Into Unscientific

Chapter 153 Xiao Zhao scolds all the ministers angrily (6K!!!)

After Xiao Zhao swallowed another mouthful of mutton.

Along with the feeling of fullness from the feedback, a rush of alcohol also surged up.

click -

I saw him throwing a chopstick to the side, holding the end of the remaining one, and knocking on the disk rhythmically.

At the same time, he shook his head and sang softly in his mouth:

"Whoever abandons me, don't let the day of yesterday stay; whoever disturbs my mind, today is a day of worry.

Changfeng thousands of miles to send autumn geese, you can enjoy tall buildings.

The Penglai article is built with bones, and Xiao Xie Qingfa in the middle.

All Huai Yi is prosperous and thinking of flying, and wants to go to the blue sky to embrace the bright moon.

Draw a knife to cut off the water, the water will flow more, and raise your glass to relieve your sorrow and sorrow. "

Seeing that Xu Yun picked up another bite of fish, he didn't foolishly boast about his 'good literary talent'.

If I remember correctly, this should be Li Bai's "A Farewell to School Secretary Shu Yun at the Xietiao Tower in Xuanzhou", not Xiao Zhao's original.

Although he is a science student, he still has an impression of this famous novel.

After all, when he was studying, he often remembered the word Tiaolou in "Xietiaolou Farewell to School Secretary Shuyun in Xuanzhou" as jumping off a building


Where is Xiao Li you ask?

Did you see that drunk chicken over there?

Looking at Xiao Zhao, who was quite dissolute, Xu Yun couldn't help but shook his head, and sighed inwardly.

"A Farewell to School Secretary Shu Yun at the Xietiao Tower in Xuanzhou" is a typical lyric poem that expresses emotion, but it is said to be farewell.

Although it is not particularly gloomy and gloomy, it also reveals a lot of worry and depression between the lines, and there is a taste of joy in bitterness.

Right now, Xiao Zhao drank about seven taels of high-concentration spirits, and he was already a little dizzy.

The poems that can be selected by him at this time can largely explain his inner emotions.

Think about it too.

After Zhezong came to the throne, whether it was Zhao Ji, Zhao Bi, Zhao Yu or Xiao Zhao, they were actually losers in the competition for the throne.

Zhezong was only ten years old when he came to the throne, and he was still a young emperor, so his grandmother, the Empress Dowager Gao, could only attend the court.

Feng arrived in the eighth year of Yuanyou. That is, in 1093.

After Gao's death, Zhezong officially started his political career.

At that time, Zhezong had just turned 18, in the prime of life and in good health.

From the perspective of a bystander, it is not a problem to be in power for at least 30 years, let alone a long time.

Unless Zhezong is infertile, there seems to be no reason for the throne to fall aside.

So at that time, princes like Zhao Ji, Zhao Bi, and Xiao Zhao didn't even count on the throne.

Either enjoy the happiness with peace of mind, or let go of the flowers in it—otherwise, how do you think the phrase "Duan Wang is frivolous" came from?

At the same time, there is no competition between them, and the private relationship between the few people has always been good, with a respectful and humble appearance.

The result was unexpected.

Just seven years later, Song Zhezong died suddenly, childless.

Zhao Ji changed his body and sat on the throne, and the camp of the original brothers changed immediately.

In addition, Xiao Zhao is still the younger brother of Song Zhezong, and he was also the candidate supported by most officials in the original court.

Therefore, in just a few days, Zhao Ji changed his original friendly attitude towards Xiao Zhao.

So it's okay to be childless.

all in all.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Zhao was really overwhelmed by the sorrow and boredom in his heart.

Looking at Xiao Zhao who was already a little confused, Xu Yun suddenly had a thought, and had an idea temporarily:

Do you want to test this King Jian?

He secretly poured water into his teacup, filled Xiao Zhao's cup with wine, and said:

"Being able to drink at the same table with His Highness is a blessing from the ancestors of Caomin. Come, Caomin will toast you again!"

"Oh yes, have another drink!"

Xiao Zhao smacked his lips in confusion, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and drank it down with his neck raised.


As the spirits drank, a puff of alcohol immediately rose up along with the belch.

Xiao Zhao's body swayed slightly, and he was able to sit still by supporting the wine table with his left hand, and his eyes became more and more confused.

Xu Yun pondered for a moment, then poured another glass of wine in front of him:

"His Royal Highness Jian, should you punish yourself for being absent these days?"

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded like a wise man:

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Without waiting for Xu Yun's urging, he took the initiative to pick up the wine glass again, and raised his head roughly.

Gulu Gulu——

In a few seconds, all the spirits were drunk.

Have a strong sense of self-management.JPG.

After drinking two glasses of spirits, Xiao Zhao finally fell into a state of complete drunkenness:

I saw this handsome man muttering, his eyes could hardly be opened, he looked like Li Ronghao.

Xu Yun tentatively waved his hand in front of him and said:

"His Royal Highness King Jian? His Highness King Jian?"

Xiao Zhao didn't respond:


Xu Yun glanced at the vegetable chicken surnamed Li again, um, they were all snoring.

After confirming that there is no one around, he coughed lightly and said in a sharp voice:

"Your Highness, Your Highness, it's not good, there is an order in the palace, the Queen Mother will make His Highness King Duan the emperor"

This is a technique that Xu Yun heard from a doctor friend in his previous life. Mentioning certain people or things around drunk people has a higher probability of triggering potential memory feedback.

This method is more commonly used in the operating room in later generations. The scientific name is positive suggestive language, and the doi is 10.15932/j.0253-9713.2017.01.030.

The success rate of this kind of suggestion is generally around 30%, and it generally requires milestone examples to have a probability of taking effect.

However, compared to later generations, Xiao Zhao's situation is a bit special now - he has never been in contact with spirits of this degree before.

Most of Xiao Zhao's so-called drunkenness and drunkenness in the past were self-preservation methods deliberately pretended by him.

The backlog of negative emotions deep in Xiao Zhao's heart was much more than Xu Yun expected.

Once drunk, such a person is more likely to give some feedback than ordinary drunks.

So following Xu Yun's suggestion.

In Xiao Zhao's mind that had already lost his basic judgment, a picture of a young eunuch passing the decree suddenly appeared that day.


I saw Xiao Zhao swept his sleeves and knocked several plates to the ground.

At the same time, the mouth kept making hoo hoo murmurs, whispering like a wounded beast:

"Zhao Ji, Zhao Ji, you and I are brothers and sisters, why do you want to kill me! When my brother was in power, did he ever hit you hard?!"

As he spoke, tears suddenly flowed from Xiao Zhao's eyes:

"You ascended to the throne and became the emperor, you have to be called the son of heaven, and you are admired by all people.

I have no intention of competing with you, but you don't even allow me to leave the capital, and you are on guard against me every day.

Reduce the amount of money today, and arrange for inspection tomorrow.

Last month, I felt something in my heart. I stuffed a strand of hair in the pony-nosed jacket I changed in the room, and told the servants not to enter the room, but when I returned to the house half a day later, I found that the hair inside the pup-nosed jacket had long since disappeared. ! "

As Xiao Zhao was talking, he suddenly looked at Xu Yun crying and laughing, as if he regarded him as Zhao Ji:

"You don't even let go of your underwear, Zhao Ji, what on earth do you want to do? Don't you want to give up if you want to take my life?"

Seeing Xiao Zhao who had completely lost his composure, Xu Yun suddenly felt sympathy.

It is not difficult to see Xiao Zhao's last words and the previous poems.

He didn't believe that Zhao Ji would really attack him, it was more out of the emotion of being tortured.

After all, there were not many cases of brothers killing each other in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the sound of the candle shadow and ax was just a rumor after all, and there was no real hammer.

Secondly, Zhao Ji's temperament is just like what I said before.

Fainting is really fainting, but it can't be called violent in any case.

So in Xiao Zhao's opinion.

Zhao Ji's most egregious approach was to imprison himself in the palace and wait for a few years or more before releasing him.

But the problem is

Zhao Ji in history really made a move on Xiao Zhao.

One was the prison case of King Cai's Mansion, which killed almost all of Xiao Zhao's capable staff.

The other time was Xiao Zhao's sudden death later, even the history books dared to cover it with death.

Since ancient times, the ruthless emperor's family

Xiao Zhao just cried and laughed in the courtyard, venting his emotions.

Fortunately, the courtyard Xu Yun chose was quite secluded, and he asked the servants not to come forward.

There are no bugs in this era, even if there are eyeliners watching, so it seems a bit unrestrained.

after awhile.

After Xiao Zhao had vented completely, he seemed to be a little more sober.

Seeing this, Xu Yun quickly poured him another glass of wine.

Then he paused, and asked a question that he had been curious about for a long time:

"His Royal Highness, what do you think of the current state of the country?"

After asking this question.

Xu Yun stared at Xiao Zhao closely, with a dignified expression, not sure whether Xiao Zhao would answer according to his own words.

"National power?"

Xiao Zhao repeated the word, made a funny gesture with his head sideways, and slowly uttered a word:



Hearing this answer, Xu Yun immediately became interested and asked:

"Where is the danger?"

Gulu Gulu.

Xiao Zhao picked up the jug and poured another glass of wine, took a swig and wiped the corner of his mouth.

What Xu Yun didn't know was.

What he said happened to be a question that Xiao Zhao had been thinking about for a long time.

So naturally, Xiao Zhao once again had the desire to tell:

"When the court is in order, there are four people in total. This king can't wait to dismiss three of them, three masters and three lords, this king can't wait to dismiss four of them."

"Look at those seven people, which one is not gray at the temples, which one is not the pillar of the court, and which one is not the brother's daughter-in-law. If they die, this king's heart will be broken."

"Brother handed over the country to Zhao Ji, but it turned out like this, what face does Zhao Ji have to see his brother?"

"When my elder brother came to the throne, this king was young and thought that the biggest enemy of the court was Qiangwu; after taking over Qiangwu, this king thought the biggest enemy was Xixia; the old general Wang Hou recovered Qingtang, and the Liao people became big again. Song's worry."

While talking, Xiao Zhao suddenly became excited, and pointed his index finger in a certain direction:

"This king is becoming more and more clear now that Song's worries are not outside, but in the court, in the Chui Gong Palace! Among my brothers and ministers!"

"If the Chui Gong Palace is a bit rotten, the Great Song Kingdom is rotten!"

"If they all rot"

Xiao Zhao couldn't help but took a deep breath, shook his head and said:

"Everywhere in the Song Dynasty will rise up and let us die without a place to die!"

Xu Yunjian glanced at him and asked a new question:

"Then, Your Highness, if you were in power, where would you start?"

Xiao Zhao obviously thought about this question more than once. Although he was confused at the moment, he still answered decisively:

"Eliminate party disputes within the country, and Xiping will pay nothing!"

After speaking, he hiccupped again, and continued to say in a daze:

"The chaos of party struggles has lasted for a long time. Since the fall of Shenzong, the new and old party struggles surrounding the reform have swept across the government and the public, and have long endangered the court structure.

You see, except Mr. Zhao, who is dedicated to studying for a degree, who can remain neutral in recent years? .”

After saying these words, Xiao Zhao suddenly yawned, curled up on the chair and fell asleep.


Beside him, Xu Yun was lost in thought.

In fact, Zhao Kuangyin had a premonition and vigilance about the party struggle in the Song Dynasty as early as the founding of the country.

The third year of Jianlong was 962.

Regarding the imperial examination, which is the most important source of officials, Zhao Kuangyin issued a strict order:

"Jidi juren are not allowed to call Zhiju officials as benefactors, teachers, and self-proclaimed disciples."

After a few years.

Zhao Kuangyin also established the palace examination as a custom, and through this form, he emphasized that all the candidates for the pilot test were hand-picked by the emperor.

That is to say, from "the main student" to "the emperor's student".

The purpose of this approach is to try to strengthen the existence of imperial power and weaken the color of the master.

So as to break the situation of teachers and students and friends of the same school formed by the imperial examination,

However, the sky did not meet people's wishes.

Due to the injustice of the country in the Song Dynasty, the status of generals has always been suppressed, and the literati are emphasized.

And this approach has achieved a grand occasion where famous ministers gather and heroes gather.

It also led to the court's important officials competing to focus on the pursuit of power, and being deeply involved in party struggles without paying attention, even famous officials could not avoid it.

After the death of the second generation of the donkey cart emperor, the party struggle gradually spread and intensified, and then became uncontrollable.

For example, during Song Zhenzong's time, the party struggle was represented by Wang Qinruo and Kou Zhun. Wang Qinruo gained power by squeezing out Kou Zhun.

During the Renzong period of Song Dynasty, it was represented by the open and secret struggle between Lu Yi bamboo slips and Fan Zhongyan, which led to the "Qingli New Deal" being abandoned halfway.

and then

This is what Xiao Zhao said about the struggle for political reform.

This is the issue of the Yuanyou Party that was mentioned when introducing Xiao Li's father, Lao Li.

Xiao Zhao can realize this, not to mention whether he has the ability to solve it, at least it is much better than Zhao Ji's hands-off shopkeeper:

Zhao Ji didn't care about what he did, and left his hands from the keyboard to wander away.

This approach eventually led to the six thieves monopolizing the court at the end of the Song Dynasty, and peasant uprisings broke out in various places, which was one of the key reasons for the sudden death of the Northern Song Dynasty.

But what really surprised Xu Yun was not the party and government issues, but the second thing Xiao Zhao said:

Xiping empty rate!

The Forbidden Army of the Northern Song Dynasty adopted the five-level and twelve-level Xiang army model. Xu Yun's data for this period is not clear, but before and after Jingkang, he was very impressed with the number of people paid for food in the Northern Song Dynasty:

1.2 million!

And out of the 1.2 million, how much is the real number that can be pulled out?

Less than 400,000!

With a full quota of 800,000 vacancies, how do you think the Northern Song Dynasty could convert economic advantages into military advantages?

Even in the Jingkang Incident.

Many weapons of the Jin Army were simply bought from some generals of the Western Army

But throughout history, the nine emperors before and after the Northern Song Dynasty, including Song Huizong and Song Qinzong, were smart, and only Song Zhezong tried to solve the problem of empty pay.

However, not long after his policy was implemented, he died suddenly.

Therefore, some people in later generations speculated that Song Zhezong's sudden death might have something to do with certain interest groups in the Western Army.

After all, there is no conflict between being able to fight and being greedy for money.

For example, Li Gang, the famous anti-golden general, and Zhang Jun, who was disgraced by ZTE's four generals, were all people who fell into the eyes of money.

all in all.

Xiao Zhao can say these words.

At least in terms of vision, he is much, much better than Zhao Ji, the Emperor of Flowers and Birds and Humanoid Planter.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help taking a deep breath, and a certain idea in his heart became clearer.

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