"I won't let the water out~"

When Xi Ling said this, the surrounding noises stopped, what does it mean to not release water? A male worm actually said not to release water? Everyone looked up at the sky, very sad.

Of course, high-level males generally have high mental strength. As long as they study hard and study systematically, they will naturally be very powerful.

The key is that Xi Ling is young, only an adult, how can his spiritual power be so high?

Look at the high-spirited posture, it doesn't look like a joke, so everyone is more entangled, is it that the world has changed now that males can take it for granted?


"Okay," Aubei nodded solemnly and agreed, his eyes were serious and serious, and he didn't mean to look down on him.

Well...everyone's expressions are more complicated, are they showing their love again? So frustrating.

Xi Ling walked to the open space like a leisurely stroll, and two plants in the pocket of his coat also climbed out, one was just rescued, and the other was a black and white double-headed evil spirit.

Mozhi's name is Xiaoshufen, Xi Ling just got up, Xiaoshufen has low attack power, and quickly crawled to the side not far away, shaking his head and shaking his head to release something, he was very busy.

It is particularly gloomy, not only that, the two vines on the top have already bloomed, one black and one white, both beautiful and huge, a touch of hostility spreads, and even the surrounding air has a slight fragrance, this demon Plant, is a fighting demon plant! not to be trifled! !

How can Xi Ling have a fighting magic plant? It was unimaginable, but everyone was relieved immediately, who is the fourth prince Aubei? So pet/love the hero, want it! There will be soon.

And Aubei's eyes are even deeper, so fierce, is it a ninth-level or tenth-level magic plant?

Xi Ling knew that Aubei was waiting for him to take the shot first, and a vine slowly climbed up Xi Ling's arm, rubbing God's face in a pleasing manner.

Are you going to attack the flower god? Why not let me secrete toxins/toxins? Even if the poison is not dead, it can slow down the speed of the prey~ The black and white two-headed are constantly showing off their cuteness, and they talk a lot.

Xi Ling nodded, and immediately countless vines were drawn towards Aobe. Aobe was extremely fast and moved quickly. The plant is very powerful, and while the water is not leaking, it pushes Aubei into the distance.

Stop waving, uprooting many surrounding trees, stones flying all over the sky, and even the audience avoided its edge and watched from a distance.

Obey can't get close for the time being, he avoids by speed, looking for Mozhi's weakness, after all, it's Xi Ling's pet, Aobei is a little more careful.

But at the moment when Aobe just landed, tens of thousands of thorns flew in, covering a wide area with no dead ends.

Xi Ling narrowed his eyes, how would Aobe defend? After seeing the body of the worm, I naturally know that my wife will not be injured at this level, but... my palms are sweating, and my heart is beating so fast. Damn, I regret fighting with him. Aubei is hiding, he must be afraid of injury I am sad about the plant. When I rescued Xiao Goufen just now, I felt Aobe's eyes in a different way.

Obey didn't hide, and with a wave of his hands, all the thorns near him fell to the ground.

The black and white double-headed shaman finally set up the net, with the power of destruction, while entangling the Aobe layer by layer, more thorns grew and drilled into it.

The squeak was too loud.

Xi Ling was in control of the black and white double-headed evil spirits. He knew what was going on inside. He immediately threw a handful of seeds. Incomparably, Aubei was not damaged at all. Awesome, Xi Ling waved his hand even more vigorously, and the ghost trees that had just formed scale stood up one by one.

Xi Ling's soul is a god, but he is a mortal. He can't use much source power at all, and his lethality is limited. A ghost tree does not pose a threat at all, but a group of ghost trees is extraordinary, because when the leaves sway, they can produce a kind of wave sound, which affects the brain's judgment after entering the ear. Moreover, when the trees move, they can produce hallucinations, which can make prey. get lost.

It is not difficult for Obe to solve these troubles, it is only a matter of time. but! The black and white double-headed evil is hidden in the formation and becomes a murderer!

Aobe was in it, he couldn't see Xi Ling, he couldn't see his subordinates, and he couldn't see anything except the tree. He... closed his eyes, and suddenly, the black and white double-headed evil attacked.

Aobe's cold-blooded shock, his hands turned into slender weapons, so sharp, so murderous.

Killer, what is it? Aubei kept thinking, only defending but not attacking, he also wanted to know Xi Ling's means.

, a strong attack.

Obey held his breath to prevent these things from entering his nostrils, ears, etc., but more flocculents flew over, helpless, he could only take a deep breath and spew silver flames. The fire ignited, the flames soared into the sky, the colorless and odorless poison spread, and the concentration reached an appalling level. Aubei had to fly into the sky, but he was stiff because of the poison, missed the opportunity, and was wrapped in the vines that were constantly attacking. Strangle to the death.

Xi Ling exhaled, did he win? Aubei is a poisonous insect, and Xi Ling knows that, so Xi Ling will not use the method of attacking poison with poison. He uses... detoxification method! As long as you trap your wife in front of you, you will win.


Yin damage?

Xi Ling has been standing in the same place, just showing a hint of relief and dignified again, Ao Bei moved again, I wanted to hang him, and then take him back, wry smile, Xi Ling's The mental power has been used up, and there is only one layer left. If it is used to attack... I will not have the strength to **** my wife at night.

What to do?

Fight or defeat? Suddenly Xi Ling laughed, because whether he lost or not, he seemed to be invincible╮(╯▽╰)╭

Obey came through the thorns, the black and white double heads hung down the flowers, and the biggest leaves were tossed and complained constantly, why only attack with vines and thorns? Use leaves! The leaves circulate into a ball like a blade, which is airtight. This is a big killer. There are the most black and white double-headed leaves, and there is no end. Furthermore, you can use large leaves. There is a peerless drama/poison inside.

And flowers, which can create illusions!

The most powerful thing is the root! The hardness of the tree roots is no joke, the big spaceship next to it can be pierced by piercing it.

Why not use a big killer? Black and white double-headed crying, it doesn't want to lose woo woo woo.

Xi Ling rolled her eyes, that is my wife, even if I want to fight, I have to find a place where there are no insects, right?

Don't reveal it, keep a low profile, show it today, Xi Ling has a plan.

Obey was already in front of him, he put his arm around Xi Ling's little **** and lifted it, lifted the male off the ground, smiled slightly, and Xi Ling's handsome appearance made Xi Ling lost his mind.

"Want me on it?"

The males are arrogant and high-spirited, and they will definitely be unhappy if they lose.

Who is Xi Ling? Immediately pouted, snorted, and looked away, and the black and white double-headed shackles and Xiaoshufen had returned. Xiaoshufen only released Xu, and the detoxification powder on Xu was provided by Xi Ling. Not only is Aubei all right, he's healthy, so powerful. It's also related to Xi Ling's failure to play a heavy hand, but then again, Aubei didn't really move, and has been defending.

Tired of playing, it's time to take a bath, bang bang, Xi Ling put his arms around Aubei's neck badly, sample, you definitely want to run, I won't give you room to retreat (  ̄ー ̄)

All the females stood in the distance and saluted, which is respect for the strong.

Aubei whispered in Xi Ling's ear: "Little goblin, are you satisfied?"

"I didn't do anything."

Obey smiled and gave Xi Ling a handsome face. Xiao Xiling was even more rigid on the lower abdomen of a certain insect, and his smile froze. Aobei angrily patted someone's two/ The petals/meat are also a warning.

Everyone silently sent that pair of love show mates into the spaceship, you look at me, I look at you, who has ever seen such a ferocious male fight with a sss-class female in a big way?

Think about it from a different perspective, if you stand in the position of Aubei, can you win?

The big killer attacked, either swiping or pumping, or flying thorns, seemingly disorganized, but actually cooperated seamlessly, wave after wave without stopping... Many females turned black, who said males Is it for viewing?

Today is a good day to refresh the bottom line of all bugs.

The two worms who came back from hitting/gunning silently stroked their heads, what happened? Are these guys dead relatives?

Sleepy was obedient and put him down.

Olga was stunned for a moment, then snorted angrily, stepped forward with her thighs, and stretched to the waist! Olga's face became even more exciting, and she immediately turned around and slapped Sleepy Worm, roaring, "It's all your fault, why are you so perverted? I hate you."

"I like you," shrugged, rascal, Sleepy had no face at all.

Olga: "..." Shameless!

Sleepy Worm licks/licks the corners of his mouth: "Aren't you tired?"

"You're tired, get out of here!"

"Okay," Sleepy rolled a few times on the ground, yawned, and planned to sleep in the wild. Anyway, he is a sss-level giant, and no beast dares to provoke him.

What is powerlessness? Olga deeply realized at this moment that the ancestors of sleepy bugs must be soft slugs! Disgusting and ugly and smelly and ugly, Olga's teeth tickled with hatred.

"I'm not a slug!"

Olga took a few steps back in fright. His thoughts were guessed. He was really scared. . The same prince, why is Aubei so powerful? Why is his lover a male and mine is a pervert? It's not fair, I'm the prince, the most honorable prince, woo woo woo woo /(tot)/~~

Insects are born, it is such a tragedy, Olga recklessly saw some two insects nibbling happily at the corner!

Because Xiao Xiling was excited and couldn't wait, Aobe hugged Xi Ling again, so Xi Ling was not idle, she went into battle with both hands, tore Aobe's clothes a lot, and kissed her mouth Come on, it's called a fierce, heart-pounding! It's just *, it's right on the spot!

Obey blushed like blood, and his wrists were shaking, what should I do if I was afraid of losing Xi Ling?

The anxious/sexy bad worm can't go back to the room again... Ah~ah~ The male worm bit Aobe's collarbone, slipped under his feet, and almost lost his footing, so he quickly opened the door. At this moment, Olga, who was madly stimulated by the two bugs showing her affection, immediately squatted on the ground, buried her head between her legs, and cried.

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