Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 9·There is a vicious dog inside

"Be careful, there may be danger behind the door."

‘Boom——’ Along with the detonation and explosion of C4, a passage from Restaurant B to other research areas that was sealed by the Flame Queen was blown open. The zombies that had been attracted when the mercenaries were cleaning up the lickers were exposed to the prepared guns, and what awaited them was a quick and neat death.

'Da da da--'

'Da da da--'

The tongues of flame from the muzzle formed a regular array in short bursts. A prepared and determined tactical team. In the face of a crisis, there is a significant difference between the parallel world where natural and hasty attacks occur, the ranks are divided, the enemy intelligence is unknown, and the leader is missing - the mercenaries will not try to rescue the unlucky ones who are infected, and They have plenty of firepower, a calm mind, and know to focus on attacking the brain.

Dozens of zombies poured out from behind the door and were quickly cleared away. The remaining doors that had not been blown open were found by the mercenaries according to the map, and then blocked one by one with the remains of the blasted freezers. There is no doubt that there must be many zombies who were originally researchers, and even if they are attracted to the firepower point, they will still need a certain amount of time to move.

"Cease fire." The gunshots came to an end and the mercenary captain raised his fist. Giving the order, he nodded gently to Jiang Yu who had just reminded him - in his eyes, this might just be the icing on the cake. However, for Jiang Yu, who had changed her outfit, holding a gun in one hand, an iron rod with a strap in the other, and a medicine box on her back, this was a sign that she had successfully triggered another fateful challenge.

J.D. was a male mercenary who was partnered with Rayne. In the original work, he died when the corpses poured out after the door was opened.

Jiang Yu knew that he had changed the fate of another mercenary. There was absolutely no way that man would be bitten to death behind this alloy door again. However, the announcement and reward from the Lord God have not arrived, which means that you still need to do it yourself.

He was mentally prepared - what surged through his veins was not only the fear and trembling that ordinary people would have, but also the joy and anticipation of facing a crisis. He remembered a record he had never seen in that book before, and he was sure that record was particularly applicable to him at this moment.

[Human beings are always afraid of unknown evil monsters, but the essence is just fear of their own weakness. 】

[And once you obtain a weapon to fight monsters, fear will turn into rage. 】

(I'm not angry...but I'm ready to be angry.)

Jiang Yu took a gentle breath. He still remembers a detail from the movie. That is, the time for the mercenary team to operate in the hive is limited. Once the time limit of a few hours is reached, the mechanical door on the outermost side of the hive will be locked. And that corresponds to the time period when the main storyline of the movie ends.

He glanced at the watch on his hand - he was convinced that that time should also be the end of the mission of the reincarnators in this world.

And...less than two hours.

A mercenary walked quickly towards Matthew and reported something to him hastily.

And two seconds later, everyone heard Matthew Addison's decisive voice.

"Time is running out. We have wasted too much margin here. As the holder of the commission, I judge that we must start returning to the original route within ten minutes - all units, prepare for battle. We are very likely to We will encounter many enemies beyond common sense, just like the ones we have dealt with.”

He then looked at the protagonists of the plot - the protagonists who had no role due to the activeness of the reincarnations. He looked at them one by one, and then turned his attention to the newcomers in reincarnation.

"Everyone in Umbrella, I hope you can keep up with us. Just like when you came. If anyone falls behind, I will not waste precious time to stay - now, you follow the middle of the team."

he said, with only a hint of incredulity in his tone—naturally, the plot's protagonists wouldn't speak out against it. What was slightly beyond Jiang Yu's expectation, but also within reason, was that the newcomers in Samsara did not speak to refute.

Sure enough, there was no loss in the mercenary team. On the premise that some trust has been gained and the most troublesome lickers have been cleaned up. The plot will not work the way it unfolds in the original novel - no one would be stupid enough to ask to stay in the Red Queen engine room and use the laser tunnel to stall for time at this time. There is no so-called convergence of world lines at all.

——Then the situation should be able to be determined——there are no positives and negatives. I'm either in some weird deflected state, or in some even weirder fan world view. The future is all foggy, and only by relying on your own strength and wisdom can you break through it.

——So exciting...

The boiling blood became even hotter. While thinking, Jiang Yu had already walked quickly to the middle of the queue of mercenaries with the others. The protagonists of the plot also had a premonition of something, and took advantage of the last opportunity to get some sticks and implements for self-defense from the surroundings. As soon as they joined the team, Matthew connected the communication again.

"Kaplan, close the Flame Queen and meet at Restaurant B immediately."

Simple and clear instructions. And it was implemented immediately. Accompanied by a 'click', there was a soft sound that only those with nervous nerves could hear. Everyone was focused.

The Flame Queen was closed, and many passages blocked by the Flame Queen were also opened. Those ferocious-looking zombies were firmly blocked at the end of the passage by simple but heavy bunkers. They let out bursts of sharp neighing, and their bloody hands kept tearing and groping at the solid walls and obstacles.

Jiang Yu was able to observe them at close range - close, but safe. The mercenaries did not make any omissions when building the bunkers, and the humanoid monsters were unable to break free and escape.

——My challenge will come soon... There will always be a chance, and I will have close contact with these zombies as a last resort.

——At that time, I will hit the legs first, and then hit the head... Yes, just like in the game. Legs are always easier to deal with than heads. What I want to avoid is falling into an isolated place like a crack in the floor. As long as I didn't die in the raid the first time, there was a good chance I could be rescued.

Jiang Yu clenched the stick and gun in his hands - he didn't feel good about himself because he thought he would be rescued. But there is tangible evidence and reasons. Because he was still carrying a medicine box on his back, and also because Lane and J.D, the two mercenaries he had fought alongside not long ago, were not far behind him in the queue.

They are not machines or AI, but living people with emotions and moral concepts. If he ends up in an irreversible end, that's natural. But if there is still a chance to save him, then they will at least provide help at the level of 'a simple effort'.

"Hey, don't hold the gun so tightly. Even though the safety is not on, you still have to be careful about the discharge."

Perhaps noticing his gaze, J.D greeted him and nodded towards him.

very good.

Jiang Yu responded with a smile that he worked hard to muster, and when he completed the interaction. Technician Kaplan and two other mercenaries who assisted him quickly ran out from the bottom machine room with their mission target - the motherboard of the 'Flame Queen' - and they soon joined the entire army. The team was ready to go, and the sound of sharp metal rubbing against the ground was finally heard from the many blocked doorways.

Jiang Yu took a gentle breath.

"Go to the retreat point! Action! Everyone move!" The mercenary captain sent a signal, and the entire mercenary team quickly began to move. They are methodical and their movements are concise and neat. And their goals are very clear. That is to take the people and goods back to the underground station along the way they came, and then go to the surface exit from there.


Not running with long strides, but alert and walking quickly.

The mercenaries had a margin for action, compared to the time and detour in the original work where they had to go down from the computer room and drill underground electricity channels. Cleaning up lickers and blocking intersections definitely takes a lot less time than that. And they moved quickly and neatly, without hesitation, and accompanied by bursts of firefights.

"Hostile target found at eleven o'clock!"

'Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta-ta--' Short bursts were mixed with long bursts, and the fire was rapid.

"A large group of hostile targets were discovered at four o'clock!"

‘Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta. Ta-ta-ta-boom! ’ Continuously shoot to suppress, and then throw grenades to knock down a large number of zombies at once.

It's not the main road, so a complete kill is not necessary. The offensive grenades used indoors can blow up this group of slow-moving zombies to pieces. They can still move, but it is impossible to continue to pursue the team.

The most troublesome Lickers were gone, and the mercenaries took the broad path from the start. Groups of zombies appeared one after another and were knocked down with precise firepower. The mercenaries will only spend a few extra rounds of ammunition to hit the wreckage that is blocking the road.

Professionals with their heads in their belts are not like those armed idiots on late-night TV shows who always make weird mistakes.

And soon, a familiar area appeared in the eyes of the newcomers.

Zheng Zha sniffed gently.

"Disinfectant water." He said to himself as he walked quickly.

There is still water on the ground, and the team of dozens of people is currently in the research laboratory cluster area that is flooded. When the Flame Queen is turned off, the standing water that filled the room is also drained away. And there is no doubt that being drowned does not mean that it cannot be transformed into a zombie structure carrying the T-virus.

Jiang Yu subconsciously pushed the safety of the pistol. Relax your muscles as much as possible. A premonition vaguely emerged in his heart, and the environment here met the needs of the test.

--coming soon……

"Five o'clock direction! A large group of targets found!" A large group of zombies appeared in the eyes of the mercenaries, and they just blocked the entire team's return path.

"Fire!" The gun roared, and the ground and glass walls shook.

Jiang Yu kept moving forward quickly and looked around vigilantly.

And at the moment when the firefight was the most intense——

‘Bang——’ The door beside him suddenly opened, and the metal door just blocked the sight of J.D and Lane, who were not far behind him. And immediately after, a - no, several black shadows suddenly rushed towards Jiang Yu!

Not zombies.

It's a zombie dog!

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