At the end of the premiere, there was thunderous applause.

Seeing her daughter taking the lead to walk to the stage as a producer, Liu Xiaoli, who was sitting in the front row, was all smiles. She even took a video and sent it to the family group.

"Sissi became a film producer."

Suddenly, the family group exploded!

Everyone, led by Liu Yifei's aunt and grandmother, spoke up and asked about the relevant situation.

On the stage, Xie Nan once again invited everyone to sit down and said very sincerely: "I just watched it in the audience. The film is very good. It has a fantasy + youth theme. It is a style I have never seen before.

In other youth films, the protagonists develop plots that revolve around falling in love.

But this movie gave me the feeling that the male and female protagonists are running in both directions, working together toward a goal, and saving each other, which is really great..."

Liu Yifei smiled and nodded, because this was also what she felt during the filming of the film.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, who was listening to the conversation between the two, suddenly had an idea in his mind.

As soon as the thought appears, it is like a gush of spring water that cannot be suppressed no matter what!

Just when Xie Nan asked him to estimate the box office of the movie, he simply said all the thoughts that came to his mind.

"As for the box office, because the current pre-sale data has reached 130 million, then I will simply be bolder and set the baseline to 700 million..."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar on the scene!

For a youth-themed movie, the base box office is set at 700 million?

This is Chen Fei. If any other director had said such words, he would have been ridiculed on the spot!

In the audience, Wang Zhonglei's face became increasingly ugly.

The number 700 million was calculated by Huayi a long time ago.

The release of "Earthquake" was postponed for 10 days, but the final box office stopped at 690 million. This number is so embarrassing that it makes people want to cry!

Now, it's a good thing. Whenever a blockbuster comes out, the base line is simply "700 million."

Feng Xiaogang was pulled out and tortured again and again. The media and netizens did not consider the feelings of an old man...

"To be honest, there is no other number. Can't we say 600 million? Or can't we say 800 million? We have to say 700 million, right?"

He was complaining in his mind, when in a daze, he suddenly heard Chen Fei changing a new topic on the stage.

After listening attentively, he realized that this kid was actually interested in youth-themed movies!

"Actually, in my opinion, youth-themed movies only have these characteristics: skipping classes, fighting, puppy love, secret love, jealousy, breakups, going abroad, abortion, car accidents, terminal illness, mismatched families, good students and bad students..."

Chen Fei talked eloquently about nearly 40 characteristics of various current youth-themed movies, and then added:

"In fact, I very much hope that directors who are good at youth films can try their best to make some innovations and strive to bring a refreshing feeling to movie fans, instead of relying on ready-made and falling into clichés..."

As soon as the words fell, the scene suddenly burst into laughter.

But at the same time, there are many producers, directors, screenwriters, etc. who either frowned, suddenly realized, or their eyes lit up, as if they had realized something.

Han Sanping and Wang Changtian suddenly looked at each other, and the name of a movie popped up in their minds unconsciously.

"To our dying youth"

After carefully recalling the content of the finished film, the two people as the producer and distributor couldn't help but widen their eyes!

"Shall I go? It fits perfectly!"

"Hey? Is this guy able to read minds? How can he guess everything?"

The premiere ended and the banquet time officially began.

At this time, Vanity Fair's socializing officially kicked off.

Chen Fei noticed that Wang Zhonglei got up and left directly, and did not participate in the subsequent activities. It was probably because he had done something wrong.

At this time, a group of big producers came towards him.

"Mr. Chen, you are very tough! You have sued so many media outlets at once, and they are still here today with shame."

Facing Ye Ning's joke, Chen Fei laughed and said: "Litigation is one thing, interviewing and reporting is another thing, and the two have little overlap."

"This is Zhao Liying, right? The little girl is very brave. If you work hard with Mr. Chen, you will definitely achieve something."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Feiyue Film and Television is once again preparing to promote a new talent, otherwise Zhao Liying would not be able to continue to dominate the headlines.

Maybe it won't be long before another popular A-list actress will make her debut!

"Thank you, Mr. Ren, for your compliment. I will work hard."

Zhao Liying thanked Ren Zhonglun obediently, and then silently stepped aside.

Just look familiar. After all, this is a conversation between big bosses, and she can't get in the way.

"Mr. Chen, if the characteristics of youth films you just mentioned are combined together, will they produce good results? For example, box office results and so on?"

Wang Changtian's sudden question made Chen Fei stunned for a moment.

He turned his head and was quite surprised: "Mr. Wang seems to be very interested in this kind of subject?"

"It's good to make money, don't shiver."

Wang Changtian is very upright, and his main project is only pursuing high box office and high profits.

Chen Fei thought for a while and finally nodded: "Although selling emotions will be criticized a lot, it is indeed a good way to increase the box office."

"Then I understand."

Wang Changtian nodded, thoughtfully.

Although the premiere of "Your Name" is over, outside reports and various hypes have just reached a climax!

On the second day, Chen Fei logged into the entertainment website and looked around. All of them were news about the premiere.

"Chen Fei and Liu Yifei collaborate for the second time, the second on-screen couple!"

"The basic box office forecast is 700 million, youth + fantasy, new themes, novel stories, let's wait and see."

"Director Chen made a public statement saying that the themes of domestic youth films are too cliché and suggested that directors broaden their horizons and look for refreshing plots."

"Liu Yifei officially changed from an actor to a producer and entered the ranks of capital."

"Surprise: The male protagonist of "Your Name" was actually fooled..."

With the news all over the sky, the pre-sale box office has once again reached a new peak!

When Chen Fei went to check the movie on the day it was released, he discovered that the pre-sale box office of "Your Name" had actually climbed to 150 million yuan!

Just relying on his and Liu Yifei's fame and popularity, the movie has already sold 150 million box office before it was even released!

When seeing this scene, many production companies in the industry fell silent.

You know, "Tai Chi 1: From Zero" was released for a full week, and the box office was only 85.23 million, while "Hedong Lion Roar 2" was only 31.05 million after 5 days of release, and "Second Exposure" was 35.37 million after three days of release... …

Even including "HOLD Live in Love", which was released on the same day, with the help of Yang Mi and Liu Kaiwei's CP promotion, the current pre-sale box office is only 26 million.

Direct fault leads!

On August 23rd, Chinese Valentine’s Day, “Your Name” will be officially released!

Since early in the morning, all major portal websites have been full of news about the movie's release, as well as various live reports in the theater.

"We learned from theaters such as Wanda, Pan Asia, and New Film Alliance that the attendance rate of "Your Name" has remained above 96%, and there were even scenes of people queuing up to buy tickets."

"Judging from the response from fans at the scene, the quality of the film is excellent, and everyone who has seen it said it was good!"

"The pre-sale box office of 150 million has once again broken the domestic first-day box office performance. The combination of Chen Fei + Liu Yifei seems to have become a box office guarantee."

For the whole morning, Chen Fei just sat in the office reading various reports.

Liu Yifei went to participate in a talk show and even took Zhao Liying away, leaving him alone.

That talk show is also quite interesting. It only invites female guests, but not male guests.

Chen Fei felt very puzzled. Isn't this kind of program afraid of being exposed by the Internet?

Discriminate against men...

The fairies will definitely cause trouble for it!

Until noon, as Douban uploaded the basic information of the movie and opened the scoring mechanism, Chen Fei soon saw the "battle reports" from fans from the front line.

"The picture is simply beautiful. Every frame seems like a painting. It makes me fascinated and dreamlike!"

"The lives of two people intersect, they exchange bodies, they write a diary every day on each other's mobile phones, a piece of knotted rope. Three years ago, I didn't know you, but you came to me, I like you but I don't remember you. , a comet, a disaster, I want to find you wherever you are... Oh my God! This story is so great!"

"After I came out of the theater, my boyfriend didn't understand very much. Why did I cry three times in the theater? He said, isn't this just a forced happy ending for a fresh person? But among thousands of people, I am the only one who found you and fell in love with you. You alone, even if I travel through time and space and change history, I still want to keep you... Isn't this story worth crying for? "

"After watching this movie, I really want to have a sweet, never-ending love!"

"Holy shit! The last scene shocked me. The comet fell. A youth-themed movie actually incorporated science fiction. This is so cool!"

Every time Chen Fei refreshes, he can always see some newly uploaded comments.

In less than ten minutes, the number of comments has exceeded 10,000, which undoubtedly shows the extremely high popularity of the movie.

However, although there are mostly positive reviews, it is inevitable that some people with clear ideas will appear at some point.

"I like the scene of Tianxian and Zhao Liying stepping on the wine koji. Hehehe, if you can give me the wine koji that they have stepped on, I would be willing to lick it with my tongue every day..."

"What the hell? Brother, you are so perverted... I like it so much."

"Urgent! Put your feet directly into my mouth!"

Seeing that the comments below gradually turned to another indescribable direction, Chen Fei silently closed Douban.

Although he was shocked by these people's idiosyncrasies, he could understand and respect them.

What's more, it's just a few words of praise and it won't affect anything.

The next day, at 6:30 in the morning, Chen Fei was woken up by the sudden ringing of the phone.

He opened his eyes drowsily, glanced at the name on the caller ID, sighed helplessly, and pressed the connect button.


"Hey? Why are you so lazy? It's almost seven o'clock, and you're still sleeping."

There was a burst of complaints on the phone, followed by the sweet and irrepressible joy: "Chen Fei, guess what the box office score was on the first day of the movie we starred in?"

"160 million?"

"Hehe, you guessed it wrong!" Liu Yifei's voice became more and more excited: "It's 170 million!"

"so much?"

Chen Fei was slightly stunned. The pre-sale box office had already reached 150 million. How come the box office on the first day increased by another 20 million?

Doesn’t make sense? I’m so nervous about filming now…

"What the hell? No way?!"

Chen Fei suddenly thought of something, turned over and sat up, and took his laptop from the table beside him.

Although it is still early, the Internet is already full of news about the movie "Your Name".

"The box office on the first day was 170 million yuan! A huge hit!"

"The pinnacle of youth films! The first-day box office record for domestic films has been refreshed again! And it has successfully been raised to a new dimension!"

"In the box office war of domestic movies in August, "Your Name" leads the way!"

There were all positive reports on the Internet about the movie's box office and positive reviews, but Chen Fei ignored all of them and instead looked for the news he wanted to see.

Soon, a piece of news fell into his eyes.

"The theater chain once again adopted the practice of 'flexible adjustment of film schedules', and the box office of movies such as "Tai Chi 1: From Scratch" and "Hedong Lion Roar 2" plummeted..."

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Sure enough, when it comes to ruthlessness, these theater chains are the most ruthless!

Flexibly adjust the film schedule and reserve good schedules and film schedules for movies with high attendance. As for other films with low attendance, naturally they have become stepmothers.

"Grandma, aren't you doing this on purpose to attract hatred?"

As expected, Chen Fei received a call from Han Sanping at around 11 a.m.

"You've been sued."

There seemed to be some schadenfreude in the third master's tone, as if he was saying: Who told you to play alone without me? This is what happens when you eat alone.

"What an injustice!" Chen Fei was quite helpless: "This is the theater chain's own decision, and I am not deliberately causing trouble inside."


Han Sanping laughed, and after a while she said in relief: "Don't be nervous, I'm just joking with you.

Tong Bureau asked me to tell you, don't take these complaints and online comments seriously, just increase the box office, and he will take care of the rest for you. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes lit up.

This taste is right instantly!

Good movies should get better and better, and bad movies should be thrown into the ditch.


In this special period of this year with the large-scale invasion of imported films, whoever dares to hold back domestic hit movies will "die"!

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)

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