Instant Kill

Vol 21 Chapter 4: Crazy old man (Part 2)

When Guo Twelve played the last mantra, each finger flew out of a hundred virtual symbols, and at a time, thousands of virtual symbols hit the ancient Molian. In the last 100,000 virtual characters, it took less than half a minute, and an average of three thousand virtual characters could be emitted in one second.

Guo Twelve finished the last hand mantra, immediately slumped on the ground, his body full of sweat, as if he was pulled out of the water, his hands were swollen like carrots, and the pain of heart pain when he moved. However, he was very satisfied in his heart, not to mention, just the speed of issuing virtual characters was many times faster than the original.

Guo Twelve said: "Handsome old man, I sleep, no matter what, wait for me to wake up and say." He fell asleep and snoring sounded. In such a short period of time, he seemed to have experienced a brutal battle, and he was really exhausted.

Half a day later, Guo Twelve came down from the upstairs and said, "I have something to eat, and then go up again. This is a futu. Uncle Eagle, Uncle Zhang, Uncle Luo, I want you to help you do it. Be careful not to be alarmed. Gu Xizhu. "

Eagle Demon took the Futu, looked at it for a moment, and then handed it to Zhang Yaojin, saying, "No problem."

Zhou Xiaoling served hot soup and patties, Guo twelve ate. Xian Rudai asked: "Twelve Brother, what's wrong with your hand? Is it so swollen?"

Guo Twelve said: "If you are allowed to cast millions of hand mantras in a short time, you will be the same."

Xian Rudai was taken aback, of course she understood that there must be special tricks to issue intensive mantras in a short time. Even so, it also requires a high concentration of spirits, and also needs to cooperate with the tricks. This is a very scary engineering. She asked, "Are you refining things?" Attacks generally don't use so many imaginary characters.

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "This is the first step. There are still many things to be refined. We will live here for a while and wait for everything to be ready before we can set traps." Trap is not an easy task, it depends on how the handsome old man directs.

After quickly eating the hot meatloaf soup, Zhou Xiaoling brought another pot of hot water and said, "Twelve, wash it." Guo Twelve washed her face and said, "I went up, there is no important thing, don't Bother us. "

Ancient Molian still hovered on the second floor, Guo XII did not take it downstairs. He went back to the second floor and asked, "What are we going to do next?"

The handsome old man and the old **** are asking: "Are you proficient in refining the talisman ...?"

Guo Twelve was dumbfounded and said, "I rarely practice amulet. I studied it for a while when I was a beginner. Later, I hardly refined it." He has been running around in various mysteries and continents. How can there be time to refine a spell? .

The handsome old man said: "That's not enough. At your step, you need to spend a lot of time refining the real symbols to prepare for the virtual symbols."

Guo Twelve Qi said: "Handsome old man, don't you mean setting traps? What does this have to do with refining the spell?"

The handsome old man scolded: "Little fool, how to set the trap? Or use the real character to set it! No real character will be refined, what kind of fart trap is there!"

Guo Twelve raised his hand and said: "Okay, okay, let's refine the real symbol."

The handsome old man muttered: "I don't know how you got promoted to the Senior Grand Master, but I don't even have the experience of refining the actual formula. Alas, I'm struggling, and I have to teach the little idiot to make the actual formula ... forget it Anyway, idle is idle, just toss about it. "

Guo Twelve heard cold sweat, he sat down honestly and said: "Handsome old man, you say, what should I do?"

Handsome old man said: "Open your material library to me!"

Guo Twelve had to open all Tibetan spirits to the handsome old man. After a while, the handsome old man finished the inspection. He said: "Poor! You are such a poor man! What are you collecting ... Too few, alas, fortunately, my collection is still there, otherwise there is really no way."

"Your collection? Where did you come from?"

The handsome old man didn't have a good air: "I'm not dead, the collection is still of course! If I completely lose my intelligence, then my collection will be completely finished."

Guo Twelve secretly said, "I'm already poor. I'm only in my twenties, and I haven't ran through many secret continents. It would be strange if there were many things collected."

The handsome old man said, "Forget it ... Alas, mine is yours, yours is yours ... It sounds awkward to hear."

Guo Twelve couldn't help but laugh, and finally suffocated, said seriously: "Handsome old man, we are bugs tied to a rope, can't run you, nor can I run me."

The handsome old man stayed for a while, and then said: "Yeah, we are a worm on a rope, you are finished, I am finished ... **** bastard! It's cheap for you!"

Guo Twelve is not annoying at all, he has started to understand this guy. Although he swears in the mouth, he is still very good to himself. He said: "Handsome old man, we are one, I am good, you are good, hehe."

The handsome old man said: "Okay, we started to refine the real symbol. This memory is passed on to you. You have to learn it. There is not much time, so we must hurry."

A piece of memory passed on, Guo Xia looked over a little, wondering: "Hidden character?"

The handsome old man said: "Nonsense, of course, the concealment is first refined, otherwise you guys, all exposed one by one, waiting for Gu Xiju to kill? With the current strength of Gu Xiju, as long as you use a few spirit catchers You can kill one of you. You can figure out how many soul-catchers that guy has. "

Guo Twelve said: "Okay, okay, then first refine the Hidden Talisman." He said in heart: "I don't know what happened to the handsome old man, the anger is so big, well, I need to give him some medicine to reduce the anger ... No, this guy is a soul body, and no medicine will work. "

The handsome old man was annoyed and said: "Attention, what are you thinking?"

Guo Twelve was startled and said, "No, nothing, I'm waiting for you, how can I make it without materials?"

The handsome old man waved with his hand, and a cut body was thrown out. He said: "This is a rune made from the shadow dragon's bones. Use this rune to practice your hands first."

Guo Twelve surprised: "Shadow Dragon? I rely on, Shadow Dragon!" Shadow Dragon is one of the most difficult mutant beasts, and is also a dragon. Shadow Dragon is like its name, acting like a string The shadow, which is too fast to be noticed, is one of the top mutant beasts, and it is difficult for professionals to hunt.

The handsome old man said, "Fuck." The soul fluctuates, revealing a sense of pride.

Guo Twelve took the rune. It was a turquoise rune, just like a jade stone, only slap big, has been perfectly processed, very beautiful and clean, the tan rune showed a hint of silver , Look carefully inside, even ambilight. He couldn't help but exclaim: "What a beautiful rune."

The handsome old man said, "That's of course, no matter who made it. I won't intervene this time. You refine it yourself. The spells you refine are passed on to you. Just use the trick you used before. Remember , To be formed at once, there are a total of 180,000 virtual symbols, right, you should have purple symbols? "

Guo Twelve heard dizziness, 180,000 virtual symbols, and he had to type them in one go. He took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I have a purple rune, but ... 180,000 hand spells, it's a little difficult to score at once."

The handsome old man said, “So I ’m talking about letting you try your hand. It does n’t matter if you fail, as long as you erase the imaginary sign, but this real sign ... allows you to fail three times, and after three times, the real sign is scrapped. Now. "

Guo Twelve said stubbornly, "I will do my best."

Carefully reviewed the rune, he sank his mind into his soul, and began to learn the content of inheritance. An hour later, he opened his eyes and said, "There are several problems."

The handsome old man said, "Well, you ask." He appreciates Guo Twelve and asks if he has any doubts. The most fearful thing is that he doesn't know how to pretend.

Guo XII asked a few questions. The handsome old man did not scold this time, but explained them patiently one by one.

Soon the whole process was clarified. Guo Twelve sorted it out in his mind a little bit and said, "Okay, I will start refining. If something is wrong, handsome old man, you have to point it out."

The handsome old man didn't think that he said: "It's okay to fail." He knew in his heart that it's not easy to hide the character, without certain understanding and tenacity, it is difficult to succeed.

Guo Twelve didn't think too much. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, then released the purple rune, used the power of the rune to support the rune, and hung in front of him. He said, "I'm starting!" Hands crossed on the chest, ten fingers began to slowly wave, a few seconds later, the virtual rune poured out of the fingertip like a fountain, and quickly fell on the rune.

Handsome old man reminded: "Rhythm!"

Guo Twelve didn't say a word, and his mind was full of ancient runes. At this time, his speed has been increased to four thousand virtual symbols in one second, and ten fingers phantom into a ghost image. With the movement of the hand shape and wrist, if someone is present, he will be surprised. This speed is incredible. ~ It took only fifty seconds, and 180,000 virtual symbols were hit on the body.

Guo Twelve had a feeling of collapse, and the speed was too fast. He not only had to control the hand shape, but also the ancient runes in his mind. He pushed himself to the limit, releasing 180,000 virtual symbols at once, taking into account the rhythm and where the virtual symbols fell.

Even the handsome old man couldn't help but be surprised, because Guo Twelve actually refined it once. He said: "You said ... don't you say how to refine the real symbol? I rely on ... a success!" He also learned Guo Twelve's mantra.

Guo Twelve withdrew the purple rune fire and reached out to grab the hidden rune of the refining success. He said with joy: "Successful?" He couldn't believe it, and he succeeded in refining once.

The handsome old man is in a mess, and has a very strange feeling. Originally, Guo Twelve had to abolish at least two characters, but he didn't expect him to succeed once. I originally wanted to wait for Guo Twelve to fail, and scolded him for a refreshing meal. Now, not only can he not scold, but also praise him, which makes him a little depressed: Why did this little guy not give such a chance?

"Okay, okay, you are successful, continue!"

Guo Twelve took a talisman and said with a bitter face: "A little rest, OK? Very tiring!"

The handsome old man finally seized the opportunity and scolded: "Resume your head ... you have to refine eighteen hidden characters, how can you have time to rest? Work fast, lazy bug! How can a professional be lazy! Hurry! Hurry! Point! "He was refreshed after the scolding.

Guo Twelve was crazy.

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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