"It's so awesome, I actually witnessed the counterattack of the ugly master. "

"Everyone is the same, they all watched the ugly man go from an ordinary person to today, the only amateur, it's really not easy. "

"I hope there won't be the same situation as before, saying that the ugly man's performance is too exaggerated and will have an impact on the future. "

"I didn't expect that Zhou Jin's popularity is so high now, I vaguely remember that when the whole network was black Zhou Jin, you were the one who scolded the hardest, right?"

"The past is gone, what's the point of saying it's still in the past?"

"Haha, this is not all a normal situation, netizens, whoever wins will help whom!"

"Don't blow it there, this is all the sailors invited by Zhou Jin, right? Killed a person in a grand manner, although he is a bad person, but he can't just turn a blind eye, right?"

"Yes, I suggest that at least one of the crimes of negligent death should be arranged for Zhou Jin. "

"Don't think you like it, the whole world has to follow you, I'm the first to stand up and tell you, I hate Zhou Jin!"


At the same time, the player hall.

on stage.

Zhou Jin and elementary school student Kudo stood in the middle of the stage, enjoying everyone's gaze and the various audience discussions about them.

I don't know if it has been arranged a long time ago, or if the program team did it intentionally.

On the big screen that is now used as the background, all the barrage of viewers on the Internet is playing.


The scolding was not blocked.

It's very simple to hide in the screen and type a few words, but watching such an overwhelming discussion on the spot, without any psychological quality, it is easy to be made to explode in the mentality.

And most of the audience's discussion focus was almost all on Zhou Jin's body.

As for the elementary school student Kudo, he once again became a foil without exception.

"Mr. Zhou Jin, Kudo children. "

The host Bingbing also ignored the barrage on the screen and said with a smile, "Congratulations, you have won all the escape links in the first stage, and you have achieved the point of leading in terms of speed." "

"So, now in front of the on-site judges, contestants, and hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the screen, do you have anything to say?"

"Kudo-san, what about you, is there anything you would like to say to your classmates?"

The host, Bingbing, was the first to directly hand over the microphone to the elementary school student Kudo, and motioned for him to speak first.

"Thank you, host, sister. Elementary school student Kudo didn't postpone either, and now he reverted to the same elementary school student again, took the microphone and said, "I don't have much to say." "

"I have been able to get to where I am today thanks to Mr. Zhou Jin, so I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to him. "

Elementary school student Kudo bowed slightly very politely and bowed to Zhou Jin.

This is the truest portrayal of his heart.

After all, in the world of the virtual escape capsule, it was really Zhou Jin who helped him through most of the difficulties, and he himself did not play a big role.

Although there has always been suspicion about Zhou Jin, and this suspicion has not completely disappeared until now.


Publicity is public, and private is private.

Elementary school student Kudo is very clear about this, so he will not have any postponement due to the thanks.

"Kudo kids, you're too polite. "

The host Bingbing obviously didn't expect what kind of scene would appear, and hurriedly said with a smile, "I watched the video of your reality test, and your sneakers seem to have a big doorway, can you share it with us." "

"Or do you have any other black technology hidden in you?"

mentioned this matter, and many players and viewers immediately became interested.

At the scene of the crime, they saw with their own eyes that the shoes of elementary school student Kudo had a very big effect, and even directly allowed him to surpass the other players and follow Zhou Jin all the time.

A primary school student should never have such physical fitness.

Therefore, the black technology of his shoes has already attracted the attention of many professional shoe manufacturers.

If we can develop a shoe of this kind of function, how big the market can be, you can imagine it with your eyes closed.


Elementary school student Kudo, however, did not want to delve into this issue.

There are indeed a lot of black technologies on him, and some have not been shown at all, and the origin of these things can stand up to inspection, and there is no problem at all.

But the point is,

The sleeping Kojiro was able to get to where he is today because he anesthetized him with an anesthetic watch, and then used a voice changer to change his voice to help him solve the case.

If this is exposed, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

So for elementary school student Kudo, it's really a matter of saying too much and losing it.


Elementary school student Kudo scratched his head, pretending to be a schoolboy, and said with a smile, "This is all done for me by a scientist uncle, but he told me that he can't tell anyone else his identity." "

"So, I can't answer your question. "

It avoids this question very sleekly, and it can be said that it is not at all like an 8-year-old elementary school student.

In this regard, the host Bingbing has also become Xi to it.

No one who can come to participate in the "Perfect Escape" program is simple.

Because of this, she didn't mean to ask any more, and turned to look at Zhou Jin on the side.

"What about you, Mr. Clown, is there anything you want to say?"

"Our show has a lot of ratings right now, maybe your family or friends are sitting in front of the screen and watching you, do you have anything to say to them?"

The host Bingbing handed the microphone to Zhou Jin.

After Zhou Jin took the microphone, he organized his language a little, and looked at the camera not far away.

In a flash

His head was magnified quite a bit, taking up almost the entire screen.

Here's a close-up.

Everyone was waiting for Zhou Jin to say something.


And didn't keep them waiting.

Zhou Jin's eyes seemed to contain all the sins in the world, and said lightly, "I don't have anything to say, if I have to." "

"I hope that there will be fewer low-quality crimes in this world. "


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