Chapter 91

Ultra Electromagnetic Cannon: “Star Eye? You say it’s the bee-eater praying for that ru cow? ”

Bai Chen: “That’s her.” ”

Ultra Electromagnetic Cannon: “She said a few words to me, but I don’t think I can get along with her, so I don’t pay much attention.” ”

Bai Chen: “There is no harm in having one more friend, and psychological mastery will also be of great help to you in the future.” ”

Super Electromagnetic Cannon: “Well, since you said so, I can try to make friends with her, and as for the result, I will resign myself to fate.” ”

Ultra Electromagnetic Cannon: “There’s one more problem. ”

Ultra Electromagnetic Cannon: “You said before that Aresta was able to monitor the entire Gakuen City, are you sure I won’t be discovered by him?” ”

Bai Chen: “It’s going to be all right, believe me.” ”

Ultra Electromagnetic Cannon: “Hmm. ”

After saying this, Misaka Mikoto, who had fled the library, collapsed in a chair.

The girl had her head back and her neck resting on the back of the chair.

Soft sunlight penetrates the shadows of the trees, leaving dappled spots of light.

She had never felt that the sun in Gakuen City could be so harsh.

Hold your forehead with your hand and leave a shadow in front of your eyes.

“It turns out that my super power is magic…”

The result was laughable, but she couldn’t refute it.

She is a person who does not trust others easily.

However, for Bai Chen, her feelings were very complicated.

Every time he teased himself in the group, and gave her a trumpet of children’s underwear, at that time, he really wanted to immediately turn Bai Chen into a twitching earthworm.


She knew that Bai Chen’s words were said to her.

Thinking of this, Misaka Mikoto did not know what she thought, and opened the chat group again.

Then click on Bai Chen’s private chat dialog.

She would have liked to hit “Thank you!” These few words, however, feel inappropriate.

After thinking about it, make up your mind.

Ultra Electromagnetic Cannon: “Thank you. ”

After the haircut, Misaka Mikoto’s face fluttered with two red halos.

Then, in the seventh school district, she immediately jumped out of her chair.


She raised her small fist and secretly cheered herself up.

“Be sure to find magic items as soon as possible, and then sell them to the chat group to make the lottery stronger!”

Bai Chen was right.

Only power can win the right to speak.

In the past, I was too sitting on the well and watching the sky, but it was too simple to be complacent.

But there is no rush.

Bai Chen also said that she didn’t have to worry about the pressure of the Demon God or Aresta now.

After all, the gap is too big to resist.

If that’s the case, set a small goal.

Striving to become the second Gakuen City, and… Replace one side pass and become the first!

“There’s a lot of energy!”

After finishing her breath, Misaka patted her hard chest and strode toward the outskirts.

The seventh school district is full of schools and shopping malls, so if you want to get magic items, you can try your luck at the churches of other school districts.

Although Gakuen City is a science city, there is no shortage of believers here.

At this time, it was in another part of Gakuen City.

It is also a seventh school district, a windowless building.

The location of Chairman Aresta.

A figure with hair hanging upside down in a culture tank is watching the images transmitted by the stagnant loop.

The protagonist of the video is none other than Misaka Mikoto.

As Bai Chen said, every corner of Gakuen City was closely monitored by Aresta.

In addition, in the huge space, there are several screens playing all the information related to Misaka Mikoto.

If the girl was here, even if Bai Chen told her that she was being watched, she would definitely be shocked.

Because the pictures played on those screens, in addition to her avatar, also included all the information of her daily life.

Needless to say, the physical data is not much to say, even after the search upwards, the information destroyed by Misaka Mikoto’s hacking into the server, the daily hitchhiking activity trajectory, as well as hobbies, personality, breathing, blood, organ data, and so on.

As the third place in Gakuen City, Aresta also tilts more resources slightly.

The anomaly he couldn’t understand happened months ago.

Misaka Mikoto is a child and does not know how to hide herself.

Usually, when chatting, I always make strange moves.

Aresta uses recent data to make a detailed comparison with the past and then draws possible conclusions.

“There is reason to believe that the third is in communication with some kind of being different from any known life.”

“Ninety percent of them may be unknown, nine percent of them may be demons, and one percent of them may be Misaka’s spirit has symptoms such as paranoia and schizophrenia.”

“I think it could be psychosis.”

Aresta craned upside down in the cabin and heard voices coming from behind.

The tone was slightly sharp, as if he was laughing.

“The third one has lived in Gakuen City since he was a child, and there is no reason why the demon god intervened, oh… Maybe the Gakuen City you are proud of really can’t find the trajectory of the Demon God. ”

In the face of this explicit mockery, Aresta did not care.

“So I don’t fully trust the data given by the system, so I will continue to allocate resources to the third place to verify that the 90% probability is accurate.”

“Be careful.”

A voice came from behind again.

“But what if it’s true? In this world, there is some kind of unknown existence beyond the demon god? ”


Aresta did not answer.

“The main axis of the plan will not change for the time being, and for the test of the third place, it will not affect the progress of any plan, which is just a small error.”


The other side.

Bai Chen saw the message from Misaka Mikoto and couldn’t help but smile.

Pride is pride, and it will never change.

However, he didn’t tell much about Gakuen City.

For example, the “Misaka Sister” incident.

This happened when Misaka was very young.

When she was young, her physical fitness was quite weak due to her muscular dystrophy.

Then, in order to treat the disease, he entered a research institute for treatment and provided a DNA map.

In order to be able to replicate Misaka Mikoto, which has lv5 super powers, Gakuen City has produced a large number of Misaka Mikoto replicas.

However, since none of the replicants produced were weaker than lv3, the replicant program for military use was suspended, and those replicants were also harmlessly disposed of.

Then there is the “Evolutionary Plan for the Absolutely Able.”

Bai Chen felt that it was still too early to tell the truth to the gun sister at this stage.

Now Misaka needs to grow, instead of telling her all at once, let her discover it herself.

In this way, the gun sister will mature.

“Alas, where under the heavens is there such a loving demon king as me?”

Bai Chen sighed, and after a while in the group of water, he went offline.

In the evening, Estes released a private commission to him.

There are very few points, but Bai Chen is still happy to run.

After all, he and Esther were in the midst of a dry firewood.


Thanks to the tip of the world, the boss is in good health and the family is happy.

Also live in the majority of book friends Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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