Is the Evil God Me?

: 237 What is Exploitation

What is the salary?

Wages refer to the remuneration paid by employers or legal employers to employees for their labor in monetary form in accordance with legal regulations, industry regulations, or agreements with employees. Simply put, it is money.

But, this is the definition of wages, what about the nature of wages? What is the measure, and what is the measure, to determine the value of a person's work? Do you come with your mood? Write zero with your eyes closed, and write as many as you want. Or is there an invisible hand that decides everyone's wages.

After the big bald head came to Albion.

Because of his bad health and suffering from the cold, he lay in pain in bed for more than a month. For more than a month, he was thinking about how to save his money so that he could survive on food and clothing. Because of poverty, he developed price sensitivity, and Yuri was slapped in the face by the soaring prices due to the war.

Direct anger tore up his schedule.

Yuri began to study the issue of wages after thinking about it, and he felt that someone was plundering his pocket legally. How is this possible? Absolutely not! This is simply unbearable for a former factory owner!

After all, he has a wealth of experience and has traveled in various places. Yuri quickly came to a conclusion that everyone is selling their labor to the capitalists for wages, so wages are the measurement of labor through currency. Then the next question arises again. Wages are rising, indicating that the value created by one's labor is increasing. Then, what kind of process does one use to buy commodities with wages?

The question of the big bald head was quickly found. The answer is that commodities are the transformation of one's own labor force, so he has been using labor force to buy other people's labor products.

Ideally, it should be a lossless replacement of labor.

Well, it is the barter of primitive society.

Yuri's thinking is wrong. If barter is reasonable from an objective point of view, it will not be eliminated by the ruler of currency. Therefore, the ideal situation is not ideal, and there must be problems, but he has not systematically discovered and proposed this problem.

Then the word residual value pops up.

Then there are costs, profits, means of production, variable capital, constant capital, labor, value, use value, added value, money, primitive accumulation, capital reaccumulation...

This is simply too much, and it can't be done in one night. At that time, Yuri shook his head and sighed, feeling like he had discovered a new world in motion. This world is a social relationship and a system. , can be summed up, or even a whole new discipline!

Of course, the big bald head doesn't know that in the lower reaches of history, there are always college students who try to understand the problems that their predecessors have been studying all their lives in one night, so as to cope with the exam.

In addition to researching with the students in Albion Collection, drilling into the factory together, and going to self-reliance together.

Yuri also wrote letters to communicate with his friends.

Like Joseph in Ron, the spontaneous organization in Gowan, the soldiers of Hopps, these are Yuri's friends, many of them are inspired by Yuri's ideas, more or less wide-eyed , realize what is called ideal. Although Yuri is not an Extraordinary, and he is not prominent in his voice, his thinking that is not welcomed by the ruling class is exactly what most people want to embrace.

With the help and opinions of these people, the big bald head finally completed the first draft, which is the one in Lynn's hands.

And he also found an answer.

"... Wages are what the worker exchanges for his own commodity, the labour, for a variety of other commodities, and are changed at a certain rate. The capitalist pays him two soli in exchange for his labour days. He was paid a certain amount of meat, a certain amount of clothing, a certain amount of firewood, a certain amount of kerosene, etc. It can be seen that these two soles represent labor. The exchange value of commodities expressed in money is also called The price of commodities. So wages are just the price of labor.”

"And this labor price is only the worker's commodity, not the equivalent product. These products are produced by the capitalist who hires workers with the raw materials and labor tools that belong to him. However, the value of the commodity is determined by the socially necessary labor time. In the process of increasing value, workers are actually only labor tools and cannot enjoy a share in the price of products.”

"So when the price of commodities changes and the relationship between supply and demand also changes, workers and peasants cannot effectively control the loss of their labor force through their own labor, and can only be harvested by an invisible pair of scissors in a disadvantaged position. pocket money and unaware that there is a fundamental problem with their labor.”

The big bald head's remarks almost didn't confuse Lynn from beginning to end. It's never easy to explain objective laws.

After listening to the little gentleman, some seem to understand.

"Gold pound itself has no value, sucrose is not the price of sucrose." Lynn muttered thoughtfully, his economic concept has always been a weakness.

In the last few minutes of silence, Lynn said Isn't this exploitation? "

Migrant workers are only replaceable props, and the products of labor belong to capitalists, and they do not enjoy the increase in price. When the relationship between supply and demand changes, such as delinquency, through macro manipulation of the economy, the exploited can only take out the last money in their pockets and the last strength in their bodies.

This is why the milk would rather be poured into the river than sent out.

"Exploitation, um, this word is used very well. I think I will often use it in my own works." After the big bald head explained it to Lynn, he was not tired at all, but he was full of energy.

This kitten has been slapped back and forth by Yuri more than a dozen times, and it still enjoys tossing and turning enjoying the dexterous hands of the erect ape, licking Yuri's fingers intimately, revealing a soft belly.

And every time Lynn tried to touch it, he would be scared back by it grinning.

Probably because they are not close.

"I also lived on the edge of the lower city for a while. You can't see the problem of workers as clearly as Mr. Yuri, especially the salary." Lynn retracted his hand and smiled. The smile on his handsome face faded a little. , but with the discussion of the topic, there will inevitably be more confusion.

When the society of this era is untied a little bit, there is another obstacle waiting for him.

"I'm curious, you said that you were the son of a businessman before, and you were lucky enough to become a Beyonder. I also have some Beyonder friends who rarely have eyes like yours. Can you tell me where you studied before? ?"

During the exchange, Yuri found Lynn's thoughts interesting.

Like a broken giant, although there are some deficiencies, it is still able to glimpse some Zoran.

Therefore, I became curious about Lynn's educational experience.

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