Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 277 It's a pity, I opened my mouth

Looking at the lottery ticket in his hand, Heisenberg blinked helplessly, and he shook the ticket slightly towards Guyi.

"If you are short of money, you can call Billy and send him to transfer billions of dollars for you.

Even if you don't have a number, you can still find him in person. How can he not know you, let alone know your place in my heart?

Maybe we don't have to... "

"Haha, are you trying to say that this way is too much of a joke?"

Gu Yi took over the conversation with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his small hand to squeeze the lottery ticket in Heisenberg's hand.

"Think about it, although your subordinates earn a lot of money, but your subordinates also have a lot of things to do, so I don't need to trouble them.

Besides, the money of the United States is here, and if we don't take it, we are just changing the fate of another lucky person.

Rather than letting this money change the fate of a person, or a family, let me try my luck.

If I win the lottery, the money can be used for the maintenance of the entire Ancient Order, and also for the peace and stability of the entire earth magic community.

Right! "

After the words fell, Gu Yi gently pinched Heisenberg's cheek, and then looked at the TV screen not far away.

Apparently, the lottery is coming soon.

Noticing Gu Yi's slightly expectant face, Heisenberg thought for a moment and asked.

"If you just need money, then the lottery may not be as good as Las Vegas, why not..."

"So, do you really want me to hang out in that messy place? After all, I'm a woman, and not every woman likes the casino environment.

especially……. "

Gu Yi hesitated for a moment.

"Especially the casinos value big prizes, not only will they suspect that I am cheating, but some armed conflicts will always break out!

You know, I don't like abusing magic, and I don't like using it on casino goons! "

"Haha, so you tried it, right?" Heisenberg teased.

Gu Yi immediately rolled his elegant eyes.

"There are some things you really don't need to say."

After complaining, Gu blinked his right eye at Heisenberg, and then looked at the lottery screen not far away.

As one number after another was revealed, the smile on Gu Yi's face became brighter and brighter.

When the last number of the lottery number was announced, Gu Yi smiled and raised the lottery ticket in front of Heisenberg.

"I hit it."

"Yeah, this is really a try of luck, right..."

Heisenberg immediately rolled his eyes.

But after a while, he shook his head lightly, only to see him suddenly take a step forward and directly embrace Gu Yi in his arms.

Before Gu Yi figured out what Heisenberg was going to do, she was already being hugged by Heisenberg and spinning around in circles.

At the same time, Heisenberg whispered to Gu Yi's ear and whispered.

"At a time like this, we should celebrate like this!"

After the words fell, he suddenly took out an extremely excited tone, and yelled on the street in front of the lottery station.

"God, we hit the first prize, the first prize!!!

A total of 160 million U.S. dollars, 160 million U.S. dollars, hahaha! ! !

We can finally buy a better villa and drive two eye-catching sports cars! ! !

I love you, you are my koi, hahahaha! ! ! "

Along with Heisenberg's yelling, countless people surrounded him curiously.

Faced with countless pairs of different eyes, Gu Yi was really helpless and shy.

She patted Heisenberg on the shoulder lightly.

"Stop messing around and let me down."

"Haha, why don't you make trouble? We won the first prize. I really want to take you to get married right now, don't you think?"

Hearing Heisenberg's words, the people around were really uncomfortable.

Look at the two of them, the male is handsome and the female has an outstanding temperament. It doesn't matter if they are good-looking, but they are actually lucky.

This is really...

So angry!

So, except for a few young people who applauded Heisenberg and his wife,

Most of the foreigners left muttering.

As for what they were talking about...

"If Heisenberg hadn't banned the use of force in New York, you would have died on the streets immediately."

"If you get the benefits, you are so arrogant. I wish you all go bankrupt as soon as possible."

"A man becomes bad when he has money, and a woman becomes bad when he has money. It depends on how long you two can be together."


Accompanied by countless blessings that were not considered blessings, Heisenberg put Gu Yi on the ground, and the elegant supreme mage stood helplessly, then stroked his blond hair at the temples.

"This is not an example."

She lowered her head and muttered, but Heisenberg didn't seem to hear it at all.

I saw Heisenberg pulling Gu Yi towards the distance, while walking, he whispered to Gu Yi.

"I'll send someone to find Night Demon, he's about to become the President of the United States, so it shouldn't be a big problem to speed up the prize redemption process.

Although a bit suspected of cheating, I have never thought of winning such a first prize in my life.

Redeem the prizes first, and then I will buy the things that the Ancient Order needs together with you. "


Gu Yi nodded noncommittally, and the two of them walked on the street like that, facing the countless crowds, going farther and farther, until they disappeared quietly when no one noticed.


Around ten o'clock that night.

Together with Ancient One, Heisenberg returned to the Ancient Order in Kathmandu.

Without further ado, Gu Yi called his four apprentices over first.

Mordo wore a kind smile as always, while Casillas was as cold and taciturn as in the movie.

Facing the sudden Heisenberg, the two of them didn't show any difference, they just saluted lightly.

As for the other two disciples of Gu Yi.


The moment they saw Heisenberg, the white-haired boy Pietro turned into a silver shadow and threw himself into Heisenberg's arms.

"God, it's Uncle Heisenberg!"

"God is not your Uncle Heisenberg!

Also, call me brother! "

Heisenberg rubbed Pietro's dog's head righteously, and then asked Gu.

"He has this speed now?"

"Of course, it's Pietro and Wanda's own talent.

As long as they are properly guided, even if they don't experience the pain that should exist in their fate, they can still control their own power well. "


Heisenberg nodded in amazement, and then patted the back of Pietro's head lightly.

"Long time no see, kid, how's your study going?"


Listening to Heisenberg's words, Pietro couldn't say what was on his mind.

Seeing Pietro's white eyes constantly rolled up under his white hair, Heisenberg chuckled, and the evil came to him immediately.

So he grabbed Pietro and continued to ask the little braid.

"Have you learned all the magic incantations? Are you among the top three in the grades among the seniors? Can you teleport it? Can you score 100% in the exam?"


Accompanied by a series of magic sounds piercing his ears, Pietro screamed and struggled.

Master, you don't want to recite this curse, my old grandson can't bear it, can't bear it! ! !

Heisenberg smiled and put down the unyielding Pietro from the ground, and then picked up the reserved little Wanda.

Now, without waiting for Heisenberg to ask questions, Wanda herself said it to Heisenberg.

"Brother Heisenberg, I rank third among Master's disciples!"


Look at how proud this girl is.

So Heisenberg nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that Pietro is really the last one, after all, there are only four disciples in Gu Yi..."

After the words fell, Pietro on the side widened his eyes.

My sister is fine everywhere.

It's a pity that I have a long mouth...

With Pietro's increasingly sad face, Modu lowered his head and thought for a moment.

After a while, he looked at Heisenberg and said resolutely.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, from tonight, I will increase Pietro's homework. This kid's progress is indeed a bit slow, especially compared with his sister."

After Modu's voice fell, Pietro was stunned.

What Ning is talking about is human...? ! !

Then he looked at his sister again, with a completely different attitude.

Just now I regretted why my sister opened her mouth.

Now I regret how I grew up with a younger sister....

Hearing the senior brother's extremely serious decision, Pietro's tears kept rolling in his eyes.

Fortunately, Gu Yi stepped forward to make a little relief for Pietro, only to hear Gu Yi say leisurely.

"Mo Du, magic is not a one-day skill, Pietro has enough to learn at this age, there is no need for additional practice.

As far as progress, he's done a great job, right Pietro? "


Pietro's eyes filled with tears, as expected, Master still loves me.

On the side, Modu nodded slightly.

"I see."

After the words fell, he stepped back a little, and listened carefully to Gu Yi's instructions.

Looking at his four disciples, Gu Yi put his hands behind his back and nodded slightly.

On the side, Heisenberg held Little Wanda in his left hand, and reached into his arms with his right hand.

Immediately, countless rice grains, meat noodles and piles of dollars filled the small courtyard under their feet in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Gu Yi gave a soft instruction.

"This time is different from the past. Modu will allocate the resources for this year, leaving enough Kathmandu's share, and the rest will be sent to the three holy temples.

At the same time, don't forget to bring back the supplementary forms listed by the major temples, and supplement them with various tools, whether it is a broom for sweeping the floor or a wooden man for practicing kung fu, it must be complete.

Especially mage clothes, I don't want to see any mages wearing patched clothes to fight demons again.

Listen more to the needs of ordinary mages and apprentices. They are always on the front line against multidimensional life, and they are entitled to enjoy more.

As long as there are no excessive demands related to men and women, then you must try your best to meet their needs.

For example, wiff, and air conditioner, winter is coming, take care of the installation and maintenance! "


Hearing what Gu Yi said, Mo Du nodded indifferently.

Although Casillas has always been doing these things, but now that the teacher entrusts them to himself, he won't even be able to do these things well.

While Modu accepted the job, Casillas raised his head with a little doubt.

"Teacher, what are these things...?"

He was a little flustered, because he was worried that Gu Yi knew something.

In the past, Casillas did use his work of distributing various supplies and improving the living standards of mages, and he had a good relationship with many mages in the major temples.

If he didn't have enough popularity, how could he casually pull out a mage with hundreds of people to betray the team in the next few years.

As for now.

Although Casillas is not yet determined to betray, he already has some dissatisfaction plans.

Think about why Kaka betrayed Gu Yi.

Because he was dissatisfied with Gu Yi's private possession of magic that can make people live forever.

And recently, due to the appearance of Heisenberg, Gu Yi is not only no longer old, but also looks like a young man in his 28th year.

This appearance really made Casillas pay more attention to Gu Yi's age.

Therefore, if Gu Yi did not interfere with this, then Casillas would probably feel betrayed earlier.

For example, now, when Gu Yi has taken away the work of distributing resources for the major temples that he has been in charge of.

Casillas instinctively felt that something was wrong, because he was instinctively worried that if he lost contact with the magi of the major temples, would he also lose some help if he wanted to do something?

Looking at the puzzled Casillas, Gu Yi smiled lightly.

"Iker Casillas, the only reason why I am not appointing you to do these things is because I intend to give you additional responsibilities.

I think you should change your position, maybe guarding the big library is a more suitable job for you! "


Hearing Gu Yi's words, Casillas was both surprised and delighted.

Guarding the library, doesn't that mean that he is entitled to see more magic books, even the magic books that are usually forbidden by the teacher?

And the question that I have been thinking about for the past few months.

Why did the teacher teach countless magic spells, but never taught himself how to be like the teacher and stay young forever!

If I really get an important job as the guard of the Great Library, then I... .

Doesn't it mean that I don't need to do any small tricks, but can directly browse all kinds of banned books in the library?

Thinking of this, Casillas couldn't help being jealous. When he looked at Gu Yi again, he felt that the teacher was looking at him with special meaning in his eyes.

Casillas's heart trembled, his teacher must have discovered his dissatisfaction and expectations.

It's just that maybe those are also secrets in the magic world, so the teacher can't teach him directly, but can only provide opportunities for himself in this way! ! !

Thinking of this, Casillas was more than envious.

Even his heart, which had been indifferent since losing his family, was filled with only hatred, and his heart, which was full of emptiness after revenge, began to warm up gradually.

I don't know what Casillas was thinking, but after a while, he nodded heavily.

"Thank you teacher!"

"No, it's just a mutual exchange of responsibilities on your shoulders.

After going to the library, be sure to take good care of the forbidden books on the bookshelves on the southeast side of the library, especially "The Book of Cagliostro", and remember it! "


Casillas hurriedly agreed, and after he agreed, he suddenly realized.

If his shallow knowledge of dark magic is correct, the book of Cagliostro that the teacher just mentioned...

Isn't it the forbidden book with the most thorough description of time magic in the classification of black magic?

When I thought of the teacher actually mentioning this book to me on purpose, I thought of the deep meaning behind the teacher.

At this time, Casillas, the ancient one in his eyes was shrouded in a thick layer of holy light!

The teacher was not as rigid as she imagined, she not only felt her own confusion at the first moment, but also satisfied herself in this way.

Looking at the smiling Gu Yi, Casillas nodded solemnly.

"I will not let you down, teacher!"

"Well, that's fine, let's go to work.

Modu hurriedly distributed the supplies, and Pietro and Wanda also hurriedly rested. You are still young, and you should still work and rest.

As for Casillas, after handing over the work to Wang in the library, let him come to my study to see me by the way, because I have extra work to arrange for him.

That's it, go away, Wanda, stop hugging your Uncle Heisenberg, you still have a lot of chances to see him! "

In this way, the regretful Wanda was dragged down by Gu Yi's neck, and then went back to the room with his brother aggrieved.

Modu arranged supplies on the spot, and Casillas went to the library happily.

And Heisenberg and Gu Yi.

As the two of them walked towards Gu Yi's study, Heisenberg asked Gu Yi a question.

"It seems that the first step has been completed, directly giving Casillas the opportunity to get in touch with magic, so that he doesn't need to take any more risks.

His ambition, then, would lead him to indulge in darker paths.

And when he continues to indulge, we can start planning at the right time.

Offer Dormammu a small chance to get his foot in the Earth, and lure him into the minefield we've laid for him.

Until then……. "

Heisenberg smiled faintly.

"Dormammu won't be a problem if he's here."

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