters away from the space station, what appeared in front of us was the upgraded eight-headed giant snake, which was upgraded again!

The space station broadcast: "Wing Practitioners, please know that the upgraded eight-mao pythons wrap up objects from outer space and time, and infinitely differentiate trace sub-elements.

The military of the United Nations Spreading Wings Corps has dispatched warships to support it.

Now there have been similar alien beasts in various parts of South America, quantum division, and trace sub-elements have been strengthened.

The strength deployment has moved from the Green Wing Martial Ancestor level, the breakthrough lower limit, and the Green Wing Martial Venerate has begun.

The height limit has been prescribed and it is in peaceful mode.


At this time Su Sa's cell phone rang, and Yan Chengxin used it to connect him.

"Team Su, Little Sister and I have been dispatched. If we encounter unexpected events, I am afraid we will not be able to complete the three-year contract."

"What silly thing to say!"

Su Sa scolded: "The 20000-meter space station, contact me with your bracelet after you come up. I'm already here!"

"What! Team Su, you..."

"There is no time, we are fighting... remember to save your lives for everything!"

At this time, the upgraded Ba Mao python flicked its tail, and Su Sa made a sharp turn and sent a cannon to its head.

But the upgraded eight-mao python's defensive shock wave counter-attacked, and the Jiarong cannon was shattered and exploded on the spot.


A large hole was blown out of the space station base.

Wing Practitioners busy attacking invasive species were injured by the violent shock wave.

Space Station Broadcast: [Sharply]

"It was named Sirius Battleship 001. Please pay attention to your attack methods. The upgraded Ba Mao Python has evolved and is constantly condensing wisdom.

Only sneak attacks, not frontal attacks!

Please note that the upgraded Ba Mao Python is already trying to decipher my Chinese language.

This broadcast station will soon use random city language to broadcast, please change the voice conversion function in time.


Too reckless, lack of battleship attack experience!

Su Sa learned from the pain, he decided to stay behind.

After a sharp turn, Yan Chengxin's body shook suddenly and hit Su Sa's shoulder.

Another is a sharp turn, avoiding a blow from the upgraded Ba Mao Python.

This damn upgraded eight-mao python!

The green and yellow wings of the space station are constantly attacking it, the equipment is limited, and the power of the warship has become weaker and weaker.

It’s time for you to taste the power of the War Wolf armored levitation tank!

"My wife, I found the angle and attacked its blind spot. You shot a sniper cannon in time!"


Yan Chengxin is already familiar with all the procedures, aiming, debugging, and locking!

In the face of heavy firepower, the upgraded eight-mao python separated more false snake heads, which was equivalent to countless more clones.

That is, with a certain number of clones, although the attack range is wide, the strength is reduced a lot.

It was to take advantage of this that Su Sa found the right time to strike a snake and fight seven inches.

Visual blind zone, its fatal point is under firepower attack, turning head can't block it, and flicking tail can't hit the opponent.

"It's now!"

"Wife, launch!"


With a loud noise, the strongest sniper artillery of the Warwolf armored levitation tank hit its main body.

A huge hole was blasted, and blood was vented like a flood.

The upgraded Ba Mao Python was furious, hitting most of its energy, and attacking Su Sa's chariot.

Yan Chengxin constantly used other firepower to attack it.

When its avatar had no time to take care of the subject, many winged practitioners found the right time to bombard it.

But Su Sa and Yan Chengxin were in danger of being attacked from all sides.

The two looked at each other, Yan Chengxin's eyes were very firm.

Su Sa shook his heart, stepped on the accelerator, rushed forward for 1 second and then suddenly rushed into the sky, rotating 720 degrees.

Numerous laser munitions were ejected from the rear of the car.


The three heads hit by the upgraded eight-mao python were shattered, and a mushroom cloud rose in the sky.



A tail-flick shot with the equivalent of 10 tons of gravity was directed at the armored levitation vehicle of the Wolf Warriors.

Numerous warning signs appeared in the car.

Su Sa concentrated his energy at this time, didn't panic, and once again came to a spinning speed car to dodge the attack instantly.

At this time, the upgraded eight-mao python's slack to other people became its Achilles heel, and its other five heads were shattered at the same time.

The blood mist sprayed out all over the sky.

The yellow, green and blue wings Practitioner delivered a fatal blow to it.

The remaining head was also shattered.

In the end, the whole body of the upgraded eight-mao python was blasted into debris.

This battle was a complete victory.

The armored levitation vehicle of the Wolf Warrior quickly disappeared from people’s sight. The 20,000-meter space station was saved, but other space battles continued.

The United Nations Wings Corps sent a signal for help, and the yellow and green wings Practitioners were called up.

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