For any enterprise, paying attention to the dynamics of the government is a must, Chen Ye just came to this world, he has an understanding of all the decisions of the official government of the Great Xia Dynasty for the mobile phone industry.

He clearly knows that it was because the Daxia Kingdom adopted the “license system” for the mobile phone industry to protect the domestic mobile phone industry, so that the domestic mobile phone in the Daxia Kingdom flourished for a period of time, and more or less accumulated a little foundation.

However, because domestic mobile phones must face fair competition in order to have the opportunity to go further and longer, mechanisms such as network access detection and consumer feedback are adopted.

Because of the influence of the policies of the official government of the Great Xia Dynasty, domestic mobile phones are facing a crisis, but they are not the state of no fight back a few years ago, at least the infrastructure is still there.

Chen Ye understood more

In this parallel world, Daxia Kingdom attaches great importance to the mobile phone industry, believing that this is the entrance and extension of high-tech technology, and has specially established the “Ministry of Public Information” to supervise and regulate the entire mobile phone industry.

The Ministry of Public Information has always treated domestic mobile phones like fathers and is very harsh.

There is little praise, more criticism of education.

But now…

Hubtai, commenting on the hot sales of their Huaxing M1 smartphone, what does this represent?

It represents that their Huaxing M1 smart phone has entered the legal eye of the central platform, which is equivalent to entering the legal eye of the Ministry of Public Trust, and the image is very positive, which can be extremely beneficial to their Huaxing’s development, at least in the future, in the application for hardware development, factory approval, government support, have great benefits.

Everyone at the scene understands this truth.

For a while, it was boiling.

They all asked Zhang Weidong whether this news was accurate? If accurate, when the hub will broadcast the show.

In this regard, Zhang Weidong is not particularly clear, after all, regarding the decision-making of the central platform, with his deeds, he really can’t get it, and the reason why he knows this information in advance is that the Ministry of Public Information deliberately revealed it.

However, although I don’t know, you can wait.

Wait until the afternoon to have the result.

The financial channel of the central station broadcast the hot sales scene of Huaxing M1 smart phone, and the video did not judge too subjectively, saying that this should be praised or criticized, but seriously and enthusiastically broadcast many scenes of consumers snapping up Huaxing M1 smartphones.

And in the eyes of Chen Ye and others, this is already a strong overture!

Moreover, this strong overture also has a deep meaning, that is: a super big advertisement for the Huaxing M1 smartphone.

Now, video websites have not yet completely emerged, smart phones are not popular, ordinary audiences rely on entertainment methods, many rely on TV stations, and at this time the central TV station, no matter which channel, the flow of people is terrible.

The central economic station playing like this is completely equivalent to adding enough firewood to the explosive Huaxing M1 smartphone!

The more it burns, the more it grows!

Huaxing M1 smartphone sales in the first week, there is no need to worry!


This action of the Ministry of Public Information can be described as quite powerful.

But there is something more powerful, that is: the design patent has been patented!

Patent is an important thing, Chen Ye from the beginning of Huaxing M1 smart phone, immediately set up a team of lawyers to patent the appearance of Huaxing M1 smart phone, and after that, all important things, patent application.

Originally, the time limit for patent applications was not short.

A patent application for a design takes 6 to 8 months.

A patent application for a utility model takes from 10 months to 1 year.

Invention patent application takes 3 to 5 years.

It’s a lot of trouble.

And this Huaxing M1 smart phone design patent, that is, just half a year, applied, which is naturally the Ministry of Public Information gave a certain convenience, within the specified time limit, at the fastest speed to give them Huaxing.

“Powerful, really powerful!”

“It seems that the government also hopes that our Huaxing M1 smartphone can succeed.”

Chen Ye thought so, but quickly focused on the patent.

He must apply for all the patents he can now get, which is very important, it can be seen that in the previous life, there were many mobile phone industry and mobile phone industry chain industry bigwigs, for patent fees, but all kinds of appeals.

And a lawsuit fought for several years without results, but it still has to be fought!

In fact, it is a means of restraint, for its own purposes, using the patents in their hands to restrict other companies, and the way to get rid of this constraint, except for Laipi (basically all companies will Laipi), the best means is to have enough patented technology in their hands.

Become a giant!

Become a giant that chokes someone else’s throat!

Let other companies not dare to use force against you easily!


In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

The sales data of the second week of AE688 is about to be counted, and the company that has great expectations for this AE688 even held a high-level meeting, in addition to Ichiro Yamamoto, CEO of Global Strategy, and Nozawa, head of the branch of Daxia Kingdom, many bigwigs of Sobang were present.

These bigwigs of Suobi gathered together, like a board meeting, waiting closely in the large conference room, waiting for the sales of the AE688 mobile phone in the second week.

For the sales of this AE688 in the second week, many bigwigs have a basic guess in their minds.

In the first week, the AE688 sold 50,000 units, according to the increase in general mobile phone sales, the sales in the second week can usually skyrocket to 100,000 units, but the AE688 may create more amazing results… 150,000 units!

Maybe the sales volume in the second week can reach 150,000 units!

Then their AE688 is definitely a classic product, and it can be listed among their “museums”.

Most importantly….

The sales of this AE688 will bring huge profits, stimulate the stock to soar, and take this opportunity to reopen the market in Europe, America, island countries, Southeast Asia and other places!

Every big guy is full of expectations.

Then they all saw that the secretary trotted all the way and handed a page of paper recording sales data to Yamamoto Ichiro.

Yamamoto Ichiro didn’t look at it, but said with a bit of pride on his face: “Gentlemen, our sales data for the second week of AE688 has come out, it is in my hands, and now, I announce it for everyone.” ”

Only then did he look down.

And then….

The expression changed from triumphant to stunned just now.

From stunned to unbelievable.

From the unthinkable to the unbelievable!

The complexion is even more snow-white!

“No way, no way!”

Yamamoto Ichiro shouted violently!


Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for collection!

The author knelt down and begged for everything!

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