Cairo, 1987 AD.

Somewhere inside the palace.


Dioblado sat back on the couch with a comfortable face

After watching the video, he


Full of joy beyond words!


"Ho ho, it's him!".

"I didn't expect my Dior heir..."

"Will also be on the list!?".

"Sure enough, the favor of 'fate' is still on my side!"

"It's all thanks to my Dior!".


Diobrando embraces the sky with open arms

It's bizarre and floating in the air!

The scarlet aura condensed all over the body

At this time, he is as weird as an evil god!


Licking his lips with satisfaction,

Dior's eyes widened

After learning that his son, Giorno Giobana, became the third person on the list....

He was simply ecstatic.

And the subordinates are full of adoration!

Kneel in awe and compliment...


Beside him,

Many of the servants led by "Granny Enya" hurriedly bowed down and saluted.


"It's Mistress Dior!".

"Amazing, impressive!".

"I didn't expect Lord Dior's sons to be so powerful!".

"It must be a legacy of divinity from Master Dior!".

"This video must be a hymn to Master Dior!".

"It's amazing, we saw this moment with our own eyes!".



Listening to the compliments of his subordinates, Dior still did not change his face.

Reaching out and touching the scar on his neck that had not yet healed completely, he said, "Porunaruf, Hanajingin Noriaki, I was cheap for you before!"

"Hmph, if it weren't for this damn Joestar bloodline!".

"I would have been able to take full control of the world!"

"This kind of blood bond is holding me back, and the wound on my neck has never been able to heal completely!"

"Otherwise, I would have been able to catch you all!"


Immediately, Dior's evil eyes suddenly contracted!

"Jotaro Kujo, Joseph Jostar..."

"You won't be happy for long!".

"When my injuries heal..."

"Then it will be your ... end."

"I'll dismember you like rats in a stinking gutter and throw them in a rotting garbage heap!!".


Dio opened his hands frantically and laughed wildly!

"It's useless!It's useless!It's useless!It's useless!'

"Poor Joestar blood!".

"Your stand-in is simply too weak!".

Giorno Giobana's "Golden Experience" will soon be rewarded!".

"Even my son ......".

"The strength will also be above you!

"Watch this feast in fear!"




At the same time, inside the famous hotel of Xinjiapo.

Joseph Joestar and his party have already checked in.

At this time, several people were sitting in the lobby of the hotel

Discuss the content of the video together.


Abdel was the first to sigh.

"It's really impressive, I didn't expect Dior's son to have such a bold side!".


Polunaruf also interjected.

"Eh, that Giorno Giobana..."

"It's amazing!".

"On the son of Dior!".

"I didn't expect such a golden spirit to flow!".


Polunaruf looked into the distance expectantly.

"That's amazing!".

"If I could, I would like to have a son!"

"I don't know if I'll have such outstanding offspring, hahahaha..."

"Hey, Jotaro, what's that expression?"

"Do you need to look so unhappy..."

"Maybe you'll have such an heir in the future?"

"Be optimistic..."

"The inventory of the top ten famous scenes is not over yet!


Porunaruf's words made Jotaro Kujo fall into deep thought.

He leaned against the window of the hotel

Looking at the sky, I was fascinated.

"Baba bang " (that's enough).

"I wonder what kind of performance my [son/daughter] will do in the future, it's really exciting!"


Timeline: "JoJo6, Sea of Stones".

2011 A.D., Florida, Free State.

Court of Greendophine.

At this time, a hit-and-run case was being handled.

The cause of the incident was a hit-and-run case.

But the details may be strange...

The plaintiff stated

On a highway,

The victim was not completely killed on the spot after being hit by a speeding car

It stands to reason that they could have survived after being treated.

But the victim is in a state of survival

Someone was carried into a suitcase and drove away from the scene!

Eventually abandoned in the swamp.


The case was quickly concluded in a step-by-step trial

The judge handed down the final verdict against the arrested girl.

"The defendant not only stole her boyfriend's car..."

"He even caused an accident and injured people, and threw the victim into a swamp pond..."

"This court really cannot pardon this charge of second-degree killing!"

Convicted of the charges!

- "Murder, abandonment, theft, second killing!".

"This court sentenced the defendant Xu Lun Kongtiao to 15 years in prison and detained in the Zhou Green Dolphin Street Heavy Security Prison!".


Courthouse scene,

A slender girl with braided Mickey Mouse hair in a bun with a face full of disbelief!

The butterfly and knife tattoo on her left arm were also trembling

Empty strip Xu Lun was stunned at the scene!

She couldn't contain her fear: "That lawyer... Didn't the lawyer mention "judicial deals"?!".

The so-called "confession"... Can you get a reduced sentence and a lenient sentence, are these all deceitful to me?".

"Damn, I'm innocent, why should I serve my sentence!?"

"It's all Romeo guy..."

Empty strip Xu Lun hissed hysterically!

But it was too late, and there were already guards coming forward.

"Shut up, take her down!".


Empty Xu Lun was soon escorted by the guards.

Even because of the voluntary confession of "judicial transaction"!

At this moment, Xu Lun didn't even have a chance to appeal.


"15 years, 15 years, 15 years!?".

"My youth... 15 years!!".


Kujo Xu Lun can't accept this fact at all!

The lover who worked hard to protect!

It turned out to be the culprit who framed himself!?

This huge sense of disparity made Xu Lun angry!

"Romeo, you guy..."

Kujo Xu Lun has never hated a person so much, after learning the truth that the lawyer and her boyfriend teamed up to cheat on him....

She was so grief-stricken that she wanted to give up on herself.

It's just that at this moment, a melody full of indignation lingers in her ears!


"Requiem for the Betrayer".

[Even in the face of the predetermined fate of the gods].


[also raise the anti-flag].




Under the rhythm,

Empty strip Xu Lun woke up suddenly!

The melodious melody seems to give her countless courages!

While facing betrayal....

Be more persistent in accepting reality!

Perseverance! Strength! Rise up!

Countless psychological hints are hidden in this magical rhythm!


For a time,

Countless emotions surged up from the empty bar Xu Lun's heart

At this moment, she can't wait to listen to the whole music!

"What is this?".

Breathing heavily,

Empty Xu Lun is desperate to find the source of this song that allows her to regain her confidence!


Suddenly look up,

Through the windows outside the courtroom.

In the sky of Grürdoven Prison!

Vivid [Bonus] subtitles are floating in the sky!

Such a highlight moment....

Even in prison!

Empty strip Xu Lun can also feel the open-mindedness and beauty of this moment!

But such a shocking scene!

Let her scream involuntarily!



"Reward !?



"These, what are these things!?".




PS: It's New Year's Eve, Happy New Year!

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