The third question given by the system is a bit embarrassing, but considering that such a situation may really be faced in the future, Yuan Xin feels that he should be more serious.

"Come on, let's assume it's the first answer from the host." The system is looking forward to Yuan Xin's response.

Passive beating is definitely not acceptable.

The problem-solving element of the first answer is that it is more Versailles than Versailles, and in this case, of course, the counterattack is the same.

"Hey, what's the value of bags? Isn't this kind of thing a one-time item? Am I the only one who throws it away? Valuable antiques."

The system obviously didn't expect Yuan Xin to actually come up with more Versailles. If it had hands, it would definitely say "admiration" to Yuan Xin.

But it doesn't, so I can only exclaim, "You are a real cow!"

"How to crack the second answer?"

When the system mentioned the second one, I didn't expect Yuan Xin to look embarrassed.

The system asked thoughtfully: "What? Is this too difficult? Or just skip it?"

"It's not a difficult question, it's the system why do you make a hypothesis that you have a husband?"

Yuan Xin thinks about it and accepts his incompetence, but he still bites the bullet and says his answer.

"This is not a question of love or not, but my husband heard me say that he wants to go to France to play. I like to drink wine, so I bought a vineyard near the Chateau Romanee-Conti, and now I put a full tenth of the family's working capital into it. I think he spends too much money, so talk to him about saving it. Qian, he didn't want to, but because I cried a lot, he quickly agreed..."

After speaking, Yuan Xin couldn't help rubbing the goose bumps on his arms.

The system's admiration for her is even more eloquent, "Wow!"

The fourth question is finally no longer nesting dolls, Yuan Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

The system is also very careful, and there are all kinds of questions in the question bank.

Because the question and answer questions take a lot longer to think about than the multiple-choice questions, and the same number of questions, it took a whole morning and afternoon to pass the test.

After the end, the system could not wait to set off a fireworks for Yuan Xin on the spot to celebrate.

Yuan Xin, who was racking his brains to think about the answer, collapsed directly on the bed.

Although she has made a lot of progress, her dizziness is also real.

After resting for a whole hour, she did not recover. If her family had not come back and made dinner for her to eat, she would not even move.

Fortunately, this kind of torture is not everyday, and the system can't solve so many problems.

Yuan Xin also seemed to be completely connected by these questions and the attribute of Versailles. After a night of rest, she decided to try her own results.

This is a rare opportunity.

The internship period is a very important part for the students of University A. The dormitory group that usually talks a few words from time to time has been silent for the past two days.

On the third day, that is, at noon after Yuan Xin passed the system test, the peace in the dormitory group finally broke.

It was Zheng Lirong who started it first.


[Wu Yan: I feel great, my colleagues and bosses are very good, I followed what Li Rong said, I brought two bags of fruit to everyone on the first day, and they really liked/bared their teeth]

[Zheng Lirong: That's good. ]

It will be lunch break, Li Yucheng also appeared in the group and politely replied a few words.

At present, Yuan Xin is the only one left who has not answered. As expected, Wu Yan specially adorned her again.

Yuan Xin chose to take the initiative.

[Yuan Xin: Thank you, I don’t feel very good. Every once in a while, subordinates from different departments come to report the company’s situation. If it weren't for the coffee that the secretary made like **** tasted fine, I would hardly be able to hold on to it/tears]

As soon as these words came out, the dormitory group was instantly cold.

Afterwards, Yuan Xin received a private chat from Li Yucheng.

[Xinxin, did you go to the internship company? ]

Yuan Xin has been reborn under the baptism of Versailles question bank.

[Yes, I am so tired and envious of you]

Li Yucheng sent her a hug and patted her head, presumably thinking she was really going for an internship.

Wu Yan and the others in the group finally reacted.

[Zheng Lirong: Yuan Xin is really amazing. ]

[Wu Yan: I am a little curious about the difference between the place where the big boss works and us, Yuan Xin, can you send us a photo? ]

Half a minute passed and there was no reply, just when Wu Yan and the others thought that Yuan Xin was retreating and planned to provoke her, she suddenly appeared again.

[Yuan Xin: I really want to show you, but the secretary said that this is a confidential place of the company, and it is not recommended to take pictures for others to see, so I will describe it to you. The office is a bit small, only 70 to 80 square meters, and it even includes a reception area! The sofa in the reception area is so small that it can only fit about ten people. It takes two days for the green plants to change. Can you believe it? Ugh]

When she posted this, Yuan Xin was still thinking, thanks to her past life to visit her father's office, or else I really don't know where to start.

After seeing that he sent a message, there was no movement in the group, Yuan Xin felt that he seemed to be used to it.

After a while, someone came out.

As usual, a cheerleader and a peacemaker, and a troubleshooter.

[Zheng Lirong: I feel so powerful. ]

[Wu Yan: But didn't you arrive the next day? How do you know that the green plants are changed every two days? ]

Yuan Xin ticked the corner of his mouth lightly, and quickly replied.

Just readjusted, and by the way told me that the green plants were changed every two days, alas, it completely ruined the cold and glamorous image she left in my heart when she first met. ]

"I'm going!" When Wu Yan, who was far away in the city next door, saw her words, she subconsciously spoke.

After she finished speaking, she realized something, and quickly covered her mouth and looked aside.

Sure enough, several colleagues around who were taking a nap were woken up by her, and looked at her in an unhappy mood.

Wu Yan nodded apologetically to them one by one, and only lowered her head silently after seeing them continue to lie down and sleep.

This Yuan Xin is all to blame! Wu Yan cursed a few words in her heart, such as letting Yuan Xin go out and forgetting her keys, eating instant noodles without seasoning packets, lying next time and meeting someone more disgusting than her to disgust her, etc.

After a long time, Wu Yan couldn't hold back her breath and sent another sentence in the group.

[Wu Yan: Since Yuan Xin has become the big boss, as roommates who have lived together for so long, should they invite us to a meal or something? I heard that there is a French restaurant over there in Wangfujing, how about it? ]

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