Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 390: Brush another wave of strength list

In myths and legends, many forced existences like to give themselves the whole ring.

Some of them are worn like headbands, but they really need to be worn. Isn't it like wearing a crown? How did that show? So he was suspended above his head, and most of them still glowed, to show that he was very dangling.

There is also a background suspended in the back of the head, which is generally slightly larger and more symbolic, such as Day.

It is indeed very sharp to have the sun as the energy supply. The power endorsement of 38 trillion trillion kilowatts (the sun where the earth is located), if it can be concentrated on a little release, the entire universe may not be able to block it. Slaughter the Buddha and destroy the gods.

Does anyone really have such a ‘sprinkler’?

As far as Kane knows, at least there is no sc universe. After all, not every universe is like Star Wars, and the power of starships is often measured by the power equivalent to several solar thermal radiation.

If you can't do it, don't you want to get rid of it?

Anyway, the Protoss likes to play this set. Many heroic and heroic characters, such as Atanis, Marash, and Tadarin, like this.

As for this Tadarin, it has nothing to do with the group of Tadarins who fanatically believe in Emmen. Although both of them mean god-made bodies, this is a famous heroic hero who once established a Templar with the famous Arden of the system fought side by side, and was later seriously wounded, but was sealed in a stagnation bag. After the invention of the equipment, the Dragon Knight became the first group of Dragon Knights, and later became an immortal in the way of intelligent personality reproduction.

It must be said that according to this approach, Protoss is definitely a race that has broken the table in every aspect.

There is a profession in Star Spirit called Guardian. They use equipment and their own powerful psionic power to record the memory and personality of Star Spirit.

Of course, not every Protoss has such a qualification. Generally, it is exceptionally outstanding to be remembered by the guardian.

Humans have a technology called Big Data Personality Profile, which simply means collecting information without details, such as what someone likes to eat, what they like to play, how to react to seeing a, and what to see when seeing b. This is an era of monitoring everywhere. Shopping and consumption have bills or records. As long as they interact with society, they will be remembered as a pen. These choices have become the best evidence for personality profile.

The more abundant the data, the more realistic the virtual personality. It can even reach the point where even relatives and friends cannot be identified.

Of course, this is a virtual personality, and the emphasis is on imitation, only knowing it and not knowing why.

But even so, it is still very sharp.

Imagine an adjustable body, or simply a bionic device, equipped with virtual personalities such as Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Zhao Yun, each of which comes with 1,000, the professional level is just right, the combat awareness and experience are also breaking the table, all the teams are all Composed of such a hero, is such a team very powerful?

Because of this, Kane does not understand Protoss.

They threw their mother boats to the edge of the distant star field that Xing Ling had explored as a monument. This tentatively counts as Ma Fang Nan Shan and loves peace.

However, because of the torture with the purifiers, the advancement and improvement of related technologies were abandoned because of choking food, which is really difficult to understand. Kane can only say that the protagonists of the Protoss, the Carlisle, once used their own perfect religion to flick themselves into white left, and forgot the fact that the distribution of resources in the universe is unbalanced, creating the natural selection of the Black Forest. law.

As the old saying in the East said: forgetting the war will be dangerous, and the belligerent will die.

You can love peace, but you must always be ready to defend it.

In any case, the Protoss have shown ‘capable, but not’ in many ways, so they are self-willed, or it ’s really because of their higher spiritual realm.

In fact, Kane Zhao does not recognize this. If it is really high, there will not be so many bad people and bad things. If it is really high, the Supreme Council will not be controlled by such a group of old and unknown waste that keeps pace with the times. .

The biggest problem with Protoss is that they are typical big hangers. Not only are they technically promoted by Emmental seedlings, but they also created the hang of Kara Dao.

The existence of Kara's way has prevented the possibility of misunderstanding between individuals to the greatest extent. You have to know that bad things are caused by misunderstandings, complaints are caused by misunderstandings, and eventually they accumulate into hatred. Such things are too common in the human world.

It is precisely because of the ability to share emotions, so to a great extent avoid misunderstandings and estrangements, so each other can be considerate, thereby reducing social conflicts.

The Protoss relied on this closely connected symbiosis, and achieved the external characteristics that seemed to be high. In fact, they also had seven emotions and six desires, and could not cut the meat to feed the eagle, and feed the devil in their own body.

Kane madly vomits the various lows of the Protoss, and naturally will not follow them, turning him into a fool with no tools, not an empty hand.

Therefore, his first stop was not the main star of the Tadarin clan Slein, but to go to the Seblos of Aidion to get Saqin, or the purifier Protoss.

So, when Aldarus complained to Tassada that he had made a big mistake, the grey-bearded ship went back and came back to support it.

Star was surprised, Lyon Fox felt the atmosphere.

"Is it easy to get some achievements? Taking such a big risk, the loss is also very large, and the eyes will be completed. You have come to pick the peaches. Could it be that the Leviathan fleet was destroyed by a bang before it was not enough for you to slap? Yes, this kind of sesame seeds should be picked up? Do you want to let others live? Can I make some more? "

Kane would naturally ignore Lyon's righteous indignation. He came to collect the corpse for Protoss.

Although the technology he masters is very high in biology and genetics, it can be said that there are scope restrictions.

It's mainly carbon-based creatures, and silicon-based creatures like Protoss, I'm sorry, not very fun.

In fact, Zerg is also unable to play, which is why the exchange of Abathur was used as a genetic technology research assistant.

There are two reasons for not playing around. First, Zerg is not a carbon-based, but a mixed base, such as the skeleton or shell of Zerg, which is often not the same basic substance as flesh and blood viscera, the most representative are those single molecules The deconstructed claw blade has a very high level of material.

In the original historical line, many Marine Corps soldiers used the claws of Zerg to make daggers and survival knives. In addition to being memorable, they are also sharp, they are also anti-corrosive and anti-acid, and even some of them can be repaired by soaking in nutrients.

Since you can't play around, you have to obtain the corpse in order to make it into a carrier through extraordinary means.

This is the main reason why Kane kindly collected corpses for the Protoss.

The purifiers on the Cerberus, although they were torn against Carlisle, once never denied their race, they still regarded themselves as Protoss.

In this context, with an identity of an alien, he wanted to persuade even those who urged him. He felt that the low estimate of the probability of success was negligible, or that he was fooled by the identity of the Protoss to grasp it.

Kane returned to the Leviathan cemetery again, not the glass **** fleet, not even the warships.

Tasada they did not lack combat ships at this time, but lacked transportation tools.

So Kane arrived, and the experiment ship rack number.

It looks like a bundle of bundled steel bars. These folded sets, to a certain extent, are indeed similar to drying racks.

Not only can it be opened, but the entire frame can also be adjusted according to actual needs.

It's like a stretchable pocket, it can pack all kinds of items that don't exceed the limit into its inside, and it's stuck and tightly fit.

This is not the most critical. The most important thing is that its thruster system, bridge system, etc., are all able to move on the frame, so that after locking the target, adjust their positions to be in the best position.

This is a working ship designed and developed by Kane to carry high-value meteorite. Now, part of the remains of Leviathan can be treated as an irregular meteorite.

So in the end, a super whale appeared as if it had a hoop on it.

Internally, the translucent light blue force field completely sealed Leviathan's wreckage, making it impossible to contact the outside world. Externally, the huge hull like a keel frame and the functional units with reasonable distribution form an alternative shape and have a unique style.

During the operation of the clothes hanger, the eight flamethrowers brought by them together set fire.

Once upon a time, ships over 100 meters long and over 3,000 tons had been reduced to boats.

This is Kane Zhaoding's rules of division. He believes that in the vast space of space, 200 meters and 5000 tons are a watershed. Those below this index are called boats. Of course, it can also be called selling fighters.

The deconstruction of these flamethrowers is extremely simple, and only the power system of plasma propulsion cannot jump.

It is also because the deconstruction is simple, it can be made rough and durable, and leave enough space for carrying fuel, not only power fuel, but also weapon fuel.

To put it bluntly, it is high-energy gas. Although this fuel is known to be a very efficient fuel in the universe, it is not easy to handle. For example, it is easily polluted. Once it contains hydrogen sulfide impurities, it becomes extremely explosive and difficult. use.

This is why all three groups like to build refineries on natural gas springs to directly purify high-energy gas.

Kane's configuration for the flamethrower is a liquid fuel made of high-energy gas and additives.

This recipe was not invented by him, but the samsara who had true love for the sc universe in the previous life.

Some people can even use the high-energy gas in the void to synthesize hydrogen.

Unfortunately, after the invention of this technology, it was fired to an outrageous price. After all, hydrogenated hydrogen has the role of enhancing the spiritual power of intelligent creatures, and it can also make people relax.

It is a common situation for the casters that the perception is too sharp, which leads to nervousness or surprise at all times. All casters do not mind using it as a standing health product.

The tycoons are rich and rich, even if Kane likes to command the puppet army to sweep the money, they dare not say that they are rich in front of the lords, let alone he is also a lord.

There is no way to make hydrogen in an artificial state, and the formula with liquid fuel is also very good. Earlier, the dead water base and the Zerg, the purple fire used by the gray-bearded mercenaries, the fuel is it.

It is still used by the flamethrower. The essence is still the same. The liquid is sprayed by high pressure in the form of mist, and it is ignited at the same time, thus creating a terrible high-temperature flame.

Because the equipment is much larger than the caliber of a single soldier, the flames from the flamethrower can even reach the quasar level, which is close to 10,000 degrees.

To know that this is not a peak of 10,000 degrees, it is often less than a second for a short time, which is a continuous flame of 10,000 degrees.

In the words of some people: "Ignite everything, extremely enjoyable!"

It happens that this area is filled with gas leaking from Leviathan, and this gas rich in methane and ammonia is relatively easy to ignite.

This further contributed to the power of the flamethrower when it opened fire.

Ignite the space, because there is no gravitational restraint, the flame is divergent, like a mist, so that soon this airspace has a bright and distorted visual effect.

Lyon Fox was envious again after seeing it.

He had been obsessed before, if his own Ares division was also equipped with a large number of flame weapons like a gray beard, even if the search company could not handle the brain worm, it would not be too ugly to lose. Nowadays, this cognition can be taken seriously. He made up his mind, and after going back, he must develop his own flame unit.

It's not tiring to watch people work, and it's fun to see people working.

It was almost the same in front of me. Lyon Guang saw the gray beard set on fire, and the effect of pulling the wind to relieve hatred was good, but he underestimated the effort behind it.

Not everyone has the courage to stand in the sea of ​​fire like a human being, and set fire unscrupulously. Since ancient times, there has been a saying of "water, fire, and mercilessness". There is a slight difference. The person who set fire is burned by the fire, and it will be very ugly to die.

But in any case, Kane once again succeeded in compelling success, giving the impression that his troops arrived, immediately opened the situation, the wind and water rose, and raised his eyebrows.

The situation feels like an absolute tailwind situation at once. Love is to chase down to the north ~ ~ or you can evacuate calmly.

So, in a blaze of flames that were ignited in a large area of ​​air, the joint fleet of Protoss and Humans leapt away.

Of course, the eyes remain.

In this respect, Protoss' "observer" unmanned machine is great.

This device has an invisible force field and can be permanently invisible.

It also has a sensing matrix, which discerns all invisible units.

In addition, it can obtain energy supplement through the psionic grid, thus achieving near-permanent efficiency.

Finally, it has an energy maintenance mechanism, and there is basically no problem of damage.

Although the human side does not have such cattle breaking equipment, according to management, colonial star fields like the Sara galaxy are equipped with observation stations in the deep space of the universe, and observation by radio telescopes and other methods is not bad.

Kane successfully got the body of Protoss, and the impersonation journey began in full swing.

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