I wiped it, and Qin Ming was shocked when he saw the hen flying over.

Qin Ming knew that chickens love to eat insects. Although he was transformed into a cicada, he was still regarded as a kind of insect.

Qin Ming hurriedly fluttered his wings and flew back. With a "swish", he flew up high.

Then, Qin Ming saw that the hen was still there, "chuckling" and pecking everywhere.

The hen didn't react, and he already flew away. It seems that the speed of 4 is really not covered, Qin Ming thought.

Qin Ming flapped his wings and hovered in the air. He saw that the hen pecking randomly for a while, then calmed down and continued to incubate the eggs.

Seeing this, Qin Ming looked at the chubby eggs, a little unbearable, and flew over again carefully.

"Chuck, cluck!" Who knows, the hen's eyes are too sharp. As soon as Qin Ming flew to the henhouse, the hen stared at him and cried.

Qin Ming had heard of the old hen fighting against the eagle in order to protect the chick, so there is a game called the eagle to catch the chick.

At that time, Qin Ming still admired the tenacious spirit of the old hen.

However, when it was his turn to be targeted by the old hen, Qin Ming was not happy.

"This annoying hen!" Qin Ming was a little angry.

When will he be able to level up if he keeps on doing it like this!

Qin Ming secretly took advantage of the hen's unpreparedness and climbed to the henhouse. He planned to go around behind the hen.

Surprisingly, the hen was very vigilant, so she pecked at him.

"Not good!" Qin Ming was inattentive, and was pecked by the hen.

When Qin Ming found out, he was shocked. This is not a joke, it is mortal.

However, when the hen's sharp beak pecked Qin Ming's body, Qin Ming realized that the scene of being pecked apart in his imagination did not appear.

He resisted the hen's attack!

After all, the three-point physique is not a joke.

Qin Ming's shell is very hard now, after all, his body is not big, most of the energy of evolution has been used to evolve his shell.

Therefore, Qin Ming's defense can be said to be amazing now, and it is estimated that it will not cause any serious problems to be stepped on. It's just that Qin Ming didn't notice it, he was measuring his own strength with old thinking.

Seeing that he hadn't been hurt, Qin Ming relieved his heart.

Qin Ming was a little angry at the hen's attack. He was unwilling to be bullied by the hen, so he stretched out his sharp straw and poked it at the hen's body.

"Gluck!" The hen let out a scream when Qin Ming pecked.

Qin Ming saw that a deep blood hole was punched out of the hen's body.

It turns out I was so fierce!

Qin Ming was in a daze when he saw the state of the hen, and only then did he gain a preliminary understanding of his evolved strength.

It was originally a small cicada that was eaten by chickens casually, but because of one evolution, it didn't even fear chickens anymore.

Moreover, Qin Ming could clearly feel at this moment that he could easily defeat this hen.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

If there is no grudge against the non-gentleman, Qin Ming was very angry at the hen's peck at him just now. After all, the hen wanted his life and wanted to eat him.

So Qin Ming used his sharp straw to poke the hen fiercely. Just stop.

The hen screamed in pain and flew around the yard, scaring the other chickens to run around, and was no longer at peace.

From time to time, blood dripped from the hen's body.

At this time, the owner of the chicken probably heard the rooster and came out of the house.

This was a middle-aged woman with a pale face. She could not help but her face changed when she saw the hens flying around.

"Why did this good chicken go crazy? Could it be the plague? It's such a noise! ​​No, you can't keep it, if it spreads to other chickens, it will be over!"

When the middle-aged woman saw the chicken blood all over the floor, she was a little scared.

After the white-faced middle-aged woman finished speaking, she grabbed the hen and then threw the hen against the wall.

Obviously, she seemed to want to smash the hen to death and then dispose of it to prevent the disease from this chicken from spreading to other chickens.

However, the hen also seemed to feel the fate she was about to face. Using the strength of the woman, she flew vigorously, and even flew over the wall and ran away.

"No, I have to check these chickens carefully to see if they have similar symptoms!" Seeing the hen flying away, the white-faced woman didn't chase the hen anymore, but stood still and muttered to herself with some worry.

Qin Ming saw that she would not plan to leave for a while, for fear of disturbing her, so he noted the location of this house. It fluttered and flew away.

After all, human beings are not as sensitive as hens. Seeing Qin Ming flying away as a white cicada, the middle-aged woman didn't care at all, because the white cicada was originally a very ordinary insect.

Qin Ming flew outside the wall, saw the hen "chuckling" and rushed into the street.

Then, it ran under a row of willow trees, digging the ground with melon seeds, looking for bugs to eat.

Qin Ming looked a little funny, this chicken was hurt by himself, and he still wanted to eat.

Can this hen swallow it herself? Qin Ming suddenly thought.

So he flew over, stretched out the straw to the hen, sucking the chicken's blood vigorously.

However, during Qin Ming's absorption, the hen ran around in pain, and the system didn't give any hints.

It's weird, it doesn't work! Qin Ming was a little puzzled.

Not reconciled, Qin Ming pierced a lot of blood holes in the hen and continued to try.

The hen was furious by Qin Ming, and kept trying to get rid of Qin Ming attached to it. It's just that it has no way at all.

As the blood continued to flow out, the hen struggled weaker and weaker. I don't know how long it took, and finally yelled and fell to his death.

Qin Ming looked at the hen's corpse and couldn't help but think, telling you to peck at me, how nice it is to let me eat eggs, let's kill it now!

Qin Ming thought, subconsciously, and tried to suck at the hen with a straw.

Qin Ming, who had not reported any hope, heard the voice of the system inquiring.

New food was found, the carcass of a hen, did the host swallow it?

"Yes!" Qin Ming answered silently in his heart quickly.

Qin Ming found that as he finished answering, the hen turned into wisps of energy through his straw and entered his body.

It turns out that this is the correct way to turn on the swallow function! Qin Ming suddenly realized.

After Qin Ming finished swallowing the hen, the system's voice rang again! ~

The host, Qin Ming, successfully swallowed a hen and obtained energy points. The total energy points remaining at the moment will require energy points for the next upgrade. The attributes of the host at the moment are as follows:

Species: Insecticidae cicada (evolved)

Power: (Ordinary human beings-left and right)

Agility: 4 (ordinary human being-around)

Physique: (Ordinary human being-around)

Life span: one year and zero days + 4 days (in this world, the average life span of ordinary mortals is years)

This hen was able to withstand the energy of a dozen eggs, Qin Ming was a little surprised, and then he calmed down.

It must be because I leapfrogged and swallowed it, so I can get more energy. Qin Ming thought.

Qin Ming had finished devouring the hen, and was about to go back and devour all the eggs.

"Wow!" At this moment, Qin Ming heard a fierce dog barking.

Qin Ming glanced through his five eyes and saw a black-haired wild dog, baring his teeth, staring fiercely at his small body.


</b> (month day to month day)


Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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