It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 557 I didn’t really want it, but he gave me too much!

Chapter 557 I actually don’t want to... but he gave me too much!

When Chen Fei and Liu Yifei arrived at the hotel arranged by the Venice Film Festival organizer, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening on August 28.

Although it was very late, Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Matt Damon, and Jack Nicholson were still waiting for him in the hotel.

Along with them, there were two local public relations teams from the Venice Film Festival.

After all, he is also a director who has won the Golden Lion. Chen Fei naturally knows the inside story of the three major European film festivals.

The power of the chairman of each jury is terrifying in the current award selection!

For example, when Isabelle Adjani, the head of the enchantress school, served as the president of the jury, in order to win the award for the director and film she admired, she not only fell out with all the members of the current jury, but also acted like a enchantress like her character. I got into a big fight with the Cannes Film Festival organizing committee and ended up with a Palme d'Or double yolk egg.

There are also Wang Jiawei’s 5 best actors, 6 best actresses, etc. These are all achievements of famous names!

It can only be said that wherever there are people, there will be rivers and lakes and disputes.

The emergence of the public relations team is to win in this "dispute".

After greeting everyone in turn, the group went directly into the conference room next to the hotel suite and began to discuss the award winning plan for this Venice Film Festival as the night fell.

Natasha did not come this time because she was responsible for setting the release date of "Interstellar" and negotiating with theaters about the number of theaters to open.

The person who moderated the meeting was a female manager from the PR team.

"I'm very happy to meet you all here. You can call me Hattie. I hope we can get along very happily in the future cooperation..."

After a simple opening remarks, Harty asked his assistant to turn on the projection screen and came to the front of the conference table.

"The names marked on this list are all the members of this year's jury."

Chen Fei raised his eyes and saw a familiar name.

Harty introduced in turn: "The chairman of the jury is Michael Mann, and the other members are Chen Kexin, Marina Abramovic, Laetitia Casta, Ali Forman, Ursula ·Mel…”

After introducing all the jury members, she added: "Our team has successfully won three of them, and they expressed their full support for "Dallas Buyers Club."

At this time, the manager of another public relations team also said: "We also successfully won three members of the jury."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but be stunned.

Even including Michael Mann, there are only nine people on the entire jury.

Now, relying on its strong financial strength, our side has successfully recruited six members of the jury. Isn't this already a victory?

As if seeing the confusion in Chen Fei's eyes, Hattie turned on the laser pointer, and the red dot landed on Michael Mann's name.

"We only deal with the members of the jury, but in the award selection, the opinion of the chairman of the jury is particularly important. As long as we can deal with him, our chances of winning will be greatly increased. Otherwise, there will still be great risks."

As she spoke, she pointed the red dot of the laser pointer at Chen Kexin and the British actress Samantha Morton respectively.

"These two are the people we have been unable to achieve success in public relations with. No matter what conditions we put forward, they are not acceptable. The other party even refuses to communicate with us."

Chen Fei understood this.

The conflicts between him and Chen Kexin, Wu Yu and others have long reached an irreconcilable point.

In such a situation, how could this guy turn around and support him?

As for Samantha Morton, Chen Fei didn't know much about her. Maybe she had already moved to Harvey's side.

In fact, the opinions of one or two jury members do not have a big impact on the final selection of the award. The most important thing is the chairman of the jury.

After receiving money from the employer, it is natural to do things for the employer.

As a professional public relations manager for the Venice Awards, Harty has already launched an offensive against this year's jury president.

She turned to look at Chen Fei and said bluntly: "Michael Mann made a request to me."


"He said that he is 69 years old this year, but he has only been nominated for the Oscar for Best Director once. His dream in this life is to win that dazzling statuette."

For other people, this requirement may cause a lot of headaches.

But for Chen Fei, it shouldn't be too easy!

Isn’t it just script + Oscar award PR operation?

What he lacks the most is these things!

"You can reply to him and I can help him get the Oscar statuette, but the prerequisite is that he needs to help me get the important award at this film festival."

Hearing these words, Hattie suddenly felt filled with joy!

She naturally knows how awesome her employer is.

He is the fourth talented director in film history to win three European gold medals, and his scripts have achieved repeated success.

The promises given by such people will naturally not disappoint.

"Then next, our PR target is Michael Mann!"

At the same time that Harty made the announcement, he looked at each other with the manager of another group of public relations teams, and everything was clear.

"Fei, in the upcoming film premiere, I hope you can publicly invite several judges and film critics to lay a good foundation for our winning."

"Of course, this is no problem."

Fai Chen agreed immediately.

According to the film festival regulations, after the opening ceremony, except for the film premiere, the judges are not allowed to contact any crew members of the film participating in the competition in private.

So, the premiere is actually an excellent place for communication.

The meeting ended and everyone dispersed one by one, but Hattie did not leave.

Because just when she announced that the meeting was temporarily over, Fei Chen suddenly said that he had something to talk to her alone.

After watching everyone leave, Hattie asked straightforwardly: "Fei? Do you have any instructions for me to do?"

"Wait for me a moment."

Fai Chen turned around and opened his backpack. Under the pretense of rummaging through things, he found a brand new script from the system's script storage library.

He handed the script to Hattie and said, "You can pass this script to Michael Mann on my behalf and say it's a gift from me." Hattie was stunned when she saw this. Good guy! Although she knew that Chen Fei had an extraordinary talent in screenwriting, she never expected that he would take out a script that could compete for an Oscar! She subconsciously looked down and saw a string of English words written on the cover of the script. "Nomadland"... The Venice International Film Festival is about to open, and the main crew members who are determined to compete for heavyweight awards have come here early. The movie "The Master" is also one of the films participating in the competition unit. And Harvey, an expert in award operation, naturally paid attention to Michael Mann early. For this American director who has made "Ali", "The Aviator" and "Miami Vice", he knows what the other party wants. Tonight, when Chen Fei arrived in Venice, Harvey and Paul Thomas Anderson, the director of "The Master", knocked on the door of a room on the top floor of the hotel.

A beam of light suddenly lit up in the quiet corridor. Michael Mann opened the door and frowned slightly at the two people standing outside.

"You shouldn't have come."

"Michael, don't be nervous. The film festival will not officially start until tomorrow. Our meeting tonight will not affect you."

Seeing that the two had no intention of leaving, Michael Mann could only invite them into the room.

Harvey's purpose was very clear. After entering the room, he directly expressed his desire to compete for important awards at this Venice Film Festival.

"Harvey, the award is not decided by me alone. Including me, there are nine judges at this Venice Film Festival. We need to discuss and decide together..."

"Michael, you know me." Harvey interrupted him and said bluntly: "In terms of rushing for awards, I should be the most professional in Hollywood and even in the world."

Michael Mann certainly knew this, but he would not agree directly.

He and Harvey were just acquaintances, not a deep friendship.

If the other party just came to say hello, and then he had to work hard for him, wouldn't it be a shame for God's gift?

"I can help you get the Oscar for Best Director. Weinstein Pictures will help you with public relations and distribution for your next movie."

Before coming, Harvey had already inquired about Michael Mann's requirements.

Fortunately, he is the most professional in Hollywood in terms of rushing for awards!

He is very sure that Michael Mann will make the right choice under the attraction of Oscar.

And the final result did not disappoint him.

Just like Leonardo, Michael Mann also has an obsession with Oscar. If he can get a little golden man for himself with the award of the Venice Film Festival, he thinks it is a very worthwhile deal.

"I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."

Harvey and Paul Thomas Anderson did not stay for long and soon said goodbye and left.

Michael Mann sent them to the door and watched them get on the elevator and leave. Then he locked the door again and prepared to rest.

Harvey's promise made him excited, but also a little entangled.

Good scripts are hard to come by, and he doesn't even know when he can make a film suitable for winning awards.

However, just as he was lost in thought, there was a knock on the door!

"Did you drop something?"

He walked to the door with a curious look on his face and turned the doorknob.

However, when he saw the person standing outside the door, he was slightly stunned.

"Huh? You are not that..."

"Hatti Politoff."

After introducing herself, Hatti did not ask to enter the room presumptuously, but took out the script in her bag and said: "Fei entrusted me to convey his words to you. He admires your directing style very much and thinks you are very suitable to be the director of this script."

After handing the script to Michael Mann, Hatti did not say much and turned around and left.


The door closed and Michael Mann came to the study with the script.

From the initial curiosity, to excitement, and even excitement...

In just half an hour, he actually experienced several mood changes!

Turning the script to the last page, he saw two business cards.

One belongs to Chen Fei, and the other belongs to Hattie Politoffer.

He thought for a while and dialed Hattie's phone number first.

After the exchange ended, he suppressed his excitement and pressed the hang-up button.

This time, he had to say sorry to Harvey and Paul Thomas Anderson.

There was nothing he could do, Chen Fei really gave him too much!

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)

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