Only after walking a few steps, Qin Ming moved in his heart and turned to a table next to him.

Leading a few women, sat at another table, sitting together, there was also a slightly fat member outside.

The fat guy saw Qin Ming and the others, smiled kindly with them, and then looked at the monkey with hairy arms with a look of surprise on his face.

Qin Ming casually glanced outside the fat man, and didn't pay him any attention.

Qin Ming thought that the monkey was a six-eared macaque, but when he saw the child in the back hall served two bowls of noodles from behind, he suddenly moved in his heart and remembered something.

Qin Ming remembered that when watching the TV Journey to the West, he showed this section. The monkey eating the noodles seemed to be the monkey king from Sun Huaguo Mountain. Then, Qin Ming took a closer look at the monkey and realized that he looked more and more. The more familiar that monkey became, it seemed that he was the grandson monkey!

At this time, Qin Ming saw the shop's little second place a bowl of noodles on the monkey's table tremblingly.

The monkey took the chopsticks but couldn’t use it. He held the chopsticks with both hands and picked the noodles high. He wanted to start eating from one end of the noodles. However, the noodles were too long and his arms were too short, so he stood in time. I couldn't reach the end of the noodles even on the stool. The monkey was anxious, threw his chopsticks, grabbed the noodles in his hands, and started to eat.

"Hey, that monkey, it's so fun!"

The lively little dragon girl couldn't help but burst into laughter when she saw the monkey eating noodles.

Nie Xiaoqian and Jiu'er looked at each other and didn't say much. They had all seen the monkey and recognized it at this time.

The two girls are smart people in the ice and snow. When I saw the monkey, I didn't know that Qin Ming had a purpose when he came out this time. It's just that Qin Ming didn't say it, they naturally knew that something must happen for a reason, so they didn't ask much.

When Qin Ming saw this, he was even more sure that this monkey is not the Huaguoshan Monkey King, but who it is!

Qin Ming couldn't help but wonder, why is this Monkey King here? Xiaodao, as the spirit of the system, will not lie to himself, and the six-eared macaque must be in this town!

However, at this moment, is it a coincidence that these two destined opponents appeared in this small town at the same time?

At this moment, the monkey and the monkey had finished eating the bowl of noodles, and went to learn from others to eat chili, and his mouth was cracked by the spicy chili, and his tongue was stretched out.

Seeing these many people watching him, I couldn't help but get annoyed, and made a vicious pretend of cracking teeth at the crowd, scaring away a large circle of people, and then took the opportunity to ran out of the noodle restaurant.

At this time, the fat guy who was at the same table with Qin Ming and others also walked out, and there was nothing left in the room. Qin Ming and the third daughter were still sitting at the table.

"Child, come four bowls of noodles!"

Since he has already arrived, Qin Ming left without taking a few women. He planned to pretend to be a guest and continue to eat noodles. God knows whether Liu Er accidentally noticed him. If he discovers his abnormality, it may be difficult for him in the future. Caught it.

Several people have eaten the noodles, continue to set off, and then search in the town.

But this day still nothing. At night, Qin Ming used a locator, but it showed that the six-eared macaque had left Taoyu County and went to another county.

When Qin Ming saw it, he didn't sleep anymore. He took a few women and hurried on the road overnight, heading towards the county.

It’s just that Qin Ming took a few girls around in this county for many days, but still didn’t find the six-eared macaque. He met the monkey king a few times. The monkey king learned things very quickly, and eating at this moment has already begun. There is a look and feel.

Qin Ming saw it, but was not happy. According to the records of Journey to the West, this monkey king probably spent eight or nine years in this southern continent, learning the mundane things in the world, and experiencing the world. Then, I went to find Fang Cun Mountain to learn art. After staying in Fang Cun Mountain for more than ten years, he returned to art.

Qin Ming still remembered that Monkey King said that he had eaten peaches seven times on the Rotten Peach Mountain, and after another three years was when Monkey King was learning art, but God knows whether these things will change, and if Qin Ming can’t harvest them as soon as possible. With those six-eared macaques, I might have missed this opportunity!

A few people wandered around for more than half a year. Qin Mingguang was a locator. I don't know how many copies were spent. The reputation of 5 million will be only half of the remaining, but there is still no trace of six-eared macaques. Every time I saw the Monkey King Sun Wukong, seeing his mature appearance, so that Qin Ming was a little annoyed to see him.

For a long time, the women accompanied Qin Ming, and the feelings between them became more and more harmonious. They also felt that Qin Ming seemed to have something on their minds, and tried to comfort Qin Ming as much as possible.(Read more @

Sometimes, when Qin Ming is depressed, in the inn at night, Qin Ming will be comforted by Jiu'er and Xiaoqian in the hair ball made up of Jiu'er's tail.

Xiaolongnv has experienced a lot of human affection in this worldly experience. However, every time when Qin Ming and the three of them are happy in the ball, she always cannot help eavesdropping. After getting along for a long time, she is right in her heart. Qin Ming had an inexplicable feeling, and when he treated Qin Ming on weekdays, he became more and more gentle and cute.

Qin Ming's heart was placed on the six-eared macaque, and he didn't feel it. But Jiu'er and Nie Xiaoqian, as women, have already felt that they both have a good impression of this lively and cute little beauty, and naturally hope that Yu will become a good thing for the two.

However, Luo Hua deliberately flowed ruthlessly. Qin Ming had no thoughts in this aspect at all.

Therefore, every time she saw Qin Ming and a few people enter the hair ball, the little dragon girl only bit bei's teeth lightly, and her heart was deeply saddened!

How hopeful she was that Qin Ming could call her in, but every time she looked disappointed, Qin Ming didn't care about her feelings at all!

This is what the goddess has intentions, but the king Xiang has no intention!

On this day, Qin Ming still did not find the six-eared macaque. He felt that the hope in his heart seemed to be shattered.

Qin Ming and the others were on their way in the middle of the night. They were sleeping in a ruined temple. There were few tiles on the top of the temple, and the stars in the sky could be seen when they looked up.

Qin Ming found a wooden board and sat down. He took out the wine gourd from the space ring and drank the monkey wine.

Qin Ming deliberately didn't have the power to resist the power of alcohol. Qin Ming wanted to have a great drunk. The clueless tossing for more than half a year made Qin Ming's heart a little tired, and he wanted to relax.

Finally, Qin Ming didn't know how much he had drunk, so he was so drunk that he lay on the wooden board diagonally.

The look of the women seeing Qin Ming felt a little distressed.

Then, Jiuer and Nie Xiaoqian seemed to have discussed something, and called Xiaolongnv over and whispered to her in a low voice.

"Ah, me, can I really?"

Xiaolongnv heard what the second girl said, and asked in disbelief, the second girl nodded to her.

What do you say as a woman?

It turned out that after the secular influence, Jiu'er and Nie Xiaoqian said that when they saw that there was a marriage in the common world, if there is bad luck in the family, if you marry a wife, maybe the bad luck will leave.

The second daughter thought that since the little dragon girl had deep roots in Qin Ming's affection, it was better to follow folk customs and try to see if she could bring luck to Qin Ming and drive away bad luck.

"Naturally, it is true. We will protect you. Tonight, Master is yours!"

Nie Xiaoqian nodded her head when she saw the little dragon girl with an excited but unbelievable look.

"Xin'er, thank you two sisters for your accomplishment! Even if the master blames me for the time, I want to try, can I help him!"

After Xiaolongnv finished speaking to the two girls, she stretched out her hand and waved, the ground was swept clean, she spread a clean bedding on the ground.

In the past six months, several people often sleep and eat, so they always have some needed items on their bodies.

Then, the little dragon girl, looking affectionately at Qin Ming's drunk face, hugged him onto the bedding.

Little Dragon Girl was a little shy, she hugged Qin Ming and covered the quilt.

Not long after, I saw clothes flying out of the quilt.

In the quilt, the drunk Qin Ming seemed to feel something, so the quilt began to roll.

"Is this the power of love?"

Little Dragon Girl felt Qin Ming's powerful impact, her face full of happiness.

Qin Ming seemed to abandon the sultry quilt after drinking, so he lifted the quilt up.

Xiaolongnu was a bit shy, but she soon realized the feeling of happiness, and she didn't care about anything!

"Father, don't worry, Xin'er is very happy!"

The little dragon girl finally fulfilled her wish, said silently in her heart.

Then, the little dragon girl left tears of happiness in her eyes.

She was actually made to cry by Qin Ming.

It didn't matter if the little dragon girl cried, she saw the original starlight, which suddenly became clouded.

With the crackling sound, I saw big raindrops continuously falling from the sky.

"It's unreasonable, then Qin Ming kept saying that he should take good care of Xin'er when he walked, but now it's only a year, so he made Xin'er cry!"

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the old dragon king felt the slowly descending sea surface, and couldn't help but think in irritation.

However, the old dragon king can only vent his dissatisfaction with Qin Ming in this way. He is afraid that Qin Ming will come to his dragon palace again to make trouble, and his daughter seems to be still in Qin Ming's hands. He can only silently help his daughter in his heart. I prayed, but I didn't know that it was the tears of happiness left by the little dragon girl!

Qin Ming, who was initially a little confused, suddenly became sober after being poured by the rain. He looked at the woman under Shen and was taken aback.

Then, Qin Ming saw that the little dragon girl was excited, her horns gradually appeared, revealing the characteristics of the dragon clan!

Qin Ming looked at all this blankly, and suddenly felt that a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he thought of a possibility about the six-eared macaque in his heart!

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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