Kendo True Explanation

Chapter 60 Cooperation I

The wind whizzed past his ears, and the green and brown leaves and grass under his feet quickly retreated. The extremely cool feeling in the forest permeated all the heat in Lin Fei's body little by little.

As the distance to the predetermined red dot got closer, Lin Fei stopped again and took out his mobile phone to check, but still found that there was no signal on it. There is no way to even switch the machine on and off, obviously it is controlled by the main control terminal above.

"In other words, they can know my whereabouts at any time. It really is a cannon fodder mission. No wonder the death rate is so high." Lin Fei secretly calculated his future situation.

He walked to the grass under a big tree, squatted down, and completely concealed himself. Then he took out his bear claw and carved a directional arrow on the trunk. Make a note of where you came from. Along the way, he chose several big trees like this as markers. Just when he was about to get up and continue on his way. Suddenly, soft voices came faintly from my ear. The tone is very strange. It seems to be Korean.

"...check this side....coming...."


The voice looms with the wind. However, a clear sound of footsteps moving the grass could be heard.

Lin Fei squatted in the grass, recalling the mission requirements mentioned on the plane: as long as they are not members of the team, all other obstacles can be eliminated.

"That is to say, from now on, every Korean I meet can be killed directly."

But at this moment, an inexplicable throbbing suddenly surged in Lin Fei's heart. As if something was about to gushe out of his chest, the strong heartbeat was like a drum of cowhide, hitting Lin Fei's chest repeatedly.

"This is...?" He clutched his chest tightly. The spirit suddenly and unconsciously entered the book of the true explanation of kendo.

At this time, he finally saw the back of this mysterious cheat book. In the middle of the back, there is a diamond-shaped groove. It seems to be used to put something.

At the same time, a flow of information naturally flowed into his brain.

"The core of true power is inlaid on the back, which is needed for the practitioners in the next two stages of cultivation. If the seed of true power is destroyed, it can also absorb the true power from the core of true power to form a small cycle and re-condense." Finally, there is another one. Note, it seems to be left by an unnamed strong man.

"The true solution of the way of the sword hurts the peace of heaven, so I take away the core and lose everything."

The spurt in Lin Fei's chest disappeared instantly at this moment, but an inexplicable connection seemed to be linked to him from afar. He had a strange feeling that the other end of his connection must be the core of the true strength that was missing from the true understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

"Is this the complete true solution to the way of the sword?" Lin Fei's eyes flashed with ecstasy. All the while, his progress slowed down and even started to stagnate. It is because of the lack of true power seeds. But I didn't expect that there was still a missing part in the true understanding of the way of the sword. And now that part has fallen too.

"Which direction?" Lin Fei followed the feeling of the link and looked there. It turned out to be the voice of a Korean speaking just now.

"This is troublesome. I'm only D-level now. It's okay if I have a pair of small pistols. If I encounter hot weapons such as submachine guns and machine guns, I will definitely not be able to resist them. But in this day and age, I have never heard of South Korea and which There is a military dispute in the country. Regular troops should not be dispatched, so we can only encounter special forces, most likely in brigades."

As the footsteps got closer, Lin Fei hid in the grass and tensed up, ready to rush out at any time.

Unexpectedly, when the grass was pulled away, four or five men and women dressed like ordinary people appeared. These people wore all kinds of clothes, and all of them looked pale and tense, even if it was Lin Fei. In this way, people who are new to the battlefield can also see that they are standard rookies.

"What should we do now? Caiyuan." The man walking in the front spoke in Chinese. While turning around, he asked a woman in the middle of the team.

Lin Fei's eyes immediately fell on the woman.

Not tall or short, she is of medium height, her shoulder-length hair is neatly tied behind her head, her skin is fair and delicate, her face is beautiful, she looks like a standard Korean beauty, but her eyes are sharp and calm of gloss.

"According to the information we have received, the combatants of both sides will enter this area a little later after this. We speed up and trot ahead of time, and should have left most of the enemies and other teams behind. Now what we have to do is, Quickly get everything ready," the woman called Caiyuan signaled a man behind her to put down the backpack on her back, and then rummaged through it. He took out a handful of black things that looked like sand. …

"Li Yinghao, go and sprinkle these sensors on all the areas around here."

"Okay, Miss Caiyuan." A man with short hair in his team nodded. He took the black sand that the woman handed over.

No matter how stupid Lin Fei is at this time, he should know that once these sensors are put down and activated, he will never be able to hide. He decided to do it. Although I don't know the equipment of this group of people, there is another important reason. This Korean woman named Caiyuan is the source of the link on the true explanation of the sword.

As long as you have the core of true strength, you can form the seeds of true strength. Judging from the current situation, only with true strength can you continue to practice the exercises after practice. Without true strength, it is only the first two pictures on the first floor of the first realm Figure, there is no capital against the future. And if the cool breath you got last time is real power, then the effect on strengthening and transforming your body is also very strong. It can also increase strength in a short period of time.

All these reasons made it impossible for Lin Fei to let the group of Koreans go.

In the grass, Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and gently supported the long sword ring with his right hand.

"Hiss." The ring slowly revealed a silver gap.

"Chi!" A silver arc flashed in the air in an instant.

Lin Fei rushed out in an instant, stepping on the tree trunk beside him for strength. He volleyed towards the two people at the front of the line.

The man at the front of the line just had time to reach into his arms, as if he wanted to reach out for a weapon. The silver arc cut through his throat immediately. Only one red line remains.

The arc suddenly flashed again, and two people in the team let out a soft cry, clutching their throats and slowly fell down.

Lin Fei borrowed strength from the tree trunk again, and rushed through the entire team in an instant like an arrow, and the last male team member fell to the ground slowly.

He jumped up and landed on a big rock.

"Xin Xin Lianhuan." He pointed at the long sword flatly.

Countless silver arcs swirled and floated out at high speed. In an instant, it seemed that the whole world was covered with silver. Suddenly, there were two screams in the surrounding woods. Then there was the sound of two bodies falling to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the woman was able to keep as calm as possible, standing still, looking up at Lin Fei who was standing on the rock.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Lin Fei looked at the woman with interest.

"Why are you afraid of you?" The woman replied fluently in Chinese. "Human life is as fragile as sand. It can be crushed easily."

Lin Fei was startled suddenly. Look carefully into each other's eyes. There was no fear or hesitation in it. His own figure was clearly reflected in the black eyes.


"You and I are the same kind of people. Cooperation." The woman said calmly.

"Cooperation? What qualifications do you have to cooperate with me?" Lin Fei gently closed the long sword. "Before that, throw out everything on you."

"Okay." The woman cooperated unexpectedly and immediately began to undress. Everything on the body, mobile phone, a black box, a silver necklace, and poisonous needles like earrings. A lipstick, two pocket knives, and a small black pistol. Throw them all on the grass in front of you.

"What's in the black box?" Lin Fei didn't even look at the opponent's body, his eyes drooped slightly and landed on the black box on the ground.

"A diamond-shaped crystal. One of the cultural relics escorted this time." The woman replied calmly.

Lin Fei's heart skipped a beat.

"Open it."

The woman seemed a little puzzled, but she still squatted down and opened the box gently facing Lin Fei.

Suddenly, a transparent diamond-shaped crystal the size of an egg appeared in front of Lin Fei.

"That's it!!" Lin Fei felt countless heat surges in his chest. It seemed as if it would burst out of my chest the next moment.

"Throw the crystal over here." He said in a low voice.

"No problem." The woman calmly took the crystal out of the box and was about to throw it at Lin Fei.

Suddenly she rolled over and picked up the pistol at her feet, aiming at Lin Fei twice.

"Buzz!" A blue totem appeared instantly.

In an instant, Lin Fei turned into a shadow and slammed into the woman's body.


The two of them leaned against the tree trunk, and the fine leaves slowly fell. Two bullets fell into the grass with a clatter.

"Ahem..." A mouthful of blood was coughed out from the woman's mouth.

Lin Fei retracted her right elbow on her lower abdomen, and took two steps back.

The woman slowly slid to the ground against the tree trunk.

"Now let's talk about how to cooperate." Lin Fei said calmly while pinching the colorless crystal lightly.


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