Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 589 Military merit? (Second update 5000)

Chapter 589 Military Merit? (Second update 5000+)

"Master, we should always be vigilant about these free mercenaries. If anything happens, I will take full responsibility." Niu Bo said this because the communicator used to contact Mr. Jiu was his own.

"Master Niu, I know what to do. The most difficult time has basically passed. With the increase in our fame this time, I have a certain political reputation and political foundation."

"Just wait for the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court of the Alliance to send experts to review these dead people."

"Although some people in the alliance colluded with pirates, the victims of pirates are the majority, so I have some political foundation."

"Even if they colluded with pirates, they could not attack me in the alliance politics, and could only plot against me from other places."

"And now I am not afraid of others plotting against me secretly." Zhang Bozhen said a lot in one breath.

"Master, I feel relieved that you can have this cognition. We were suppressed by the family before and could not perform politically." Niu Bo said again.

In the past, Zhang Bozhen was suppressed by his family and exiled to this remote and undeveloped planet. If Zhang Bozhen had shown an interest in politics at that time, he would have been kept captive by his family long ago.

The so-called politics is actually reputation. Although the credit this time is said to be the government officials of March Star, everyone knows who is in control of this planet now.

Politics is actually reputation. No matter what means you use, deception, acting, disguise, as long as you can gain a good reputation, everything is fine.

"I also want to thank the people of the family for exiling me here." Zhang Bozhen laughed.

Yang Bo was controlling a new type of super-powered laser cannon in the basement of the villa at this time.

The laser cannon can float in the air, follow the user's actions, and has many modes.

Yang Bo looked at a spherical object with a diameter of tens of centimeters floating next to him, and felt a little weird.

This laser cannon also has an interference function, which can interfere with many radar systems and many video surveillance systems, because this laser cannon can release lasers to destroy the light-sensing components of the surveillance.

Of course, there is a range. It is impossible for such a small thing to interfere with hundreds of kilometers. After all, this little thing is so small and has so much energy.

Yang Bo can see the multiple modes of this laser cannon through the glasses he wears, including thermal imaging mode, night vision mode, and energy detection mode.

"Advanced!" Yang Bo fiddled with it for a while but did not test it because there was no test site below.

The reason for fiddling with it is mainly to become proficient and use it when there is a chance in the future.

"Can you change its appearance?"

"But this kind of aircraft seems to require aerodynamic layout?"

"When can I find a professional forum to check it out? It seems that there is professional free design software?" Yang Bo remembered that he seemed to have seen a lot of design software on the Internet. As long as you put forward parameter data, the intelligent system can help you design it.

However, Yang Bo is not in a hurry to do so at the moment. On the one hand, it requires something very professional, and on the other hand, he is not sure that these free software will not leak data.

Yang Bo has experienced the power of big data on Earth.

At the beginning of crossing over, he might still think that this alliance is so good at data protection, but now that he has seen more things, he knows that human society has never changed.

As for the micro-missile backpack, Yang Bo just took it out to take a closer look and see how to use it.

And there was no place to test it. It would take an event to get complete data, because there were no instructions for use.

Yang Bo was fiddling with these high-tech gadgets in the basement, and he was in a very happy mood.

The people in the Doomsday Game Department were going crazy because Yang Bo hadn't played the game for a while.

Some guys in the military put pressure on the game department through some influence, so the game department had to hand over Yang Bo's bionic man to another so-called master in the game.

The so-called masters in the game are some relatives of some people in the military.

This game master chose a mission, but the bad thing was that the mission failed and the bionic man was severely damaged.

As a result, the shitty game master was fine, but the game department was implicated.

"These bastards, before the incident, they sent documents one after another, and after the incident, it was because we didn't manage it properly." Someone in the game department couldn't help but curse.

"This crappy game master is far worse than the previous one, and he still has the nerve to look for connections?"

"What is the relationship between this person? The boss won't tell you?"

"Do you think he is the boss's younger brother or elder brother?"

"Probably not. He should be a direct disciple of some other military leader."

"There is no war now, and our idle departments are full of people with connections."

"If there is a war, do you believe that these people with connections will be the first to run away?"

"It's all the fault of that guy in the Ninth Fleet. If he hadn't been so quick, he would have put down the rebellion on Pado Star...!"

"Don't talk nonsense. His contribution has been recognized by the military and the parliament. If you say that, be careful that you will make progress in the future, or others will report you behind your back." The head of the game department, the colonel, said unhappily. Because Yang Bo completed the task perfectly last time, the head of the game department was promoted to colonel.

"What is political correctness? Don't you still understand? As long as the military department and the parliament have affirmed it, it is best not to say anything more." The colonel was not happy at first. He was just trying to save face, but he didn't expect others to mess up the matter. , and then take the blame yourself.

"And don't complain about this incident, because our department is responsible for the game itself. No matter what actions the other party uses, we are ultimately the person directly responsible."

"Actually, this time I'm also letting you guys see that sometimes something happens and you have to learn to shirk responsibility." The senior colonel said angrily.

"Boss, do you think this guy will die in the game?"

"It's already the end of the month, let's wait and see?"

"If you catch this bastard, you must teach him a lesson. There are so many of us eating here and we can't eat well, nor can we sleep well."

"That's right, doesn't this guy like ordinary women? Then we will buy him 10 female robots and let him enjoy them."

"His two ordinary women are also very vigilant. Even if they are playing games, they will not reply to others at all. If anyone talks to them, these two women will report each other for harassment."

"How can we make this guy play games every day?"

"And he hasn't responded to his social account for so many days. Is he pretending not to see it or something happened?" People in the game department were talking about it and making various speculations.

"Are you ready for the star event?" The senior colonel felt a little irritated and asked as he stood up and took two steps.

"It's ready, but that bastard hasn't logged into the game, so the contract hasn't been signed yet!" A subordinate quickly reported.

"Sign the contract, remember my requirements, each type must be included, and then announce the news on the official website, and then find someone to push a wave of data. Be sure to let the news..., forget it, the news data these days are probably not good. Go ahead and find a large supermarket chain to promote it," the colonel said directly.

"What if this is just in case?"

"There is nothing wrong. His two women come to the game every day to practice their skills, which proves that everything is fine. Let's announce the news and maybe the other party will see it." The colonel shook his head.

The senior colonel was also very anxious, because if he continued to earn merit at the same rate as before, if he earned another ten or eight merits, he might be promoted to major general.

But that bastard player actually didn't play the game for so long, and something happened in the middle, and he took the blame.

Others were also very anxious, because the tools for promotion and wealth were missing, and these people also got promotions following their boss.

The special plants found in the mutated beast's lair last time do have very special effects.

No one can stand this, right?

So several people in the game department signed event contracts with singers, and then started promoting them.

Of course, Yang Bo didn't know so much. He finished washing up the next day and then went directly to the game. Before playing the game, he didn't forget to inform Annie and Siya.

"This is a broken game!"

"Forget it, who asked me to brush up on mental skills!" Yang Bo was no longer ready to take on the mission, and was going to go to the wild alone to brush up on other monster leaders.

"I..." However, Yang Bo used his remote photoelectric superpower to check the android he controlled remotely and found that the color of the android was different, as if it had been patched.

"Did these bitches give this android to someone else again?"

"A bunch of shameless people."

Yang Bo immediately took bullets and firearms to the wild to spawn monsters, and also purchased the latest map.

Yang Bo didn't use his remote photoelectric superpower to see the strange cargo robot following him.

This robot can hold a cubic volume of items, and the android does not have any weight to bear.

In the game, Yang Bo is shown a super backpack.

This time Yang Bo brought a machine gun and a special bullet backpack that could hold 2,000 rounds of bullets at a time.

Of course, this backpack requires the game character's attributes to reach a certain level before it can be equipped.

Only then did Yang Bo have the opportunity to take a closer look at his game character, and he actually reached level 46.

Upgrading the game character is very simple, that is, for each monster killed, different points will be given according to the level. As the level increases, the game character points will also increase.

The rules are similar to those for upgrading in other games. If the level is too high, killing low-level monsters will give you fewer points.

Of course, Yang Bo also wears various badges, such as courage badges and warrior badges. These added attributes are abnormal.

"Boss, you are really amazing. This bastard is a lecher. Yesterday we just announced our cooperation with a female singer, and this guy is in the game today!" Someone in the game department is flattering the boss, no matter what Whether this statement is true or not, the boss’s credit cannot go away anyway.

"Boss, I think we should launch an activity to do tasks to meet female singers. The more tasks you do, the more points you accumulate. When you accumulate a certain amount of points, you can meet offline." Others in the game department racked their brains. We need to dig out this damn guy Yang Bo.

"This is a good idea. Since the detailed activity plan hasn't been released yet, we have to force this guy to do tasks. In addition, we should issue more tasks to this guy. This is the opportunity to push all the messy tasks that our military has not solved. Give it to him. "The senior colonel in charge of the game department is in a very happy mood today, because the tool for promotion and wealth is here again.

"Boss, this guy bought so many bullets and a special machine gun, probably to kill monsters!"

"This bastard is not only lustful, but he is also a money addict!"

The colonel chuckled and said: "It is best to deal with people who are greedy for money and lust. As long as we can find people, people with these weaknesses are best dealt with."

"I've been keeping an eye on this guy for the past few days, and you have to use whatever means you can to get this guy's identity information." The colonel no longer cares about it, because he is only one step away from the general himself.

At that time, he will become the youngest male general in 500 years.

The senior colonel felt happy when he thought of himself wearing a major general uniform.

"Boss, it's a pity what happened to March Star recently. If these credits fell on you, boss, I'm afraid you would become a general soon." Someone else in the game department said.

"The things here are not that simple. Don't believe what those politicians announce. According to my judgment, this is definitely caused by internal strife in the Pirate Alliance."

"The water in the Pirate Alliance is too deep. It is definitely not something that a government official from an undeveloped planet like March Star can handle."

"And no matter how many people this offends, the Pirate Alliance will definitely retaliate. If we get promoted and get rich, we will get promoted and get rich. There is no need to compare with these desperadoes." The colonel shook his head and said.

"Now in the military, we are the only ones in the administrative department who can be promoted fairly well. Those who endure hardships in the fleet are promoted very slowly."

"Haven't you seen the recent March Star news? This is because some politicians want to enhance their reputation. I'm afraid no one knows what the truth is, because these dirty politicians must have reached some kind of agreement. Exchange of benefits.”

Others in the game department nodded when they heard what the boss said, and someone asked again: "But when we saw the video, the fighting was really intense?"

"If I can do this in the fleet, I can just find someone to play the role of a pirate and catch them. But it's not necessary. This method is too backward." The colonel shook his head.

"Do you know why there is no death penalty in our alliance? Some people just brush their grades. If there was really a death penalty, no one would take the order."

"You don't really think that those major cases reported in the news and solved by the judicial department are all your own fault, do you?"

"A large part of it is due to the money they spend. On the one hand, hiring people, and on the other hand, they have to reach an exchange of benefits with people higher up, otherwise there will be no chance." The senior colonel was in a happy mood today as he watched the tool man in the game working. As I was on my way, I couldn't help but say a few more words.

"What about the Third Fleet a few years ago?" Some people from some departments asked.

"Have you ever seen a war with pirates and captured all the pirates alive? Search and see how many of these pirates are in prison now?"

"Although the Third Fleet made meritorious service that time and was commended by the military, there were no actual benefits. Instead, they were all transferred to the most remote departments." The colonel shook his head and said.

"Tsk, tsk!" Others hurriedly searched after hearing this, and found out that all the people who should have contributed to that promotion were transferred to the most remote administrative departments. Although the level was higher, they would not be promoted in the future.

"Unless you are like the chief officer of the Ninth Fleet, you can show real military merit. Do you know what military merit is?" the colonel asked again.

Others in the game department shook their heads, and the colonel put his hand around his neck and swung it to the side: "The real military merit has been this since ancient times. The more people there are, the greater the merit. This is why the chief officer of the Ninth Fleet, She has been criticized by many groups, and even some government officials have come out to say that she violated human rights, but it does not prevent others from becoming an admiral and commanding a fleet. "

"What does the alliance rely on to grow to this point? Or kill enough people, whether it's the Aqua Blue Empire or the Crimson Federation, to make them afraid of us."

"Look at what will happen to those who came out to target this chief official in the first place. To be honest, although politicians are very annoying, they can still understand when it comes to the cornerstone of the alliance."

"Although these military leaders are also fighting each other, everyone recognizes this true military merit."

"Although there are some military leaders who are definitely dissatisfied, there is nothing they can do about it. Good luck." The colonel said something again, which made other people in the game department understand instantly.

"You are all my confidants. Today I am a senior colonel, and in the future I will be a general. I may even lead a fleet in the future. I hope that we can grow together and truly understand what military merit is." The senior colonel said again.

"we know!"

"There are many things that can only be done but not said. If you need to be ruthless, you must be ruthless, otherwise your credit will be lost." The colonel finally said.

"This thing can actually fly?" Yang Bo controlled the bionic robot to fly, and used his long-range photoelectric superpower to see that the robot following him could also fly.

Because the distance to the resurrection point is very long, these zombies and the like within a certain distance have been eliminated.

Yang Bo flew directly to a small town 60 kilometers away. This small town was in a river valley, with a total area of ​​only two or three square kilometers.

The map data shows that the livestock production value of this small town used to be very high, because it is surrounded by mountainous areas and there are many cattle and sheep farms.

Yang Bo chose a condescending place and took out the machine gun directly after landing.

This place is right next to this small town. It seems that it may have been built as a park viewing platform in the past. It is condescending and overlooks the entire small town.

Da da da!

Yang Bo directly picked up the machine gun and fired a burst. Several zombies wandering in the distance were hit, but they did not hit their vital points.

Yang Bo was testing the ballistics of the firearm.

The gunshot alerted the surrounding zombies, and countless zombies roared and rushed towards the place where the sound was heard.

Ta da da, da da da!

Cooking skills +2!

Sword skill +2!

Sword skill +2!

Carpentry +2!

Along with the sound of machine gun bullets coming out of the barrel, skills appeared in Yang Bo's mind one after another.

"It's great!" Yang Bo felt that it was too exciting to shoot these zombies with the machine gun, so he just pulled the trigger, and then the barrel of the gun kept shaking.

The zombies fell like wheat. Until now, Yang Bo had no idea that the game department had prepared another trap for him.

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