Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 58: Meet the wife by the bank of the hot sea

Across the snow peak is Atami, which is the deepest part of the wasteland, and it is also the habitat of barren people, but nowadays, barren people are rarely seen on the banks of Atami, because Atami has begun to freeze, which shows that even The land beside the hot sea is not suitable for living now.

Compared with the vast grasslands occupied by the Golden Tent Royal Court and the Zuozhi Royal Court, the banks of the Atami are extraordinarily barren and inhabited. Even the snow wolves who have lived in the snow peaks for generations have begun to flee, which shows that the current Atami By the side, how cold has it gotten?

Approaching the bank of the hot sea, Su Xuan stopped the green bull's advancing hooves, jumped off the bullock cart, and looked at the scenery of the extreme north of the world. Whether it was his previous life or this life, it was the first time he to such a cold place.

He is not afraid of severe cold and scorching heat, but he can still feel the biting cold. It is one thing not to be afraid of severe cold, but it is another thing to want to experience it personally.

Mo Shanshan lifted the curtain of the carriage, and also jumped out of the bullock cart. In just a moment, Mo Shanshan's ruddy face was already a little pale by the biting cold wind.

The four seasons of Dahe Country are not very distinct, but the advantage is that it is like a warm spring. She has never seen such a heavy snowstorm and such a severe cold place before.

Looking at the peaceful Atami in the distance, Mo Shanshan asked, "Mr. Su, this place doesn't look like a place where people live. Who are you here to meet this time?"

Su Xuan pointed to the old scalper who was eating fish in front of him, and said calmly: "Naturally, I want to meet the owner of the old scalper, the most mysterious practitioner in the world, the dean of Tang Guo Academy, Master and his old man."

From a deeper point of view, it was not that he wanted to see the master, but the master wanted to see him, that's why he came to the bank of the hot sea, otherwise wouldn't it be good to accompany Mo Shanshan to Chang'an? Do you have to come to this icy and snowy place to discuss with your master about Ning Que's little maid?

Tang Guo Academy has been established for many years, but in these many years, no matter how the teaching of the academy changes, there has always been only one dean of Tang Guo Academy, and that is Master.

Master has survived many people, and has already become a rumored figure in the practice world, and now this rumored figure is on the bank of the hot sea.

Mo Shanshan asked: "Master, the old man, is he also in the wasteland?"

After Su Xuan nodded and hummed, he continued to walk towards the bank of the hot sea. While walking, he pointed to the master who was fishing comfortably, and said without sadness or joy: "Master likes delicious food, so I guess the master will be in the hot sea." By the sea, I didn't expect the Master to be here."

Hearing this accurate answer, Mo Shanshan's expression suddenly changed, and he followed Su Xuan very respectfully, and the two walked towards the area where the master was fishing one after the other.

The master who was fishing for peony fish also put down his fishing rod, turned his body sideways, and jokingly said, "I'm afraid it's not a guess! Daoist disciple Su Xuan's cultivation at the peak of the realm of knowing fate, even if he is far from the five realms, there is only one left." There is a thin layer of window paper, but you should give an account of what you did."

He admitted that the Taoist disciple Zhishouguan was a prodigy, but unfortunately this prodigy did not intend to worship him as a teacher, which reminded him of his junior brother Ke Haoran, but unlike Ke Haoran, this Taoist disciple acted Appears extra cautious.

Su Xuan stared closely at the ice on the hot sea, and said: "The hot sea is frozen, what more do you need to explain, Master? Since Wei Guangming has already confirmed it, why are you obsessed with how to choose?"

Wei Guangming personally inspected Ning Que, the thirteenth student of the academy in the wasteland, and rejected the relationship between Ning Que and Pluto, but the **** umbrella closely related to Pluto was in Ning Que's hands. unclear.


The Master smiled and let Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan sit down, and said: "Su Xuan, disciple of Guanshan Sect, the guardian of Taoism, you are really good, I didn't expect you to find this place, but now there are no peony fish in the hot sea. "

Su Xuan, who had already taken his seat, paused slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said leisurely: "I should have thought of it a long time ago. It is rumored that the master likes peony fish, so it is understandable that there is no peony fish in Atami, but the peony fish that the master sent to the academy, It is still called Peony Fish, and even if the **** umbrella is in Ning Que's hands, it is still the same thick night."

There are many things in this world that cannot be bypassed by the master. The master's absolute strength can change many things, but the master is a practitioner who cannot easily make a choice, because once the master makes a choice, it must be earth-shattering Choice, such a choice is too heavy for the world.

He knew that his master had lived for a long time, so he could live freely. No one was willing to die, so he came to the bank of the hot sea, met his master, and invited him to have a son.

The master first glanced at Su Xuan who was sitting casually, then at Mo Shanshan who was very respectful, and said with a smile: "So what? Although you have a good cultivation level, but facing an old man like me, you don't even have a child." The girl is polite, why do you think you can persuade me."

After hearing his master's praise, Mo Shanshan looked shyly at the ice floating on the hot sea, as if this could calm him down, but the more so, the more chaotic her thoughts became.

Su Xuan said: "The master has lived for such a long time, is he still bound by the etiquette of the world? In all fairness, if there is no academy, how can there be etiquette in the world? How does this kind of thing exist? Ritual can restrain many people, but The master is the last one who should be restrained by etiquette."

A smile appeared on the Master's face, and the Master readily accepted Su Xuan's compliment, but this did not mean that the Master would agree with what Su Xuan was going to do next, he said: "Whatever you want to ~My little apprentice and my little maid, Sangsang, cannot be harmed in any way, and I don't want to see that the coming of the eternal night has anything to do with my little apprentice."

He saw Ning Que in the first year of Tianqi, and he has seen Ning Que since then, Ning Que will become his little apprentice in the future, so he doesn't want his little apprentice to get involved in these annoying mundane things.

Furthermore, he was very skeptical about the coming of Pluto and the launch of Eternal Night. He also flew into the sky in the past. He flew for a long time and did not fly out of this world. He saw the so-called Pluto, but Pluto did not exist at all. , as for Yong Ye, it was nothing more than a big lie told by a god.

Su Xuan looked at the peony fish being cooked in the small stove next to the master, and said: "Master, your peony fish will be cooked, it is the principle of nature, just like the son of Hades will show his flaws, I believe that after Xiahou When you are old, you will see what you want to see, see you in Changan."

After all, Su Xuan picked up the hot casserole with the speed of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, took Mo Shanshan's hand, and ran to the bullock cart.

Mo Shanshan, who was held by Su Xuan, looked at the casserole in Su Xuan's hand, his eyes were full of helplessness, it turned out that eating peony fish still required such means.

The master looked at the empty small stove, and said with some annoyance: "Anyway, he is also a practitioner of the pinnacle of fate, why is he so rude, and wants to grab the old man's fish."

The master is very angry, and the consequences are serious!

South China Sea.

Looking at the crazy stick, Chen did not dare to stop for a moment, and quickly shuttled across the South China Sea.

Sensing it, Chen, who was loving Su Xuan, smiled and scolded: "A traitor!"



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