Wei Zongying felt that sometimes he really couldn't understand girls. One type of them suffered from severe "Scheherazade" syndrome. He had bad traits, and when they liked him, they regarded his bad traits as his personality.

Being liked by a girl who is a friend is the most annoying thing. It is even more annoying than finishing building a Gunpla and finding out that it is a mountain.

He stepped forward and passed by Liang Mengyi: "That's your business, but don't use me as an excuse."

He rarely asked for help when dealing with girls. In the past, he would rather stand there and watch the girl he broke up with cry. His ears were tortured for half an hour without even thinking of calling for help.

But this time he called Shi Yun over.

After all... soft rice is quite delicious.


Wei Congying's position was taken by Shi Yun.

The group of people were also happy because after all, Shi Yun's card skills were not as good as Wei Zong Yinglai's.

Before she went to the card table, Wei Zongying won a lot of money. It may be that all her brain cells were consumed in the laboratory, and she lost her consciousness soon after.

Wei Zongying poured her a glass of warm water and put it next to her. Seeing that she still lost in the end with a good deck of cards, he didn't feel bad at all. Putting his calloused palms on Shi Yun's shoulders, he massaged them gently.

The pressure was quite comfortable, but it looked too ugly for her to lose.

He raised his head and looked at the person standing behind him: "I lost everything, how about you do it instead."

Wei Zongying did not take over: "If you lose, it's mine."

The affectionate words seemed to sting some people's ears. Liang Mengyi sat next to Xiang Shaoyuan, her feet on the chair, sitting casually. She sat next to him holding a fruit plate, like an outsider.

Liang Mengyi glanced at Shi Yun's outfit. She was dressed casually today, with no big-name outfits on her body. She looks similar to Lin Fang's new girlfriend. She is probably the kind of girl they always look for who can end the relationship by just giving her some luxury goods.

"Is Wei Zong's cooperation with you in dating a poverty alleviation?"

The cold effect of these words was comparable to a thousand years of ice. No one around made a sound. You looked at me and I looked at you, but no one looked at Wei Songying's face.

Shi Yun was the first to come to his senses and continued to deal with the cards as if he had not heard these words. The cards still smelled bad. After sorting out the cards, the hand that was massaging myself stopped. When she secretly turned her attention to the person behind her, a hand appeared in her peripheral vision.

He took away a few cards from Shiyun's hand and helped her open the cards: "Who plays the cards?"

Lin Fang cleared his throat, glanced at him secretly, and threw out a straight.

Liang Mengyi's words did not receive any response, but apart from the sound of throwing cards, there was no voice in the box to report cards. Wei Congying guided Shi Yun out while watching the card game. He took a bad hand and turned it into a good one.

The biggest pity for Xiang Shaoyuan was that he didn't lose his cards, but just kept them and couldn't bear to part with them. Then he ended up with a pair: "Damn, I actually lost."

Lin Fang's cards were okay. Before the next deck of cards started, everyone habitually summarized and complained about the previous deck. Everyone gradually recovered from the silence caused by Liang Mengyi's words just now.

It was at this time that he suddenly said: "It is not poverty alleviation."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at the person behind Shi Yun.

Including Shi Yun.

She twisted her neck and followed the arms on her shoulders, her eyes shifted a little bit, and finally fell on his face.

The face was obviously smiling, but it didn't look friendly at all: "It's not about poverty alleviation, I'm the one being taken advantage of."

Being bagged by her?

Shi Yun didn't understand, but the person behind him spoke frankly. She looked at him and met his lowered gaze. When their eyes met, the smile on his face became brighter. The hand on his shoulder moved to her face and squeezed it gently.

An even weirder silence filled the box. Jiang Xuyang sat opposite the two of them. Looking at Wei Congying who was looking down at Shi Yun, he was the first to laugh. After all, they had known each other for many years. He had the insight to break the embarrassment: "So Ah Zong, you are the one being raped. Take it."

The author has something to say:

What to say, I don’t know.

Then I wish you all a happy new year! It was gone at 8pm. 6k has been sent.

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2022-05-18 12:23:00~2022-05-19 20:27:50~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: Luckyfdghd, Jingjing., Fu Xintong 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Luckyfdghd 5;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 18 bottles of Affinity; 9 bottles of Nicole; 5 bottles of Idiot, 5 bottles of Wind; 4 bottles of gogolucia, Cohnia, Little Fairy, and Old White Rabbit; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 20

"It turns out, Wei Zongying, you were captured."

He hummed, just like a child asking if you got 100% on the test, and then nodded with great pride: "Yes."

Of course, this kind of behavior will not bring him much face.

Shi Yun looked at him, the lights on the ceiling were a bit dazzling. Some lights fell on the ends of the hair, and the edges turned golden. Shi Yun looked at him, looked at his face, and suddenly thought of the person who once helped him teach him a lesson by robbing her pencil case.


It really seems.

She looked at that face, a little lost in thought. There's still something on the cheek

Feeling pinched: "Let's play, we'll go back later."

The game didn't last much longer.

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