Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Five hundred and eighty-five 1 hug

Fang Suxi walked to the stage and sat down in front of the white piano.

She wanted to show her highest level of piano performance in front of Xiao Yao, but she finally decided to play a piece that could show her inner voice.

"The piece I'm going to play next is "A Maiden's Prayer". I hope everyone will like it."

Fang Suxi took a special look at Xiao Yao before playing, and saw that his eyes were watching her, she showed a sweet smile to Xiao Yao, and then began to play formally.

Xiao Yao originally thought that she would choose a skillful piano piece to play to show her high level, but she did not expect that she would choose such a simple piece.

"A Maiden's Prayer" was created by a girl worthy of the name. The author, Badatjewska, was a Polish girl who wrote "A Maiden's Prayer" in her 18-year-old youth, and died at the age of 24.

Badatjewska's youth was short-lived, but the piece she brought to the world is like a strange little flower in the altar of music, sending out a faint fragrance with its petite figure. When you listen carefully, it brings a kind, warm and sweet feeling, intoxicating and unforgettable.

In the music world, this piano piece left by Badatjewska is a flower that never fades, blooming forever in the garden of world music, and is cherished by the world. Fang Suxi chose to play this piece, which fit her mood very well.

After Fang Suxi pressed the first key, everyone was immersed in the beautiful music.

The melody of this piece is pure, friendly, gentle and beautiful, and the application of high-volume decomposition chords makes the audience's thinking move with the music.

Fang Suxi played very well. The music she played is full of youthful vitality, which can make people feel infinite longing and anticipation.

The structure of this piano piece is pure, kind, gentle, full of youthful vigor, very pleasant to the ear, very beautiful, and the difficulty of playing is not great. Because of this, the expression and expression of emotion is the key to the success of playing this piece. The essential.

The piece played by Fang Suxi has a beautiful melody and full of sincerity. Her music is like a sincere whisper from the bottom of her heart, and it seems to be a girl's expectation for a beautiful fantasy, which is very touching.

Xiao Yao is still looking forward to Fang Suxi's performance. After all, Fang Suxi is a student of the Magic City Conservatory of Music, and she also learns piano performance, so her level is naturally not bad. But the level she showed still exceeded Xiao Yao's expectations.

Although Fang Suxi's skills in performance are very solid,

But in Xiao Yao's view, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

A slight lack of skill is not important to Xiao Yao, because the lack of skill can be made up for and perfected through acquired efforts.

What Xiao Yao values ​​and appreciates the most is Fang Suxi's grasp and expression of emotions, which is especially important for performers, and it determines whether Fang Suxi has the potential and possibility to become a performer.

Obviously, Fang Suxi did have this possibility, and Xiao Yao spoke highly of her song.

It must be admitted that some aspects of talent are destined by the heavens, and it is obvious that Fang Suxi has the excellent talent to be a pianist.

Others may not understand why Fang Suxi's performance is so full of emotion, why is it so touching?

But Xiao Yao knows very well that this is because Fang Suxi's mental strength is naturally many times stronger than that of normal people, and she naturally has extraordinary sensitivity and strong expressiveness in capturing and expressing emotions.

Fang Suxi's advantages in this aspect have not yet been fully demonstrated. Xiao Yao believes that once Fang Suxi receives his special guidance and targeted training, her advantages in this aspect will definitely be fully released, and she will definitely be able to conquer hundreds of millions of listeners in the future. Top pianist.

At the end of the last note, there was warm applause from the audience, which lasted for a long time.

It can be seen that the applause of everyone is not out of politeness, but from inner love.

Xiao Yao took a handful of white roses that he had prepared a long time ago, walked onto the stage, and handed them to Fang Suxi, then gave her a big hug, and sincerely praised: "It's great, this is the feeling I heard The most sincere "Girl's Prayer", I believe you will be able to become a world-renowned pianist in the future, and this day will not be far away."

Fang Suxi has heard various compliments from many people, but Xiao Yao's compliments made her very happy, "Thank you for your compliments. If you like it, I can often play it to you in the future."

"I'm looking forward to it." Xiao Yao gave her a big smile, then took her hand and walked back to the dining table.

Going back to her seat and sitting down, Su Wenjing said to Xiao Yao through Fang Suxi: "Uncle, it seems that you have prepared well. When will you come on stage to play a song? This is what you promised, and you must not go back on it. "

"After the dishes in the next scene are over, I will perform on stage. Please listen to the tasting." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"So confident, now I suddenly realize that this may be something you have planned long ago. I have a very bad premonition, my dearest Susu, maybe you will betray me today."

Su Wenjing took Fang Suxi's hand and said, "Susu, you can't leave me alone, at least not today, you must promise me."

Xiao Yao hurriedly interjected: "Wenjing, I have nothing to do tomorrow. I am going to go shopping. I am going to invite you and Suxi to go together. What do you two like, whether it is shoes or bags? I'll pay the bill, do you think it's okay?"

"So generous? It's not that I asked for a bribe, but you offered it to your door. Don't blame me for being too ruthless." Su Wenjing said half-jokingly.

Xiao Yao said grandly: "If you have any requirements, just ask, and I guarantee that the two beauties will have a good time buying it. I have already said that my family has a mine. This is not a joke."

Although the contact time is not long, Xiao Yao has shown more and more outstanding sides one after another. Su Wenjing feels more and more that her best friend may really meet the right one this time.

After a short break, the second act of "Land and Australian Pastures" begins.

The pictures on the monitor are the first to catch everyone's eyes: green grasslands, vast pastures, herds of cattle and sheep... A series of pasture pictures closely follow the theme of the second act.

The waiters carried weaving baskets, smiled and danced into the arena. Their dancing posture was very good and very ceremonial.

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