During dinner the next morning, Lankesuri told Lena the answer to the mystery of the Sphinx: "Lina, the story you told earlier, the answer to the mystery is a human being, right? ?"

"Yes." Lina didn't expect that Lankesuri would guess the answer so quickly.

"It's not all I think." Frank Xiuli did not take credit, but frankly admitted, "My father gave me some hints."

It's the father again.

Lina is really curious about what the Emperor of the Empire looks like now, she feels like a wise but eccentric guy.

Just think about it, and forget it.

Seeing the emperor means that her relationship with Lankesuri will go further, which is not a good thing.


After breakfast, Lena and Lankesuri came to their secret base together, changed into ordinary clothes, put on a disguise mask, and came to Golden Acorn Street again.

Came to the grandmother's house again, and the two who just entered the door saw two puppies stumbling and chasing.

"Welcome." The grandmother warmly welcomed the two of them, "Come, sit down first, and I'll make tea for you."

As soon as Frankie sat down, a small yellow dog came to bite Frankie's trousers, and Frankie carefully touched the puppy's fluffy head, and was soaked nose up.

From childhood to adulthood, Lankesuri, who has never been in contact with small animals, melted in an instant, and interacted with the puppy, you and me.

When the grandma came over with the brewed tea: "It seems that your relationship is already very good."

"Is that so?" Lankesuri had never been with small animals. He carefully picked up the puppy, surprised, "It's so light!"

"It's still young after all." Lena came back and reached out to touch the puppy, "It's so cute."

"Since the two of you have such a good relationship, then this puppy will be given to you." The grandmother said with a smile, "I hope you can take good care of it... Siva, okay?"

Wendy, who had been lying under the sofa, looked up lazily, yawned and fell back on her stomach.

"It seems that Siwa doesn't object either," said the grandmother.

The first time they met, Lankexiu thought that Shiva was a stupid dog, but after confirming that the strange man found by Shiva was his master, Lankexiuli's attitude towards Shiva There has been a change of desire to promote first to restrain.

This is wise and foolish!

Lankesuri is also full of hope for the descendants of Siwa. He feels that the descendants of such a spiritual dog must also be very spiritual!

"Is it alright?" Lankesuri was so surprised that he couldn't help confirming here, "Did you really give it to me?"

"Sure." The grandmother said with a smile, "Come and give it a name."

"The name..." Many names flashed in Lankesuri's mind, but he finally recalled "The Story of the Faithful Dog Hachiko", he said firmly, "Roy, just Just call him Roy."

"Loyal? It's a good name." The grandmother nodded, "Dogs are indeed very loyal."

Lina looked at Lankesuri and hesitated.

Listening to Lena's voice, Lankesuri developed a rebellious mentality - this is his own dog, and he can never leave it to others to take care of.

Moreover, when he watched "The Tale of the Loyal Dog Hachiko", he felt that Hachiko was very pitiful. He clearly liked his master so much, but he couldn't live in a house with his master.

He will definitely spend time with Roy and will never let Roy endure the wind and rain outside the house alone.

Back to the palace, Lankesuri fell into the restless mood of raising a pet for the first time, and wanted to do everything by himself.

Lina accompanied Lankesuri in his room, using the rich material resources in the palace to prepare a nest for the puppy.

Nothing can beat the ingenious Lankexiu, Lina looked at Lankexiu using her ingenious hands to make a pillow into a beautifully shaped kennel, and immediately fell in admiration.

"You are really good at handicraft." Lina sighed, "It's amazing."

"It's very simple." Lankesuri didn't think it was difficult, he learned alchemy since he was a child, and felt that doing these things was a piece of cake, "Tomorrow I'll make a wooden wood for Roy. house."

It's good for kids to be motivated, Lena nodded and praised: "You're awesome."

Under the encouragement of Lena, Lankesuri used the leftover scraps and wooden box to make a dog potty, spread his own sheets, picked up the puppy, and said kindly : "Roy, you will defecate here in the future, do you hear?"

"Why don't you just keep the dog in the yard?" Lina couldn't help reminding, "That way, you don't have to worry about it."

"I'm afraid it's just coming, a dog is afraid." Frank Shuli was particularly concerned about the mental health of the dog Roy, he touched Roy's furry head, "Don't be afraid, Luo Yi, I will take care of you."

Lena: "…"

Okay, it's a good thing for a child to be so kind.

The two tidy up the nest, and Lankesuri took three more valuable bowls and added Nulu goat milk to Roy, beef from the Kahn Plain, and a basin of water .

The puppy sucked everything in in twenty seconds.

"It looks like it's been hungry for a long time, it's too pitiful." Lankesli was sympathetic, "I'll go get it something to eat."

"Okay." Lina nodded her head without thinking, after all, she just followed the account of the Beagle Victims Alliance on the Internet, and the real experience of raising dogs is limited to helping friends to raise them. For a few days, did not know much about puppies.

Lanke Xiuli stood up and was about to fetch food for the puppy Roy himself. After only two steps, he saw Roy following.

"Why, are you reluctant to part with me?" Lankesuri was overwhelmed with love and took two steps forward cautiously, "I'll be back soon."

Lanxiuly's love was doomed to fail, Roy didn't understand what Lanxiuli said at all, bit Lanxiuli's slender and expensive shoelaces, and began to pull up.

Lina: "Pfft."

Lanke Sulli: "...why did he bite my shoelaces?"

"Probably think it's fun." Lina pretended to be calm, but her face was full of smiles that could no longer be suppressed, "Lanke Xiuli, it seems that your relationship is really true. very good."

"Don't say that, Lena." Lankesli's face was helpless, "Help me, okay?"

Lina picked up the puppy and rescued Lankesuri's shoelaces from the dog's mouth: "Okay~"

Not long after, Lankesuri brought back some goat milk and poured it into the evening.

Roy was inhaled by another gust of wind and ate the contents of the bowl cleanly. Both of them were startled. Lankesuri picked up Roy and put it on his lap, Touching his chubby belly: "Why did he eat it all again?"

Roy hummed twice, obediently didn't resist, spread his limbs and let Frank Sulli touch its belly for a long time.

Then tilted her head and spat out a pair of Lankesuri pants.

Lanke Xiuli couldn't hold back his expression any longer, his whole face collapsed: "Spit up?!"

Lina hurriedly took a few steps back to keep a distance from Frank Shuri: "Wait a minute, I'll call the maid."

"You just left me here?" Lankesuri's face was full of disbelief, he was vomited for the first time, and he didn't know how to move. , "Lina, don't call anyone else! Please! I don't want others to see me like this!"

"What time is it, do you want to do your own laundry?!" Lina didn't expect that the little prince was still holding a shelf, "You sober up!"

"I-I'm very awake." Lankesuri was calm and distracted, "Help me hold this thing, I'm going to change clothes."

Lina stretched out her hand, kept the maximum distance from Lankesuri, and took over Roy who had vomited.

Lanke Xiuli finally stood up this time, collapsed and watched the dog's spit slide down the trousers, calmed down, and even jokingly said: "This is really a Fresh experience."

Lina thought to herself, where are you, there are so many new experiences after raising a dog.

After a lot of fiddling around, Lankesuri's pants, soiled carpet, and sofa were all violently destroyed, leaving no trace.

"No one will ask." Lankexiuly knew this for a long time, "Even if someone is curious, just say I did an experiment and broke it."

Lina thought of the loud noise last night: "You are so hard."

"It's nothing." Lankesuri took Roy from Lena's arms and found the little puppy looking weak and sympathetic again." What happened to it?"

"I just threw up, I'm not feeling well." Lena had wiped Roy off the dry cloth while Lanxiuly was changing clothes and taking a bath, "Lanxiuly, let Can the dog rest for a while?"

"Okay." Lankesuri put Roy carefully into the kennel he made, and patted the dog's head lovingly, "Roy, have a good rest."

Finally, Roy lay down in the kennel, Lankesuri and Lena were sitting at the small round table chatting—the sofa had been violently destroyed just now.

In less than a minute of the two chatting, Roy crawled out of the kennel.

Lankesulli, who was about to deepen his relationship with Lena, had to go and put Roy back in the kennel. This time, within half a minute, Roy crawled out again.

"Why doesn't it go to sleep in the nest?" Lankesuri said anxiously, "Is this nest uncomfortable?"

"Maybe it's because in summer, dogs are hotter." Lina replied, "After all, dogs have fur, and the effect of keeping warm is different from that of a hairless naked ape."

"What is a naked naked ape?"

"It's human." Lina explained it like this, "Don't humans look like monkeys without hair?"

This point of view shocked Frank Shuri. He never thought of such a funny and poignant irony. He only felt that his soul was inspired. You said it very well."

"That's not what I said." Lena said casually, looking at Roy, and found that the puppy that crawled out turned into the nest made of pillows again.

"Go in! Go in!" Lankesuri was so excited that he held Lena's hand, "Lina, look!"

"Okay, I know." Lina nodded perfunctorily.

Then, under the moved eyes of Lanxiuly, Roy urinated in the kennel carefully made by Lanxiuli.

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