Zhang Nan was a little worried at first. She was afraid that Qin Ye would cause both of them to fall down due to lack of physical strength, so she was cautious along the way, holding on to a tree and pulling on a grass for fear that Qin Ye would After accidentally knocking him down, Qin Ye also felt the movement of the wardrobe behind him, and couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, telling Zhang Nan that there was nothing wrong with him.

After what Zhang Nanjiao said to Qin Ye, she let go of the grass she was holding and chose to believe Qin Ye. But what she didn't expect was that Qin Ye was more stable than she imagined, and there was no problem at all along the way. But Qin Ye has to focus on the road ahead.

Therefore, they could no longer look around for the herbs, and this task was assigned to Zhang Nan. Zhang Nan kept looking around to see if there were any herbs they needed.

"Are you sure you won't leave me here? After walking for so long, I would be tired if I walked alone, and you are still forcing me. If it doesn't work, just tell me that it will be okay if I come down and walk by myself."Zhang Nan is still a little worried about Qin Ye, but Qin Ye shook his head. Zhang Nan glanced at Qin Ye and found that Qin Ye didn't even choose to believe Qin Ye with a drop of sweat. Forget it, since Qin Ye has nothing. Question, why does he care so much?

"See if that grass is what the teacher asked us to need. Go over and get that grass quickly."As soon as Zhang Nan finished speaking, Qin Ye walked towards the direction pointed by Zhang Nan. After Zhang Nanjiao stretched out his hand to uproot the grass, the two of them cooperated with each other and walked up. They also collected many herbs. In addition to completing the tasks assigned to them by the teacher, they also collected many other needed herbs.

"Weren't you worried just now that I would throw you down? Why are you still humming on my back now? I'm not afraid when I sing. Will you fall when you are wandering around?" Qin Ye felt Zhang Nan dangling behind him and couldn't help but frowned. When Zhang Nan heard what Qin Ye said, he smiled slightly. He didn't think so. He saw Qin Ye one day. It was so easy. If he had been lying down outside Qin Ye, he would feel uncomfortable. It was better to hum a song and then move casually. How comfortable would it be to move? After a while, Qin Ye and Zhang Nan reached the top of the mountain..

But what they didn't expect was that when they walked up, there was another person silently observing behind them. They were the teachers. In fact, the teacher arranged this mission and arranged the two of them to the same place. The group has his own ideas, because he believes that if two people are together, they will definitely cooperate, which is very good. He also knows that although the two people have been competing every day, there is no coordination at all. So the teacher in order to cooperate with the two of them He personally arranged this mission. He asked the two of them to climb this very steep mountain because he knew that Democracy had never climbed a mountain before. There would definitely be some problems this time. Qin Ye just happened to be able to support Zhang With Nan's help, the two of them will definitely increase their coordination along the way, and then one of his wishes will be fulfilled.

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