Chapter 24

Bai Ming and his party left the Vatican quietly.

However, the Vatican is a country within a country after all, so they are still concerned about the territory of Italy.

In a fast food restaurant.

Bai Ming and Asia were the only two people in the huge store.

After all, the next destination is Kuoh Town.

For them in southern Europe, the straight-line distance is close to 10,000 kilometers.

Even if he could fly there, Linali and Asia couldn't bear it.

As for the teleportation array.

According to Linali, that kind of advanced magic circle needs to be properly inscribed in two places before it can be used. Moreover, she is only an intermediate fallen angel and does not have the ability to compile teleportation arrays at all.

In desperation, Linali was arranged by him to contact the local stray exorcist.

The so-called stray exorcists are exorcists who voluntarily break away from the exorcist team managed by the church.

Generally speaking, they are people with troubled morals and personalities.

Now that they have the power, they begin to act arbitrarily and do not want to be bound by the church.

However, because the equipment used by exorcists relies on the power of holy light, they work in cahoots with fallen angels.

Although there are not many demons in the area that the church is responsible for, there are a lot of stray exorcists.

They are just scattered among the crowd and difficult to identify.

Just as exorcists are the hounds of the Church and the angels on earth, so the stray exorcists are the minions of the fallen angels on earth.

It shouldn’t be difficult to buy a few tickets to the island country.

After coming back to his senses, Bai Ming looked at Asia sitting in front of him.

Blonde hair, a girl, soft and white skin, and carefully carved facial features like a porcelain doll. From an image perspective, Asia's appearance is indeed outstanding.

Although her cheeks are green, it can be seen that she is a perfect beauty.

And at this time she.

After waking up after a bumpy journey, he immediately asked Bai Ming about the demon.

And Bai Ming also made up a lie, saying that it was the devil who, after being rescued by Asia, made up his mind to change his past, turn a new leaf, and report to God.

Asia didn't doubt that he was there either.

After all, when she was getting along with that demon, she did not see any evil thoughts in his eyes.

"May the Lord bless him, amen."

The girl made the sign of the cross in front of the moon.

At this time, Bai Ming heard a sound like a puppy wailing.

The source of the sound was Asia's lower abdomen.

Noticing this situation, her emerald eyes were embarrassed. He drooped down, his cheeks as red as a ripe apple.

After all, he hadn't had a bite of food before he was expelled from the church, and coupled with the wanderings along the way, he was naturally very hungry after he finally settled down.

"Just order whatever you want to eat."

Bai Ming pointed to the menu above.

He doesn't have much interest in fast food.

It's not because it tastes bad, but because he was tired of it in his previous life.

"Yes, it is. Asia looked at the menu curiously, and the slightly twinkling look in her eyes clearly showed the girl's expectation.

However, the dazzling array of dishes seemed to make some people confused about how to choose. Bai Ming had no choice but to call the waiter and order a set meal for two people.

Soon , a set meal with a deep-fried aroma was brought to the table.

However, Asia kept staring at the burger, with no intention of starting it.

"Didn’t you eat these when you were in church?"

Bai Ming asked

"without...I haven't eaten it before. I usually only eat some bread, vegetable soup, and fruit. I have only seen outside food on TV but never eaten it once. Asia said with a rosy face.

Her little feet were fidgeting uneasily in the audience, very embarrassed.

"That is really not very free. As a European, I have never even eaten this kind of fast food."

Bai Ming sighed at the simple daily life in Asia.

French fries, burgers, and chicken rolls are common foods for Europeans and Americans.

Moreover, Italy is just outside the Vatican, and it is not a food desert like England.


Asia was noncommittal.

After all, she has never eaten these things in the past ten years, and she has never seen anyone else in the church eat them.

"You can eat it directly after untying the outer layer of oil paper."

"Okay, okay."

Asia followed suit, then took a bite of the burger, and her eyes instantly lit up.

"good...Delicious! It turns out that fast food is so delicious! So touching! too delicious!"

Asia said, she chewed faster, looking like a hamster.

"If you eat too much, it won't taste good."

Bai Ming showed a faint smile.

Asia was the one who wanted to follow him after all, and Bai Ming did not refuse to be nice to her.

At this moment, the door of the store opened from the outside, and Linali walked in in a hurry.

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