The user group of [Premium Series] is positioned as the lowest-price sensitive high-end users in the consumer market.

Therefore, the lowest-priced models in this series are sold for more than one million.

In the future, there will be co-branded limited editions with various brands, through a variety of luxury series of precious metals, leather and other decorations, to enhance their own premium. In terms of technology, the product itself will not be too far behind the mid-range [Selected Series].

There will also be an ingenious high-end version, which is used to meet the needs of various outdoor extreme sports people, rock climbing, mountaineering, and obstacle breaking in the wild, and there will be a considerable market in the field of emergency rescue.

As an outdoor adventure equipment, the requirements for product performance and quality are quite high, after all, these things can save lives at critical moments. Serving this group of people well will greatly enhance the brand's reputation and compulsion.

Therefore, the upper limit of the performance of the ingenious high-end version of the machine will reach the ceiling level of civilian commercial specifications in all aspects.

After the first batch of development models was determined, Liu Lang began to transform the production line in the device manufacturing plant.

The difficulty in manufacturing the commercial mass production version of the [Convalescent Prosthetic Armor] lies in the 'brain-computer interface' device, which is undoubtedly important as a device for the exchange and processing of information between the human body and the prosthetic armor.

The rest of the prosthetic armor, in terms of manufacturing difficulty and secrecy, is not so demanding.

As long as the supply of the most critical 'brain-computer interface' devices is controlled, the rest is handled by the device manufacturing department.

After solving the problem of industrial mass production and manufacturing of prosthetic armor, a new problem came

to Liu Lang, how to publicize it? When the video taken by the patients and their families when they surrounded Liu Lang's brothers and sisters was uploaded to the Internet, it could not be disseminated on the Internet because of various problems such as 'network restrictions', 'security license restrictions', 'video content suspected of violating regulations', and so on.

At first, her sister Liu Nian suggested choosing the usual practice of technology companies when releasing products, attracting Internet celebrities and big Vs, letting them bring goods, and spending money on online platforms to promote them. I don't know how effective this is, but it's definitely a lot of money.

"By the way, brother, aren't you also an Internet celebrity

? You endorse your own products, it's more appropriate, right?!"

If it weren't for his sister's reminder, Liu Lang almost forgot that he was an Internet celebrity now.

After the two sci-fi short films "Space Elevator Battle" and "Moon Fall Crisis" came out, Liu Lang is now the most well-known figure in the science fiction industry of the Dragon Kingdom under the strong push of Byte Entertainment.

Douyin has more than 60 million fans, and it continues to rise, and the recent hot searches related to him are still occupying major online platforms, although it is not as popular as it was at the beginning, but it has become a well-known star.

While the heat was still there, Liu Lang began to promote on his Internet social platform.

Released a video announcing that he had founded a wholly-owned technology company: π Technology.

And launched a technological product designed to help people with disabilities regain their mobility [Recuperation Prosthetic Armor].

In the video, it not only introduces the functional parameters, applicable groups and scenarios of the three types of prosthetic armor of [Guardian Series], [Selected Series], and [Premium Series], but also announces their basic pricing.

[Guardian Series] is positioned at the low-end, with a starting price of 99900, if you put aside the technological content and value of the 'brain-computer interface' device, the cost of a set of [Guardian Series] prosthetic armor after mass production is only about 900 pieces, and the remaining 99000 are profits.

[Selected Series] focuses on the mid-end market, with more functional configurations, the service population is no longer limited to the physically disabled, and the materials used are also more generous, and the final price is naturally higher than that of the low-end series. The price range is 30W-100W.

Finally, there are more than one million [Premium Series], before the prosthetic armor has been widely recognized by the market, the [Premium Series] is not the focus of Liu Lang's recommendation.

As long as the market response of [Guardian Series] and [Selected Series] is good, there will naturally be luxury brands willing to cooperate with them, and the premium of co-branded products and prosthetic armor will increase accordingly.

As for whether the pricing of the product will be too high, Liu Lang is not worried.

The functionality of the recuperative prosthetic armor is an absolute rigid need for the disabled, and with such a large number of rigid needs exists, Liu Lang does not worry about its sales at all.

[Sure enough, the end of the world still can't escape with the goods.]

Boss Liu Lang, have you forgotten your original intention

? Hurry up and make a video, you damn pigeon

] ['π Technology'? This name is good, it has a sci-fi flavor, I originally thought it would be called Liu Lang Technology] [

I originally wanted to support the big guy, after all, the production cost of CG special effects videos is very high, but the price is too high, right

?] The minimum is 100,000 yuan.,This is still a low-profile version only for people with disabilities.,The 'Selected Luxury Dynamic Edition' I fancy is 60w

?] [The buddy upstairs is afraid that he doesn't understand the price of this kind of professional medical equipment, right?

100,000 yuan is already low.]

If there is really the effect in the video introduction, there are a lot of people rushing to pay for selling 50w.

This is a medical device that can restore the mobility of a paralyzed person.

[Why does this thing look so much like the exoskeleton armor in the game?]

Since the load capacity is not an issue, it is recommended to add some armor modules and weapon modules to it. Build a super soldier on the battlefield. Not

long after the introductory video was uploaded, a large number of viewers immediately poured into the comment area to speak.

When he saw that someone in the comment area suggested that he militarize the prosthetic armor, Liu Lang couldn't help but smile.

Of course, he knew the militarized value of exoskeleton armor technology, after all, the recuperative prosthetic armor he was promoting was modified from the military-type exoskeleton armor in the movie.

However, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to peddle these technologies related to national defense and security to the authorities.

He is not sure about the official attitude towards him, what if he encounters a hardliner and is 'forcibly protected'?

The power of the individual is vulnerable in the face of the will of the state.

Seeing that he is preparing to shoot the live-action movie "The Wandering Earth" more and more, he doesn't want to be '404' at this juncture.

It is true that cooperating with the authorities can bring a lot of convenience, but it can also lead to all kinds of uncertainties.

Liu Lang chose to wait and see for the time being, the technology applied on the recuperation prosthetic armor was bound to be detected by the official forces.

At that time, if the official forces take the initiative to cooperate with them, they will have more room for negotiation at that time.

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