Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 586 Let the bullets fly for a while (first update)

"The money from the auction belongs to me, and the reward money belongs to you. My share, including the money in the convertible debt account, will all be converted into energy metals. It is not the kind that I will grab personally. Of course Yang Bo wants it, don't let it go to waste. No, if Master Zhang doesn't ask you, you'd be embarrassed to ask, but if the other party asks, don't feel sorry for yourself.

Zhang Bozhen has actually been prepared for this for a long time, because Mr. Jiu cares about money very much, and usually adds money at every turn.

Now Zhang Bozhen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mr. Jiu's answer. As long as the auction fees were acceptable, he could still keep a lot of money.

The key is that fame is earned by oneself. Although the entire alliance is reporting on the March Star incident, secretly many people know that this planet is now under their own control.

No matter how these pirate group members and killers died, if they died on their own planet, the credit would be theirs.

What's more, they captured so many people alive, that is, those people from the Pirate Alliance Council's stronghold in March Star.

This is an unprecedented success and has no precedent in the entire league.

It is a moment that will be remembered deeply in the history of the league.

"Okay!" Zhang Bozhen replied.

"I will find a way to deliver this piece of energy metal to you as soon as possible." Zhang Bozhen's answer satisfied Yang Bo.

"Happy cooperation!" Yang Bo was very satisfied when he saw the other party's answer.

"I have made arrangements for the woman you are accompanying." Zhang Bozhen's words were actually for the purpose of testing.

Because through interrogation of these people at the Pirate Alliance Council stronghold, these people admitted that the person who went out with the woman was the leader of the Silver Moon Pirates.

This news shocked Zhang Bozhen, because the leader of the Silver Moon Pirates was famous throughout the galaxy.

Zhang Bozhen wonders what the relationship is between Mr. Jiu and the leader of the pirate group. Are they the same person?

Or are you talking about Mr. Jiu, a member of the team?

Zhang Bozhen never thought that the so-called Mr. Nine was just one person.

Because various signs from previous cooperation indicate that the other party has a very top-notch mercenary team.

Otherwise, how could one person handle Zhang Letian's spaceship?

Of course, Zhang Bozhen is also feeling a little uneasy now. If someone discovers that he is interacting with the leader of the Silver Moon Pirates, his reputation will be ruined.

"It shouldn't be necessary. Everyone has their own life." Yang Bo was also very cautious and replied.

Looking at this sentence, Zhang Bozhen still didn't understand what the relationship was between the leader of the Silver Moon Pirates and Mr. Jiu?

"Mr. Nine, do you have any more news about the Pirate Alliance Council?" Zhang Bozhen sent another message.

"I will inform you when there is news. Now we are partners." Of course, Yang Bo would not leak any more information about the Pirate Alliance Council.

This time, Zhang Bozhen was forced to come out to wash the land because he had no choice. As long as Yang Bo had some ability to cash out, there was no way he could give this credit to Zhang Bozhen.

Of course Zhang Bozhen didn't know this.

"Okay!" Zhang Bozhen replied.

Although Zhang Bozhen was full of questions, he couldn't ask because it involved Mr. Jiu's secret.

For example, how did Mr. Jiu know that there was a second wave of killers?

For example, how did Mr. Nine know that there were so many killers?

Another example is how to get these killers to attack at predetermined locations?

Shouldn't these be top secret?

It's impossible to act, because there are more than a dozen wanted criminals with names and surnames discovered this time.

Who would use these wanted criminals to act and get those trivial benefits.

Yang Bo saw Zhou Rui sending a message to San Ye again, asking about the pirate alliance, but Yang Bo didn't know the message back.

Yang Bo contacted the agent of the Free Mercenary Union again, but the agent of the Free Mercenary Union said that the mercenary union had withdrawn the previous reward.

And warned everyone not to go to March Star, that place is too weird.

Yang Bo didn't expect the Free Mercenary Union to be so flexible and changeable.

As for the messages sent to him by the Pirate Alliance Council, Yang Bo did not reply at all.

Then Yang Bo disappeared and returned to the villa.

"The harvest this time is very good. The Pirate Alliance looks like a big treasure." Yang Bo observed the spiritual seeds he released to the three pirates.

One is the Ninth Elder, one is Lucas, and the other is Paul.

Although these three people were on the same ship, they did not know each other and all used false identities.

The Ninth Elder did not dare to leave his cabin. This matter was too scary. Such a powerful force sent by the Council was settled by one person.

All the permanent directors of the Pirate Alliance Council agreed that there was more than one leader of the Silver Moon Pirates, and there should be others.

As for how many people this organization has and what its strength is, nothing is known now, because the people sent here died too quickly, especially the second wave of reserve teams, and there was no time to send any information.

Such a powerful configuration was directly crushed by others.

The most important thing is that the Ninth Elder still has to face inquiries from the people behind him.

The Pirate Alliance Board of Directors has suffered too much this time. It must give an explanation to the people behind it. If the people behind it are unhappy, these permanent directors can be replaced at any time.

As for Lucas, he was also frightened, because after being beaten by Yang Bo, this guy wanted to take revenge.

The most unhappy person was Paul. After all, Paul came with a mission this time, but he didn't expect that his mission was not completed at all.

"Let the bullets fly for a while!" Yang Bo felt that this matter could not just go away because the trophy he had obtained was too sensitive.

Whether it's a micro-missile backpack or an ultra-high-power smart laser cannon.

This is obviously not the equipment that a pirate should have, so the identity of these dead killers should be a big problem.

However, this is the case in interstellar society. Because each planet is relatively far away from each other, many things are reflected slowly.

Of course, the Internet is full of reports about March Star, and they are all extremely positive reports.

Yang Bo originally wanted to stay at home for a few days, but Liu Jingxiang sent a message the next day asking Yang Bo to participate in swordsmanship training.

He also said that he had registered Yang Bo for the swordsmanship competition.

"Brother Jie, I saw you in the alliance news, you are so awesome!" The next day, Yang Bo saw Liu Zhijie in the company dormitory here and said happily.

Of course Yang Bo was happy. The money for the auction merits of this big villain in front of him was not given to him.

"Where, where!" Liu Zhijie felt a little bitter, because he spent nearly 30 million credits for this credit.

Because there were so many people participating in the auction, the price went up. There were nearly 300 people participating in the auction, but the credit was only so much.

"I was scared when I saw the video. These guys were also very strange. What were they doing on this planet? What was in the building that was attacked?" Yang Bo saw that Liu Zhijie's face was not good-looking, so he deliberately mentioned this matter.

"Don't talk about these secrets anymore! Be careful when you go out recently. After our planet's defense system is upgraded, there will no longer be such a big thing." Liu Zhijie had just taken out a large sum of money and heard Yang While Bo was still talking about this matter, he felt distressed, so he changed the subject.

"That's good." Yang Bo chuckled inwardly, but he didn't expect that his boss' endurance was so bad.

What Yang Bo didn't know was that Liu Zhijie went to the scene, and the scene was simply miserable.

Because Yang Bo left early, those who hit the wall had blood seeping out of their armor at most, but Liu Zhijie and others entered the room from the underground passage.

It had been a while, and all the blood had seeped out. When collecting evidence, these people's armors were picked up, and the tissues in their bodies were like minced meat.

Anyway, the real people at the scene all vomited and turned pale.

Because some so-called evidence needs to be photographed, these dead people have to be re-posed.

After struggling for a long time and perfecting the chain of evidence, only those who got the credit had a chance to escape.

Because these new evidences cannot pass through machines and equipment, because machines and equipment will be archived and can only be processed by people.

"Sister Rui, you have made a great contribution!" Yang Bo saw Zhou Rui again and gave Zhou Rui a thumbs up with the same joy.

"Thank you!" Zhou Rui felt uncomfortable when she thought about the scene she watched, and she paid for the discomfort.

But there’s nothing you can do about it. If you don’t buy it, there will be people waiting to buy these credits.

"Yang Bo." Liu Jingxiang greeted Yang Bo happily when she saw Yang Bo coming.

Then Yang Bo started swordsmanship training with the advanced training robot. Yang Bo had one sword against two swords of the advanced training robot.

It has to be said that the advanced training robot is very powerful. Although Yang Bo tried every trick, he was still defeated quickly.

Because Yang Bo has many methods that he cannot use, and according to the rules of the game, two swords have a strong advantage.

Of course, the rules of the competition are 1 vs. 1, and each person can only hold one sword, but using two swords during training will make the players react faster.

Yang Bo's sword and the robot's two swords collided continuously, making a sweet and clear sound.

The few people watching each had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Yang Bo was defeated 18 times in two hours.

The longest time, Yang Bo lasted for 6 minutes, and the shortest time, Yang Bo lasted for one and a half minutes.

Not only does this robot move fast, but its two swords are also fast. The robot's grasp of force is also very precise. If Yang Bo uses too much force, it will be detected by the detection equipment inside the building, which will affect subsequent plans. points, plus the playing field is only so big.

"Yang Bo, let me tell you good news. We don't need to go to other planets for the time being. In two months, our planet will hold a qualifier. After the selection, we will go directly to the Capital Star to participate in the regional selection. If that time comes, Get results, and then go to Shuilan Empire to participate in the semi-finals and finals." Liu Jingxiang took a bath in Yang Bo, changed her clothes and told Yang Bo the good news.

When Yang Bo heard the news, his first reaction was that something was wrong. There must be something fishy here.

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