Invincible Bloodline

Chapter 239 The Old Man’s Shock

Flying boat - that is the treasure in the legends, even many strong martial artists only heard of its name, let alone a small family in a remote town like the Yang family.

All the children of the Yang family, including the old man, seemed to have turned into that curious baby at this moment, touching this here and that here, feeling indescribably curious and excited.

After a while, he managed to calm down.

"Good! Good! Good! Fan'er, it seems that the sect values ​​you more than I imagined, and even gave you this kind of treasure!!!" The old man said "good" three times, his face was full of wrinkles The old face couldn't express his excitement and pride. Feizhou was a treasure that even the ancestor of Marquis Wu coveted. The Seven Star Sect was able to give it to his precious grandson. One can imagine his good grandson's status in the Seven Star Sect. Compared with many elders of the inner sect, they are not bad at all, even worse, and the more Yang Fan is favored in the Seven Star Sect, the status of their Yang family will naturally rise! ! !

"No, I got this flying boat from auction!!!" Yang Fan shook his head lightly. He couldn't find many treasures like flying boats in the Seven Star Sect. Getting off the flying boat is still a little bit close, of course, it's another matter now! ! !

"Fan'er, what... what did you just say, this... this is what you got from... your own auction? This... how is this possible. ..." The old man's voice trembled a little, not because he didn't believe Yang Fan's words, but because these words were too shocking. Although he didn't know the specific value of the flying boat, compared with some top-quality treasures, it was absolutely It's more than that, at least it's worth several million spirit stones. With so many spirit stones, even some top martial artists must be able to get them, let alone a junior like Yang Fan.

"Well, it's indeed my auction proceeds. If it wasn't for the Flying Dragon Boat, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to go back to the family in time!!!" As soon as the words fell, Yang Fan couldn't help being thankful that he had photographed the Flying Dragon Flying Boat in time, otherwise However, relying on his footsteps alone, it may take several days before he can rush back to the family. By then, it will be too late to regret everything! ! !

"Really... is it really Fan'er's own auction? Could it be that I misunderstood, this flying boat is not something too precious?" The old man raised his brows, muttered in his heart, and asked curiously, " Fan'er, how much spirit stone did this flying boat cost?"

"Not a lot, just 2.6 billion low-grade spirit stones!!!" Yang Fan said casually. With his current net worth, compared to that top Marquis Wu, he is only high but not low, not to mention other things. Those eight golden python blood ginseng are worth hundreds of billions of spirit stones, a mere 2.6 billion low-grade spirit stones, which is indeed not a lot! ! !

"Oh, it's only 2.6 billion low-grade spirit stones, it's really not..." Suddenly, the old man's eyes widened, staring at Yang Fan, as if seeing a legendary ghost, "Fan Son, how much?"

"Twenty-six billion!!!" Yang Fan gave the old man a strange look, he was used to the hundreds of millions of Wuhou ancestors at the Longxiang auction, for a while, Yang Fan didn't realize this. The value is shocking to ordinary warriors! ! !

"Oh my god! Two....Twenty-six billion spirit stones!!!" The old man's body swayed and he almost fell to the ground. What a terrifying number, you must know that the Yang family doesn't eat or drink. The total annual income is only a few dozens of spirit stones. That is to say, the Yang family has spent tens of millions of years without eating or drinking to accumulate so many spirit stones. My good grandson is really scaring people to death. ah! ! !

After a while, the old man managed to come back to his senses, and then there was a burst of heartache. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his heart was pierced by a knife, but it was a total of 2.6 billion spirit stones. If it is left to the family, it does not need too much. As long as 100 million, no, as long as a million, it is enough to increase the family's strength by more than ten times. To think that you actually bought such a flying boat, you are a prodigal! What a loser! ! !

Although the flying boat is rare, it is just a means of transportation in the final analysis, and it does not have any substantial help for the strength of the family! ! !

"Fan'er, with so many spirit stones, just buy such a flying boat? This... this is too..." The word prodigal came to his lips, but the old man swallowed it again Going forward, although the relationship between Yang Fan and him has eased, the old man still has some scruples, what kind of cause he planted, what kind of result he will get, it's all because he cared too little about Yang Fan, his grandson, and now he has to think about the future when he speaks Finally, I was afraid that Yang Fan would be unhappy.

"Grandpa, although the 2.6 billion spirit stones are a bit much, I think this flying boat is worth buying. If I didn't have this flying boat, I would still be outside the West Shu Road. ..." Looking at the old man's heartbroken face, hesitant to speak, Yang Fan couldn't understand what he was thinking, and said with a relaxed smile.

Hearing this, the old man's tangled face couldn't help but relax, yes, without this flying boat, our Yang family would have been brutally murdered by the Huang family, but thinking of the sky-high price of the flying boat, I still couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart, it was a whole two years ago. 1.6 billion spirit stones, not 26 pieces, the Yang family, even if they do not eat or drink for hundreds of years, it is difficult to accumulate more than one in case! !

"Grandpa, I know what you're thinking, but it's really unnecessary. A mere 2.6 billion spirit stones is nothing at all!!!"

Yang Fan spoke lightly, but in the old man's ears, it sounded like lightning from heaven, which made him gasp. This old man's good-looking grandson... What kind of amazing adventure does it have? 2.6 billion spirit stones, even those high-ranking ancestors of Marquis Wu may not be able to get them out, but in the mouth of my good grandson, it is exactly like 26 spirit stones, hiss... ...

................................................... .

Xishu Dao is different from Yunlong Dao where fish and dragons are mixed and full of forces. It is the ancestral land of the Seven Star Sect. Here, apart from the Seven Star Sect, there are almost no decent family sects. ! !

As long as you have a strong martial artist, you must be at least a first-class force in this West Shu Dao, unlike Yunlong Dao, a top power, even if there is no real Marquis Wu in charge, you must at least have a Ten Great Consummation Martial Master.

The Huang family in Quyang City was originally only a first- and second-rate family in Quyang City, but after the ancestor of the Huang family took the last step and successfully condensed the spiritual bones, the tide rose immediately and became one of the first-class families in Nanyang County.

The Huang Mansion, which was originally only the size of a hundred mu of land, has expanded and expanded over the past few years, and now it is a behemoth covering an area of ​​one mile.

Outside the mansion garden, there are a large number of exquisite stone lions, stone tigers, stone unicorns, and stone pegasus... lifelike, with a wide variety, as if thousands of beasts gathered together, which makes people daunting! ! !

Inside the mansion, the courtyard is deep and extends in all directions, like a labyrinth, rockery ponds, waterfalls, inner lakes, lotus and goldfish, pavilions, majestic paths, lush forests, everything you expect to find.

Pretty maidservants carved in pink and jade held melons and fruit ornaments in their hands, shuttled back and forth, and imposing guards, wearing armor and knives, patrolled from time to time. It may be an exaggeration to say that there is a whistle every three steps, and a post every five steps, but The strictness of the guards is far from comparable to that of the Yang family, and the strength of the major guards is also quite good. The last ones are all six-level early-stage cultivation bases. Any guard captain is a quasi-level seven, or even a true seventh-level sky warrior , even if it is a strong Jiuchongtian, if he dares to trespass in Huang's mansion, he will always enter vertically and exit horizontally! ! !

"Look at the sky, what is that?" Suddenly, a loud exclamation erupted from the front yard of the Huang Mansion, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

"'s a dragon!, it's a dragon...a big dragon boat, a big dragon boat... "

" is this possible! How can a ship fly in the air? How can a ship fly in the air?"

"Look, there seems to be someone wearing it!!!"

"I see, it's the flying boat, the legendary treasure—the flying boat!!!"


The author Xiaoyao Huanyu said: The temperature dropped suddenly, Xiaoyao accidentally got caught, the headache was so bad, I really couldn’t get up to type, today is the only update, it’s cold, I hope everyone pay attention to keep warm, so as not to be like Xiaoyao In general, it's a sad reminder! ! !

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