I was actually looked down upon by Sonoda Mari. I could only blame the guy in front of me for being unlucky. It would be impossible to end today without some bloodshed.

"I really don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is."

Qian Qiao sneered, boxing champion? He's just from a university, so what if he's from the whole country? Can he survive one round in the hands of Qin Ye?

"That boy over there, when I knock him down, it's your turn."

Cao Jiaren stretched out his hand and pointed at Gan Qiao.

Gan Qiao gave a thumbs up, with a mocking look on his face and a slight movement of his lips.

Cao Jia Yaren's face was gloomy. He understood what Gan Qiao wanted to say.

"I hope you won’t cry and call mom for a while"

"Let's go."

Cao Jiaren said to Qin Ye.

Qin Ye still had a smile on his face and motioned for the former to lead the way. Cao Jiaren was a famous figure in the university. He heard that he was going to have a boxing fight with a boy who didn't know where he came from. The news spread to ten, ten Word spread, and soon everyone on campus knew about it.

Some people who liked to join in the fun hurriedly went to the boxing gym and occupied the viewing seats. As soon as Qin Ye entered the boxing gym, he saw hundreds of people sitting neatly in the stands. On the street, what's more, even took a banner

"Caojiaya people, our people!"


Qin Ye almost died laughing at this ridiculous slogan. This was probably sent by the Caojiaya people. He wanted to make himself laugh to death, and then let him win without a fight. People's hearts are sinister. People's hearts are sinister.

The Caojiaya people also froze. , but the other party is here to support him anyway, so he can’t say much.

"Did you see that? That's Soka-senpai's opponent. He's really ungrateful. Soka-senpai has been the boxing champion for two consecutive years."

"That is, this kind of person is like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He looks very young. He must have just entered college and wants to gain fame and attention. I have seen many people like this."

"Guess how many rounds he can survive?"



"Okay, let's start the bet. Anyone who loses, please have a meal."

"I bet that Qin Ye will win in one round."

Several students raised their heads and looked at the man who made the noise. Isn't this the man who wants to fight against Senior Soka? When did he come to the stands and make bets with himself and others?! I've seen him shameless. I have never seen such a shameless person

"How about, do you dare to open a betting market? You are the banker, and all students can place bets. You decide the payout ratio."

Qin Ye swayed his body and said with a smile.

"You wouldn’t dare, would you?"

Everyone is in their green years, in their youth, and their blood is surging. How can anyone say that they dare not? With a wave of his hand, a bet was established under Qin Ye's urging. The person who placed the bet was extremely Even though the money is not much, it’s all about having fun, right?

The one who wins by beating Cao Yaya will pay 1.3 points, and the one who wins by beating Qin Ye will pay 9.9 points.

"I beat 50,000, Qin Ye won"

"I pressed 20,000, Qin Ye won"

"If I press 10,000, Qin Ye will win."

"I press a gold ingot! Qin Ye wins!"

Familiar voices sounded.

Qin Ye looked at a few people and asked softly

"Why are you here? Didn't Haitang have a performance?"

"It's over. Master, just start the show. You don't have to stay long. As soon as we arrived, we heard about this fun thing, so we came to cheer for you, boss."

Naoya Kaidou smiled and waved.

"Come on, master!"

The wind beast waved his paws, carrying a gold ingot, and placed it on the temporarily constructed gambling table.

Even if Kaidou Naoya and others placed bets like this, the scene was still one-sided. Qin Ye's The odds are still as high as 9.8

"You came to see a show and you won money by the way?"

Qin Ye said quite funny.

"If you don’t make money, you won’t make it in vain?"

Kiba Yuji, who has always been serious, made a rare joke, which made everyone laugh.

Several students at the opening had bitter expressions, and everyone bought Cao Gaya to win. I don't know how much money it will cost, but now there are a few A blind guy buys Qin Ye Sheng, so they can lose less.

"Qin Ye, come on?"

Cao Jiaren stood on the ring, clashed his fists, jumped left and right, made some punches and kicks, and hooked Qin Ye.

Qin Ye ignored Cao Jiaren, turned his head, and said to Lan Ye

"How many punches would be better to knock him down?"

"Three punches, right? Don't make it too embarrassing for him to lose. After all, there are so many little girls who like him, so he should save some face."

Lan Ye thought for a while and sincerely gave a suggestion.

"I think one punch will suffice. Such an arrogant guy should be shown why the flowers are so red."

Gian Qiao said fiercely. As soon as he saw the Caojiaya people, Gan Qiao had a natural feeling of displeasure. Maybe he and he were destined to conflict.

"Master, even if you punch me casually, he won't be able to bear it, right?"

Wind Beast stood on Kiba Yuji's shoulder and said casually.

Wind Beast has noticed that among these people, only Kiba Yuji has no idea of ​​eating it. Except for Qin Ye, he still prefers to stand on Kiba On Yongji's shoulders.

Qin Ye waved his hand casually, slowly walked down the stand, and then walked onto the ring. All the students watching were indignant.

"Arrogant, so arrogant, so careless, what do you think you are, a world boxing champion? WWE gold belt?"

There were strong boos in the field. Qin Ye listened carefully and enjoyed it. The boos of the weak are the praise of the strong.

"Qin Ye, I hope you can be stronger. I don't want this duel to end so soon."

Cao Jiaren twisted his neck, his body beat regularly, mastering his own rhythm.

"OK, I'll try my best."

Qin Ye said sincerely

"Now I know that being modest is of no use, because I decided to teach you a lesson."

Cao Jiaren raised his right hand to indicate that he was ready.

At this time, a referee came up. He was a professional referee for university boxing matches. The referee looked at Qin Ye, and Qin Ye followed suit and raised his right hand.

The referee glanced at Qin Ye. He was not wearing protective gear or gloves. Is this a boxer?

"Go down and put on your equipment"

"Referee, no need, I’ll just play like this."

Qin Ye said casually

"This makes it impossible to have a fair duel."

The referee's attitude was very firm.

"What a waste of time."

Qin Ye shook his head, but the referee remained unyielding. Qin Ye had no choice but to put on his protective gear. Looking at Caojiaya who was eager to try, he felt a little irritated in his heart. There are so many bells and whistles. I really thought I was here to accompany you. What about playing house?

"Players from both sides prepare."

The referee raised his right hand high and dropped it heavily.


This boxing match, which attracted everyone to watch, finally started.

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