Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 96 · Theater viewing stage

The Empress failed - as expected.

It did not rely on its size to charge into the front lines, for that would only trample its offspring to pieces. At the same time, its huge size is undoubtedly the most attractive target for firepower. And even if many mechanical measures are implanted in the body, when faced with the storm-like tide of steel, it cannot be stopped.

Therefore, its decision is an impact on the spiritual level - the reincarnators have brought such a large number of servants as targets, so it has no reason not to use them. The large-scale enchantment from the Alien Empress crashed into all Wilander soldiers like a tidal wave, trying to modify their cognition and make them turn their guns towards every living creature around them.

It failed, and it became Zhan Lan's whetstone.

Before the march reached the end, Zhan Lan got the tip. Before the reincarnations returned, the importance of spiritual power had already become the internal consensus of the Central Continent team.

As the person who copied the answers, Jiang Yu will never forget that in the original Alien 4, Zhan Lan was originally unable to brain control the reverse species. By using mental power amplifying metal on the body, the intensity of mental power can be directly increased to a level sufficient to control two reverse species at the same time. In a suitable scenario, a suitable suggestion can naturally be made, and the remaining resources in Zhan Lan's hands are enough for her to complete the purchase.

She was reminded that she used a mental power amplifying metal - when the Alien Empress' mental power impact arrived, she ran into the protection built by Zhan Lan, whose mental power had been temporarily and massively enhanced. The Doomhammer hit the Wall of Sighs, and the final result was that a series of chaotic murmurs erupted in the minds of all living creatures present, including the Reincarnators. Zhan Lan's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were covered with blood, but the Alien Empress was not injured.

There was no damage, but the strategic target also failed to be reached - it failed to break through the mental defense line built by Zhan Lan. It wasted this one-time window of time to use tactical actions.

The human offensive has not been contained. The next moment, Kasumi switched to turret mode and fired together with the calibrated Zero Point. Pour a torrential rain of death on the alien army.


——As expected.

'boom--! ! ! ’ A large range of anti-biological artillery fire broke out in front of Jiang Yu. He was at the forefront, so the power of these anti-biological bombs was naturally unleashed on the aliens’ final march. The shrapnel shells specially used to attack organisms easily tore through the silicon outer armor of these modified aliens, piercing the fragments into their bodies, and then their flesh and blood turned gray and white in large areas.

They let out high-pitched screams - aliens don't scream unless necessary. But biology is biology after all, when pain exceeding the upper limit of nerve load stimulates the spinal cord and brain. Biochemistry will defeat all indestructible wills, causing them to lose their pride as top hunters.


Jiang Yu thought that the power of the storm shield in his hand was increased to the highest level. While blocking the alien attack, it will also block all the anti-biological shrapnel fragments that may splash to the rear. And with him as a frontal fortress, the wave of firepower from the rear will not stop.

Straight lines, gun positions, charging melee troops, solid barriers - what caught Jiang Yu's eyes was undoubtedly the old reality that had been proven countless times with the remains of flesh and blood after the invention of the Maxine machine gun and trench barbed wire. Old facts. It's obviously the space age, but it uses tactics from the early days of World War I and uses corresponding consumption. And when the dot-line magic eye was triggered and the alien empress, who had originally planned to make a desperate charge, was blocked at the back of the battle line due to a broken limb, some insignificant delusions appeared in Jiang Yu's cognition.

He felt as if he was not here.

He felt like he was on a battlefield from World War I - the newly trained army had set up barbed wire and deployed machine guns. And countless old-fashioned cavalry rushed out from the battlefield planned by the new army on the other side of the front. The array is neat, the swords and guns are shining. With the determination to die, he exposed his body and that of his comrades to the range of heavy machine gun fire.

The number of cavalry was fifty or even a hundred times that of the new army. The individual quality of the cavalry is far better than that of the new army. They control their horses as if they control their own hands and feet - both sides know that as long as the cavalry can break through the line, rush into the trenches, and swing their swords to the machine gunners, On top of his head, what will happen next will only be a hearty victory or a massacre.

But that didn't happen.

The dense firepower net hit the cavalry, even if they were equipped with heavy breastplates. These most elite warriors were easily penetrated and fell down. The artillery fire from behind the firepower point continued, and amid the thunder, the explosive shells brought death in pieces. And even the most elite and luckiest champion riders. When they felt that they were only one step away from their goal, they and their horses crashed to death on the seemingly fragile but indestructible barbed wire fence.

Jiang Yu is the barbed wire. He returned to the original battlefield. There are often pits and mines near barbed wire fences. And they are actually no different from the thunder hammer in his hand.

‘Boom—’ The thunder hammer swung, and the lightning from the molecular disintegration force field tore apart the strongest armor. Both the thick silicon shell and the invisible biological force field were easily torn apart. Because in addition to the molecular disintegration force field, there are also directional waves of telekinesis and a series of blood inflammation explosions.

One of the reverse species died under the Thunder Hammer - it was bombarded by anti-bio bombs and weakened by vampire orbs before dying. When the thunder hammer in Jiang Yu's hand fell, its absolute strength had been reduced to the level of an alien guard. Behind it, dozens of real guard aliens were shattered into powder in the hail of pulse bullets.

They can't get through it - they can't get over the barbed wire. Even if a few manage to climb around the metal outer wall, what awaits them is the blazing ax light that cuts through the air, and the dark blue pulse cannon.

They are dying.

The alien empress, whose legs were cut off by Zero Point, threw herself to the ground, using her claws to move her huge upper body forward. Then in the next second, more dense explosives and artillery fire fell on it. And in front of it is still a solid 'barbed wire fence'.

During World War I, tanks already appeared on the battlefield.

Tanks could easily flatten barbed wire, but soldiers quickly iterated on anti-tank stakes. Use a three-dimensional cross structure to jam the tank's tracks at the end of the front line, and then there will naturally be anti-tank mines, explosive packs, and even "dung-pulling treasures" waiting for it.

The Empress is a tank, a tank without a turret. And Jiang Yu is the anti-tank stake, using the storm shield set up to resist the empress' physical strength.

But the delusion returned. There were no tanks and no barbed wire. Jiang Yu knew that he was fighting, but he felt like he had returned to an older generation. He felt like a gladiator in ancient Rome, holding up his shield and sword under the cheers of the crowd, while a fierce lion appeared directly in front of him.

The lion's claws are sharp, but the shield in his hand is strong. Therefore, victory or defeat depends only on the first blow of the confrontation.

‘Bang——’ The strongest blow is also the fastest one. The slap of the sharp claws hit the gladiator's shield, and the strong force almost knocked the gladiator away, and then the lion could calmly add the next claw. Penetrate the solid shell and taste the fresh, unconcealed flesh.

It didn't do it.

The heaviest blow failed to lift the shield, and the fighter's lower body showed solid skills. And the Lions who failed to obtain results will naturally have to pay the price of taking the first move.

A fighter's sword is as sharp as his shield is strong. The swing of the sword cut off one of the lion's front paws. The lion roared in pain, and with its blood aroused by the pain, it used its body, its huge mouth, and its other sharp claw to bite hard.

But what's the use? The most likely first attack has been missed, and the rest of the struggle is destined to be in vain. The fighter only needs to calm down, and then he can launch a counterattack in support and kill the lion.

——Am I a fighter?

Jiang Yu asked herself.

--No, I am not. I am the sword and the shield. The fighter is the team itself.

His defense is impenetrable, even if he loses in the duel with the Empress. It was nothing more than being beaten to a pulp. But the Empress' claws couldn't break through her armor. Therefore, the "flesh and blood" who are really threatened are the teammates behind him. Once she didn't set up her shield and stabilize her posture, the empress could easily get past her and start a massacre.

——So, what am I confused about, what am I worried about?

The fight with the lion is still going on. However, there was already a roaring tsunami from the audience cheering around the arena. Reality and fantasy intersect. While fighting to the death, my mind is still thinking.

What to think about? What are you hesitating about?

The answer is not complicated, it can even be called concise and clear. That's... why is it a gladiatorial battle, why is it an arena? Why was there a machine gun on the barbed wire fence, and why was the cavalry killed on the barbed wire fence?

What is the most important reason why cavalrymen will be killed on barbed wire fences? Is it because the new army's weapons are advanced? Are machine guns reliable? No, it's because the cavalry can only charge from the front of the battlefield. It was like an alien military force that could only squeeze in from the end of the passage.

A fighter kills a lion because his shield is good enough? Is the sword sharp enough? Is the technology sophisticated enough? No, the lion will die. It's because it has fallen into the arena and can only face battles instead of relying on the familiar jungles and grasslands. Just like the alien empress who had been severely injured, she had no choice but to break through head-on.


‘Pfft—’ The fighter’s sword pierced the lion’s neck. Death has arrived, and the arena is filled with joy.

The fighter raised his eyes among the cheering crowd. The host of the gladiator pushed the bridge of his nose, his glasses flashing with cold light.

All illusions disappeared, and Jiang Yu returned to the real battlefield. And the huge remains of the Alien Empress fell in front of her. Its huge crown was smashed by its own hammer. The fiery blood inflammation that Zheng Zha poured into its body weakened its life force. The fatal blow from Zero Point penetrated the shattered crown and tore apart the thinking brain.

——[Kill the Alien Empress, participate with all members, and obtain D to C-level branch plots and corresponding reward points based on their contribution. 】

——[Reincarnation Jiang Yu, obtain a C-level branch plot and receive 2,000 reward points. 】

Jiang Yu lifted the war hammer, and green blood slipped from the hammer handle. Wieland's soldiers cheered like the audience in the arena.

C-level branch line, unprecedented rewards can be obtained so easily.

No need to work hard or take risks. Everyone just has to do their part and the rewards will be in their hands.

——Chu Xuan.

An unreasonable thought appeared in Jiang Yu's mind. As a beneficiary, he actually has no position to have such an idea.


——You made things... too simple.

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