Jean Of Bright City 13

Chapter 1667: Suddenly

Three hours ago

6:01 AM

Benal woke up from his deep sleep, and only slept briefly for 1 hour. He looked at Shirley, who was already awake sitting on the side of the chair. The hair fell on the shoulders.

"Mr. Bernard, you can still sleep for a while, we will not release the news until 8 o'clock."

Benal shook his head and looked at Shirley with a smile in his eyes.

"Shirley, do you think it's too rush? I told you last night obviously. I have to wait a week."

"It's not too late, Mr. Bernard, even if you feel hurry, but others can't wait. After all, everyone has been in such a hopeless society for too long."

Benal smiled helplessly.

"Indeed, everyone has stayed for too long, but the future will be different, Shirley, I will not let the tragedy that happened to your parents happen again."

Shirley stood up and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you Mr. Bernard."

Benal grumbled and got up from the bed, his eyes fixed in front of him, and then he laughed, waiting for too long at this moment.

Ike's arrest was planned by her own hand, and Shirley carried out it secretly, all to make her give up.

Originally, Benal didn't need to do this, but out of his past kindness, he thought that if the teacher was willing to use the privileges, he would slowly convince him in the future and then complete the change.

"Obviously I knew from the beginning that the teacher would not agree, let alone do it."

Benal said that there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. He was really reluctant to use this method, but there was no way.

The situation at other bases is far worse than here. They can't wait any longer and must move as soon as possible. In the end, Benal can only choose to do it.

Lloyd has mobilized all the guards of more than 3,000 people near the Assembly Hall. No matter what will happen tomorrow, Benal has already figured it out clearly, even if he sheds blood.

Benal is ready for **** conflict. If such unpleasant things happen tomorrow, Benal will not have any anxiety. This is necessary. Mars Base 66 is already the most unpleasant of all bases. Okay.

Bloody clashes and even wars are being staged at other bases. In order to change Benal, like-minded people have been preparing for nearly ten years.

During this period, everyone is struggling to move in the direction of change. Many systems have already been drawn up. In a short period of time, all Mars bases can be transformed.

"Mr. Bernard, I want to ask you a question, do you regret it?"

Benal walked to the door of the bathroom and then laughed.

"What do you think!"

Shirley gave a gentle smile.

8 o'clock in the morning

A man who served breakfast to nearby residents opened the shop. He yawned and looked at the people pouring in at the door of the shop, and they began to choose randomly.

"Don't waste it if you can't finish it. I can do it very hard for two hours."

The man reminded again that every morning, there is always waste, and not one or two. Many people obviously can’t eat so much, but they still take a lot. Those who provide food to their stores don’t say it, but those Men who do not provide any food are very disgusting.

The man is a field recorder. He will go to work in the field later, record all the detailed information of crop growth, and then write a report.

"I said you finished eating?"

The man looked at a petite woman, holding several different foods.

"What's the matter? I will take it away if I can't finish it now. I'll eat it again at noon. I just want to taste everything."

Men don't say anything anymore. People like this little girl are everywhere. Although there have been policies to prevent waste before, they have not had any good results.

The man sighed helplessly and took out his mobile phone, but as soon as he turned on the phone, he received a message.

"What's the matter, how did Mr. Gable get impeached."

Without waiting for the man to speak, someone in the store began to speak, and for a while, there were shouts of exclamation, and many people showed anger on their faces, and some immediately yelled.

"How can human value be measured by such vulgar things as money? Isn't our human society destroyed by money in the past?"

Someone spoke uprightly, but immediately someone stood up to refute.

"Then you don’t want to eat anymore. Don’t we eat what the boss made by getting up early? Money can at least prove the value of what he’s doing. I come here to eat every day and see many people casually Waste, the boss has reminded it many times, but they don't listen at all."

The man looked at the retort with some surprises, and the shop went into chaos for a while. Some people felt that there was nothing wrong with the money society, but instead allowed everyone to find their own value.

The man didn’t get involved. He supported this practice early in the morning. He opened a shop early because he likes to make food. It’s just that the things he worked hard to make every morning are not in the eyes of others. It's not a big deal, it's what it should be, and the man is a little upset.

Looking at the promulgation of exciting systems, men are actually a little relieved at this time. After all, this is an era full of hope for men.

The voices of support and opposition began one after another, and the entire Mars base was instantly ignited.

More and more people took to the streets and began to discuss a series of measures issued by Benal, and soon the flow of people gathered and passed towards the Council Building.

"Get out of Benal, you bastard, did you treat your teacher like that?"

A man yelled angrily. Outside the Council Building, they were surrounded by guards armed with weapons. The guards were fully armed. Some people have realized that this is not a joke. The change has really happened. Speculation that Gable might be dead.

"Get out, you bastards."

The clamoring man rushed to the guard, followed by many people, but soon the guards started their hands. They used stun guns, and several people who rushed fell directly to the ground and were directly handcuffed. It was taken.

The angry swearing became a continuous sound. Many people protested, and some rushed up, but the result was that they were brought down by the guards.

Everyone asked Benal to give them an explanation, because all these unexpected changes broke everyone's peaceful life, and many people were full of fear as to what the future would be like.

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