Interstellar Almighty Evolution

Chapter 313: Meet the president

After turning around the corner, Qin Hao found that this was a long corridor, with two rows of identical brown wooden doors on both sides of the corridor, and there was no mark outside the doorway, so it was impossible to identify which room was the president's office. !

After walking a few doors forward with the big man, the big man stopped.

"Papapa ..." Dahan knocked on one of his doors.

"Come in." A thick voice came from inside.

"Pop ..." The door was pushed open, and Dahan took Qin Hao in.

"His Excellency President, Qin Hao is here," said Dahan.

"Well! Go out first." Claude nodded.

After the big man went out, Qin Ha glanced back and forth in this room. He found that the office was very simple in decoration. Two people were sitting on the sofa beside them, and they were also looking at Qin Hao at this time.

"You are that Qin Hao?" Claude asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. President." Qin Hao saluted Claude.

"Oh, there's a lot of momentum." Crowder nodded.

"Yeah, if he wasn't motivated, how dare he slap the boy of Heinness!" Frank laughed aside, he was the president's most trusted staff.

"Come, don't be nervous, sit down and talk." Crowder didn't have any bureaucracy, he waved his hand easily, and signaled Qin Hao to sit opposite.

"Yes!" Qin Hao saluted, and then sat opposite the president and Frank.

"Xiao Qin, I heard that you and Nicole are talking about friends, right?" What Qin Hao didn't expect is that after he sat down, President Crowd didn't even ask a word about Heinness, but set up with him instead. Homely.

"Yes! I and Nicole are dating." Although it was a more personal question, the president asked, and Qin Hao couldn't help answering it.

"Oh, Coen is quite capable, he started so early!" Claude shook his head.

"What's wrong, Mr. President, do you have the same idea?" Frank and Claude had a good personal relationship, so he could still joke with the President at this time.

"I do think, but my girl is only six years old, Xiao Qin, can you wait?" Claude Haha laughed.

"Uh ..." Qin Hao was a little overwhelmed by the two guys who were almost a hundred years old. Although he knew that the two guys were kidding himself, he still didn't know how to pick this up. Stubble.

"Well, the little guy is nervous again, let's talk about the business." Claude finally changed his serious face, and Qin Hao was ready to listen.

"Qin Hao, you don't need to be too concerned about the things of Henis. That kid is just a puppet. If he gets in trouble with you anymore, you should poke him, but don't put down heavy hands, don't give him a break." Frank on the side was getting He said after the president's advice.

"Is this okay?" Qin Hao was a little worried.

"Rest assured, at least for a period of time, that's okay. Now the Hussein family doesn't care about using any political capital for an invincible Heinness." Frank laughed.

"Oh!" Qin Hao nodded. Now that the President has given him so, there is nothing to worry about.

"Those kids fight aside first, let's get back to business." Crowder took the conversation.

"Yes!" Qin Hao sat straighter.

"Xiao Qin, although you are young, you have to call me an uncle from Nicole, but because you took over the seventh deacon of" Twilight, "you can no longer enjoy the treatment of" child " Claude said to Qin Hao.

"Mr. President, I don't quite understand what you said." Qin Hao frowned.

"Oh, didn't I just say that, from Nicole, you have to call me uncle," Claude laughed.

"Uh ... well, Uncle Claude." Of course Qin Hao would like to get closer to the President. Although he now understands that the real power of the Federation is in the hands of the aristocracy of the family, but the President also has many rights. If he supports, then Qin Hao's life will be much better.

"Okay, let's continue with the topic we just talked about." Claude nodded contentedly before he said to Qin Hao: "Like those of your generation, like Nicole, like you know Jiangmen, and there Heinness, you are all children in our eyes, and what kind of treatment does the child enjoy? It can be irresponsible, but also they don't care what they say. "

"The president means that these little guys are acting in politics. They only represent themselves, what they say, and they do not mean the family. This is a protection for them and a family who is afraid of their impulses. "Frank explained.

"Oh!" Qin Hao nodded.

"But you are different. If you haven't become a high-level deacon of" Twilight ", then you are like Nicole, and you are all children. It doesn't matter how you play, as long as you are not exceptional, we can help you clean it." Crowder said he drank tea here, and then continued: "But now it's different. You have become the seventh deacon of" Twilight. "You have become my direct subordinate, and I still have the subordinate power. Your words and deeds all mean what our political camp means, do you understand? "

"It seems a bit clear." Qin Hao nodded, Claude's meaning was obvious, that is now Qin Hao had to be cautious, he is not the same as Nicole, Nicole and they said something wrong, Or if something is wrong, there is room for salvation. Qin Hao has now entered the core of the presidential faction, and his words and deeds represent the presidential faction, so he must be cautious.

"Understand!" Claude nodded contentedly.

"Then what do you think I should do this time?" Qin Hao asked.

"The two don't help each other! I know you are close to Gangmen Pisa, and now you are in conflict with Hines, but I hope you don't rush to stand in line." Claude said.

"Well! I know, but if they come to me, how can I reply?" Qin Hao asked.

"You said you have to think about it, and then you learn, if you feel too tired, then simply avoid it," said Crowder.

"Can you hide?" Qin Hao's eyes lighted. He now needed private space, because his main purpose of returning to the earth was to start the transformation ceremony!

"What's wrong with that? I will explain it. Someone you organized in" Twilight "will take over for you temporarily." Crowder said.

"I still have things to deal with? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Qin Hao stunned.

"Huh! Because I helped you distribute things to others, Sophia girl dug this big pit for you. How can she do it without paying a price?" Claude laughed, what he said seemed to be Helping Qin Hao's grievance is actually helping Katerina and Muddy. After all, it is his powerful forces. Claude does not want Qin Hao to hate Katerina for this, so find a reason to punish her.

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