Journey To the World of Film and Television

Chapter 74 Accompany me to a place

'How to use this thing.'

Si Teng followed Zhou Ji's example and disassembled the mobile phone. When she was on the street, she also saw such an item in almost everyone's hands, but seeing Zhou Ji tapping and scratching the screen with his fingernails, she couldn't help but lick her lips. She swallowed the words next to her, and she figured it out.

The guy in front of him has no better understanding of this era than she does.

"Use your fingertips." Si Teng gave a disgusted tsk~, and moved the icons on the screen with his fingers like other girls. He even learned how to turn on the camera and take pictures without a teacher, and looked up at Zhou Ji with a click. I took a picture of her stupid image.

Zhou Ji, who was shaken by the flash, looked at Si Teng suspiciously. Si Teng put away his mobile phone and stuffed it into his bag as if ignoring it. He looked at Zhou Ji coldly, as if asking Zhou Ji why he was looking at her.

There is no plug-in card and no traffic, Zhou Ji studied for a long time before he understood the function of wlan, and finally logged on to the 2020 network with the WIFI of the drink shop.

the first thing! First search the movies in recent years, and found the "One Man's Martial Arts" that Fan Xian once said, and quickly browsed it in multiples. It was an hour and a half of the movie. Zhou Ji sat there motionless, only Si Teng, who secretly observed him, could It was found that the complicated look flickering in his eyes could not be calmed down for a long time.

Confirming what he already knew in his heart, Zhou Ji was not depressed for too long, sighed softly, and searched for another work.

"Celebrating More Than Years"

I didn't click to watch it, nor did I check the list of actors, but simply checked whether the novel was filmed or not, and then put away the phone.

Zhou Ji didn't speak all the way back to Jia's old residence. Si Teng didn't understand why Zhou Ji became like this, but she could feel that Zhou Ji now was more real than his usual annoying appearance.

It's as if... as if the wanton and free and easy on weekdays is just a poor disguise, and the loneliness at this moment is his truest state.

"A mysterious man."

As the object who has been 'bullyed' by Zhou Ji since the moment of his resurrection, Si Teng managed to catch Zhou Ji's pain point. He wanted to go up and make a sarcasm, but he saw a person walking alone in the night on the deserted path Zhou Ji couldn't bear to speak for a while, so he could only step on the newly bought high heels, make a soft and crisp sound, and lead him away in front of Zhou Ji.

Applying for the ID card at the place of household registration was much faster than Zhou Ji imagined. Because it happened to catch up with the same batch of verification, the two people's ID cards were obtained on the third day.

Seeing Si Teng's somewhat dissatisfied eyes, Zhou Ji glanced at her and said, "It's very beautiful. Su Yan has the beauty of hibiscus coming out of clear water. A good foundation is enviable."

"If you don't have anything to show courtesy, you can either rape or steal." Si Teng put away his ID card as if nothing had happened, and opened the small round mirror in his hand to check his makeup. "The ID card is also applied, and the mobile phone card is also installed, so it's time to listen to my request?"

Zhou Ji stretched out his hand to signal Si Teng to continue.

"Accompany me to a place." Si Teng's self-confidence came out of his bones, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, giving off an irresistible aura, "Cangcheng Mountain"

Zhou Ji hadn't heard of this name very much, and only found out that he was in Sichuan and Shu Province after checking it with his mobile phone. He nodded and said, "Yes, I'll book a ticket right now."

Seeing Zhou Ji's obedience, Si Teng smiled satisfied.

What she originally wanted was a loyal servant with brains, ability and ideas, who could help her understand the world faster, but she could not have herself while she had a master in her heart.

However, this person in front of him could accept her identity and would keep her secret, but he couldn't do what he ordered while being reliable.

After all, it is cooperation rather than unilateral control of others.

It's not easy for Si Teng to demand higher conditions from the other party. Her most urgent wish at the moment is to recover her strength as soon as possible, and then before returning the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead to Zhou Ji, she will make things difficult for this annoying person.

After a few days of adaptation, Si Teng and Zhou Ji quickly integrated into the rhythm of life of this era, and most of the 150,000 yuan they sold the big gold chain was wasted.

But these are irrelevant to Si Teng and Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji used to be able to give the fifty taels of silver in the bag to beggars after stealing it because of the good-looking purse, leaving only the purse by his side.

You can also do odd jobs in the hall and receive a few copper coins every month, drink a big bowl of coarse tea, and fight with beggars at the door.

Si Teng is also not a noble lady who was pampered and spoiled since she was a child. She suffered humiliation in the first half of her life. She was hated by Qiu Shan when she was a child, and it was common for her to be beaten, scolded and tortured. After she got rid of Qiu Shan's slavery, she began to read and write, slowly nurturing her current temperament. .

At the same time as the two packed their luggage and set off, at the foot of Cangcheng Mountain thousands of miles away, Yan Furui also woke up early, waiting for the arrival of Master Wang Xuan who was hanging out to help out at the station.

It's a pity that both Si Teng and Yan Furui miscalculated the degree of harmony in this world.

What Yan Furui waited for was not the gray-haired Master Xuanmen with profound magic power, but a young man who opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

From what he said, Yan Furui learned that not only his Xingyun Pavilion, but also the other sects of Xuanmen have completely declined, and they either switched to work to make a living, or guarded their ancestral property to survive.

At least in the Changming Mountain lineage, Li Zhengyuan, who accompanied Qiu Shan to kill Si Teng, has passed away for many years, and the current generation is only left with this superstitious and stubborn Wang Qiankun.

"Master Wang Xuan, do you want to take a look at that cave with me?"

"I really just came this time to see the local conditions and customs of Cangcheng Mountain. Before I left, I received a letter from you. I didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but considering the old master and Master Qiu Shanxuan, I replied on my behalf." Wang Qiankun said with some displeasure: "As for the crypts you mentioned in the letter, there are actually all over the country. This cultural phenomenon is a product of the slow development of science and technology and the ignorance of the people.”

Wang Qiankun's chatter made Yan Furui a little dizzy, he felt that he was already talkative enough, but he didn't expect this one in front of him to be even more annoying.

What made him even more unbearable was that when he handed the letter left by Qiu Shan to Wang Qiankun, the self-righteous young man in front of him dared to question his master.

"I see, this is something your master dreamed up in his spare time, a science fiction novel written by hand~~" He said with an extremely unflattering expression, and said mockingly, "I see that you have been under too much pressure recently, Do you want to go to the hospital for a psychiatric examination~ah~~"

One sentence directly cured Yan Furui's hypotension, and he took Wang Qiankun's arm and dragged him to the Xingyun Pavilion, hoping that the other party would wake up after seeing the crypt and realize the real existence of the Han clan.

Push the book "Slaying Demons and Eliminating Demons Starting from Killing Pigs".

(Interestingly, the protagonist of Wubi’s earlier Liao Zhai book was also named Zhou Bai...)

When he woke up, Zhou Bai became a pig butcher in Hangzhou.

Demons are rampant, and the world is full of suffering. Thanks to a simple system, he can become stronger by slaying demons and eliminating demons. Ordinary martial arts can be directly transformed into supernatural powers.

Many years later, when he looked back on his life, he couldn't help but sigh, "Slaying demons and demons is not as interesting as killing pigs."

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